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Chapter 1473 Going astray

Not bad, very energetic.

There wasn't much left in the refrigerator, but that didn't stop me from taking some time to make myself a breakfast before paying.

And after filling the last piece of perfectly cooked fried egg into his mouth, Fu Qian also completed today's test.

He is indeed a young man.

Everyone whom I had met cordially yesterday had already started their day's work in the morning, and each of them started busy.

Even the focus of the incident, classmate Pei.

Yesterday's experience seemed to have made her deeply aware of the dangers of sleeping in. Now she was sitting alone in the cafeteria, carefully destroying the breakfast she bought.

It still tasted delicious, and the categories were almost completely unchanged from what I remembered, so Fu Qian seemed to be able to recall their taste.

Of course, I'm not that yearning for it.

I washed my things and put them away, made sure there was nothing unusual before paying, and activated the wrist mark again without any further interruption.

He put on the messenger mask almost non-stop, and when he reappeared, he was already on the second floor of the bookstore, as if he had just woken up.

It's just that the rising sun outside the window is much stronger now.

I almost forgot, our career is also in full swing.

Feeling the busy figure of Miss Wen at my feet, I suddenly felt like a successful person before paying.

As mentioned before, as a volunteer, Miss Wen's enthusiasm is always reassuring.

Of course, even so, as the chief helmsman of enterprise development, it is not advisable to leave the front line.

Wenli was not left to work alone downstairs. He did a little tidying up before paying and went straight downstairs.


Thanks to the wise leadership of the decision-makers and the serious work of front-line employees, the bookstore's traffic has increased significantly compared with yesterday.

It may even be the performance of stable operations for two consecutive days, and consumer confidence has been encouraged. This is why front-line employees are busy.

Wen Li, who had changed from yesterday's sweater and trousers and was wearing a black skirt, was being surrounded by more than one customer asking questions.

However, although her charming appearance undoubtedly attracts the attention of all male customers, it is a young woman who is inquiring at this moment.

The makeup is exquisite, but there is a hint of aggression during the questions. With the slightly unnatural male companion next to him, the scene is indeed a bit subtle.

Of course, this does not affect Wenli's mood as stable as an inert gas and his ability to cope with it.

He even turned around immediately and said hello to the leader with a smile.

It can be seen that this person still knows what is most important in the workplace.


Even though he was in a high position, Fu Qian's attitude was still close to the people. He nodded in response, walked to the side and sat down amidst the many stares that followed.

"Are you the boss?"

And sure enough, temperament cannot be hidden from anyone. It must be the first time a female customer comes here, and she will know after being stunned for a moment.

"That's just right...your staff is very professional."

The next moment she glanced at Wen Li.

"But I may still need a more professional person."

"Then you have found the right person. In the cultural industry, I think I still have a strong voice."

Fu Qian's response was also quite low-key, and he didn't even mean to take care of employees' emotions.

"Very well, I just want to ask -"

"During lunch break, everyone needs to evacuate first."

The next moment, the female customer's question was ruthlessly interrupted, and the boss, who was watching Seamlessly yelling at everyone, was stunned on the spot.

Lunch break? Many people have just finished breakfast - so they have such a say?

She suddenly understood the deep meaning of the other person's words and was speechless for a moment.

"Please help put the books back in their place."

However, Fu Qian paid no attention to this and continued to remind her while pointing at her hand.

"This is what I want to buy..."

"So don't forget it after lunch break."

"Are you about to leave?"

There was still someone among the customers who knew how to be powerful, and soon everyone left after taking the lead.

Miss Wen, who was emotionally stable throughout the whole process, glanced at Fu Qian, blinked and asked.

"Lunch break."

He nodded his head with his hand and emphasized the words he just used before paying.

"Oh...what do you need me to do?"

Miss Wen's mood immediately cheered up and she took the initiative to ask.

It was obvious that although she had been slightly targeted just now, she did not think that the decision to take a lunch break was Mr. Fu's attempt to drive away unpopular customers.

For himself, some slightly more subtle and complex emotional scenes are just interesting objects to observe. It is impossible for Mr. Fu not to understand this.

This is why she was immediately worried that the latter would close the shop and leave.

And since Mr. Fu denies this, there is undoubtedly something to do.

"It's almost the same as yesterday."

The employees are so considerate and I was naturally satisfied before paying.

"...emotional ripples?"

Wen Li was slightly stunned, but Wen Li didn't question anything.

"Okay, what emotion do you want this time?"

"Fear, wait a moment."

Showing that you are not in a hurry, quickly establish contact with the many voices in your consciousness before paying.

"Things are still too strange. We were looking for His name for so long but didn't find it...and then suddenly the emblem appeared in front of us..."

The blurry picture and blurry voice did not prevent Fu Qian from understanding the doubts of this old voice from the contact.

"You want to say that everything we feel is fake? This is not a gift, but a carefully designed trap?"

And soon there were voices of rebuttal, expressing their incomprehension at this outrageous rebellion.

"Everyone is different. I don't want to refute my feelings at the time..."

"But I just want to ask a question. If you are right to worry...then what value does the being who can make such a trap hope to get from us instead of killing us?"

"I admit that what you said makes sense...but it's such a coincidence that I still feel like I have to be cautious..."

The discussion was very intense.

Listening to the exchange, Fuqian praised him without any surprise.

This dispute naturally comes from the greedy insects who have just received the gift from the King of Abandoned Prisons.

It was obvious that even after the previous magical experience, there were still differences among them.

This is completely normal. After all, they are a bunch of old gangsters who want to make people join their gangs, so they are not so gullible.

But it doesn't matter. As a pragmatic leader, Fu Qian will never criticize others for not being obedient.

If the victim does not go astray, it only shows that the guidance technology is not sophisticated enough.

And I never thought about it once and for all, but we have a comprehensive plan for this.

Even after this morning exercise, there are some gains that I think can be used.

"That's it."

Amidst the prompts, surging fear surged from Wen Li, who was already ready to attack, and followed the connection to the arguing crowd over there.

And almost at the same time, Fu Qian selected the old man who had the loudest voice of doubt and who spoke first, and tried to activate the dragon-shaped statue in his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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