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Chapter 1569 Workshop (1)

"That's about it for the report. You don't have to show it to me after you've made the changes. Just give it to Dean Li directly."

Seeing Ji Liushuang thinking deeply, she had obviously gained something. Before paying, he returned the document to her and gestured with his head.

"I've worked hard for you today. How do you feel now? Are you still lingering?"

"Sorry, I'm still a little bit... Professor Chang even asked me if I felt uncomfortable in the afternoon."

Faced with Professor Du's concern, Ji Liushuang wanted to say not to worry, but in the end she nodded honestly.

"Now I kind of understand why those people became like that. Human will is still too fragile in the face of certain things."

"Why are you sorry? If you choose to forget it quickly, then it is worth regretting."

However, faced with this statement, Fu Qian didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it.

"Some things will not exist just because you ignore them. Knowledge in extraordinary fields may be a curse, but many times behind every ignorance, there is a thick layer of blood."

"You don't need this knowledge to teach you how to use a sword, but knowing what your sword is pointing at is still necessary in my opinion."

"I think I understand...thank you."

Fu Qian's words brought about a longer silence. When Ji Liushuang spoke again, the melancholy in his eyes had not diminished, but at the same time he was a little more determined.

"Facing it instead of avoiding it seems to be the reaction a swordsman should have."

It is also the experience demonstrated by the sages of the academy.

Facing Ji Liushuang's statement, while Fu Qian expressed his deep satisfaction, he did not forget to add something in his mind.

Of course he was referring to Mr. Li He.

Although the majors are different, in the short team experience before, that person has vividly demonstrated how to face cruelty and upgrade in the face of battle.

If you can convey this demeanor that even the person involved may not remember to the next generation, it will be considered a merit if you can gain something.

[Identity verification completed, today’s work begins]

[Warning, leakage accident]

Liu Shuang was obviously very responsible for his work. After having a fruitful exchange with Professor Fu, he did not intend to end the day's hard work and take an early rest. Instead, he decisively went back upstairs to revise the report.

Infected by this youthful energy, Expert Fu, who had arranged all kinds of affairs, went crazy for a moment and took off his mask casually in the darkness.

The same dark warehouse reappeared in front of us, accompanied by familiar and friendly reminders.

[Name: Flower of Vacuum, No. 3-0004]

[Today’s work content has been updated, entering the containment scene of 3-0004 and completing the re-containment]

Does this mean that the harder you work, the luckier you get? The last task this week is actually numbered 3.

[Whether to consume 1 point of san value to start]


After a few days of rest, Fu Qian has almost completely recovered and is very satisfied with this development.

[Entering 3-0004 containment scene]

[The current san value is 122, the current inspiration is 99]

[Choose the skills and items you want to carry]

Along with the confirmation, prompts for preparation work also came.

The chance of restrictions on the task numbered 3 is still very small, so be familiar with it and confirm it before paying. Of course, the items are still mainly for portability.

[…8%…13%…21%…34%…55%…89%…100%, the containment scene is loaded]

[Whimsical thoughts are the privilege of young souls, and what supports them is the confidence that the future will be long.

As an ordinary high school student, you have never had an achievement that makes you proud.

However, on this day, you accepted the call of fate.

An incredible future lies before you, yet within reach.

Of course, before that, you still need to pass the test of courage and talent.

Such as skipping class and looking for guidance]

Ordinary, high school student, the call of fate?

Even though the difficulty is generally not too exaggerated, I still listened carefully to the mission introduction before paying.

However, after a moment, the keywords captured from it shocked him.

Mainly, these elements are too classic. Are they combined together to save the world?

I really want to save the world.

As his five senses recovered, he lowered his head and looked at it before paying, and immediately sighed in admiration.

At this moment, he was in a long corridor, with a half-opened window in front of him.

The weather was not good, and some raindrops were even blown in by the wind, making a small delicate box in my hand wet.

It is yellow-brown, with flowing water patterns on the surface, and its shape is very elegant.

However, at a glance, you can see that there is nothing too strange inside.

A thin piece of paper has been unfolded, revealing a key wrapped underneath.

It is brass in color, with gorgeous carvings at the end that are completely contrary to practicality, and the overall shape is quite retro.

Although the handwriting on the piece of paper is faint, it can still be seen clearly from this angle - [Manage to enter the workshop, the power of the hunting god is waiting]

It fits the style of the painting very well, and this description obviously has a bit of a middle-class feel to it.

And just as he was sighing before paying, the reminder also sounded in his ears.

[Containment conditions met, find and destroy the Flower of Vacuum]

Very friendly, not only for mission number 3, but also clearly listed the containment conditions right away.

Fu Qian is naturally quite satisfied with this development.

Although it is not yet confirmed what the Flower of Vacuum refers to, the thing in my hand is for searching for clues, and it seems that it has not escaped.

Workshop, I have to say that this name is also very interesting.

Jingle Bell……

While sighing, a voice deep in my memory suddenly sounded above my head.

Sure enough, the world must be saved by middle school students.

Fu Qian said he was not surprised by this classic school bell.

He immediately noticed the many young people jumping happily behind him, and he was even wearing a dark school uniform.

The mission introduction really didn't lie. It said it was just throwing yourself back into class. It even looked ordinary.

In the reflection of the glass in front, you can clearly see that you are in disguise at this moment, a young man with an ordinary appearance.

His thin body, messy hair, and gloomy eyes all seemed to have nothing to do with a hunting god.


Pulling the window back to prevent raindrops from drifting in, Fu Qian turned around, ignoring the many surprised looks, and walked away against the flow of people.

As mentioned in the mission introduction, the first step to saving the world is to skip class.

As for looking for guidance, this situation can easily be understood as looking for the lock that the key can open.

And this is not a problem at all.

Before paying, he turned the brass key in his hand and wrote down an address that was already a bit blurry.

When he looked up again, he had already snorted coldly, looking arrogant.

A test of courage and talent?

Sorry, the world needs me.

Sorry, the coding efficiency of the new copy is a bit low at the beginning, there is no more for now, and Zuolun will continue to work hard in July.

This chapter has been completed!
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