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Chapter 1434 Artificial Existence Core (2)

It looks like he is indeed a special visitor.

Although meeting a true master may make people nervous, as a consumer, this gesture is still too hesitant.

The most important thing is that this person has been hesitating for a long time.

Fu Qian knew very well that the moment his five senses were restored, the other party was already standing outside the door.

It was obvious that even standing here, it was still difficult for this young lady to decide whether to communicate with Master Grimshaw.

Theoretically speaking, this situation is very suitable for brushing up on the style.

For example, stand behind the door, and when the other person's hand is about to knock but then pulls it back silently, say "come in" with a smile.

But he didn't do that before paying, and he remained as steady as a mountain when commenting silently.

If you want to stand out in the fierce competition, you must do everything to the extreme.

That kind of action may be full of style, but it still seems to be pretentious and mysterious, and in his opinion, it is not refined enough.

Believe in the appeal of the occult.


Facts have proved that the industry confidence before payment was correct.

After lifting it up and putting it down twice, the special customer finally made up his mind.

When there was a knock on the door, Fu Qian did not show any pretense and stepped forward to open it very casually.

She has red hair, thin lips, and exquisite makeup. There is a woman in her thirties standing outside the door.

And from the priceless clothes and decorations, it was completely obvious that the other person was not in the same class as the office worker he was currently playing.

But at the same time, even a slightly heavier eyeshadow still cannot completely cover the dark circles underneath.

This pampered lady must not have been sleeping well recently.

"Good morning."

In view of this, I decided to say a greeting and a little encouragement before paying.

"Morning, Mr. Grimshaw...?"

His thoughts seemed to be received, but his style obviously still had some impact on customers.

After the latter hesitated for a while, he finally did not choose a title that was too occult, such as master.

"Yes, please come in."

Before responding, I was very straightforward. I just flashed my business card in my hand. After the other party saw the name clearly, he directly gestured to invite me in.


The contrasting image with what he imagined obviously made the young visitor hesitate, but he finally accepted the invitation.

"Sorry for coming to the door without an appointment. Just call me Claire."

After walking all the way to the sofa and sitting down, the first thing the latter did was apologize for his presumptuous visit.

"...I just heard about your uniqueness, and I eagerly wanted to come over and ask for advice."

While introducing herself, Claire was obviously looking around, and became more hesitant visibly.

The scene in the room can be clearly seen from here, and the overly unmysterious atmosphere is obviously dispelling her confidence in this trip.

"It doesn't matter. When we do business, the door is always open."

Fu Qian, who was fully aware of this emotion, had no intention of dispelling his doubts. Instead, he emphasized his business spirit in an extremely professional manner.


This statement effectively helped Ms. Claire push her emotions to the top.

The latter finally couldn't help but asked.

"So, you're not going to pay when you come here today?"

But this time he showed a look of surprise before the exchange.

"How come, the cost is definitely not a problem, it's just..."

The response before paying was undoubtedly beyond Ms. Claire's cognition again, so much so that her expression management failed somewhat.

While frowning and quickly denying it, the suspicion in this man's eyes could no longer be concealed.

"It's just that I shouldn't ask for money? Because using mysticism to help answer questions is a noble act, and the fee can be paid casually?"

Shaking his head, Fu Qian asked with a smile as he was used to this kind of reaction.

"I know this is what a lot of people do, but are you really sure this is what you want to hear?"


The master's demeanor is naturally very comparable to others. Even before she started working, Ms. Claire already seemed to be refreshing.

Of course, this kind of guidance does not mean that Fu Qian Xie Shen is addicted and wants to make mischief during the mission.

In his judgment, if he could not give Ms. Claire enough confidence, even if she came in and sat down, she would probably leave directly after a little testing.

When she hesitated outside the door, it was obvious that the problem lay with herself.

The purpose of this trip may be a bit difficult for her to explain.

From Fu Qian's point of view, in order to facilitate this business, she must help her build enough confidence in professionals.

The strength of a simple magic stick style is probably not enough.

Contrast is operated to the extreme, and in his judgment, the probability of completing the business is obviously higher.

"Mr. Grimshaw... I have to admit that in the situation you mentioned, I really can't guarantee my reaction."

Under the rhetorical question before paying, Ms. Claire remained silent for a long time.

When he spoke again, he seemed to have a clearer understanding of himself.

"Of course you are in business, and what I need is exactly a professional enough businessman."

"Your Excellency has certainly proven himself to be special."

"It's a little early to say that, but I will try my best to make myself worthy of the price you pay, and tell me about your troubles."

The consultation got off to a good start, and I had no intention of wasting time before paying, so I asked questions directly.

"Why does it have to be trouble...and don't you need any tools?"

Even though she was mentally prepared, Claire still seemed a little uncomfortable with this fast pace.

"No need, I have special skills."

He pressed the business card under his hand and shook his head again before paying.

"And I hope it's not a problem. Customers like that are generally more likely to be satisfied."

"That's right, it's hard to imagine you taking out the cards and letting me draw them..."

The words before paying obviously aroused Ms. Claire's thoughts again.

"...It's not my problem, it's my husband's."

While muttering to himself, this person seemed to have finally made up his mind.

"So he didn't know you came here today?"

There was no change in his demeanor before paying.

"I don't know, otherwise he wouldn't agree."

"Understood, please tell me the specific manifestations of the trouble."

"He gets up in the middle of the night and licks things..."

After staring straight at her for a long time, when Claire spoke again, a layer of goosebumps appeared on the surface of her skin.

"More than once, I woke up in the dark and found him licking my body with his eyes closed..."

"It's indeed a bit strange, but for a couple, it shouldn't be considered too special behavior?"

"And a cat..."

"And everything in the fish tank..."

This chapter has been completed!
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