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Chapter 1531 Human strain (thirty-five)

Pay attention to.

Mr. Ji Ning didn't say anything, but Mr. Li took the initiative to ask for help. This change made Fu Qian sigh in admiration for a moment.

Of course, it won't be like picking the fruits of victory and picking peaches. The current situation is still far away from Huadu.

The old man obviously wanted to help share the risk.

On the one hand, based on previous speculation, the target we have to face this time is truly astonishing.

At the same time, the abnormality of the dagger also indicates to a certain extent that Yan Ning's tracking method is unstable.

Combining the two, whether there is any hidden danger in the statue ahead is an issue that is difficult to ignore.

And being able to pull out the dagger also proves that the clue is not necessarily exclusive to Jin Ning. At this time, letting the team's first combat force take the lead is undoubtedly a little more cautious in this crisis-ridden predicament.

"Any part of the body touching a surface."

The old man is so kind, how could he waste time before paying?

As soon as the other party finished speaking, he was already pointing at the statue and casually explaining how to use it.

"This is much easier. I was worried that I would have to climb up, which would be a bit disrespectful."

Ignoring the different reactions of others, the old man stepped forward and even made a joke.

If this was really made by a craftsman, it would definitely be called a masterpiece.

Just one step behind the old man, he followed Fu Qian who stood under the statue and sighed again while observing it up close.

Size is one thing, local details at this location are also clearer.

It is obviously a seamless structure, but the armor seems to have been carefully polished. Even under dim light, it actually shines with a metallic luster, and even the texture of the exposed skin is clearly visible.

And Mr. Li's hand has already touched it.

"This is……"

Almost instantly, he frowned and subconsciously looked up.

Above the head of the statue is a majestic and huge dome.

There is no overly complicated decoration, so that although it is highly exaggerated, it is still clear at a glance and nothing can be seen.

But the old man still looked at it very seriously.

"Is there something there?"

Just when Lu Yi, who was farthest away, looked over and expressed doubts aloud, he took a step forward and placed his hand on it.

It seems that I won’t pick anyone this time.

A feeling of déjà vu instantly came over him, and Fu Qian then did exactly the same thing as the old man, looking up at the dome at a 75-degree angle.

It was still empty there.

But at the same time, Fu Qian "saw" a thin body, with all four limbs lying on it like a gecko.

Just like the harvest after smearing the dagger with blood before, this vision comes from the abstract understanding, like the words in the notebook.

Even the next moment he seemed to be watching, the head, which had only a few hairs and was seriously out of proportion to the body, slowly turned around, revealing a face that was surprisingly normal and somewhat similar to the statue.

Benjamin Laria?

【mission completed】

[The current mission has been updated, destroy the condensation of the face of gods and men]

And as if to confirm what he was thinking, a reminder sounded in his ears almost at the same time.

It really is.

The appearance, appearance, and even the affirmation of the mission prompt all seemed to indicate that this existence that could only be "seen" in a special way was the new member of the Laria family.


It is also the source of crying that I am looking for.

And its face at this moment is similar to the statue below, which is obviously the ancestor of the family.

Even the next mission objective mentioned "the face of God and man".

The family of gods, the face hidden in the blood, and the superior power it is connected to... everything is consistent with the previous harvest.

Even when it looked back, it seemed as if there was some kind of noble will looking over from behind that face.

Even if he has recovered to the level of a demigod, he still cannot resist his will.

Of course, all of this, Fu Qian knew that he could not really see with his eyes.

Including the feeling behind "as if", this feeling of being watched, also comes from the note-style Mingwu, as if the text was copied and pasted directly from it.

Interesting, I seem to know why these people were chosen.

Observing the magical scene in front of him from two different perspectives did not prevent him from simultaneously paying attention to Mr. Li's reaction.

And he was quite confident that the old man "saw" the same thing as him... and so did everyone else.

After he followed directly without waiting for the old man's greeting, the remaining people couldn't hold back in an instant and made the same move one after another, and received the same performance.

They all saw Benjamin Larria, which is the meaning of their appearance here.

As this exploration team was being formed step by step, there was one question that Fu Qian never stopped thinking about - why are these people here.

They are obviously not missionaries like themselves.

Is it just bad luck, as Laria's newborn scion is caught up in the party's troubled victims?

This possibility cannot be completely denied, because they do have a certain relationship with the former.

But at this moment, combined with the latest mission prompts, Fu Qian thought that he had come up with a more reasonable explanation - they were not the victims of the trouble, they were the troublemakers.

The significance of their appearance here is to contribute to consensus.

There may be ups and downs along the way in the eyes of others, but according to Fuxian's standards, the whole story runs smoothly.

Until new tasks appear.

The condensation that destroys the face of a god and man, if it is true as Mr. Li said, that face has already established a connection with a higher power the moment it appears, so where does the condensation come from?

The meaning of their appearance here is that through step-by-step exploration, they finally "see" this scene, and it is 100% consistent with all the previous inferences.

Just like how I used them to restore the strength of the demigods.

The reason why he was selected was probably because of his rank. After all, there were three high-level extraordinary people in the team.

Even in the past royal banquet, it is hard to imagine that more demigods would be honored.

All in all, this special place in front of them is guiding them to retrieve the true face of God and man, and it seems that they are about to succeed.

"Witness His ancient glory...the memories that will not be forgotten will eventually become a reality..."

The next moment, everyone who was in shock was suddenly awakened.

Looking around, he saw the mysterious ancient vampire repeating something he had said before in an unprecedentedly enthusiastic tone.

And that's not even the point. The face that was also looking up at the dome quickly changed into another face as he spoke.

A face that is extremely charming and seems to be the embodiment of the concept of "beauty". ()

This chapter has been completed!
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