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Chapter 1578 Workshop (10)

"Excellent young man, even in appearance."

Apparently noticing Fu Qian's actions, Ms. Yingzhu narrowed her eyes slightly, not hiding her admiration for the person behind the name.

"With rare keenness and honesty, she chose to give the answer after just three hours in this room."

"Also we're pretty sure Sophia is her real name..."

At the same time, Brother Oz also echoed from the side.

"Perhaps her efficiency can't be compared to yours in the past, but when it comes to signing the directory, she seems to move faster."

"She seems to be quite aware of saying goodbye to the past and the fate she is about to face."

No matter who it was, it was obvious that his speech was not too polite.

It was as if he had been hurt by the chuuni's anger all the way, and the accumulated resentment finally found a small breakthrough.


Unfortunately, as mentioned before, they know nothing about the true second-level realm.

He smiled coldly, and the next moment he paid the bill, not only did he not write furiously because he was outclassed by a girl, but he even directly threw the pen handed over by Oz into the directory.

"Then I'm curious, how does she, who is so honest, evaluate the farce you have caused?"


"What's the meaning?"

"You'd better make it clear..."

The situation became volatile again, and Fu Qian's words became more and more rude in comparison, causing both Yingzhu and Yingzhu to change their expressions for a moment.

"Haha... make it clear."

"Do you know what I can't understand to most people?"

It's a pity that this pressure obviously has no effect before being dealt with.

Shaking his head, there was no concealed disappointment in his tone.

"It's clearly something that's right in front of them, but they just have to cover their eyes so they can't see it, waiting for others to tell them."

"From the beginning to now, I know exactly what the purpose of this series of so-called tests and mysteries is."

"Nightkeepers will indeed cause trouble. It's not surprising to use a little trick to disguise them."

"But until now, when I see something like this being brought up, I know that someone has completely put the cart before the horse and turned a noble mission into a farce."

"Before you refute, can you tell me what the meaning of this thing is? Apart from the continuation of the clown-like behavior before?"

"I accepted that key, and I never came to play house with you."

Before paying, he gestured to the list in front of him with his eyes.

"Enter the workshop...get the power that belongs to me, and never escape the fate behind it. That is my entire purpose."

When Li Gui meets Li Kui, his true colors are always revealed at the first touch.

The tone is calm, and the expression is not overly serious, but the more so, the more determined the speaker seems to be.

Just after Oz and the others understood what the true spirit of junior high school was, Fu Qian gave them another improvement class without hesitation.

Of course, the reason why I did this was not because I judged the signing risk to be too high and deliberately avoided this.

Although it sells well, this roster is an actual ordinary item, so you can still be confident before paying for it.

Not to mention, looking at Oz and the others, it probably wouldn’t matter even if I actually wrote The Lord of the Rings.

And even so, the reason why I still refuse to sign is precisely here - there is no risk, and there is no point in doing so. It is purely the inertia of being a middle-class student.

As he never liked to do boring things, he decided to find another way to explore the meaning.

For example, by refusing, you can convey that you are fed up with the red tape and supervise the progress.

Although I have always followed the Romans, but now that it is almost certain that it is the work of the sages, I don't mind setting the pace appropriately and speeding up.

After all, this group of people is too cautious, and it is difficult to be sure that they will not waste more time in the future.

It would be too much to hold a welcome party after signing the signature.

"Only those who leave their names on it will be allowed to enter the workshop."

Under the impact at this moment, Ms. Yingzhu did not say anything, only Oz said coldly.

"However, considering your previous performance, I can't rule out that after you actually did what you did, you suddenly took out your whistle and ribbons and shouted, 'I fooled you.'"

Before paying, he didn't buy it and said with a smile.

"If you can't trust us so much, then you can leave completely."

Obviously, she didn't expect it to be so difficult. For a moment, Ms. Yingzhu couldn't help but became tougher.

"There is a logical problem with this statement. I just can't trust you, but I never doubt the call of fate."

Even when faced with an eviction order, he paid without blinking an eyelid and was given an extra lesson on logical thinking.

Of course, to be honest, his earlier inference process was not very logical, and I believe Ms. Yingzhu could even feel it.

Little did they know that this was exactly the desired effect.

As a middle school boy, his plausive principles are smooth and smooth, but if his logic skills are really too professional, it will easily scare people.


And it seems that Ms. Yingzhu was not scared at all.

After this tense confrontation lasted for about ten seconds, she suddenly gestured towards Oz.

"Take this Mr. Lord of the Rings to the workshop."


The latter was indeed a little hesitant.

"Me too."

Let’s just say that red tape can be discarded.

After seeing Ms. Yingzhu thinking for a while, she didn't even take another look at the directory there. Pay Qian was very satisfied with the progress.

Sure enough, it's not an ordinary talent recruitment.

Of course, while keeping up with him with an expressionless face, Fu Qian also continued to comment in his mind.

In addition to speeding up, the refusal to sign has another meaning - such a poor performance, such unstable factors, the result is still accepted instead of decisively giving up.

It's hard to say whether it must be related to the purpose of his trip, the Flower of Vacuum, but he can clearly feel the eagerness of the forces behind it.

Things are starting to get interesting.

Of course, Ms. Yingzhu should be glad that she finally chose to accept it - because the other option was to be forced to accept it.

"Thanks for your hard work."

They sat in the back row together. Fu Qian turned his head and glanced at the guide, becoming polite for a second.

"How can farce be so hard?"

It's a pity that the other party doesn't seem to hold any grudges at all.

Without even looking over here, Yingzhu flipped her palm over the next moment and actually took out a square box made of silver sand color.

It's spotless and the decorations are exquisite. Although it's not big, you can still feel its preciousness.

Of course this is not the most important thing.

Without hesitation, Ms. Yingzhu opened it almost instantly.

The next moment, hundreds of shining fireflies and bee pupae came into Fu Qian's field of vision.

This chapter has been completed!
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