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Chapter 1579 Workshop (11)

Is the Supreme Edition seeing stars?

At that moment, he didn't make a sound, he just silently commented on the sudden vision.

The reason why I say this is because it was obviously an illusion and not really hundreds of fireflies suddenly appearing in the car.

And although for Fu Qian, it only took one thought to make them all disperse, but he was not in a hurry to do so.

Just like when Ms. Yingzhu took action just now, he was full of expectation and did not stop her.

Yes, this illusion was indeed actively created by this examiner.

What she even relied on was what was in her box - a strange-looking ring with a huge gold bead on the top.

Of course the ring body is also made of gold.

Although this person put on the jewelry very quickly, Fu Qian could still clearly see the contents of the box at a glance.

He even confirmed that the surface of the gold beads on the ring was not smooth and was covered with interlaced marks, so that at first glance it looked like a mini globe.

Of course, it just looks like it, but it is actually a mini version of the Golden Saint Cloth.

The moment he saw it for the first time, Fu Qian knew that it was something of the same nature as the left hand glove he wore while exploring underground ruins.

As mentioned before, I did find the sages and their organization.

I just don’t know if those old friends have returned safely.

"Don't worry, they won't really burn your eyeballs out, they'll just block your vision a little before they arrive."

When Fu Qian was reminiscing about the past, the voice of Ms. Yingzhu next to him came again.

"As long as you don't resist too much, this process won't be too painful. Of course, it should still be enough for you to enjoy it."

Regarding Fu Qian's performance all the way, this person really didn't like it, and he even showed this in his tone without hesitation.

Obviously, unlike the previous two places, the confidentiality level of the workshop is higher.

It's very reasonable, whether it's this method or what Ms. Yingzhu took out of the box.

Even the code name she gave herself.

With equipment as the core, it was the same as that team at that time.

Of course, compared to these natural parts, what I was more interested in before paying was actually the box.

The examiner, who seemed to have an average physique, ended up leaving a backup plan, which to be honest was not too surprising.

But it's hard to avoid being amazed that this backhand can be concealed to such an extent.

The material of this box is obviously very special, and it has a considerable isolation effect from prying eyes.

Fu Qian believed that even if the night guard really collided head-on, it would be difficult to detect anything unusual.

It's magical, but when I think that this may be the work of a sage old man, and he is a new generation who has inherited the legacy of the Blind Society, everything seems a lot more reasonable.

"Why don't you say anything? Is the call from fate temporarily interrupted?"

At this time, Fu Qian's reaction seemed to give Yingzhu and Yingzhu a bit of pleasure.


It's a pity that the response to them was a string of laughter ranging from deep to wild.

Although it gradually becomes more and more unbridled, the joy in it is quite contagious.

"Finally something interesting."

He didn't move, and there was no pain in Fu Qian's voice.

"From the beginning, the only thing you should do is to reveal this as soon as possible."

...This guy is indeed hopeless!

Considering the client's current visual loss, both Yingzhu and Yingzhu, who looked at each other after listening to his words, did not deliberately spend any effort to manage their expressions.

But it seems that it is this unfounded paranoia that gave him the confidence and determination to perform like that in the front...

This slightly complicated emotion lingered on the two people's faces for a long time, so that after paying the previous comments, the atmosphere in the entire space was quite silent.

But fortunately, the young man who had reached the extreme second grade in middle school was immersed in the excitement brought about by this change and no longer cared so much about other things.

"You need to wait here."

It was Oz who finally broke the weird atmosphere.

After saying this, he stopped the car and exchanged glances with Ms. Yingzhu.

As the latter nodded slightly, Oz opened the door first and went down, leaving her here to monitor.

"This is the workshop?"

But before this, I didn't have any opinion, I just looked around casually.

The place we trekked all the way to was clearly underground and at the same time, it was quiet.

The area is not large, but it still looks empty, because at first glance there is really nothing around it.

"...below, you will see it."

After hesitating for a moment, Ms. Yingzhu finally slowly explained his problem.

Very honest.

Of course, he knew that there were other caves further down the road, but Fu Qian still expressed his appreciation in his heart for Ms. Yingzhu's truthful report.

"So Oz is going to find someone who can decide whether I can go down or not?"

"Yes, and then you will get your own 'weapon' there, or what you call the destiny you are calling."

Yingzhu's tone was calm, and she sounded very optimistic about Fu Qian's prospects.


Fu Qian heard the words and looked down at her hand. The only gold accessory was still there.

Just like Ace and the others before.

Everyone has one and only one piece of equipment, and even if they get something else, they don't wear it to avoid interference - of course it doesn't seem to be the case now.

When Oz left and came back, there was already one more person beside him.

A young woman, her whole body covered under a thick burqa, her beautiful figure is still vaguely visible.

Of course, there is also a corner of the gold breastplate that is inadvertently exposed.

That's right, Fu Qian looked at those familiar faces and was very sure that they were his former teammate Aisi.

Sure enough, with extraordinary luck, this man actually survived such a dangerous situation.

Even more than that, it seems like a blessing in disguise and a breakthrough.

In addition to her golden armor, there was actually a golden mask on the upper part of her face in the shadow of the hood, covering one eye.

Naturally, I was no stranger to this piece of equipment before I bought it. It was worn by Brother Scrooge who was traveling with me at the time. I still remember that the crimson rays emitted from it were extremely lethal.

The one-piece limit per person that I was talking about just now was actually broken by Ms. Ace in the blink of an eye - even broken more than once.

Although it was completely covered, the right arm under Aisi's burqa clearly showed different lines.

In Fu Qian's perception, it was quite clear that it was because he was wearing an arm armor - Brother Charlotte's.

I still remember that these two brothers clearly had a crush on Aisi at that time. At this moment, all their exclusive equipment appeared on the latter, and they were about to form a set.

The entanglement of cause and effect is amazing.


While thinking, Aisi had already found her face and looked over with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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