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Chapter 258: One man attains the Tao of chicken and dog and ascends to heaven! Abnormal rain control technique!!!

Looking at the gorgeous Tianzun Taoist robe, Qin Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

I found a corner where no one was and waited to log off.

OK, Qin Sheng returned to the real room, and his wife didn't sleep.

She has been taken care of just now, and she is practicing the Qingxin Jue.

As Qin Sheng arranged for Lin Shuya to receive the verdict, knight bracelets, black iron helmets and other hard goods.

Lin Shuya not only improved her strength, but also made rapid progress in cultivating the spiritual power of the outside world.

Picking up the detection glasses and scanning it, Lin Shuya has steadily reached a combat power of 808!

This kind of progress is absolutely terrifying!

As for the rest of the family, although they haven't changed their equipment much, Qin Sheng provides them with the best white wild boar meat every day, and there is an unlimited supply of spiritual stones, so the whole family has been upgraded to level six.

That’s more than 600 combat power points!

Qin Sheng's own strength has also been adjusted to just 600!

It is impossible for a family to be promoted. If he does not promote, he will always follow.

Anyway, my wife and the others all know that their strength is comparable to that of a golden elixir. They can just make this adjustment at will and show it to outsiders.

"Honey, I'm going to improve those newcomers."

"Don't go, stay up late every day, take a rest tonight." Lin Shuya pulled Qin Sheng heartbrokenly and refused to let him go. She blinked again, "I want you to hold me, so I can sleep soundly."

"Okay, I'll stay with you tonight."

So Qin Sheng didn't leave, but he didn't practice.

Because he himself cannot absorb spiritual energy here.

He was also speechless at this point.

My wife and children can speed up the absorption of spiritual energy through equipment, but he, the imparter, cannot do it and can only improve it through the game.

Could it be that my cultivation system is different?

Qin Sheng could only guess at this.

The reason for this may be related to the fact that he gained experience to increase his spiritual power.

Could it be that the experience value still conflicts with the spiritual energy from the outside world?

However, my wife and children do not gain experience, and although they are blessed with equipment, they are not affected.

While thinking about this question in his mind, Qin Sheng was unconsciously reading the news on the Shenlong watch.

The situation outside is still becoming increasingly pessimistic, and all countries are tightening their coastlines.

Severe disease interceptions have been deployed in places with a large number of animals, such as virgin forests.

But there is no other way in rural areas.

In addition to snakes, frogs, insects, birds and beasts in the wild, even chickens, ducks, cats and dogs at home can mutate at any time.

But there is a good thing.

That is, most of the animals raised by humans, after mutating, still faithfully accompany humans and protect humans.

There are many incidents in Shenlong's list where poultry mutated and fought against mutant beasts in the wild to save their masters.

But there are also a few domestic animals that not only fail to protect their owners, but even bite them to death.

Some experts have judged that this may be related to the way they are raised.

Because all pets and poultry raised with care will basically become loyal to their owners after their pets mutate.

And those who abused their pets died miserably.

Therefore, experts suggest that perhaps people can be organized to raise dogs, cats and other pets to wait for mutations. In this way, a mutated pet will be cultivated.

Of course, this is risky.

Because there are also owners who are kind to their pets, but their behavior is backfired.

Experts recommend that ordinary people should not do this method.

Because pets mutate, it is equivalent to gambling on their lives!

If you win the bet, you get a loyal mutant pet.

If you lose the bet, you will most likely pay the price with your life.

However, experts suggest that evolvers or monks can raise more of them.

Because they all have the strength to protect themselves!

In this way, even if those mutated pets rebel, they will still be able to protect themselves.

Generally speaking, when pets first mutate, they start from level one pets, so they do not pose a threat to these capable evolvers.

At present, all major sects and the supernatural department in each city have begun to specially cultivate mutant pets.

The first thing I recommend is dogs.

This kind of pet has been with humans for thousands of years and is the easiest to develop feelings for.

Next are pet cats, but cats have backbones, so they are worse than dogs.

Behind them are pigs and pet birds such as parrots, starlings, etc.

There are also rabbits and the like!

However, it is difficult to tell the relationship between these pets and humans. Experts suggest that if you want to cultivate such pets, you need to put more thought into it.

Of course, if your family used to be wealthy and kept a lion as a pet, it would be great if you could mutate it, but the key is to eliminate the danger.

Qin Sheng was also overjoyed when he saw this information. If the evolvers could really be organized to raise a bunch of loyal mutated dogs, etc., it would certainly greatly relieve people's pressure.

Especially in rural areas...

Apart from this good news, everything else is pretty much the same as before.

They all report on some casualties in various places, and where there are many mutant beasts and they need support.

At present, the areas most in need of support are generally not riverside, lakeside, seaside, or deep mountains and old forests!

In these places, there are many birds, animals, and fish in the sea, so moths are easy to appear.

Therefore, the troops, monks, etc. stationed in these places will suffer casualties from time to time.

However, the casualties are still sporadic at present. Although it seems that there is an increase, it should still be within the tolerance range.

According to the statistics on Shenlong Table,

Currently, the average number of deaths nationwide due to military patrols every day is about 100.

About five hundred people were injured.

The number of deaths of evolvers and monks is around ten.

When you first look at this data, you will feel a lot!

But it is less distributed across the country.

Even lower than the daily number of traffic accident deaths.

But there are hundreds of casualties every day, and if you include those that are not counted, the data will be even higher, and the ordinary people who died have not been included, so it is still very scary.

This also illustrates the cruelty of mutant beasts and evil spirits.

This is actually not the scariest thing.

Experts are worried that

As spiritual energy and ancient viruses continue to emerge from the Arctic frozen soil, to what extent will the creatures in and around the Arctic frozen soil evolve?

At present, the Jindan Master does not dare to break into the Arctic frozen soil easily, which proves its danger.

It has become a forbidden land for humans!

For this reason, some people in the global federation continue to crazily propose to nuclear level the Arctic frozen soil!

Plan to get it done once and for all!

But it immediately received backlash from a lot of people.

Because in the legends of major super countries, there are great unknown dangers buried there.

And, through detection, the existence of something has been proven.

Therefore, no one but a madman dares to bet!

The experts' explanation is more reasonable. It is a bad time now, but it is also a new era for mankind.

By studying ancient viruses and various mutated and evolved organisms, humans may be able to break the shackles of life and technology.

But in fact, the monks could have broken it, but this secret was only known between the senior officials and the sect.

Ordinary people don't know.

But even if they knew, the senior officials could only watch.

Because the cultivation of monks pays attention to whether there is immortal fate, which means that the constitution talisman you get is not in line with the cultivation.

If you don't comply, even if you are the king of a country, there is nothing you can do.

But it's different when you study the evolution of ancient viruses and animals.

As long as the direction that can lead to human evolution is researched, then everyone can become an evolver and achieve the goal of immortality.

Immortality has been an unavoidable topic since ancient times.

Starting from Qin Sheng's ancestor Qin Shi the Great, countless kings studied a civilization era.

In ancient times, elixirs and medicines were made, but those without immortality could only slightly extend their lifespan, and it was impossible to live forever.

Even the monk, Jin Dan Zhenren, only has a lifespan of five hundred yuan, while the Nascent Soul has a lifespan of a thousand years!

If you can't break through, in the end you will just return to dust, dust to dust...

In modern times, various technologies have come to the fore, but they cannot break the shackles of life.

Until the eternal frozen soil is unsealed and the world changes drastically!

The emergence of mutated beasts and evolvers gave senior officials hope again.

Therefore, the unsealing of the eternal frozen soil, the revival of spiritual energy, and the reappearance of ancient viruses are both disasters and opportunities.

Looking at these news materials, Qin Sheng also fell into deep thought.

Monks can cultivate to the Nascent Soul and live for thousands of years!

What about yourself?

What else?

Can it really extend your life?

he does not know……

I was thinking, looking through various information...

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Shuya finally finished her exercise and fell asleep happily in Qin Sheng's arms...

Early the next morning, Qin Sheng, who did not stay up late, cooked himself and made a table of delicious dishes.

While I was eating, Hu Long suddenly called me.

Qin Sheng: "Hello? Hello."

"Junior brother, are you at home?" Hu Long's voice was a little urgent.

"Yes. What's wrong?"

Hu Long wanted to call Qin Sheng uncle before, but Qin Sheng refused, so he continued to call him junior brother.

Others still call him brother.

"I, we are near your home. The detection glasses show that there are two level five mutant beasts in your home! Damn!" Hu Long's voice was trembling.

"Um, it's okay, my dog ​​and old hen." Qin Sheng also had a little pain in his balls.

Qin Sheng told Liu Qianqian and the others that he did not need to patrol the area where he lived.

Because everyone in the family is an evolutionist, this will be fine.

So Gouzi and Huahua have never been exposed.

But he didn't know why Hu Long came here so early today.

"What? Are those your dog and old hen?"

Outside Qin Sheng's community, Hu Long, Liu Qianqian and others were dumbfounded.

They came here early in the morning, naturally they had something to discuss with Qin Sheng.

But after arriving here, Hu Long, who was wearing detection glasses, wanted to see how well Qin Sheng's family was fighting.

After starting it, I was shocked to find the energy display of two level five mutant beasts in Qin Sheng's house.

This was quite scary, so I called immediately to inquire.

The answer turned out to be a dog and an old hen.

This made Hu Long, Liu Qianqian and others collectively silent.

After a while, Hu Long said solemnly:

"Okay, we'll be at your house soon. We have something to discuss."

After hanging up the phone, everyone look at me and I look at you.

Hu Long then said depressedly:

"Damn! I finally understand what it means for a person to achieve the Tao, a chicken or a dog ascend to heaven..."

Everyone soon arrived at Qin Sheng's house and were speechless for a while looking at Ah Huang and old hen Huahua who were eating their food.

"Junior brother, when did these two pets of yours mutate?"

"Haha, it's very early. Have you eaten? Let's eat some together?" Qin Sheng greeted.

"Um, no need, we ate on the way."

"Uncle and aunt, sit here and have some tea, please." Qin Ying made tea and greeted her.

"No, don't call me aunt, call me sister, I'm not that old yet." Liu Qianqian said with a smile.

After everyone sat down, Qin Sheng grabbed the rice and asked:

"What do you want from me?"

Hu Long: "That's right, junior brother. Last night we saw the news on Shenlong Watch that encourages evolvers and monks to cultivate a large number of pets. After the pets mutate, they will become loyal fighting partners.

Do you think you have done anything?"

Qin Sheng nodded, "Yes, I was just about to discuss it with you."

Next, everyone discussed for a while and decided to set aside an area in the stadium specifically for raising dogs.

As for dogs, after everyone has discussed it, don’t raise any foreign teddies or the like.

Just raise a native dog, it is loyal and has great fighting spirit.

After all, native dogs have a long history in Han Dynasty, and they have always been a good helper in guarding homes and homes.

After the discussion, everyone immediately took action.

Qin Sheng doesn’t have to worry about buying a dog. The Chuzhou branch has special funds.

It used to be managed by Liu Qianqian, but later Qin Sheng and his wife were promoted to elders. They asked Lin Shuya to manage it, but Lin Shuya refused.

I am not short of money, so I don’t feel the need to find anything to do.

Hu Long and the others moved very quickly. When Qin Sheng, Lin Shuya and Qin Ming arrived at the Evolver Training Center, Hu Long and the others had already bought a hundred dogs.

They are all put in a cage first.

And many workers are rushing to convert some unused rooms in the stadium into dog kennels.

Seeing Qin Sheng's arrival, Liu Qianqian reported to him how much money he spent on buying dogs and so on.

Qin Sheng didn't want to listen to these, but as the steward here, he had to listen.

After the report, Liu Qianqian said again:

"Brother Qin, something strange happened last night."

"What's up?"

"No newcomers evolved last night." Liu Qianqian said a little worried.

"Isn't this normal? How can it be possible to evolve every day? Is there such a thing?" Qin Sheng said speechlessly.

Liu Qianqian: "Well, that's true. There are also new students coming in batches to report. Now there are new students coming in every batch of graduation."

"Okay, not bad."

After listening to the report and checking everyone's training, Qin Sheng and others were invited to inspect the city wall construction in Chuzhou.

This time, many high-level businessmen in the city were here, including Mr. Huang and Father Lin, to visit together.

The arrival of Qin Sheng and others was warmly welcomed by everyone.

Qin Sheng and his wife did not show off and greeted these elders modestly.

Later, when everyone visited the construction, the elders asked Qin Sheng and Lin Shuya to give their opinions.

After a moment of silence, Lin Shuya spoke:

"My opinion is that this is a wall of life, which protects the life safety of our Chuzhou citizens.

Therefore, when it comes to materials, you must be practical.

Never cut corners.

Otherwise, if a large number of mutant beasts come one day, this shoddy project will kill people."

"Okay, okay! Ms. Lin's proposal is very good! We will strictly control it!" The top brass in Chuzhou City nodded repeatedly.

Then he turned to Director Liao and said:

"Xiao Liao, you also heard what Ms. Lin said.

I now appoint you as the urban construction inspector to oversee this project.

Anyone who cuts corners will be arrested directly."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Bureau Liao saluted.

Qin Sheng also said at this time: "Also, I feel that the ten-meter city wall is not wide enough!

It needs to be widened by more than three meters! If the funds are not enough, I will donate 10 million privately."

Qin Sheng is still very concerned about his home.

Although it shouldn't be a big deal as long as I'm here, what if I'm not here one day?

So the city wall must be thicker!

After finishing his words, Qin Sheng looked at the business leaders present.

"Haha, Mr. Qin said it well! This wall of life must be built well! Huang donated 30 million!

I suggest you build it higher." Mr. Huang followed closely.

"Haha, then my Lin family will also donate 20 million!" Lin Shuya's father also followed suit.

"Haha, then I will also donate 20 million to contribute." As a real estate boss, Zhao Hu was naturally here and immediately followed suit.

When other elders saw this situation, they also donated their money generously. The minimum direct donation started at 5 million!

Some project bosses directly donate cement, steel bars, etc.

In short, all the elders present donated money and materials, so this wall of life must be built tall and practical.

In the afternoon, Qin Sheng did not return to the Evolver Training Center. Liu Qianqian and the others were there, so there was no need for him to worry.

As for patrolling, he and his wife are no longer needed. His son Qin Ming goes to exercise with him.

Anyway, the detector is on, and if we are really in big trouble, we can call Qin Sheng and he will be there immediately.

Qin Sheng can rest assured that his son has a magic shield, a random scroll, and a city return scroll, which are life-saving things.

However, when Qin Sheng came to the wholesale market, his mood did not get better.

Due to the continuous high temperature and drought, Chuzhou is short of water and electricity consumption has also increased sharply.

Nowadays, the water problem has been temporarily alleviated after Qin Sheng spent 10 million yuan to dig wells throughout the city and countryside.

But how to alleviate electricity consumption?

Qin Sheng can't conjure electricity.

The water level of the reservoir upstream of Chuzhou is no longer able to generate electricity, and the only way to do this is to transport electricity from other areas.

But high temperature and drought are not limited to Chuzhou, but also to surrounding areas.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the pressure on electricity consumption, the authorities have ordered that all signboards and neon lights be turned off.

Shopping malls can use no electricity, but those that don’t use air conditioning must save money.

As a result, when Qin Sheng arrived at the wholesale market, there was no air conditioning or lights on, only emergency lights.

It's dark and green, as if you've entered a netherworld...

Fortunately, Qin Sheng's vision was not affected, but it was too hot.

After coming in for a while, my whole body was soaked with sweat.

Alas, I don’t know when it will rain in this damn day...

It's a pity that I can only cast thunder and lightning spells. It would be great if I could cast a spell that makes it rain.

I wonder if there are any monks who can cast spells to make it rain?

You can ask Hu Long about this later.

With his thoughts on his mind, Qin Sheng quickly shopped at the wholesale market...

More than two hours later, Qin Sheng drove out in a large truck.

In fact, there was nothing left in the back of the truck, and he put it all into the game warehouse.

Arriving at the Evolver Training Center, Qin Sheng found Hu Long and explained his purpose.

"You want a spell that can control rain?" Hu Long asked in surprise.

Qin Sheng nodded, "Well, is there? Look, Chuzhou has been suffering from drought for so long. If we can control the rain, wouldn't it be able to alleviate it?"

"Yes, yes, but it is difficult to achieve continuous rainfall over a large area." Hu Long nodded and shook his head.

Qin Sheng: "Tell me and listen."

Hu Long sighed: "It's mainly a matter of mana.

Needless to say, casting a rain spell that can cover the entire city of Chuzhou requires at least a real person in the early stage of the Golden Elixir to be able to do it.

It won't last long, and most of the mana will be consumed in ten minutes at most.

After all, this is a very large spell.

You said, which Jindan master would do this?

Besides, this only covers the whole city. What about the suburbs and rural areas?

How can I be saved?"

The words left Qin Sheng speechless, and he threw a few to Hu Long, and Hu Hu and the others lit one themselves.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and Qin Sheng still said:

"Can I get that spell? It's too hot. I want to cool down my neighborhood."

"Yes, this is not a secret skill. The various mental techniques that Elder Feng gave you last time are not included in it.

I'm afraid you won't like it.

Our cultivation level is not enough to build a foundation, and we have no way to learn it or teach it to you, so I will ask him for a share."

Hu Long immediately called Elder Feng.

Soon, Elder Feng sent a training video to Qin Sheng.

And said:

"Junior brother, if you need anything in the future, you can tell me directly. As long as we have it, we will supply it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If you don’t understand anything about this rain control technique, just ask.”

"Okay, thank you, senior brother."

Qin Sheng, who had obtained the rain control technique, returned home, and his wife and son also came back early.

"Honey, look what I got? Rain control!"

"Rain control technique?" Lin Shuya was confused.

"Well, after learning it, you can cast spells to make rain, hehe." Qin Sheng said with a proud smile.

"Ah, great! I'm worried it won't rain!" Before Lin Shuya could reply, Qin Ming cheered.

"Can you cast a spell to make it rain by yourself? I want to learn it too! I want to learn it too!" Yiyi also rushed over.

Qin Ying was also eager to try: "That's great! It's almost too hot!"

So, the family turned on the video and started learning.

But what is speechless is that this spell is extremely difficult to learn!

It contains various gesture changes, spiritual power movements, etc.

In short, it is difficult!

My day!

Didn't Hu Long say that this is a spell that no one has learned?

Why is it so difficult?

Qin Sheng had no choice but to ask Elder Feng for advice via video.

Elder Feng laughed and said: "Haha, Hu Long and the others called it an inferior spell, which is correct, but there is something he didn't understand.

They don't have the realm and can't learn even if they want to!

Because it is a spell that can change the weather, that is, the natural elements.

It is actually a very powerful spell. After all, it is not that simple to control the power of heaven and earth.

Thousands of years ago, in the era when Nascent Soul Lord was rampant, they could call the wind and rain.

Do you think it’s awesome?”

"This is indeed amazing! Please ask the elders for advice." Qin Sheng said humbly.

Later, Elder Feng explained in detail his experience in practicing the rain control technique.

After more than half an hour, Qin Sheng could barely remember it!

Fortunately, I recorded the video and can watch it over and over again.

I have to say, this spell is really abnormal.

After all, Qin Sheng and his family can be said to have excellent memories, but when it comes to learning, they are still awkward and difficult to understand.

It seems that if you want to truly master this spell, you can't complete it until about a week.

Qin Sheng is not in a hurry. Anyway, as long as he learns it and has the potion to support it, he should be able to bring a heavy rain to Chuzhou...

"Kneel down and beg for monthly tickets"

This chapter has been completed!
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