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Chapter 1530 Human strain (thirty-four)

This is when the power of the team shines.

The information shared by Mr. Li He was obviously quite interesting, and Fu Qian believed that it was his repeated candid performance that made him make up his mind.

Otherwise, no matter how critical the situation is, how could such a secret be known to a demigod of unknown origin?

From the local materials used as weapons just now, it can be seen that this old man likes to keep a secret. Coupled with his identity as the former dean of the Academy, it is not surprising that he has some information reserves.

In fact, this is also one of the possible additional values ​​​​imagined before paying for this team action.

But looking at Mr. Jin Ning's appearance, it's obviously the first time he's heard of it.

The special experience Mr. Li mentioned always felt so extraordinary that he kept it secret.

Of course, that is a digression. When the old man said this information at this time, his meaning was already quite clear, which was to judge the cause of the current predicament——

The "face" hidden in the ancient bloodline, because a newborn with a unique physique reappeared in the world, communicated with some kind of superior power, creating difficulties and erosion.

Based on the information currently available, it is indeed a pretty smooth guess - just as smooth as my own guess about the tree baby.

That's right, Fu Qian does not doubt the authenticity of the information provided by Mr. Li, but he has reservations about his judgment.

Believing in the power of the team and trusting the team members are two different things.

Recognizing that everyone has limitations is one of the core prerequisites for good collaboration.

For example, for the old man, he has not been exposed to that special form of information like himself and Yan Ning, which will inevitably affect his judgment on the nature of the dilemma.

It even includes secrets that he has never shared. This is indeed valuable information, but it may also bring disadvantages - such as leading to preconceptions.

When you look at a question with one answer in mind, it's easy to overlook other possible answers.

Having dealt with various superior forces so many times, Fu Qian has always been very confident in their character.

Especially in the use of human weakness.

"The decision just made was indeed the right one."

Mr. Li, who was walking next to him at this time, although his steps were still steady, could still be heard to be surprised.

"Honestly, I was skeptical myself for a long time when I came to that conclusion."

"Until this time, after exploring all the way, all the information presented made it increasingly difficult for me to ignore that possibility."

Looking at Fu Qian, he did not hide the admiration on his face.

"Some ancient powers really challenge imagination, and your knowledge in this regard is admirable."

Witnesses of ancient power?

Then I am indeed quite rich, but the reason may not be what you think.

The old man admired the ancient extraordinary and thought to himself for a moment.

How much sincerity is there in this kind of polite words from the old world? The expectations before payment are never high.

But since the other party has reached this point, the next step will undoubtedly be his turn to express his stance.

Otherwise, others will have to do the same thing and waste time.

"I just accept the possibility you mentioned. If you want to verify it, it seems that you still need to find the source of the crying."

He spoke humbly and showed the pride of the Vampires in refusing to accept compliments, and at the same time gestured forward.

"Are you sure you want to go? If it's really what Dean Li said."

However, even so, some of the team members who had been silent since just now couldn't help it anymore.


Lu Yi, who looked haggard but also accomplished many things, was the first to show hesitation about his future.

"If we continue to act according to the plan, our best luck will be to face an existence that approximates the power of a god..."

"Even before that, His authority has scarred us, so what do we do in your opinion?"

Looking at the player in the worst condition with interest, Fu Qian echoed Lu Yi's concerns and even helped to add key points.

"...I think I can at least try to leave here, not to go deeper but to move outward in the opposite direction."

Although the expression on Fu Qian's face was really sarcastic, Lu Yi still gritted his teeth, showing his efforts to find a way out in life.

"What a coincidence, we seem to have such a backup plan."

With an expected expression, Fu Qian glanced at Eco with an undiminished smile.

"There is indeed..."

Obviously he didn't want to talk, but after being called out in this way, the Night Master Demigod still had to sigh and introduce his initial experience.

And as mentioned before, the plan is to turn the whole body into wood and throw it into the poisonous mist to increase resistance and find a way out.

"It's a pity that this plan is obviously not very feasible. Unless there is no way out at all, I personally do not recommend it. Of course, you can also have your own ideas."

"...So in your perception, the next clue is right ahead?"

It was obviously the first time Lu Yi heard about the grand event outside, and after being silenced for more than ten seconds, he seemed to agree with Eco's statement.

With the chaotic, invisible poisonous mist, anyone could appreciate the madness of that backup plan, and even understand why Eco had mixed feelings before dealing with it.

The only upside may be that the likelihood of this place not being real increases again.

"I think since we're already here, it's better to see what valuable gains there are before deciding on the next step."

A little unwilling to look directly at Fu Qian, Lu Yi still showed considerable self-correction ability and advised carefully.

"good idea."

The others were deep in thought, but Fu Qian's response was still easy-going. He gestured with his chin to an obviously tall arch on the opposite wall with a smile.

"It's right behind."

"There really is a statue!"

The slightest objection did not affect the progress of the team at all. Soon, under the cautious scrutiny of everyone, a pale golden statue came into view.

Behind the door is the most magnificent hall to date, with statues that are also exaggerated in size, standing in this dark and wide space.

It was a figure wearing armor. Although he had a majestic physique, there were no inhuman parts on his body. Even his exposed face looked delicate and soft.

This is the third clue. Everyone has heard the gains I just shared before paying, and it is confirmed that they are quite unanimous.

Just putting it outside like this is much more conspicuous than the previous item.

And with an exclamation, Lu Yi, who just now wanted to activate the backup plan, was already looking eagerly at Yan Ning, who had left the mark in the first place.

"Sir Anke, shall I try first this time?"

However, the next moment, Li He coughed slightly and volunteered. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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