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Chapter 1568 Honest Skills


At that moment, Rob finally understood why Mr. Fuqian asked him to bring the sword back.

But the problem is that compared to Fu Demigod who can easily lend out the sword, when he goes to return it himself, there is really no story to tell.

"Just tell the truth."

However, in the face of his troubled expression, Fu Qian's tone was gentle, but there was obviously no room for change.

"Believe me, Dean Li prefers honesty to reasonableness."

"Return the things to him and explain the matter clearly. It will not cause trouble for Tianqi and you. It may even be beneficial to the next step of your plan, which is to find someone to taste the sword."

Talking about the person in question does not mean blindly condoning and protecting, the pattern is very important.

And convey the pattern.

Li Weixuan is not stupid, but it is very rude to treat people as stupid.

Enlightenment through swords is a tacit and tacit understanding. Even if the person who speaks is himself, I believe he will not say anything without any explanation.

But if a sincere explanation can be provided, he will undoubtedly be more willing, especially if the explanation is interesting.

"Okay... thank you very much."

Unable to find a reason or even a position to refute, Rob accepted Fu Demigod's suggestion after a moment's hesitation and continued to express his sincere thanks.

"Don't take it to heart. What you do is interesting. This is the most important thing. I believe that Your Excellency Caraudora will be happy to see this."

After some encouragement, Fu Qian stood up and left.

"Are you in a hurry to come back and do evening classes? It's so early."

He didn't pay attention to whether Weier had gained anything from the Jiange. When he returned to the laboratory, the sky was already slightly dark.

What is surprising is that laboratory assistant Liu Shuang actually returned early and did not stay in the college to study because he was away from work midway.

"...Actually, the report is almost complete. I want to confirm it with Professor Fu."

It seemed that after half a day, Ji Liushuang had digested some of the shock she had received before. She pursed her lips and smiled, pointing to a stack of documents on the table.

"So fast?"

He didn't hide his surprise before paying.

Although the content is not too much, it is well known that completing the assigned tasks on the same day is something that a mature copywriter does not want.

Liushuang, on the other hand, is obviously very experienced in this area and even appeared in the earliest hearings.

"Fortunately, after returning to the academy today, the previous experience is still lingering in my mind, so I just sorted it out first."

With a slight sigh of relief, Ji Liushuang did not pretend to be calm, but confessed that today's experience had caused quite a psychological shadow.

"I am also worried that you may have to rush forward. After all, if this report is handed in, there will be some follow-up troubles."

"That's true, it's hard work."

I have to say that having such a considerate assistant makes many things much easier.

He nodded before paying, picked up the document and looked through it.

Some of the contents of the report must be slightly concealed, such as the fact that the test was almost entirely conducted in a dream, and that the White-headed Temple was ultimately burned by the fire of madness, rather than being frightened away by Professor Fu's awe-inspiring righteousness.

As an academic worker who does not seek fame, there is no need to show off some non-critical experimental methods.

But even so, it is impossible not to cause a shock with such a disruptive achievement.

In addition to the busy work of the Night Manager, even the academy, especially the former project leader Professor Chang, may find it difficult to sit still.

"Very good, but don't be too low-key. The Heart-Questing Sword Prison you used this time has already played a very important role."

Qian's reading speed has always been amazing. He finished browsing quickly and was very satisfied with the assistant's understanding.

Liushuang’s copywriting work is of a high standard, and the content is well-chosen.

But as we all know, no matter how perfect the manuscript is, the review comments of the leader are essential.

Professor Fu thought about it briefly and gave some guidance focusing on the client's excessive humility.

"Emphasis on the Heart-Questing Sword Prison as a key means of testing. It is also a good opportunity to show off the results of your further studies at Tianqi."


Although she always has a low-key style, Liu Shuang is obviously not prepared to disobey the guidance.

Especially after the leaders raised the new ability of Asking the Heart Sword Prison to the height of collaboration between departments.

"Maybe there will be additional gains."

Seeing that her interest was not too high, she blinked before paying and emphasized.


Ji Liushuang didn't realize for a moment what this "accident" meant.

"This time, it is true that the academy side has committed a crime, but from the attitude of the night guards throughout the process, it can be seen that they themselves had some misjudgments about the ball."

Professor Fu chuckled.

"Their perception of the dangers of that thing is probably similar to Professor Chang's first draft."

"So this time, we really helped uncover a huge hidden danger through additional risk work, and even gained important information such as the White Head Church."

"Rewards and punishments must be rewarded. I believe that if the relevant responsible persons are particular about it, they will consider expressing their opinions to some extent."


In terms of laboratory operation, Ji Liushuang's vision is still a little lacking due to her limited status as a student.

At this moment, Professor Fu nodded slightly and was obviously not so confident.

"But no matter what, this is still a trap brought out by the former professor of the Academy, and the test method this time is also relatively harsh-"

"That's why we have to emphasize the contributions made by people who are not professors."

The smile did not diminish before paying.

"It's the professor's business to use harsh methods. To use this to deny a student the award he deserves is a bit petty."

"Even in order not to be exploited by the unscrupulous project team, if it were me, I would choose a reward that is only suitable for you. Of course, the honor still belongs to our laboratory."

"If academic research wants to achieve a virtuous cycle, it is not enough to just focus on scientific research. Operations are also very important."

“With just a few application tips, you can maximize your efforts in terms of honors and actual rewards.”

All right……

In Professor Fu's optimistic explanation, Ji Liushuang was speechless for a moment.

Of course, as a smart young person, once she accepted this setting, she quickly realized something that had not yet been mentioned under Professor Fu's move - she might get more than just material rewards.

In addition to being a student, he is even the leader of the gospel group.

As the latter is a somewhat sensitive project in the field of human rescue, the value brought by a good resume of similar incidents is immeasurable.

This chapter has been completed!
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