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Chapter 1101 Search

"By the way, director, that mysterious radio wave appeared again tonight. This is half of the telegram, which is the time when Section Chief Zhang played the dancing sound, about a minute or so."

"You mean, maybe someone in our station has a secret radio station?" Kang Zihua was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't help but look at Wang Shuxiang and asked seriously.

"No, I just feel strange. After all, the appearance of this radio station is so strange and there is no pattern. The transmission time may be long or short, sometimes it is only half a minute, sometimes it may be half an hour later."

"And the sound that Section Chief Zhang played tonight was a bit too coincidental."

A trace of doubt flashed across Kang Zihua's face, but he soon became determined.

"There's no rush now. We'll do a station-wide inspection at dawn. I want to see who hid the radio station in the station. If there is someone who hid the radio station secretly, then this person must be a mole."

As for Zhang Tianhao, he had no doubts this time. After all, it only took one or two minutes to go from the second floor to the third floor. Even if Zhang Tianhao played music, it was impossible to pack everything away. After all, the time was too short.

The most important thing is that Zhang Tianhao's office has already been searched by several women, trying to find some perfumes, cosmetics and the like.

When Secretary Ma entered, Zhang Tianhao was still writing, immersed in it, and had no time to cover up.

"The mole, it seems we still have a mole within us!"

As it got brighter and brighter, Zhang Tianhao felt a little uncomfortable lying on the table, and finally had to wake up and go downstairs. He saw Li Chenghu and others on duty.

Zhang Tianhao and Li Chenghu stood at the door of the office building, looking at the continuous drizzle outside, with a drizzle blowing over them from time to time.

"Hey, Cheng Hu, it looks like you haven't slept all night!"

Zhang Tianhao took out a cigarette and threw one over with a smile: "Many brothers seem to be low on energy."

"Chief Zhang, don't mention it, arrest an underground party, they have escaped!"

"It's impossible that someone ran away. It seems like no one went out last night. How could someone run away? Could it be that someone leaked the news?"

"Who knows, anyway, we were going to arrest the underground party. Even the bed was still hot. Obviously, the running time was not long. The same was true for Lao He. It took a long time to find out the home of the underground party.

As a result, the person disappeared. Apparently he received the message and ran away."

Li Chenghu also sighed, not even knowing what to say.

"Run away. If this is the case, is there an insider in our station, or was it discovered by the underground party when arresting people last night, which forced them to move out in advance?"

"Who knows, but Lao He and I were scolded a lot, and we didn't sleep well all night. Now this bowl of rice is getting more and more unpalatable."

"It's pretty good! There's nothing to complain about! I don't blame us for running away. It's just that I didn't have a good night's sleep. My whole body is a little sore and I feel very uncomfortable."

Zhang Tianhao just smiled, and then looked at the drizzle outside, which was still so dense, so thin, and so crystal clear.

What happened last night did not cause any disturbance in Beiping City, as if the arrest by the Party Affairs Office had never happened.

People still go to work, and people still do business. It's just that fewer vendors on the beach outside are out because of the rain.

"Cheng Hu, yesterday morning, the director seemed angry, and Section Chief Liu's face didn't look good. Did something happen?"

"Secretary Gao, who was captured last night, was poisoned to death. He only confessed a few words and was poisoned to death. We are currently investigating, but no results have been found yet!"

"Let's go, Deputy Section Chief Li is here!"

When Li Chenghu saw Li Linian who was about to walk out, he walked towards Li Linian. Apparently, he still had a certain degree of awe for the new deputy section chief Li.

Zhang Tianhao was also going to the cafeteria to have some breakfast. After all, it was after six o'clock and he was a little hungry.


At this moment, an emergency alarm sound was heard from inside the building, and the entire building became lively in the originally quiet morning.

There were many people still sleeping, but at this moment they put on their clothes and ran outside. After all, it was a fire alarm.

Kang Zihua also followed the crowd and walked outside, but he was not in a hurry. There was another person behind him, Xu Yaoqian, who also walked downstairs with secret help.

At this moment, a group of guards surrounded the entire compound. Even though it was still raining lightly outside, it still didn't stop. Even Kang Zihua was standing in the rain.

However, there was someone in front of him and Xu Yao holding an umbrella for them.

Zhang Tianhao stood outside and looked at the entire building. He didn't find any smoke coming from anywhere, or even anything inappropriate.

But as soon as he saw the gloomy faces of Kang Zihua and Xu Yaoqian, he knew that something might be going on again.

At the same time, the physical evidence section and the material section were also surrounded by people, but the physical evidence was on the second floor and the material section was on the first floor.

As for the physical evidence department, there was no one at all last night, and there was also no one in the material department.

Just when everyone was still confused and talking in low voices, they saw teams of action team members rushing in.

Not only the office building, but also the entire canteen and the duty house at the back were surrounded by members of the action team, and they rushed in one after another.

"What does this look like?"

Zhang Tianhao raised his hand and looked at the light rain in the sky, which made him feel uncomfortable all over. The rain was still falling, but when he looked at the actions of these action teams, he seemed to understand something.

Soon, he realized that the telegram from last night had been discovered. After all, if the phone call had not been made, there would have been only a radio station, and he had used the radio station to communicate with the other party last night. People from the Telecommunications Department

The whereabouts were discovered.

It wasn't through the phone, but it seemed that the people who went out last night were still under their control. The only way to send out information was through telegrams and the use of radio to send out information about the arrest of these two people.

"What a smart guy, this little detail was noticed!"

But he was not afraid. After all, he carried his radio with him and there was no need to worry about being discovered.

"What's going on?" The people on the side quickly started talking quietly. After all, it was not a good feeling to stay in the rain.

"Who knows, the director must have some reason for doing this. There have been so many strange things happening in our station this day. When it was about to break out, it happened for a while, and now it happens again. Isn't this surprising?

I went to bed. Now that I’m exposed to the light rain again, I might get sick.”

"Okay, stop talking. Didn't you see the livid look on the director's face? Don't give the director a chance to get angry!"

"Really, I didn't go home all night. I feel so bad all over. I don't know when I can go back and take a shower!"

Several people from Shaolou were talking quietly there, but although Kang Zihua could hear some faint sounds, he could only pretend that he didn't hear them at this time. After all, everything is false until evidence is found.

All are empty.

Zhang Tianhao just stood quietly in the rain, without speaking, but silently watching the development of things. After all, there were some things that he could only wait for.

This chapter has been completed!
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