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Spies abound

Spies abound

author:A stranger in the dust

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Last Update:07-21 13:35

Latest chapter:Chapter 2906 Destroy the Kodama Mechanism

What should you do when you find that your hands are stained with blood? Urgent online! What should you do when you find out that your predecessor was an absolute scumbag? Urgent! This is a self-salvation, a redemption carried out by a person who walks on the edge of gray. .

If you think《Spies abound》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《Spies abound》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 2906 Destroy the Kodama Mechanism
Chapter 3866: The Kodama Trap Again
Chapter 3865 Clearance
Chapter 3864: One person or multiple people?
Chapter 3863 Leaving
Chapter 3862 Questioning
Chapter 3861 Drinking
Chapter 3860 Killing
Chapter 3859: The Third Identity Issue
《Spies abound》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Accidental Rescue
Chapter 2 Dialogue
Chapter 3 Connectors
Chapter 4 Discovering Identity (Please collect and recommend)
Chapter 5 Reporting the crime (please collect and recommend)
Chapter 6 Plan
Chapter 7 Trouble
Chapter 8 Chase
Chapter 9 Capture
Chapter 10 Code Book
Chapter 11 Trial and Training
Chapter 12 Trial and Training (Part 2)
Chapter 13 Xu Yaoqian’s Tolerance
Chapter 14 News
Chapter 15 Reinterrogation of the Japanese Spy
Chapter 16 Being followed (please collect, please recommend)
Chapter 17 Warning
Chapter 18 Stockholm Syndrome
Chapter 19 Gun Dealing
Chapter 20 Entering the Youth League Headquarters
Chapter 21 Number Two
Chapter 22 The thief goes to catch the thief
Chapter 23 Clear goals
Chapter 24 Adding Newcomers
Chapter 25 Digging another hole
Chapter 26 Military Uniform
Chapter 27 Poor Ghost
Chapter 28 Appointment
Chapter 29 The pit is ready
Chapter 30 Everyone is different
Chapter 31 Loopholes
Chapter 32 Mark
Chapter 33: Elimination of adultery
Chapter 34 Internal Investigation
Chapter 35 I'm waiting for you
Chapter 36 Difficulties
Chapter 37 Arrest
Chapter 38 Framed
Chapter 39 Distribution
Chapter 40 Closing the Net
Chapter 41 Capture
Chapter 42 Inexplicable Enemy
Chapter 43 Rejection again
Chapter 44 Killer
Chapter 45 A vivid lesson (1)
Chapter 46 A vivid lesson (2)
Chapter 47 Another spy
Chapter 48 Discovering the accident
Chapter 49 Arresting people on the street
Chapter 50 Accidental rescue
Chapter 51 The first traitor appears
Chapter 52 Xia Chengfeng was arrested
Chapter 53 Execution
Chapter 54 You are a good person
Chapter 55 The Spring Breeze Comes into Prosperity
Chapter 56 Spring Breeze (2)
Chapter 57 Conflict
Chapter 58 Being scolded
Chapter 59 Another warning
Chapter 60 Destruction
Chapter 61 Meeting Migratory Birds
Chapter 62 IOU
Chapter 63 Found traces
Chapter 64 Inquiry
Chapter 65: Changing the sky and changing the day
Chapter 66 Confession
Chapter 67 Affidavit
Chapter 68 Miyuan escapes
Chapter 69 Distressed Migratory Birds
Chapter 70 Xu Yaoqians Action
Chapter 71 Being Deceived
Chapter 72 Victory must belong to us
Chapter 73 Buying people
Chapter 74 Someone is causing trouble
Chapter 75 Leaving early
Chapter 76 Encountering Bandits
Chapter 77 Mianning County
Chapter 78 Hanyuan Railway Station
Chapter 79 On the Train
Chapter 80 Small Conflict
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83 Hot Documents
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87 Gunshots
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91 Transfer
Chapter 92
Chapter 93 Qin Huangjian
Chapter 94 Chase (eighth update, please subscribe)
Chapter 95
Chapter 96 Qin Huangjian Plan
Chapter 97 Search
Chapter 98 No excuse
Chapter 99 A lot of things
Chapter 100 Explosion
Chapter 101 The woman in the box (third update)
Chapter 102 Savior
Chapter 103 Good show
Chapter 104 Another tail
Chapter 105 Delivering Messages
Chapter 106 Sword Guard
Chapter 107 Fate with women
Chapter 108 Taking Advantage
Chapter 109 Inquiry
Chapter 110 Something happened
Chapter 111 Bandits Attack
Chapter 112 Despised
Chapter 113 Hans’ Test
Chapter 114 Something was discovered
Chapter 115 Reporter Yang Hua
Chapter 116 The clue is broken again
Chapter 117 There is no fuel-efficient lamp
Chapter 118 It’s a bit messy
Chapter 119 Being plotted
Chapter 120 News
Chapter 121 Lao Qian was caught
Chapter 122 Emperor Qin’s Sword Appears
Chapter 123 Disappointment
Chapter 124 Analysis
Chapter 125 The second daughter’s decision
Chapter 126 Get rid of
Chapter 127 Discovered
Chapter 128 To Nanjing Station
Chapter 129 Being eavesdropped
Chapter 130 Being eavesdropped
Chapter 131 Meeting Xu Zengen
Chapter 132 Meeting the Commission
Chapter 133 Meeting Chen Min Again
Chapter 134 Meeting Dai Li
Chapter 135 Awarding of Honors
Chapter 136 Reception
Chapter 137 Trap
Chapter 138 Going to Shanghai
Chapter 139 Station Shooting
Chapter 140 Zhengjin Bank
Chapter 141 The Burnt No. 16
Chapter 142 The First Test
Chapter 143 New Identity
Chapter 144 Fishing
Chapter 145 Call Paul
Chapter 146 Goodbye Paul
Chapter 147 Order
Chapter 148 This is growth
Chapter 149 Preliminary Layout
Chapter 150 Chang Santangzi
Chapter 151 The Way of Balance
Chapter 152 Bank Robbery
Chapter 153 Citibank
Chapter 154 Arms Deal
Chapter 155 Paul causing trouble
Chapter 156 Where to go
Chapter 157 Chaotic Shanghai
Chapter 158 Return to Xichang
Chapter 159 Li Yan was arrested
Chapter 160 List
Chapter 161 Internal Investigation (1)
Chapter 162 Internal Investigation (2)
Chapter 163 Internal Investigation (3)
Chapter 164 Internal Investigation (4)
Chapter 165 Internal Investigation (5)
Chapter 166 Arresting people
Chapter 167 Death of Second Artillery
Chapter 168 Another spy
Chapter 169 Three glasses of wine
Chapter 170 Rescue
Chapter 171 Unexpected
Chapter 172 The situation is serious
Chapter 173 Investigating the Security Team
Chapter 174 Acting
Chapter 175 See Him Again
Chapter 176 Nangong Yan
Chapter 177 Torture Training Gunners
Chapter 178 Something happened to Luo Zhong
Chapter 179 Trigger
Chapter 180 Qiu Chan Plan
Chapter 181 People from Chengdu
Chapter 182 Changing dressing
Chapter 183 It can’t be her
Chapter 184 Arrogant Reporter
Chapter 185 Arrest
Chapter 186 Trial and Training
Chapter 187 Wrong Caught
Chapter 188 Anti-Communist Manual
Chapter 189 Baile Ballroom
Chapter 190 Young Master Jin
Chapter 191 Ambush
Chapter 192 Bandaging the Wound
Chapter 193 What’s supposed to come has come.
Chapter 194 Parting
Chapter 195 Omissions
Chapter 196 Catching the Thief
Chapter 197 Qin Yuxiang is back
Chapter 198 The weapons depot was destroyed
Chapter 199 Replacement
Chapter 200 Being ambushed again
Chapter 201 Three Assassinations
Chapter 202 Excited He Bao
Chapter 203 'Death of Zhang Tianhao'
Chapter 204 Reactions from All Parties
Chapter 205 Entering the Li Family Again
Chapter 206 Killing
Chapter 207 Save Xu Yaoqian
Chapter 208 Wen Renjies anger
Chapter 209 The drama is getting deeper and deeper
Chapter 210 Caught
Chapter 211 Zhang Tianhao’s Wrath
Chapter 212 Wen Renjie’s random thoughts
Chapter 213 Protecting the Webmaster
Chapter 214 Shit Bomb
Chapter 215: Arrest someone but get arrested instead
Chapter 216 Poisoning
Chapter 217 Xu Wen’s plan
Chapter 218 Xichang Station was bombed
Chapter 219 Crazy
Chapter 220 Wen Renjie is speechless
Chapter 221 Another Assassination
Chapter 222 Smuggling (1)
Chapter 223 Smuggling (2)
Chapter 224 Murder and heart-breaking
Chapter 225 Relief
Chapter 226 Discharge
Chapter 227 Ambush
Chapter 228 Arrogant and powerful
Chapter 229 Moon Shadow
Chapter 230 Strange Phone Call
Chapter 231 Strange Phone Call (2)
Chapter 232 Appointment
Chapter 233 It’s her
Chapter 234 Who plots against whom?
Chapter 235 Poison move
Chapter 236 Treating Students
Chapter 237 Death of Luo Zhong
Chapter 238 A Gratitude
Chapter 239 Blockade
Chapter 240 Investigation
Chapter 241 Li Yan’s excitement
Chapter 242 Meeting Again
Chapter 243 Xu Yaoqian’s suspicion
Chapter 244 Rescue
Chapter 245 Trap
Chapter 246 Death of Liu Qingyue
Chapter 247 Zhang Tianhao’s actions
Chapter 248 'Death of the Old Bird'
Chapter 249 Migratory Birds Captured
Chapter 250 Failed Action
Chapter 251 Emergency Action
Chapter 252 Battle
Chapter 253 Lao Li’s choice
Chapter 254 Backhand
Chapter 255 Password
Chapter 256 Wang Changshun
Chapter 257 Delivering the Message
Chapter 258 Drinking
Chapter 259 Meeting
Chapter 260 Death of Wang Changshun
Chapter 261 Disappointment
Chapter 262 The confidence of the third team
Chapter 263 Dealing with Four People
Chapter 264 Theater
Chapter 265 Passing
Chapter 266 Cai Feng complains
Chapter 267 Communication
Chapter 268 The food collection team was robbed
Chapter 269 Qin Yuxiang exposed
Chapter 270 The last meeting
Chapter 271 Tracking
Chapter 272 Search
Chapter 273 Another test
Chapter 274 Quarrel
Chapter 275 Successful Escape
Chapter 276 Another frame-up
Chapter 277 Past events exposed
Chapter 278 Interrogation
Chapter 279 Xu Yaoqian’s suspicion
Chapter 280 Wen Renjie comes again
Chapter 281 Suspect
Chapter 282 Zhang Tianhao’s redemption (1)
Chapter 283 Zhang Tianhao’s redemption (2)
Chapter 284 Zhang Tianhao’s redemption (3)
Chapter 285 Leaked news
Chapter 286 Failed Capture
Chapter 287 Execution Order
Chapter 288 Adjustment
Chapter 289 Rescue
Chapter 290 Guidance
Chapter 291 Garrison
Chapter 292 Stealing Cannon
Chapter 293 Asking to see you again
Chapter 294 See you again
Chapter 295 Troop Defense Plan
Chapter 296 Resignation
Chapter 297 Top Secret Telegram
Chapter 298 Investigation
Chapter 299 Killer on the way
Chapter 300 Shelling the Xichang Party Headquarters
Chapter 301 Citywide Manhunt
Chapter 302 New Year
Chapter 303 Unlucky Day
Chapter 304 Encounter on the Road
Chapter 305 Stronghold
Chapter 306 Renting a House
Chapter 307 Meeting the Japanese Spy Again
Chapter 308 Trial and Training
Chapter 309 Trial and Training (2)
Chapter 310 Trial and Training (3)
Chapter 311 Give up the credit
Chapter 312 Xu Zeng’en, the master of seclusion
Chapter 313: Elimination of Adultery
Chapter 314 Goodbye Yayue
Chapter 315 Mission
Chapter 316: Tall and Superior
Chapter 317 Unnamed Radio Station
Chapter 318 Red Party Radio
Chapter 319 Sickness
Chapter 320 Being Trapped
Chapter 321 Amorous Encounter (1)
Chapter 322 Amorous Encounter (2)
Chapter 323 Marlene Lu
Chapter 324 'February Plan'
Chapter 325 Thief
Chapter 326 Forwarding Message
Chapter 327 Sasaki’s invitation
Chapter 328 Yaxin Road
Chapter 329 Joint
Chapter 330 Big Cauliflower
Chapter 331 Identity Exposed
Chapter 332 Helpless Cauliflower
Chapter 333 Marlene Lu’s Temptation
Chapter 334 Unexpected Plan
Chapter 335 Casino
Chapter 336 News
Chapter 337 Mediation
Chapter 338 The second plan
Chapter 339 Camellia
Chapter 340 Mission Completed
Chapter 341 There is a behind the scenes
Chapter 342 Beheading
Chapter 343 Another identity exposed
Chapter 344 Meeting Xu Zengen
Chapter 345 Target Stock
Chapter 346 First Arrival in Peking
Chapter 347 Son
Chapter 348 Yuxiang is missing
Chapter 349 The strength surges
Chapter 350 Shanghai Stocks
Chapter 351 Peking University Mission
Chapter 352 Entering Peking University
Chapter 353 Rice Insect
Chapter 354 《Fragment》
Chapter 355: Confinement
Chapter 356 Mission Completed
Chapter 357 Xu Yaoqian’s request for help
Chapter 358 Zhang Tianhao helps
Chapter 359 Suppressing the Student Movement
Chapter 360 Student Movement
Chapter 361 Taking shelter from the limelight
Chapter 362 An Kexin’s awakening
Chapter 363 August 1st Declaration
Chapter 364 Crazy Income
Chapter 365 Reporting Yuxiang (Thanks to An Gang for the big reward)
Chapter 366 Son
Chapter 367 Shen Zhihe’s anger
Chapter 368 The Prairie Overhead
Chapter 369 Meeting Again
Chapter 370 Lao Fan buys a gun
Chapter 371 Cooperation
Chapter 372 Yonghe Tea House
Chapter 373 Thirteenth Sister
Chapter 374 Adopting Orphans
Chapter 375 Eavesdropping
Chapter 376 Report
Chapter 377 The Bitterness of the Agent
Chapter 378 Search again
Chapter 379 Harvest
Chapter 380 Temptation fails
Chapter 381 Fan Yijian’s doubts
Chapter 382 Discovering the Stronghold
Chapter 383 Being Rejected
Chapter 384 Special Envoy
Chapter 385 Assassin
Chapter 386 Assassin (2)
Chapter 387 Boss Wen
Chapter 388 Tough attitude
Chapter 389 The enemy is on the move
Chapter 390 The enemy is in action (2)
Chapter 391 Blocking
Chapter 392 Plane Accident
Chapter 393 Plane Accident (2)
Chapter 394 Successful Landing (Additional update for Anyang)
Chapter 395 Chen Min’s temptation
Chapter 396 Missy
Chapter 397 Mercenary York
Chapter 398 September Plan (Please subscribe)
Chapter 399 Setting up a trap
Chapter 400 Darkroom
Chapter 401 Take action in advance
Chapter 402 Doubt
Chapter 403 Testing each other
Chapter 404 Zhang Tianhao’s Target
Chapter 405: Open Robbery
Chapter 406 Ans fathers choice
Chapter 407 Official Military Rank: Lieutenant
Chapter 408 Roster
Chapter 409 Lao Tang’s sadness (please subscribe)
Chapter 410 Lao Tang is sad
Chapter 411 Shen Zhihe was shot
Chapter 412 Zhang Tianhao makes trouble
Chapter 413 Winning Money
Chapter 414 Calculation
Chapter 415 Chaotic Beiping Station
Chapter 416 Xu Yaoqian takes over
Chapter 417 Stalking
Chapter 418 Picking up people
Chapter 419 Unexpected Discovery
Chapter 420 Tracking
Chapter 421 Emergency Action
Chapter 422 The mantis complements the cicada
Chapter 423 The oriole is behind
Chapter 424 First meeting with Boss Mei
Chapter 425 Meeting Mei Miaomiao (2)
Chapter 426 Meeting Mei Miaomiao (3)
Chapter 427 Killing Hu Sihai
Chapter 428 Planting a thorn
Chapter 429 Go to Peking University again
Chapter 430 Captain Zhao
Chapter 431 Transaction
Chapter 432 Zhang Tianhao’s Troubles
Chapter 433 Secretly arresting Ling Musen
Chapter 434 The Real Butterfly Group
Chapter 464 Inquiry
Chapter 436 Shen Zhihe is suspicious again
Chapter 437 Society
Chapter 438 The site is out of money
Chapter 439
Chapter 440 Economic measures are initially effective
Chapter 441 Appeal
Chapter 442 The First Conspiracy
Chapter 443 Training Students
Chapter 444 Another General
Chapter 445 Join forces
Chapter 446 Newspaper
Chapter 447 Everyone is shocked
Chapter 448 Boss Mei’s identity
Chapter 449 Death of Zhang Qirong
Chapter 450 Internal Investigation
Chapter 451 Shen Zhihe doesn’t give up
Chapter 452 Xu Yaoqian complained
Chapter 453 Goodbye Mei Miaomiao
Chapter 454 Meeting Lao Fan
Chapter 455 Shen Zhihe is assassinated again
Chapter 456 Set an Example
Chapter 457 Zhang Tianhao’s response
Chapter 458 Xu Yaoqian returns
Chapter 459 Arrangement
Chapter 460: Killing
Chapter 461 Xu Yaoqian takes power
Chapter 462 Xu Yaoqian is suspicious
Chapter 463 The Special Commissioner Arrives
Chapter 464 Inquiry
Chapter 465 Rambling
Chapter 466 The helplessness of the special correspondent
Chapter 467 Zhang Tianhao’s cruelty
Chapter 468 Zhang Tianhao sets up a trap
Chapter 469 Adjutant Mas revolt
Chapter 470 The Special Commissioner Leaves
Chapter 471 Xu Yaoqians warning
Chapter 472 Zhang Tianhao’s idea
Chapter 473 Dialogue with Xia Yi
Chapter 474 Sweeping the End
Chapter 475 The clone is full of power
Chapter 476 Giving a Choice
Chapter 477 Something strange happened
Chapter 478 Tracking
Chapter 479 Seems like we’ve lost again
Chapter 480 Qian Jun asks for help
Chapter 481 Sentry Training
Chapter 482 Smuggling
Chapter 483 Broadcast
Chapter 484 Legal Currency Reappears
Chapter 485 Being Played
Chapter 486 Mayor Song will take office
Chapter 487 Special Envoy Lao Liu
Chapter 488 The incident happened
Chapter 489 Rescue
Chapter 490 Lao Fan Exposed
Chapter 491 Wanping Investigation Section
Chapter 492 Marco Polo Bridge
Chapter 493 Zhang Tianhaos Analysis
Chapter 494 Lina asks for help
Chapter 495 Bloody Incident
Chapter 496: Dividing the dirt
Chapter 497 Encountering Extra-High School Classes Again
Chapter 498 Making things difficult
Chapter 499 Xia Yi feels aggrieved
Chapter 500 Making things difficult
Chapter 501 The eldest lady arrives
Chapter 502 Outside the Door
Chapter 503 I heard that men are disgusting
Chapter 504 Being Beaten
Chapter 505 So that’s it
Chapter 506 Accident
Chapter 507 Lao Liu’s Dilemma
Chapter 508 Successful Contact
Chapter 509 Another surveillance
Chapter 510 Giving Money
Chapter 511 Lao Liu was shocked
Chapter 512 Achieved
Chapter 513 Dancing Girl
Chapter 514 Making things difficult
Chapter 515: Sister-in-law
Chapter 516 Diary
Chapter 517 Shame and Annoyance
Chapter 518 Class
Chapter 519 Trial and Training
Chapter 520 Tail
Chapter 521 Clarification
Chapter 522 Xu Yaoqians mediation
Chapter 523 Observation
Chapter 524 Sending supplies
Chapter 525 The final word
Chapter 526 Warning
Chapter 527 Transfer
Chapter 528 A helpless choice
Chapter 529 Tragedy
Chapter 530 The feeling of trust
Chapter 531 Execution
Chapter 532 Death and Life
Chapter 533 Jidong
Chapter 534 Capture
Chapter 535 Bloody Smell
Chapter 536 Joining forces with Zhuang Ling
Chapter 537 The villain dies because he talks too much
Chapter 538 Wake up
Chapter 539 Jidong Anti-Red Autonomous Plan
Chapter 540 Stealing Again
Chapter 541 Reactions from all parties
Chapter 542 Assassination Mission
Chapter 543 Brewing
Chapter 544 Radio Dilemma
Chapter 545 Task assigned
Chapter 546 Psychological suggestion
Chapter 547 Setting up a roadblock
Chapter 548 Documents
Chapter 549: Win the level
Chapter 550 Zhou Shiguang
Chapter 551 Success can be copied
Chapter 552 Xia Yi’s Failure
Chapter 553 Power on
Chapter 554 Goodbye by the river
Chapter 555 Entering the Banquet
Chapter 556 Leaving
Chapter 557 Explosion
Chapter 558 Investigation
Chapter 559 Harvest and Shift
Chapter 560 Issue a test
Chapter 561 Xia Yi’s Battle Damage
Chapter 562 Don’t touch the spring water with ten fingers
Chapter 563 Destruction
Chapter 564: Being doused with red wine again
Chapter 565 Escape from Death
Chapter 566 Chen Xuan’s bitterness
Chapter 567 Lao Dao’s betrayal
Chapter 568 Safe House
Chapter 569 Meeting an acquaintance again
Chapter 570 Private Interrogation
Chapter 571 Test
Chapter 572 Red Soil
Chapter 573 Iron Factory
Chapter 574 Leaking Secrets
Chapter 575 Tracking
Chapter 576 Monitoring
Chapter 577 Establishing an Orphanage
Chapter 578 Give more money
Chapter 579 Test
Chapter 580 Debriefing
Chapter 581 Xia Yis dissatisfaction
Chapter 582 Xu Yaoqian’s doubts
Chapter 583 Borrowing a Knife
Chapter 584 Are everyone else fools?
Chapter 585 Xu Yaoqians cruelty
Chapter 586 Difficulty of the Task
Chapter 587 Wansheng Trading Company
Chapter 588 Difficulties
Chapter 589 Sanyuan Branch
Chapter 590 Bar
Chapter 591 Deadlock
Chapter 592 Identity leaked
Chapter 593 Reason
Chapter 594 It’s still too late
Chapter 595 One Shot
Chapter 596 Evacuation
Chapter 597 Orphanage Started
Chapter 598 Zhang Li’s Gratitude
Chapter 599 Rescue
Chapter 600 Meeting the girl
Chapter 601 The purpose of coming to Peking
Chapter 602 Goodbye Big Sister
Chapter 603 Lao Qin
Chapter 604 Explanation
Chapter 605 Before leaving
Chapter 606 Borrowing a Knife
Chapter 607 Spread
Chapter 608 Burning Hongji Shantang
Chapter 609 The Snake Gang is destroyed
Chapter 610 Zhou Chuyi is being followed
Chapter 611 Stealing
Chapter 612 Return to Peking
Chapter 613 Lao Liu’s shock
Chapter 614 Xu Yaoqian is back
Chapter 615 Destroying Hongji Shantang Again
Chapter 616 The students suffer
Chapter 617 Check the Radio Station
Chapter 618 Radio Problem
Chapter 619 It’s still a problem with the radio station
Chapter 620 Business Password
Chapter 621 Determining the Position
Chapter 622 Search
Chapter 623 Successfully captured
Chapter 624 The front door
Chapter 625 Joint
Chapter 626 Reminder
Chapter 627 Bloodshed
Chapter 628 The Huazi Gang
Chapter 629 Report
Chapter 630 Chen Qin meets
Chapter 631
Chapter 632 A different kind of interrogation
Chapter 633 Mayor Song
Chapter 634 Qianyou speaks
Chapter 635 Catch them all in one fell swoop
Chapter 636 Arrogant Girl
Chapter 637 Retrial of Song Han
Chapter 638 Going South
Chapter 639 Is it a plot?
Chapter 640 Bamboo Trap
Chapter 641 Arrival
Chapter 642 Scapegoat
Chapter 643: Putting the blame on
Chapter 644 The Japanese again
Chapter 645 Opening your mouth
Chapter 646 Song Hans Collapse
Chapter 647 Dongsui Hutong
Chapter 648 The anxious Lao Qin
Chapter 649 Leaving Successfully
Chapter 650 Dropping out of school
Chapter 651 Trust
Chapter 652 Photos
Chapter 653 Traitor
Chapter 654 Telegraph Office
Chapter 655 Nationalists
Chapter 656 Lao Qin asks for help
Chapter 657 Suspicion
Chapter 658 Visitors
Chapter 659 Emergency
Chapter 660 Anxious Lao Qin (1)
Chapter 661 Anxious Lao Qin (2)
Chapter 662 The child’s kindness
Chapter 663 Lao Qin’s anxiety (3)
Chapter 664 Not cruel enough
Chapter 665 Little Policeman
Chapter 666 Joint (1)
Chapter 667 Joint (2)
Chapter 668 Anxious Lao Qin (4)
Chapter 669 No. 0
Chapter 670 Arrival
Chapter 671 Xu Yaoqians troubles
Chapter 672 Connection Problem
Chapter 673 Accident (1)
Chapter 674 Accident (2)
Chapter 675 Zhang Tianhaos Judgment
Chapter 676 Xu Yaoqians purpose
Chapter 677 Chen Min Arrives
Chapter 678 Zhou Chen Meets
Chapter 679 Money charms the eyes
Chapter 680 Always walk by the river
Chapter 681 Testing
Chapter 682 People were stolen
Chapter 683 Chaos
Chapter 684 Helpless
Chapter 685 Analysis
Chapter 686 The Disappearance of Qin Xiaozhu
Chapter 687 Clues (1)
Chapter 688 Clues (2)
Chapter 689 The Final Contact Person
Chapter 690 Big Arrest (1)
Chapter 691 Big Arrest (2)
Chapter 692 Guess
Chapter 693 Analysis
Chapter 694 A good start
Chapter 695 A good start (2)
Chapter 696 Searching
Chapter 697 Qin Youde is about to leave
Chapter 698 Being followed
Chapter 699 Farewell
Chapter 700 Excited
Chapter 701 The whereabouts of Li Chunsheng
Chapter 702 Passing
Chapter 703 Eliminating hidden dangers
Chapter 704 Can I trust you?
Chapter 705 Snatching
Chapter 706 Leading People
Chapter 707 Death of Li Chunsheng
Chapter 708 An unexpected phone call
Chapter 709 Return
Chapter 710 The identity of the salesman is exposed
Chapter 711 Crisis
Chapter 712 Take away in advance
Chapter 713 Unexpected News
Chapter 714 Tracking
Chapter 715 Breaking into Hotan Pharmacy
Chapter 716 Mission Completed
Chapter 717 Death of Wu Zhizhong
Chapter 718 Zhang Tianhao’s worries
Chapter 719 Meeting
Chapter 720
Chapter 721 Assassination
Chapter 722 Three Things
Chapter 723 Lao Qin’s anger
Chapter 724 No Secrets
Chapter 725 Tracking
Chapter 726 Entering Miyun
Chapter 727 Looking for a flower girl
Chapter 728 Go to the second floor
Chapter 729 Joint
Chapter 730 Redemption
Chapter 731 Zhao Liu
Chapter 732 Return
Chapter 733 Getting ready to go to Nanjing
Chapter 734 Arms Deal
Chapter 735 Another salesman
Chapter 736 Goodbye Qinghe
Chapter 737 Plan
Chapter 738 Substituting one thing for another
Chapter 739 Delivery
Chapter 740 Arrest
Chapter 741 Selling News
Chapter 742 Someone jumps out
Chapter 743 Losing face
Chapter 744 Traitor
Chapter 745 Tanaka Masaru Asks for Medicine
Chapter 746 Arresting people
Chapter 747 Fighting with weapons
Chapter 748 Sanhetang is destroyed
Chapter 749 Death of Master Yu
Chapter 750 Contact
Chapter 751 The Value of Documents
Chapter 752 Killing Intention
Chapter 753 The conflicted eldest lady
Chapter 754 The eldest lady invites you
Chapter 755 Being Beaten
Chapter 756: So daring
Chapter 757 Abacus
Chapter 758 Mayor Yus unwillingness
Chapter 759 Shopping
Chapter 760 'Dream Wedding'
Chapter 761 Buying Books
Chapter 762 Joint
Chapter 763 Found being followed
Chapter 764 Transfer
Chapter 765 Lao Liu returns to Peiping
Chapter 766 Wu Teng’s Problem
Chapter 767 Protecting Talents
Chapter 768 Exclusion from Investigation
Chapter 769 Meeting everyone
Chapter 770 Xu Yaoqian’s worries
Chapter 771 Shihu Gang
Chapter 772 Destroy the Stone Tiger
Chapter 773 The changes in Lao Qin
Chapter 774 Chen Yuxin was released on bail
Chapter 775 On the train
Chapter 776 Archives
Chapter 777 Warning
Chapter 778 Kang Zihua Arrives
Chapter 779 Result
Chapter 780 It’s getting cold
Chapter 781 Out of Control
Chapter 782 Processing
Chapter 783 The duo seeking death
Chapter 784 The name of the disaster star
Chapter 785 Investigation
Chapter 786 Testing
Chapter 787 Escape from the tigers mouth
Chapter 788 Arrest
Chapter 789 Cost embarrassment
Chapter 790 Changshan
Chapter 791 Lao Liu frowned
Chapter 792 Ambush
Chapter 793 Follow-up
Chapter 794 Flying Eagle Hall
Chapter 795 Dilemma
Chapter 796 Inquiry
Chapter 797 A hint of flaw
Chapter 798 Safe House No. 3
Chapter 799 Trap
Chapter 800 Missed
Chapter 801 Lao Liu was discovered
Chapter 802 Feelings
Chapter 803 Interrogation of Chang Shan
Chapter 804 Clues
Chapter 805
Chapter 806 Exaggerated subsidies
Chapter 807 Li Tianze
Chapter 808 Will you marry me?
Chapter 809 Worry
Chapter 810 Clearance
Chapter 811 Retreating to Advance
Chapter 812 Asking for leave
Chapter 813 Surgery
Chapter 814 Connector Telegram
Chapter 815 Important News
Chapter 816 Reply
Chapter 817 Being monitored
Chapter 818 Emergency
Chapter 819 Another problem
Chapter 820 Surgery
Chapter 821 Formal Joint
Chapter 822 Its hard to find a medicine
Chapter 823 An unexpected surprise
Chapter 824 Qian Jun’s Report
Chapter 825 Qin Yuxiang’s Rejection
Chapter 826 Liu Chengzhis doubts
Chapter 827 Burning Incense
Chapter 828 The seventh team was wiped out
Chapter 829 Wake up
Chapter 830 Materials
Chapter 831 Pointing to the Gang
Chapter 832 Pointing to the Gang (Part 2)
Chapter 833 The Chief’s Surprise
Chapter 834 Treat An Qi to dinner
Chapter 835 Who is this person from?
Chapter 836 Abnormal Phone Call
Chapter 837 Yan'er
Chapter 838 Playing with Yuyan again
Chapter 839 Businessman Incident
Chapter 840 Zhou Chuyi leaves the city
Chapter 841 Being plotted
Chapter 842 Strike
Chapter 843 It really begins
Chapter 844 Top Cow Kang Zihua
Chapter 845 Zhang Tianhao gets angry
Chapter 846 Breaking up
Chapter 847 Happy Chen Xuan
Chapter 848 Favor Materials
Chapter 849 Problems everywhere
Chapter 850 Kang Zihuas anger
Chapter 851 Rogers alertness
Chapter 852 Convergence
Chapter 853 An Qi’s Worry
Chapter 854 Three parties join forces
Chapter 855 Mr. Tang
Chapter 856: Praise and Killing
Chapter 857 Trampled to Kill
Chapter 858 Crossing Luochuan
Chapter 859 Arrive at Yan'an
Chapter 860 Meeting the Chief
Chapter 861 Return
Chapter 862 Roger’s Abnormal Assessment
Chapter 863 Substitute
Chapter 864 Details determine success or failure
Chapter 865 People coming from Nanjing
Chapter 866 Punishment and Tasks
Chapter 867 Kang Zihua’s shock
Chapter 868 What Captain Zhao means
Chapter 869 Beware of Everything
Chapter 870 First Meeting with Japanese Soldiers
Chapter 871 Revenge
Chapter 872 Secret Message
Chapter 873 Easily check in
Chapter 874 Platoon Leader Shangs helplessness
Chapter 875 The inner ghost appears
Chapter 876 Trap
Chapter 877 Complete the mission
Chapter 878 Return to Peking
Chapter 879 Answering reporters questions
Chapter 880 Two Attitudes
Chapter 881 March Plan
Chapter 882 Mailbox
Chapter 883 Peeping
Chapter 884 Underground Radio
Chapter 885 Its the radio station again
Chapter 886 The Secret of the Well
Chapter 887 Buying a Home
Chapter 888 Mini Game
Chapter 889 Transaction
Chapter 890 Kang Zihuas helplessness
Chapter 891 Meeting Qin Youde
Chapter 892 Recruiting
Chapter 893 Planning task allocation
Chapter 894 The arrest failed
Chapter 895 Detailed mistakes
Chapter 896 Actor Alley
Chapter 897 Harvest
Chapter 898 Arresting People
Chapter 899 Dont test your faith
Chapter 900 Dong Biqis methods
Chapter 901 Xuchang has good intentions but does bad things
Chapter 902 Investigate where to go
Chapter 903 Xuchangs Rebellion
Chapter 904 Sweeping the End
Chapter 905 Lie Detector
Chapter 906 Marriage Event
Chapter 907 Marriage Event (2)
Chapter 908 Marriage Event (3)
Chapter 909 Radio
Chapter 910 Telephone
Chapter 911 Telephone Crisis
Chapter 912 Delay
Chapter 913 Emergency Evacuation
Chapter 914 Failed Capture
Chapter 915 Insider
Chapter 916 Object
Chapter 917 Matchmaker
Chapter 918 Assassination
Chapter 919: Powerless
Chapter 920 Wang Biao’s Suspicion
Chapter 921 Asking for advice
Chapter 922 Killing the Traitor with His Hands
Chapter 923 The murder of a piece of candy
Chapter 924 Masters of Jianghu
Chapter 925 Latent Plan
Chapter 926 Blind Date
Chapter 927 Test
Chapter 928 Zhang Tianhaos answer
Chapter 929 Test and Target
Chapter 930 Meeting Mr. Hua
Chapter 931 Du Xinran was arrested
Chapter 932 Trial and Training
Chapter 933: Accounting for Kang Zihua
Chapter 934 Smoke?
Chapter 935 Assigning Personnel
Chapter 936 Ambush (Thanks to An Gang for the big reward)
Chapter 937 Cleaning up the mess
Chapter 938 Dong Biqis Research
Chapter 939 Xishan Encirclement and Suppression
Chapter 940 Xiliang Village Massacre
Chapter 941 Return to Peking
Chapter 942 Putting the blame on
Chapter 943 Events ferment
Chapter 944 Fermentation (2)
Chapter 945 Triangulation
Chapter 946 Letter
Chapter 947 Delivering Medicine
Chapter 948 Explosion
Chapter 949: Same blame
Chapter 950 Innocent Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 951 New Mission
Chapter 952 Nervous
Chapter 953 The conspiracy behind the scenes
Chapter 954 New Discovery
Chapter 955 Clash with Peach Blossom
Chapter 956 The Three Kingdoms are almost here
Chapter 957 Blackstone Town
Chapter 958 Du Xinrans mission
Chapter 959 Set off towards the goal
Chapter 960 A new song and a glass of wine
Chapter 961 The fish is hooked
Chapter 962 Sneaking into the Party Affairs Office
Chapter 963 One Pot
Chapter 964 Test
Chapter 965: Digging out the mole again
Chapter 966: Digging out the mole again (2)
Chapter 967 Using dirty tricks
Chapter 968 Unexpected Discovery
Chapter 969 Teaching
Chapter 970 Preparatory Party Member
Chapter 971 News
Chapter 972 News about Huang Kuan
Chapter 973 Trap
Chapter 974 Seeing people
Chapter 975 Treatment
Chapter 976 Kang is coming back
Chapter 977 Urging marriage
Chapter 978 Placement
Chapter 979 Unexpected News
Chapter 980 French Restaurant
Chapter 981 Contact Qin Yuxiang
Chapter 982 Arms Deal
Chapter 983 Another salesman
Chapter 984 Trap
Chapter 985 Disappointment
Chapter 986 Who is it?
Chapter 987 Qiu Bings Tears
Chapter 988 Emergency Mission
Chapter 989 Mission
Chapter 990 Thunder Tiger
Chapter 991 Thunder Tiger (2)
Chapter 992 Transfer
Chapter 993 Resigning the Mission
Chapter 994 The Angry Nanshan
Chapter 995 Talking about the salesman again
Chapter 996 Transaction
Chapter 997 Trial
Chapter 998 Old Man
Chapter 999 First Battalion Equipment
Chapter 1000 The Missing Professor Jin
Chapter 1001 Reception
Chapter 1002 Miss Yu
Chapter 1003 Dancing
Chapter 1004 Qin Youde’s Suspicion
Chapter 1005 Fake Professor (Thanks to DGcyc for the reward, please subscribe)
Chapter 1006 Fake Professor (2)
Chapter 1007 Assassination
Chapter 1008 Fake Professor (3)
Chapter 1009: Shifting the blame
Chapter 1010: Shifting the blame (2)
Chapter 1011 Corpse meal
Chapter 1012 Xin Ran who knows how to perform
Chapter 1013 Monitor
Chapter 1014 Returning Warrior
Chapter 1015 Ebixi Purpose
Chapter 1016 Ebisis actions
Chapter 1017 Marriage
Chapter 1018 Arrangement
Chapter 1019 Xin Ran blocks it
Chapter 1020 Japanese
Chapter 1021 Noriko
Chapter 1022 Disappointed Ebisi
Chapter 1023 Lost hope
Chapter 1024 Yu Sanping exposed
Chapter 1025 Bonus
Chapter 1026 Paper Ball
Chapter 1027 Doubts
Chapter 1028 Target
Chapter 1029 Account
Chapter 1030 Action failed
Chapter 1031 Xu Yaoqian was ambushed
Chapter 1032 Despair
Chapter 1033 Rescue
Chapter 1034 Dong Biqi escaped
Chapter 1035 Nervous (Thanks to DGcyc for the big reward)
Chapter 1036 Pressure
Chapter 1037 Army Expansion
Chapter 1038 Urgent Telegram
Chapter 1039 Basement
Chapter 1040 Another killer
Chapter 1041 Another killer (2)
Chapter 1042 Blame
Chapter 1043 No clues
Chapter 1044 Black Gun
Chapter 1045 Arresting people
Chapter 1046 News
Chapter 1047 Someone lives there
Chapter 1048: foil mission
Chapter 1049 Give up the plan
Chapter 1050 Discover whereabouts
Chapter 1051 Caught
Chapter 1052 Buying Credit
Chapter 1053 Face
Chapter 1054 Another Assassination
Chapter 1055 Lao Qin is worried about money
Chapter 1056 Liu Chengzhi’s Interrogation and Training
Chapter 1057 Reminder
Chapter 1058 Underground News
Chapter 1059 Report
Chapter 1060 Review
Chapter 1061 Sister-in-law He
Chapter 1062 Anxious Kang Zihua
Chapter 1063 Clean Cell
Chapter 1064 Reception
Chapter 1065 Unique interrogation
Chapter 1066 Success
Chapter 1067 High profile
Chapter 1068 Urging marriage
Chapter 1069 Joint
Chapter 1070 Confirmation
Chapter 1071 Blame the blame
Chapter 1072
Chapter 1073 Jealousy
Chapter 1074 An unexpected person
Chapter 1075 Kawaguchi Noriko is released
Chapter 1076 Disappointment
Chapter 1077 Another mission
Chapter 1078 Mission
Chapter 1079 Delivering the Message
Chapter 1080 Small Business
Chapter 1081 Ambush
Chapter 1082 Ambush
Chapter 1083 Tragic
Chapter 1084 Return
Chapter 1085 Qin Youde Recruits
Chapter 1086 Du Xinran visits the class
Chapter 1087 Misunderstanding
Chapter 1088 Du Xinran appears
Chapter 1089 Donation
Chapter 1090 Meeting Gift
Chapter 1091: Taking sides
Chapter 1092 Angelica
Chapter 1093 Arrest
Chapter 1094 Feeling of Powerlessness
Chapter 1095 Emergency Report
Chapter 1096 Dawn
Chapter 1097 Farewell
Chapter 1098 Betrayal (Thanks Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 1099 Poisoning
Chapter 1100 Suspicion (Thanks to Angang for the big reward)
Chapter 1101 Search
Chapter 1102 The scapegoat
Chapter 1103 Notebook
Chapter 1104 The first hesitation
Chapter 1105 Manuscript
Chapter 1106 Re-copied
Chapter 1107 Du Family
Chapter 1108 Wedding Dress
Chapter 1109 Good Guy Card
Chapter 1110 Feeling the pressure
Chapter 1111 Congratulations
Chapter 1112. Misappropriating Guns
Chapter 1113 'Miracles in the Year of Strength'
Chapter 1114 Kang Zihua’s Roar
Chapter 1115 Add another fire
Chapter 1116 Roses and Desserts
Chapter 1117 No more bullets
Chapter 1118 The old tree is frightened by the wind and the tiger sleeps
Chapter 1119 Handwriting Identification
Chapter 1120 Li Linian is on trial
Chapter 1121 Li Linian is on trial (2)
Chapter 1122 The first mission
Chapter 1123 Urgent Mission
Chapter 1124 Escort
Chapter 1125 Hostage Exchange (1)
Chapter 1126 Hostage Exchange (2)
Chapter 1127 Fierce Battle in the Jungle
Chapter 1128 The confused Kawaguchi
Chapter 1129 Teahouse
Chapter 1130: Connect in advance
Chapter 1131 Kang Xus Silence
Chapter 1132 Comrade
Chapter 1133 Return to Peking
Chapter 1134 Nervous Xinran
Chapter 1135 Silly Girl
Chapter 1136 Copper Incident
Chapter 1137 Infiltration Plan
Chapter 1138 Wild Wolf
Chapter 1139 Reminder
Chapter 1140 Following
Chapter 1141 Im in a good mood and scold others.
Chapter 1142 See the plan again
Chapter 1143 Screening
Chapter 1144 Clarification
Chapter 1145 Angels Compromise
Chapter 1146 Xu Kangs conspiracy
Chapter 1147 Little Sword Girl
Chapter 1148 Conditions
Chapter 1149 Happiness Clinic
Chapter 1150 Dong Biqi was assassinated
Chapter 1151 Only a devil is willing
Chapter 1152 Copper Information
Chapter 1153: The gangster eats the gangster
Chapter 1154 The Little Sword Girl’s Choice
Chapter 1155
Chapter 1156 Death of Li Linian
Chapter 1157 The same people
Chapter 1158 New Mission
Chapter 1159 Departure
Chapter 1189 Lixingshe joins
Chapter 1161 Gu Yuejiao
Chapter 1162 Du Mus suggestion
Chapter 1163 Getting married
Chapter 1164 Kang Zihuas conspiracy
Chapter 1165 Breaking in
Chapter 1166 Base Area
Chapter 1167 Mission Completed
Chapter 1168 Coming back soon
Chapter 1169 Arrest
Chapter 1170 Go Home
Chapter 1171 The fifth day of the lunar month
Chapter 1172 Preparing for the Wedding
Chapter 1173 Qin Yuxiang leaves (additional update, thank you fellow veterans
Chapter 1174 List
Chapter 1175: A beast is still worse than a beast
Chapter 1176 Late
Chapter 1177 Bickering with Dong Biqi
Chapter 1178 The leather bag was burned
Chapter 1179 Dragonfly
Chapter 1180
Chapter 1181 Li Lanjuan’s Analysis
Chapter 1182 Wedding
Chapter 1183 Responsibility
Chapter 1184 News Spread
Chapter 1185 Lao Qin’s Dilemma
Chapter 1186 Wake up
Chapter 1187 Shan Hu was captured
Chapter 1188 Tracking
Chapter 1189 Lixingshe joins
Chapter 1190 Xiaohus confession
Chapter 1191 Another Caught
Chapter 1192 Reporter Interview (Thanks to Niuer, more updates)
Chapter 1193 The end of Xiaohu
Chapter 1194 Are you a virgin?
Chapter 1195 More critical
Chapter 1196 Nurse Xiaofeng
Chapter 1197 Spider Silk
Chapter 1198
Chapter 1199 The Killer Reappears
Chapter 1200 Teaching
Chapter 1201 The influence spreads again
Chapter 1202 Shou Gong Sha (Thanks to Niu Er for the big reward, added today
Chapter 1203 Codename Deep Blue
Chapter 1204 Special Trial Training
Chapter 1205 Raising donations again
Chapter 1206 Yang Zhaodi’s information
Chapter 1207 Jealousy
Chapter 1208 Emergency Meeting
Chapter 1209 Director of Munitions (Thanks to Niuer for the reward, more updates will be added)
Chapter 1210 Female spy
Chapter 1211 Mission Failed
Chapter 1212 Blackstone Security Company
Chapter 1213 Seeing Radio Waves Again
Chapter 1214 News
Chapter 1215 Xinran has a bad temper
Chapter 1216 The Death of the Merchant (Additional Update)
Chapter 1217 Being targeted
Chapter 1218 Dong Biqi is dissatisfied
Chapter 1219 Sisters shock
Chapter 1220 Ning Tao exposed
Chapter 1221 Students
Chapter 1222 The mission is in progress
Chapter 1223 Going to work
Chapter 1224 During the mission (2)
Chapter 1225 The mission is in progress (3)
Chapter 1226 The eldest sister is here (additional update, thank you all for the great help)
Chapter 1227 Meeting the eldest sister
Chapter 1228 Two Strengthening Groups
Chapter 1229 The eldest sister leaves
Chapter 1230 Surgery (additional update, thanks to Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 1231 Rescue
Chapter 1232 Curiosity
Chapter 1233 Blood Apology
Chapter 1234 Student Activities
Chapter 1235 Dancing
Chapter 1236 Emergency Meeting
Chapter 1237 Trouble
Chapter 1238 Welfare (additional update)
Chapter 1239 Students in the basement
Chapter 1240 Teach students a lesson
Chapter 1241 Military Training
Chapter 1242 Unlucky Student
Chapter 1243 Minister Li was shocked
Chapter 1244 Zhang Tianhao’s response
Chapter 1245 Mayor’s Office Meeting
Chapter 1246 Concentrated Study
Chapter 1247 Failed Proposal
Chapter 1248 One more disgusting day
Chapter 1249 Meeting Gift
Chapter 1250 Emotional loss of control
Chapter 1251 Retraining students (Thanks to Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 1252 The person behind the scenes
Chapter 1253: Punishment (Thanks to Angang for the big reward, four updates today)
Chapter 1254 The car was attacked
Chapter 1255 The mastermind behind the scenes
Chapter 1256 Hint
Chapter 1257 Great Monk
Chapter 1258 Rescue
Chapter 1259 Request
Chapter 1260 Details
Chapter 1261 Details (2)
Chapter 1262 Meeting Liu Qing (Thanks to Niuer for the big reward)
Chapter 1263 Xinrans bitterness
Chapter 1264 Drunk
Chapter 1265 Meet the Poisonous Widow Again
Chapter 1266 Execution
Chapter 1267 Horrible Shopping
Chapter 1268 Xu Yaoqian is embarrassed
Chapter 1269 Zhang Tianhao’s Secret
Chapter 1270 Infectious Diseases (1)
Chapter 1271 Infectious Diseases (2)
Chapter 1272 Infectious Disease (3) (Thanks to zw7774 for the tip)
Chapter 1273 Another betrayal
Chapter 1274 Which wave is it?
Chapter 1275 Another illness
Chapter 1276 Opportunity
Chapter 1277 Helping Hand
Chapter 1278 Ending
Chapter 1279 Revenge
Chapter 1280 Betrayal again
Chapter 1281 Military Camp
Chapter 1282 Determining the target (Thanks to Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 1283 Evidence
Chapter 1284 Encounter on the road
Chapter 1285 Fake Reporter
Chapter 1286 Big Explosion
Chapter 1287 Military Port
Chapter 1288 September 9 Incident
Chapter 1289 Influence
Chapter 1290 The Three Women Return
Chapter 1291 Liu Chengzhi was arrested (Thanks to Niuer, DGcyc for the reward
Chapter 1292 Meeting Liu Chengzhi
Chapter 1293 A small breakthrough in the nameless mental method
Chapter 1294 Ostrich
Chapter 1295 Competition
Chapter 1296 Captain Zhaos worries
Chapter 1297 Requesting a Connection
Chapter 1298 It turns out to be him
Chapter 1299 Being cheated
Chapter 1300 Happy Awakening
Chapter 1301 Escort
Chapter 1302 Arrangement
Chapter 1303 Confirmation
Chapter 1304 Getting on the train
Chapter 1305 Something happened to Xiaoliang
Chapter 1306 There is a problem with the water
Chapter 1307 A woman is coming
Chapter 1308 Another killer
Chapter 1309 Clearance
Chapter 1310 Huahu is helpless
Chapter 1311 Goodbye Bones
Chapter 1312 Xuzhou Station
Chapter 1313 Xuzhou Station (2)
Chapter 1314 Xuzhou Station (3)
Chapter 1315 Another batch of assassinations
Chapter 1316 Doubt
Chapter 1317 Explosion
Chapter 1318 Another one dies
Chapter 1319 Kang Zihuas anger
Chapter 1320 Big List
Chapter 1321 Qian Juns shock
Chapter 1322 Another person came to check
Chapter 1323 Arrival
Chapter 1324 Meeting the eldest lady again
Chapter 1325 The eldest ladys warning
Chapter 1326 A few women’s awakening
Chapter 1327 Return to Miyuan Club
Chapter 1328 Two Messages
Chapter 1329 Meeting Takahashi
Chapter 1330 Counterfeit Banknotes
Chapter 1331 Lao Dai’s shock
Chapter 1332 Distribution of Counterfeit Banknotes
Chapter 1333 Being monitored
Chapter 1334 Flying to Japan
Chapter 1335 Arriving in Japan
Chapter 1336 Miyuan visits relatives
Chapter 1337 Return
Chapter 1338 On the left island tree
Chapter 1339 Return
Chapter 1340 Meeting
Chapter 1341 Method
Chapter 1342 Urgent Mission
Chapter 1343 Gunshots at the Railway Station
Chapter 1344 Tragic
Chapter 1345 Tragic
Chapter 1346
Chapter 1347 Tracking
Chapter 1348 The safest place
Chapter 1349 Emergency Contact
Chapter 1350 Anxious
Chapter 1351 Second Treasure
Chapter 1352 Medical Exchange Meeting
Chapter 1353 Tracking
Chapter 1354 Find someone
Chapter 1355 Qiao Li’s Worry
Chapter 1356 Another step too late
Chapter 1357 Surgery
Chapter 1358 The weak have no right to live
Chapter 1359 Urgent
Chapter 1360: Bubbles
Chapter 1361 A little fun
Chapter 1362 Death of Erbao
Chapter 1363 Embarrassment
Chapter 1364 The water is not muddy and the fish is not hooked
Chapter 1365 Bureau
Chapter 1366 Arrogant Li Er
Chapter 1367 Exposed
Chapter 1368 Death of Sun Yang
Chapter 1369 Lao Song
Chapter 1370 Qiao Li was frightened (Thanks to DGcyc for the reward)
Chapter 1371 Notice
Chapter 1372 Clarity
Chapter 1373 Decoding
Chapter 1374 'On the Songhua River'
Chapter 1375 Transfer
Chapter 1376 Xu Renjie was arrested
Chapter 1377 Confession
Chapter 1378 Entering Xiao Mansion Again
Chapter 1379 Ma Zhongliangs vigilance
Chapter 1380 Old Song (2)
Chapter 1381 Liu Chengzhi’s defense
Chapter 1382 Situation
Chapter 1383 The doctor lifts the ban
Chapter 1384 The gangster eats the gangster
Chapter 1385 Xiao Wu snitches
Chapter 1386 Being trained again
Chapter 1387 Being followed
Chapter 1388 The Enlightenment of Missing Persons
Chapter 1389 Radio Write-off
Chapter 1390 Shen Jie’s greed
Chapter 1391 Transaction
Chapter 1392 Lord Tiger
Chapter 1393 Stealing
Chapter 1394 Punishment
Chapter 1395 Dong Biqi is angry
Chapter 1396 Coincidence
Chapter 1397 Operation Angel
Chapter 1398 The death of Shen Jie breaks out
Chapter 1399 Embroidery Village (1)
Chapter 1400 Embroidery Village (2)
Chapter 1401 Song Xiaoyu is injured
Chapter 1402 Casualties
Chapter 1403 Qiao Li’s hatred
Chapter 1404 Looking for someone
Chapter 1405 Another step slower
Chapter 1406
Chapter 1407 Dong Biqis discovery
Chapter 1408 Embroidered Handkerchief
Chapter 1409 Account Book
Chapter 1410 Zhang Tianhao’s Analysis
Chapter 1411 Dispelling Doubts
Chapter 1412 Disconnected again
Chapter 1413 Mrs. Chen wakes up
Chapter 1414
Chapter 1415 Keiko Kawaguchi
Chapter 1416 Kang Zihua’s shock
Chapter 1417 Death of Kawaguchi (1)
Chapter 1418 Death of Kawaguchi (2)
Chapter 1419 Kang Zihua is excited
Chapter 1420 Yu Yu’s surprise
Chapter 1421 Angels temptation
Chapter 1422 Death of Su Mei
Chapter 1423 A step too late
Chapter 1424 Promotion and Fortune
Chapter 1425 Details
Chapter 1426 Five Cannons
Chapter 1427 Transaction
Chapter 1457 Someone hanging on the flagpole
Chapter 1429 All are fools
Chapter 1430 Xu Renjie escapes
Chapter 1431 Special Commissioner
Chapter 1432 Before departure (1)
Chapter 1433 Before departure (2)
Chapter 1434 Departure
Chapter 1435 Wolf Warrior
Chapter 1436 Joint
Chapter 1437 The beginning is hell
Chapter 1438 Snow Forest Killing
Chapter 1439 Xu Yaoqian’s anger
Chapter 1440 Entering the City
Chapter 1441 Gunshot
Chapter 1442 Test
Chapter 1443 Lurking
Chapter 1444 Mission
Chapter 1445 Police Department
Chapter 1446 Surgery
Chapter 1447 Hisako Muranaka
Chapter 1448 Happy Gate
Chapter 1449 Joy Gate (2)
Chapter 1450 Death of Ji Changfeng
Chapter 1451 Hisakos Purpose
Chapter 1452 Lao Hus doubts
Chapter 1453 Plot against Chen Gang
Chapter 1454 Heart Disease
Chapter 1455 Prepare for some movement
Chapter 1456 The explosion in the south of the city
Chapter 1457 Someone hanging on the flagpole
Chapter 1458 Arsenal Explosion
Chapter 1459 Black Dragon Guild Hall
Chapter 1460 Military Column Explosion Case
Chapter 1461 Rescue
Chapter 1462 Heavy losses
Chapter 1463 Anger
Chapter 1464 Surprise from all sides
Chapter 1465 Safe
Chapter 1466 Rescue
Chapter 1467 Meeting Lao Hu
Chapter 1468 Letter
Chapter 1469: Manipulation
Chapter 1470 Execution Incident
Chapter 1471 Numb citizens
Chapter 1472 'Awakening'
Chapter 1473 'Awakening' (2)
Chapter 1474 'Awakening' (3)
Chapter 1475 'Awakening' (4)
Chapter 1476 Loss-making business
Chapter 1477 Changzhi was scolded
Chapter 1478 Hisako’s way of venting
Chapter 1479 Safe theft case
Chapter 1480 Theft
Chapter 1481 Theft (2)
Chapter 1482 Test
Chapter 1483 Recruiting old troops
Chapter 1484 Discrimination
Chapter 1485 Recruiting Anyway
Chapter 1486 The girl with gunshot wounds
Chapter 1487 Blackmail
Chapter 1488 Anyway
Chapter 1489 Ignored details
Chapter 1490 The Wave Riding Plan
Chapter 1491 Garten’s anger
Chapter 1492 Hisako’s Call
Chapter 1493 Another rape
Chapter 1494 Arrangement
Chapter 1495 Teasing the little girl
Chapter 1496 Clear Message
Chapter 1497 Xinjing is in chaos again
Chapter 1498 New Beijing Chaos (2)
Chapter 1499 New Beijing Chaos (3)
Chapter 1500 Had to overturn and start over
Chapter 1501 Song Tao is chased
Chapter 1502 Going out to deliver breakfast
Chapter 1503 Searching Sanwan Clinic
Chapter 1504 Death of Song Tao
Chapter 1505 Targeting the Chinese
Chapter 1506 Flaw
Chapter 1507 Love well once
Chapter 1508 Leaving
Chapter 1509 Kidnapping Case
Chapter 1510 Hisakos Investigation
Chapter 1511 Investigation (2)
Chapter 1512 News leaked
Chapter 1513 Playing Chess
Chapter 1514 Bad Guys
Chapter 1515 Suicide
Chapter 1516 Buy a little girl
Chapter 1517 Lively Xinjing
Chapter 1518 Believe it or not?
Chapter 1519 Direction Finding Vehicle
Chapter 1520 Lao Hu’s worries
Chapter 1521 Borrowing a Car
Chapter 1522 Du Xiaoyues fear
Chapter 1523 Meeting
Chapter 1524 Return to the city
Chapter 1525 Clues?
Chapter 1526 Xu Zengen’s dilemma
Chapter 1527 Race Improvement Plan
Chapter 1528 Commander Lis Gratitude
Chapter 1529 Qian Jun’s bragging
Chapter 1530 Study Room
Chapter 1531 Everyone has their own thoughts
Chapter 1532 Free Clinic
Chapter 1533 Goodwill Ambassador
Chapter 1534 Alienation
Chapter 1535 Hisako’s helplessness
Chapter 1536 Lan Yuer’s identity
Chapter 1537 Intelligence Problems
Chapter 1538 Hisakos heartbeat
Chapter 1539 Passing Information
Chapter 1540 A busy day
Chapter 1541 Super Secret Power
Chapter 1542 Super Secret
Chapter 1543 The inspection begins (1)
Chapter 1544 The inspection begins (2)
Chapter 1545 Attention
Chapter 1546 Bandits
Chapter 1547 Behind the sweetness
Chapter 1548 Interview
Chapter 1549 Preparation
Chapter 1550 Emergency
Chapter 1551 Forced
Chapter 1552 Zhao Changxing succeeded
Chapter 1553 Escape
Chapter 1554 Qi Hu’s fear
Chapter 1555 Cheng Zhongcheng’s helplessness
Chapter 1556 The plan begins
Chapter 1557 Hisakos trial
Chapter 1558 Action Arrangement
Chapter 1559 Preparing
Chapter 1560 Preparing (2)
Chapter 1561 Venue
Chapter 1562 The target did not appear
Chapter 1563 Shooting
Chapter 1564 Everyone has their own agenda
Chapter 1565 The Angry Japanese
Chapter 1566 Ishiharas suspicion
Chapter 1567 Japanese Communist Party?
Chapter 1568 The scapegoat
Chapter 1569 Hisakos departure
Chapter 1570 Chuan Qis sadness
Chapter 1571 Goodwill Ambassador Certificate
Chapter 1572 Plague
Chapter 1573 Meeting Lao Hu
Chapter 1574 Meeting Lao Hu
Chapter 1575 Wrestling
Chapter 1576 Parting
Chapter 1577 Everyone has their own thoughts
Chapter 1578 Answering reporters’ questions
Chapter 1579 Communication
Chapter 1580 An unexpected encounter
Chapter 1581 Leaving
Chapter 1582 Missing
Chapter 1583 Trouble in the Village
Chapter 1584 Meeting Xu Zengen again
Chapter 1585 Meeting Xu Zengen (2)
Chapter 1586
Chapter 1587 A somewhat chaotic Tianjin
Chapter 1588 Become a webmaster (thank you Niuer for the big reward)
Chapter 1589 Meeting Ning Tao
Chapter 1590: Big Sister’s Attention
Chapter 1591 Return to Xinjing
Chapter 1592 Xinjing Office
Chapter 1593 Onboarding
Chapter 1594 Arrival of personnel
Chapter 1595 The outbreak of racial improvement incident
Chapter 1596 Ueda loses his composure
Chapter 1597 Meeting
Chapter 1598 Spring begins
Chapter 1599 Execution of Zhou Fang
Chapter 1600 Internal Problems
Chapter 1601 'Death of Zhang Tianhao'
Chapter 1602 Reason
Chapter 1603 The Second Meeting
Chapter 1604 Who tricked whom?
Chapter 1605 Lao Hus request for help
Chapter 1606 Confirmation
Chapter 1607 Goodbye Old Hu
Chapter 1608 Meeting Qi Hu
Chapter 1609 Poaching
Chapter 1610 Succeed
Chapter 1611 Lao Hus hesitation
Chapter 1612 Japanese wooing
Chapter 1613 Xiang Lily Bar
Chapter 1614 Daxing Casino
Chapter 1615 Daxing Casino (2)
Chapter 1616 Death of Zhou Li
Chapter 1617 The Lonely Traveler
Chapter 1618 Bloody Documents
Chapter 1619 Late Information
Chapter 1620 Students
Chapter 1621 Students (2)
Chapter 1622 Countermeasures
Chapter 1623 The morning of screaming
Chapter 1624 Xiangzis Analysis
Chapter 1625 Military column explosion
Chapter 1626 Heavy Casualties
Chapter 1627 Goldman Sachs Inquiry
Chapter 1628 Busy Holiday
Chapter 1629 Return to Xinjing
Chapter 1630 Meeting
Chapter 1631 Meeting Xiangzi again
Chapter 1632 Gambling Again
Chapter 1633 Acting
Chapter 1634 Lao Hus call
Chapter 1635 Chinese Medicine Store Shooting Case
Chapter 1636 The plan is released
Chapter 1637 Attacked
Chapter 1638 Stealing Medicine (1)
Chapter 1639 Stealing Medicine (2)
Chapter 1640 Stealing Medicine (3)
Chapter 1641 Xiangzi asks for cooperation
Chapter 1642 'Last Married Wife'
Chapter 1643 Eliminating Suspicion
Chapter 1644 Token
Chapter 1645 Death of Xiao Liuzi
Chapter 1646 Heartache
Chapter 1647: Documents can still be exempted from inspection
Chapter 1648 Robbery of the Bank Again
Chapter 1649 Chen Shijie training troops
Chapter 1650 Idiot
Chapter 1651 New Residence
Chapter 1652 Lao Hu is missing
Chapter 1653 Arms Trading
Chapter 1654 Terrible Intuition
Chapter 1655 The sniper begins
Chapter 1656 Another threat
Chapter 1657 Strengthening the Public Security Environment
Chapter 1658 A scumbag
Chapter 1659 Liu Qianjins Rebellion
Chapter 1660 Death of Ozawa
Chapter 1661 Calculation
Chapter 1662 Chen Mansion
Chapter 1663 Evil Woman
Chapter 1664 Li Dong asks for help
Chapter 1665 Lack of Salt
Chapter 1666 Zhang Tianhao’s message
Chapter 1667 Send documents or take revenge
Chapter 1668 Material Distribution Plan
Chapter 1669 Li Changchengs acquaintance
Chapter 1670 Borrowing Money
Chapter 1671 Being monitored
Chapter 1672 Another explosion
Chapter 1673 Zhang Tianhaos Analysis
Chapter 1674 The dilapidated home
Chapter 1675 Conversation between Two Women
Chapter 1676 Transporting Salt
Chapter 1677 The Four Brothers in Trouble
Chapter 1678 Complete Betrayal
Chapter 1679 Nervous Li Dong
Chapter 1680 The incident occurred
Chapter 1681 Photos
Chapter 1682 God Bless China
Chapter 1683 Material Allocation
Chapter 1684 Transfer of Photos
Chapter 1685 The assassination continues
Chapter 1686 Breakthrough
Chapter 1687 Long Telegram
Chapter 1688 Death of He Chun
Chapter 1689 Household Registration Issue
Chapter 1690 Household Registration Issue (2)
Chapter 1691 Letter
Chapter 1692 Angel Medicine
Chapter 1693 Emergency News
Chapter 1694 Pounce
Chapter 1695: Fishing for people
Chapter 1696 The execution ground
Chapter 1697 Negotiation
Chapter 1698 Treatment
Chapter 1699 Analysis of Nanjing
Chapter 1700 The oppression of Changzhi in the village
Chapter 1701 Yantu was robbed
Chapter 1702 Abandoned Factory Exposed
Chapter 1703 Another step too late
Chapter 1704 Bandit Alliance
Chapter 1705: Fighting for profits
Chapter 1706 Ferry’s Complaint
Chapter 1707 Spreading the News
Chapter 1708 Sister’s shock
Chapter 1709 The He family’s revenge
Chapter 1710 Comprehensive Search in Xinjing
Chapter 1711 Film
Chapter 1712 Leaving soon
Chapter 1713 Karas decision
Chapter 1714 Q{xml}A
Chapter 1715 On the plane
Chapter 1716 Chen Wanqing
Chapter 1717 Chen Family
Chapter 1718 Worship
Chapter 1719 The third phase is completed
Chapter 1720 Inexplicable marriage
Chapter 1721 Handover and banquet
Chapter 1722 The shock of the three women
Chapter 1723 The new situation in Xinjing
Chapter 1724 Getting married again
Chapter 1725 The storm started in Shanghai
Chapter 1726 Meeting Mihara Aiko
Chapter 1727 Transferring Information Again
Chapter 1728 Return to Xinjing
Chapter 1729 Return to the office
Chapter 1730 Lao Hu’s request for help
Chapter 1731 Cant sleep
Chapter 1732 The incident occurred
Chapter 1733 Depressed Xia Hao
Chapter 1734 Lao Hu’s broken promise
Chapter 1735 Bar Assassination Case
Chapter 1736 Drunk
Chapter 1737 Catching the Thief
Chapter 1738 Trouble comes too quickly
Chapter 1739 Confession
Chapter 1740 Get files
Chapter 1741 Pay
Chapter 1742 Death of Li Sheng
Chapter 1743 Zhou Xiaofeng
Chapter 1744 The Death of Major (Thanks Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 1745 Didnt show up
Chapter 1746 Accidentally kidnapped
Chapter 1747 Trapped underground
Chapter 1748 The First Day
Chapter 1749 The Second Day
Chapter 1750 The Third Day
Chapter 1751 The assassination continues
Chapter 1752 Xiangzi’s shock
Chapter 1753 Arrangement (Thanks to Jingruo Simeng and Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 1754 Xu Zengen was surprised
Chapter 1755 Assigning tasks
Chapter 1756 Three Messages
Chapter 1757 The Difficult City Hall
Chapter 1758 Lucky Cheng Zhongcheng
Chapter 1759 Gunshots in the East of the City
Chapter 1760: Rescue people and eliminate adultery
Chapter 1761 Too difficult
Chapter 1762 Determine the plan
Chapter 1763 The plan begins
Chapter 1764 Plan in progress
Chapter 1765 Plan Completed
Chapter 1766 Warning
Chapter 1767 The reason why the news was leaked
Chapter 1768 Analysis Meeting
Chapter 1769 Uedas helplessness
Chapter 1770 Something happened to the Intelligence Department
Chapter 1771 Being monitored
Chapter 1772: Fishing for people
Chapter 1773 Being monitored again
Chapter 1803 Working Meeting
Chapter 1775 Li Changchengs situation
Chapter 1776 Breaking into Guandong
Chapter 1777 Li Changchengs cruelty
Chapter 1778 Kara is jealous
Chapter 1779 On the train
Chapter 1780 Something happened
Chapter 1781 Habits harm others
Chapter 1782 Explosion
Chapter 1783 Received news
Chapter 1784 Qian Juns Sorrow
Chapter 1785 Zhang Tianhao invites you to drink
Chapter 1786 The Third Issue
Chapter 1787 Suspected
Chapter 1788 Kara’s Test Again
Chapter 1789 Are we still friends?
Chapter 1790 Chen Shijie’s strategy
Chapter 1791 Delivery of Information
Chapter 1792 Zhang Tianhao’s doubts
Chapter 1793 Kara’s deal
Chapter 1794
Chapter 1795 The Growth of Li Changcheng
Chapter 1796 Anti-War Alliance
Chapter 1797 Qian Jun arrives in Ning
Chapter 1798 Xiangzis call
Chapter 1799 Zhou Xiaofengs first kill
Chapter 1800 Hundred Treasure Soup
Chapter 1801 Advancement in Kung Fu
Chapter 1802 Loneliness
Chapter 1803 Working Meeting
Chapter 1804 Assassination Incident
Chapter 1805 The wind is blowing
Chapter 1806 Two Bandits
Chapter 1807 Acting
Chapter 1808 The killing is in progress
Chapter 1809 The Night of Killing
Chapter 1810 Save Zhou Xiaofeng
Chapter 1811 Result
Chapter 1812 Xu Zengens dilemma
Chapter 1813 The Doubts of the Underground Party
Chapter 1814 Teach Zhou Xiaofeng a lesson
Chapter 1815 Zero Plan
Chapter 1816 The new mayor takes office
Chapter 1817 Qian Jun’s troubles
Chapter 1818 Its a bit difficult
Chapter 1819 We are your sons
Chapter 1820 Discussing Plans
Chapter 1821 Asking for leave
Chapter 1822 The investigation into Zhang Tianhao escalates
Chapter 1823 Before Action
Chapter 1824 Gathering
Chapter 1825 Departure
Chapter 1826 Observation
Chapter 1827 The action begins
Chapter 1828 Poison Smoke
Chapter 1829 The killing begins
Chapter 1830 Leaving
Chapter 1831 The shock of the Japanese
Chapter 1832 Return
Chapter 1833 The news spreads
Chapter 1834 Japanese Revenge
Chapter 1835 Studying Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 1836 Tu Fei Yuans Attention
Chapter 1837 Leading People
Chapter 1838 The July 7th Incident broke out
Chapter 1839 Getting shorter
Chapter 1840 Xu Zengen’s showing off
Chapter 1841 Candidate Issue
Chapter 1842 Training Newcomers
Chapter 1843 Mission
Chapter 1844 Zhu San was arrested
Chapter 1845 Belated News
Chapter 1846 Escape from Death
Chapter 1847 Snake Plan
Chapter 1848 Xu Yaoqian’s shock
Chapter 1849 The crisis is coming
Chapter 1850 Door-to-door notification
Chapter 1851 The Intelligence Division is dispersed
Chapter 1852 Distributing leaflets
Chapter 1853 He Xiaofang is missing
Chapter 1854 Stealing electricity and radio stations
Chapter 1855 The First Day
Chapter 1856 Funding Issues
Chapter 1857 Exchange Counterfeit Coins
Chapter 1858 Chen Shijies considerations
Chapter 1859 Femininity
Chapter 1860 Failure in the Village
Chapter 1861 The whereabouts of Lao Hu
Chapter 1862 Outsider
Chapter 1863 Hidden Danger
Chapter 1864 Qian Juns shock
Chapter 1865 Vacation
Chapter 1866 Kidnapping
Chapter 1867 Drinking
Chapter 1868 Major on the mountain
Chapter 1869 Terrifying Analysis
Chapter 1870 Picking up people
Chapter 1871 Princess Plan
Chapter 1872 Clear Telegram
Chapter 1873 Du Lan
Chapter 1874 Members of the Butterfly Group
Chapter 1875 Search
Chapter 1876 Death of Lao Li
Chapter 1877 Action Target
Chapter 1878 Sending Documents
Chapter 1879 Reinvention of Code
Chapter 1880 Follow-up
Chapter 1881 Zuo Xiaoxiao was killed
Chapter 1882 Determine the time
Chapter 1883 Distress
Chapter 1884 Arrange training
Chapter 1885 Shopping Mall Assassination
Chapter 1886 Officers Club
Chapter 1887 Five more
Chapter 1888 Playing
Chapter 1889 Paper Money Expert
Chapter 1890 Sniper
Chapter 1891 Rescue is ineffective
Chapter 1892 Xiaotians Analysis
Chapter 1893 New Captain
Chapter 1894 Zhou Xiaofengs fear
Chapter 1924 Journey (8)
Chapter 1896 Trap?
Chapter 1897 Qian Jun’s worries
Chapter 1898 Acting
Chapter 1899 Catching the Thief
Chapter 1900 Jian Ming arrived
Chapter 1901 Odas doubts
Chapter 1902 Code Crisis
Chapter 1903 Du Lan’s Attitude
Chapter 1904 Xu Zengen’s pride
Chapter 1905 Yin Laotie
Chapter 1906 Encounter with Cheng Zhongcheng
Chapter 1907 Nozawa’s troubles
Chapter 1908 Du Lan’s request
Chapter 1909 Training
Chapter 1910 Drinking
Chapter 1911 Trap
Chapter 1912 Regret
Chapter 1913 Being monitored again
Chapter 1943 Du Lan survived
Chapter 1915 Giving Gifts
Chapter 1916 Returning Information
Chapter 1917 Journey (1)
Chapter 1918 Journey (2)
Chapter 1919 Journey (3)
Chapter 1920 Journey (4)
Chapter 1921 Journey (5)
Chapter 1922 Journey (6)
Chapter 1923 Journey (7)
Chapter 1924 Journey (8)
Chapter 1925 Journey (9)
Chapter 1926 Journey (10)
Chapter 1927 Tianjin Guerrillas
Chapter 1928 The choice of the second woman
Chapter 1929 Goodbye on the left island tree
Chapter 1930 Confirming Information
Chapter 1931 Military Tickets
Chapter 1932 Minister Li’s shock
Chapter 1933 Cafe
Chapter 1934 So handsome and beautiful
Chapter 1935 Cooperation
Chapter 1936 Return to the Consulate
Chapter 1937 98K
Chapter 1938 Encountering horse bandits
Chapter 1939 Fierce Battle
Chapter 1940 The bandits retreat
Chapter 1941 Surgery
Chapter 1942 Return to Xinjing
Chapter 1943 Du Lan survived
Chapter 1944 Du Lans explanation
Chapter 1945 Du Lans cognition (Thanks to Niuer for the big reward)
Chapter 1946 Zhang Tianhaos Purpose
Chapter 1947 News from Lao Hu
Chapter 1948 Accidental Telegram
Chapter 1949 Miners
Chapter 1950 The rain is coming
Chapter 1951 Chen Shijies worries
Chapter 1952 The Trouble with the Four Axings
Chapter 1953 Traveling
Chapter 1954 Attack
Chapter 1955 Gold Mine
Chapter 1956 Propaganda
Chapter 1957 Incorporation
Chapter 1958 Encountering the Japanese Army
Chapter 1959 Return (Thanks to Niu Er for the big reward)
Chapter 1960 Oda’s guess
Chapter 1961 The net may have to be closed
Chapter 1962 Escape
Chapter 1963 Chen Shijies shock
Chapter 1964 Qin Yuxiang returns
Chapter 1965 Vice Mayor Yao
Chapter 1966 Admitting Failure
Chapter 1967 Telephone
Chapter 1968 Release
Chapter 1969 I am not ashamed of Zhou Danian
Chapter 1970 Death of Zhou Danian
Chapter 1971 Giving Gifts
Chapter 1972 Dark Cuisine
Chapter 1973 Case closed
Chapter 1974 Deputy Mayor of Peking
Chapter 1975 Zhao Yuans contempt
Chapter 1976 Personal Observation
Chapter 1977 Asking Xiaofeng her weight
Chapter 1978 Opportunity
Chapter 1979 Target Exposed
Chapter 1980 An unexpected business trip
Chapter 1981 To invest
Chapter 1982 Thoughts
Chapter 1983 Staggered
Chapter 1984 Chase
Chapter 1985 Meeting Beauty
Chapter 1986 Meeting Beauty (2)
Chapter 1987 Purchase
Chapter 1988 Donation
Chapter 1989: The gangster eats the gangster
Chapter 1990 Rescue
Chapter 1991 Selling oneself to pay off debts
Chapter 1992 Skull Project
Chapter 1993 Asking for help
Chapter 1994 Doubt
Chapter 1995 Biochemical Experiment
Chapter 1996 Why is it her again?
Chapter 1997 Dead End
Chapter 1998 It turns out to be the benefactor
Chapter 1999
Chapter 2000 Welcome Wine
Chapter 2001 A generous move
Chapter 2002 The Japanese Army Attacks
Chapter 2003 Battle
Chapter 2004 Harvest
Chapter 2005 Laboratory
Chapter 2006 Rejection
Chapter 2007 Drunk
Chapter 2008 Leaving
Chapter 2009 Return to Harbin
Chapter 2010 Zhao Xiaowens Report
Chapter 2011 Kidnapping Again
Chapter 2012 Meeting the Bartender
Chapter 2013 Secret Mission
Chapter 2014 Request and Rejection
Chapter 2015 Calm Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 2016 Death of August
Chapter 2017 News comes
Chapter 2018 Report
Chapter 2019 The end of the incident
Chapter 2020 Lao Yu’s guess
Chapter 2021 Anti-rape plan
Chapter 2022 New Operator
Chapter 2023 Training Team
Chapter 2024 Death of Yu Zhengdong
Chapter 2025 The shooting continues
Chapter 2026 Witnessing the Shooting Scene
Chapter 2027 Inquiry
Chapter 2028 The assassination is in progress
Chapter 2029 Persuasion
Chapter 2030 The Kwantung Army goes south again?
Chapter 2031 Casualties
Chapter 2032 Difficulty
Chapter 2033 Qian Juns surprise
Chapter 2034 Three-person meeting
Chapter 2035 Cherry Blossoms in Bloom
Chapter 2036 Infiltration
Chapter 2037 Infiltration (2)
Chapter 2038 Matsumotos anger
Chapter 2039 Zhang Tianhaos Weakness
Chapter 2040 The War of Resistance between Two Major Bases
Chapter 2041 Playing Cards
Chapter 2042 Announcement
Chapter 2043 Dong Han
Chapter 2044 One person equals one division
Chapter 2045 Another business trip
Chapter 2046 To Nanjing
Chapter 2047 Inquiry
Chapter 2048 Became bait
Chapter 2049 Cooperating with the investigation (1)
Chapter 2050 Cooperating with the investigation (2)
Chapter 2051 Cooperating with the investigation (3)
Chapter 2052 Cooperating with the investigation (4)
Chapter 2053 Someone poisoned
Chapter 2054 Two messages
Chapter 2055 Feihu Ridge Exposed
Chapter 2056 The boss is exposed
Chapter 2057 The situation is not optimistic
Chapter 2058 Giving Gifts
Chapter 2059 Return to the Xiao Family
Chapter 2060 Passing by Peiping
Chapter 2061 Loss and Anger
Chapter 2062 The plan is hard to come by
Chapter 2063 Moving Office
Chapter 2064 Killing Order (1)
Chapter 2065 Killing Order (3)
Chapter 2066 Killing Order (4)
Chapter 2067 Killing Order (5)
Chapter 2068 A battalion of the Anguo Army
Chapter 2069 The Japanese army has increased its troops
Chapter 2070 Zuo Teng missed the mark
Chapter 2071 Qian Jun’s worries
Chapter 2072 Encounter at Taiping Bridge
Chapter 2073 Accidental rescue of Lao Zhao
Chapter 2074 Regretful Lao Zhao
Chapter 2075 Eliminate Traitors
Chapter 2076 Screening
Chapter 2077 Dong Jie’s Family Matters
Chapter 2078 Getting ready to meet Qi Hu
Chapter 2079 Meeting Qi Hu
Chapter 2080 Strengthened Control
Chapter 2081 Conversation
Chapter 2082 The red-faced hero
Chapter 2083 Turns out to be a woman
Chapter 2084 Arms
Chapter 2085 William returns to China
Chapter 2086 An unexpected thing
Chapter 2087 Meeting Xiaoyu again
Chapter 2088 Meeting Xiaoyu again
Chapter 2089 Yan Hongyu
Chapter 2090 Karas reminder
Chapter 2091 Return to Qingniu Village
Chapter 2092 The traitor appears
Chapter 2093 Qian Juns suspicion
Chapter 2094 Night Talk
Chapter 2095 Entering the Circle
Chapter 2096 Easily won
Chapter 2097: Suppressing the Shock
Chapter 2098 Someone is being blamed
Chapter 2099 Secretary Huangs Recruitment
Chapter 2100 Monitoring again
Chapter 2101 It turned out to be them
Chapter 2102 Lao Zhao, who is in internal and external difficulties
Chapter 2103 Ignorance
Chapter 2104 Reception
Chapter 2105 The underground party is active again
Chapter 2106 Arsenal Explosion
Chapter 2107 Target Airport
Chapter 2108 The airport explodes again
Chapter 2109 Jumping off the plane
Chapter 2110 Injured
Chapter 2111 Comparison reveals happiness
Chapter 2112 Long Biao confesses
Chapter 2113 Self-examination
Chapter 2114 Terrible Record
Chapter 2115 Portrait
Chapter 2116 Exchange
Chapter 2117 Traitor
Chapter 2118 No chance to meet
Chapter 2119: Trouble
Chapter 2120 Target Shanghai
Chapter 2121 Its time to start the event
Chapter 2122 A Yi
Chapter 2123 The defensive force is too strong
Chapter 2124 Japanese invasion
Chapter 2125 Japanese invasion
Chapter 2126 Death in the Village
Chapter 2127 Sniper
Chapter 2128 Battle
Chapter 2129 Zuo Yu Qianbei
Chapter 2130 Nanjing Order
Chapter 2131 Meeting Zhou Xiaofeng Again
Chapter 2132 Meeting Zhou Xiaofeng Again
Chapter 2133 Contact Nanjing
Chapter 2134 Flying again
Chapter 2135 Tight Defense
Chapter 2136 Take it lightly
Chapter 2137 Three possibilities
Chapter 2138 Struggle for Power Incident
Chapter 2139 Establishing Rules
Chapter 2140 Peking Kang Zihua
Chapter 2141 Departure
Chapter 2142 Mine incident exposed
Chapter 2143 Educate your subordinates
Chapter 2144 Qian’s army divides its troops
Chapter 2145 Li August Arrives
Chapter 2146 Attack the Station
Chapter 2147 Satos phone call
Chapter 2148 Educate your subordinates
Chapter 2149 Japanese Confidence
Chapter 2150 Chaos outside Xinjing
Chapter 2151
Chapter 2152 No one is here
Chapter 2153 Worries come true
Chapter 2154 Training on the road
Chapter 2155 Where to go
Chapter 2156 Goodbye Ning Tao
Chapter 2157 Old Brother
Chapter 2158 Leaving
Chapter 2159 Goodbye Kara
Chapter 2160 Source of Funds
Chapter 2161 Meeting Dong Han Again
Chapter 2162 Preparing for special training
Chapter 2163 Nanjing, Nanjing!
Chapter 2164 Target: Japanese Farm
Chapter 2165 Incorporation
Chapter 2166 Poison Gas Bomb
Chapter 2167 Qin Yuxiang
Chapter 2168 Prepare to leave
Chapter 2169 Masao Chishima
Chapter 2170 Purchasing Prisoners of War
Chapter 2171 Attack on the Road
Chapter 2172 Proving Identity
Chapter 2173 Competition to recruit people
Chapter 2174 Selection
Chapter 2175 The arrogance of the town
Chapter 2176 Gunshots in the middle of the night
Chapter 2177 Close Ambush
Chapter 2178 Guerrillas
Chapter 2179 Punishment
Chapter 2180 Ma Gangs surprise
Chapter 2181 Chen Shijies attack
Chapter 2182 Rescue
Chapter 2183 Meeting Ma Gang again
Chapter 2184 Goodbye Gu Yuejiao
Chapter 2185 Political Commissar Zhaos worries
Chapter 2186 Being beaten
Chapter 2187 The bitter smile of the elder sister
Chapter 2188 Leaving
Chapter 2189 A small misunderstanding
Chapter 2190 Arrival
Chapter 2191 Four Women
Chapter 2192 The evil guest in the middle of the night
Chapter 2193 Cheapskate
Chapter 2194 Xi’an Railway Station
Chapter 2195 Xinran is angry
Chapter 2196 The power of poison gas bombs
Chapter 2197 New Mission
Chapter 2198 Locating Radio Stations
Chapter 2199 Meeting four more people
Chapter 2200 Radio 9
Chapter 2201 Unexpected Discovery
Chapter 2202 Turns out to be a traitor
Chapter 2203 Three Spies
Chapter 2204 Potassium Cyanide
Chapter 2205 Three Suggestions
Chapter 2206 Something was discovered
Chapter 2207 Heavy Casualties
Chapter 2208 Zhang Tianhaos methods
Chapter 2209 Proud Xu Zengen
Chapter 2210 Deng Hans anxiety
Chapter 2211 Japanese vigilance
Chapter 2212 Radio No. 13 reappears
Chapter 2213 Xu Zengens fear
Chapter 2214 Meeting Li Yan again
Chapter 2215 Li Yans shock
Chapter 2216 Goodbye Zhang Li
Chapter 2217 People from the Black Dragon Society
Chapter 2218 Another harvest
Chapter 2219 Xu Zengen loves and hates
Chapter 2220 Conditions
Chapter 2221 Turn in
Chapter 2222 The father and daughter who sold themselves
Chapter 2223 Yaya
Chapter 2224 Unexpected News
Chapter 2225 New Radio Station
Chapter 2226 Portrait of Confucius
Chapter 2227 Mrs. Rose
Chapter 2228 Going to see Li Yan again
Chapter 2229 Chow Tai Fook
Chapter 2230 Wind Chime
Chapter 2231 Something was discovered
Chapter 2232 Chen Shulong’s happiness
Chapter 2233 New House
Chapter 2234 Chen Shulongs shock
Chapter 2235 Shooting
Chapter 2236 Mrs. Roses Anger
Chapter 2237 Finalized
Chapter 2238 Notify Xu Zengen
Chapter 2239 The alert Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 2240 The villa is targeted
Chapter 2241 Encounter on the road
Chapter 2242 Death of Mrs. Rose
Chapter 2243 Test (1)
Chapter 2244 Test (2)
Chapter 2245 List
Chapter 2246 The Troubles of Gifts
Chapter 2247 Report
Chapter 2248 Interrogation
Chapter 2249 Xu Zengens warning
Chapter 2250 Zhang Tianhao’s telegram
Chapter 2251 Late Mao
Chapter 2252 Angry Dajiang Branch
Chapter 2253 Dajiang Branch
Chapter 2254 Getting ready to go back to my hometown
Chapter 2255 Return to Xichang
Chapter 2256 Intelligence Department II
Chapter 2257 Qin Yuxiang is coming to Chongqing
Chapter 2258 Reflections from all parties
Chapter 2259 Intelligence Department II
Chapter 2260 Boarding the Ship
Chapter 2261 Ruoxiao Sacrifice
Chapter 2262 Episode at the dock
Chapter 2263 Zero Plan
Chapter 2264 Sacrifice
Chapter 2265 New New News
Chapter 2266 Telephone Connector
Chapter 2267 See you later
Chapter 2268 Killing Night
Chapter 2269 Discovery
Chapter 2270 Luo Cheng was arrested
Chapter 2271 Ruifeng was destroyed
Chapter 2272 Changing Identities
Chapter 2273 Investigation Results
Chapter 2274 Numbers Game
Chapter 2275 Treat
Chapter 2276 Crack
Chapter 2277 Fraud and Discovery
Chapter 2278 Luo Chengyi
Chapter 2279 The Fifteenth Detachment
Chapter 2280 Come to ask for debts
Chapter 2281 The next character
Chapter 2282 Ambush
Chapter 2283 Almost Exposed
Chapter 2284 Meeting an acquaintance
Chapter 2285 Fang Ru is in danger
Chapter 2286 Meeting
Chapter 2287 The missing videotape
Chapter 2288 Extremely difficult
Chapter 2289 Japanese worries
Chapter 2290 Qingliang Temple
Chapter 2291 Lost the clue again
Chapter 2292 Retrieval
Chapter 2293 'Diamond Sutra'
Chapter 2294 Death of Mujing
Chapter 2295 Giving up the credit
Chapter 2296 Comprehensive Investigation
Chapter 2297 Engraved 'Diamond Sutra'
Chapter 2298 Big World
Chapter 2299 Sun Yue is injured
Chapter 2300 Further investigation
Chapter 2301 Meeting Fang Ru again
Chapter 2302 Melancholy Fang Ru
Chapter 2303 Making up for mistakes
Chapter 2304 Fang Ru’s nervousness
Chapter 2305 Liu Yilongs Loss
Chapter 2306 To Shanghai
Chapter 2307 Afa goes to Nanjing
Chapter 2308 Erdan is missing
Chapter 2309 Invitation
Chapter 2310 Dancing
Chapter 2311 Assassination
Chapter 2312 Leaving the hotel
Chapter 2313 Meeting again
Chapter 2314 Captain Hu
Chapter 2315 Fang Ru’s shock
Chapter 2316 Conditions
Chapter 2317 Meeting Afa again
Chapter 2318 Battle Plan
Chapter 2319 Revenge
Chapter 2320 No more news
Chapter 2321 Exchange of Interests
Chapter 2322 Searching
Chapter 2323 Key
Chapter 2324 Guess
Chapter 2325 Internal Meeting of the Military Police
Chapter 2326 Caught as a laborer
Chapter 2327 Difficulties
Chapter 2328 Captain Hus worries
Chapter 2329 Bank
Chapter 2330 Exchange money
Chapter 2331 Video tape appears
Chapter 2332 Being targeted
Chapter 2333 Liu Ying’s worries
Chapter 2334 Pursuit
Chapter 2335 Targeted again
Chapter 2336 Qian Jun is going home
Chapter 2337 See Zuo Dao again
Chapter 2338 Naval Operations
Chapter 2339 Someone was arrested
Chapter 2340 The Kwantung Army marches north
Chapter 2341 Drink again
Chapter 2342 Big Bang
Chapter 2343 Search
Chapter 2344 Fish Plan
Chapter 2345 Encounter in the restaurant
Chapter 2346 Guerrillas Exposed
Chapter 2347 A telegram
Chapter 2348 Return to Chongqing
Chapter 2349 Turn in
Chapter 2350 Asking for money
Chapter 2351 The tiger comes out of the gate
Chapter 2352 Meeting the eldest lady again
Chapter 2353 Club
Chapter 2354 Shocked Chen Shulong
Chapter 2355 Trap
Chapter 2356 Rescue
Chapter 2357 Behind the Investigation
Chapter 2358 Lets start again
Chapter 2359 Meeting with Commander Yu
Chapter 2360 Four Suggestions
Chapter 2361 Plan to catch ghosts
Chapter 2362 Xu Zengen’s anger
Chapter 2363 Chatting with General Yu
Chapter 2364 Temporary Staff Advisor
Chapter 2365 Going to the battlefield
Chapter 2366 Delivering Medicine
Chapter 2367 Farewell
Chapter 2368 Encountering Bandits
Chapter 2369 Kill the copycat
Chapter 2370 Dragging the March
Chapter 2371 Response
Chapter 2372 Lecture
Chapter 2373 Lecture again
Chapter 2374 Training in progress
Chapter 2375 Goodbye Chen Shijie
Chapter 2376 Before leaving (1)
Chapter 2377 Another weapon
Chapter 2378 Before leaving (2)
Chapter 2379 Yuan Fugui
Chapter 2380 The right of first night
Chapter 2381 Raid on Japanese Barracks
Chapter 2382 Mission
Chapter 2383 Get off halfway
Chapter 2384 Begin
Chapter 2385 Meeting an acquaintance on the road
Chapter 2386 Arrangement
Chapter 2387 Take it lightly
Chapter 2388 Professor Chen Dongming
Chapter 2389 Chen Dongmings Troubles
Chapter 2390 Miss Chen wakes up
Chapter 2391 Plan
Chapter 2392 The first power outage
Chapter 2393 Robbery
Chapter 2394 Retreat
Chapter 2395 The incident occurred
Chapter 2396 Meeting Chen Dongming
Chapter 2397 Checking the condition
Chapter 2398 Blood Sample Test
Chapter 2399 Who should I leave it to?
Chapter 2400 Investigation
Chapter 2401 Seeing Kuroda again
Chapter 2402 Taking the blame
Chapter 2403 The dissatisfaction of the elder sister
Chapter 2404 Preparing for Assassination
Chapter 2405 Another temptation
Chapter 2406 Prepare to leave
Chapter 2407: Late Night Elimination
Chapter 2408 The killing is in progress
Chapter 2409 Bastard Tianjin
Chapter 2410 Lijin
Chapter 2411 Handover
Chapter 2412 Another disturbance
Chapter 2413 Battle of wits
Chapter 2414 Search and Leave
Chapter 2415 Chen Yuansheng in anger
Chapter 2416 Gu Yuejiao arrives
Chapter 2417 Emergency at the dock
Chapter 2418 See you again
Chapter 2419 Goodbye Mihara Nobuko
Chapter 2420 Virus Laboratory
Chapter 2421 Director Maos shock
Chapter 2422 Bookstore
Chapter 2423 Preliminary Investigation
Chapter 2424 Meeting Chen Wanqing Again
Chapter 2425 Li Changchun
Chapter 2426 Kodama Mechanism
Chapter 2427 Meeting
Chapter 2428 The two girls are missing
Chapter 2429 Investigating everywhere
Chapter 2430 Kako Kono
Chapter 2431 Meeting
Chapter 2432 The departure of the two women
Chapter 2433 The Night of Killing
Chapter 2434 Killing Night (2)
Chapter 2435 Confused Li Changchun
Chapter 2436 Being ripped off
Chapter 2437 Pier Incident
Chapter 2438 Meeting Chief Kodama
Chapter 2439 Mysterious Force
Chapter 2440 Mihara Nobukos dilemma
Chapter 2441 Night Journey
Chapter 2442 Infiltration
Chapter 2443 Leaving
Chapter 2444 The hospital was bombed
Chapter 2445 Alertness
Chapter 2446 Dilemma of rewards
Chapter 2447 Unexpected Medicine
Chapter 2448 Whose medicine is it?
Chapter 2449 Handing over medicines
Chapter 2450 Ying Zuos anger and pain
Chapter 2451 Problems with transportation lines
Chapter 2452 Lao Lis plan
Chapter 2453 The target appears
Chapter 2454 Preparing to establish transportation lines
Chapter 2455 Surprised and delighted
Chapter 2456 Night Inspection
Chapter 2457 Shocked Lao Zhang
Chapter 2458 Transportation Line Operation
Chapter 2459 Xiao Meng’s Inquiry
Chapter 2460 Xu Zengen’s importance
Chapter 2461 Exaggerated Thoughts
Chapter 2462 Ninja
Chapter 2463 Purpose
Chapter 2464 Lao Zhang’s Contradiction
Chapter 2465 Lao Zhangs doubts
Chapter 2466 Borrowing Money
Chapter 2467 Another problem
Chapter 2468 Massacre
Chapter 2469 Buddhist Scriptures
Chapter 2470 I cant believe it
Chapter 2471 Anxious Lao Zhang
Chapter 2472 Surgery
Chapter 2473 Little Dream
Chapter 2474 Reception
Chapter 2475 Great changes in the banquet
Chapter 2476 Rescue
Chapter 2477 The feast is about to begin
Chapter 2478 The killing is in progress (1)
Chapter 2479 The killing is in progress (2)
Chapter 2480 The killing is in progress (3)
Chapter 2481 Shocked Shanghai
Chapter 2482 Result
Chapter 2483 Lao Zhang’s Persuasion
Chapter 2484 Japanese Meeting
Chapter 2485 Compensation afterwards
Chapter 2486 Lao Zhang decoupled
Chapter 2487 Prison Riot
Chapter 2488 Little things at the dock
Chapter 2489 Li Changchun wants to curse someone
Chapter 2490 Darknet Organization
Chapter 2491 The layout begins
Chapter 2492 Li Shiqun comes to power
Chapter 2493 Nobuko Mihara is injured
Chapter 2494 Rescue
Chapter 2495 Trapped
Chapter 2496 Return to the Concession
Chapter 2497 The plan four years ago was exposed
Chapter 2498 Hidden Danger
Chapter 2499 Press Conference (1)
Chapter 2500 Press Conference (2)
Chapter 2501 Press Conference (3)
Chapter 2502 Influence
Chapter 2503 Another counterfeit banknote
Chapter 2504 Counterfeit Banknotes (2)
Chapter 2505 Banquet for Xiangzi
Chapter 2506 Beauty Trap
Chapter 2507 Goodbye William
Chapter 2508 Failure of cooperation
Chapter 2509 Zhu Wuzhengs Trouble
Chapter 2510 Wang Treason
Chapter 2511 Another year
Chapter 2512 Celebration
Chapter 2513 Assassination on the Road
Chapter 2514 Interrogation
Chapter 2515 Welfare
Chapter 2516 Sea
Chapter 2517 The reason for the assassination
Chapter 2518 A home where even mice won’t visit
Chapter 2519 Lao Zhangs anger
Chapter 2520 Meeting Kodama
Chapter 2521 Lao Zhang’s pain
Chapter 2522 Kodama’s Test
Chapter 2523 The incident occurred
Chapter 2524 Lao Zhangs Analysis
Chapter 2525 Substitute
Chapter 2526 Internal Investigation
Chapter 2527 Minister Lis shock
Chapter 2528 Pirates
Chapter 2529 Ichiro Saki
Chapter 2530 Why is it her?
Chapter 2531 Its him!
Chapter 2532 Faults
Chapter 2533 Warning
Chapter 2534 Recognize the conspiracy
Chapter 2535 Qin’s identity exposed
Chapter 2536 Possibility of exposure
Chapter 2537 Zhang is in Suzhou?
Chapter 2538 The purpose behind it
Chapter 2539 The purpose behind it
Chapter 2540 Establish goals
Chapter 2542
Chapter 2542 Yingzuo’s attention
Chapter 2543 Kodamas speculation
Chapter 2544 Another Assassination
Chapter 2545 Pour out the bitterness
Chapter 2546 Kodama borrows money
Chapter 2547 Targeting
Chapter 2548 Lao Zhang prepares a beauty trap
Chapter 2549: Trouble on the river
Chapter 2550 Rejected
Chapter 2551 Meeting Li Changchun
Chapter 2552 Take action
Chapter 2553 Delivering the message
Chapter 2554 Its her again
Chapter 2555 Emergency call in the middle of the night
Chapter 2556 Handover
Chapter 2557 Confronting Ying Zuo
Chapter 2558 Liu Meis doubts
Chapter 2559 Two Telegrams
Chapter 2560 Zhang Tianhaos anger
Chapter 2561 Zhang Tianhaos anger (2)
Chapter 2562 Kodama Banquet (1)
Chapter 2563 Kodama Banquet (2)
Chapter 2564 Kodama Banquet (3)
Chapter 2565 Kodama Banquet (4)
Chapter 2566 Eight-Character Policy
Chapter 2567 Stealing
Chapter 2568 Kodamas anger
Chapter 2569 Stingy Lao Dai
Chapter 2570 Money Fan Xinxin
Chapter 2571 Kodama is ready to borrow help
Chapter 2572
Chapter 2573 Rejected
Chapter 2574 Begin the layout
Chapter 2575 Chinese New Year
Chapter 2576 New Year’s Eve Battle (1)
Chapter 2577 New Years Eve Battle (2)
Chapter 2578 New Year’s Eve Battle (3)
Chapter 2579 New Year’s Eve Battle (4)
Chapter 2580 New Year’s Eve Battle (5)
Chapter 2581 'The Queen's Heart Sutra'
Chapter 2582 Japans Revenge (Thanks Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 2583 Its all the fault of money
Chapter 2584 Donating money again
Chapter 2585 Kodama Fundraising
Chapter 2586 Shooting
Chapter 2587 Everyones Persuasion
Chapter 2588 Debriefing Telegram
Chapter 2589 Liu Meis Thoughts
Chapter 2590 Liu Meis visit
Chapter 2591 Liu Mei is in trouble
Chapter 2592 Boss Dais helplessness
Chapter 2593 Appearance
Chapter 2594 Surgery
Chapter 2595 The two girls are missing
Chapter 2596 Reason
Chapter 2597 Shanghai Bombing
Chapter 2598 Kodama’s anger
Chapter 2599 Kodama and Madoka Doi join forces
Chapter 2600 Assassination Order
Chapter 2601 Prepare to confess
Chapter 2602 Lao Li’s shock
Chapter 2603 Li Hai’s performance
Chapter 2604 Another back-up move
Chapter 2605 Yingzuo’s invitation
Chapter 2606 Mistake
Chapter 2607 Yingzuo’s anger
Chapter 2608 The judgment of the four women
Chapter 2609 Sending Information
Chapter 2610 Goodbye Ying Zuo
Chapter 2611 Return to the Moon Plan
Chapter 2612 Notice
Chapter 2613 Failed to capture
Chapter 2614 Return to the Moon Plan
Chapter 2615 Transaction
Chapter 2616 Who loses?
Chapter 2617 Ten Thousand Dollars
Chapter 2618 The tacit understanding between the two unifications
Chapter 2619 Yingzuos anger
Chapter 2620 Boss Dais love and care
Chapter 2621 The Japanese army wants to buy food
Chapter 2622 Crisis awareness
Chapter 2623 Yingzuo’s suspicion
Chapter 2624 Lao Zhangs Fear (Thanks to Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 2625 Temporary rest
Chapter 2626 Just a joke
Chapter 2627 Lao Sun’s worries
Chapter 2628 Fear of trouble
Chapter 2629 Before leaving
Chapter 2630 Return to Japan
Chapter 2631 Qian Jun’s dilemma
Chapter 2632 Short-lived happiness
Chapter 2633 Return to Shanghai
Chapter 2634 Relaxation on both sides
Chapter 2635 Aid to China Funds
Chapter 2636 Lao Zhang reappears
Chapter 2637 Director Li’s dilemma
Chapter 2638 Entering the hotel
Chapter 2639 Checking into the hotel
Chapter 2640 Fang Qin
Chapter 2641 Acting in the middle of the night
Chapter 2642 There is another reason
Chapter 2643 Radar Technology
Chapter 2644 Lao Zhangs sadness
Chapter 2645 Observation
Chapter 2646 Conversation
Chapter 2647 Joint
Chapter 2648 Passing
Chapter 2649 Three more people died
Chapter 2650 Ambassadors Meeting
Chapter 2651 Angry Ying Zuo
Chapter 2652 The arrival of Ying Zuo
Chapter 2653 Yingzuos inquiry
Chapter 2654 Someone jumped out
Chapter 2655 Kawaki Ichiro
Chapter 2656 Drunk
Chapter 2657 Director Li’s temptation
Chapter 2658 Yingzuo’s suspicion
Chapter 2659 The missing film
Chapter 2660 Someone sneaked in
Chapter 2661 Investigation
Chapter 2662 The corpse disappears
Chapter 2663 News about Chang Xia
Chapter 2664 Leaving the hotel
Chapter 2665 The building is empty
Chapter 2666 Commissioner Tian
Chapter 2667 Escape
Chapter 2668 Children
Chapter 2669 Missing the Four Girls
Chapter 2670 Meeting Lao Zhang Again
Chapter 2671 Direction Finding Vehicle
Chapter 2672 Lao Zhangs anger
Chapter 2673 Get something
Chapter 2674 Behind the Card Settings
Chapter 2675: Black and evil
Chapter 2676 Director Lis acting skills
Chapter 2677 Death of Zhang
Chapter 2678 Qiandaos phone call
Chapter 2679 Qiandao is leaving
Chapter 2680 old Zhang being followed
Chapter 2681 before action
Chapter 2682 Lao Zhangs suspicion
Chapter 2683 Poison Gas Expert
Chapter 2684 Acting
Chapter 2685 Robbery
Chapter 2686 a telegram
Chapter 2687 tracking
Chapter 2688 The shocked Japanese garrison
Chapter 2689 Three Tracing Enlightenments
Chapter 2690 Shadow Assistant's Suspicion
Chapter 2691 discovery
Chapter 2692 Ah Ying and Qian Jun
Chapter 2693 Ambush
Chapter 2694 Thousand Islands Failure
Chapter 2695 Meeting an acquaintance
Chapter 2696 It's her
Chapter 2697 Leave the door open
Chapter 2698 Telegram
Chapter 2699 Seventh of them have been eliminated
Chapter 2700 Flying Tigers
Chapter 2701 On-site reconnaissance
Chapter 2702 Kodamas subconscious
Chapter 2703 Children
Chapter 2704 Ying Zuos speculation
Chapter 2705 Xiangzis suspicion
Chapter 2706 Lu Xiaohong
Chapter 2707 Buying Paintings
Chapter 2708 Lao Zhangs decision
Chapter 2709 boss Dai's guess
Chapter 2710 Traitor Lu Xiaohong
Chapter 2711 Patrol takes the blame
Chapter 2712 Zhang Tianhao is still alive
Chapter 2713 Goodbye Li Changchun
Chapter 2714 ready for action
Chapter 2715 Lao Zhang asks for help
Chapter 2716 Yuxiang is coming to Shanghai
Chapter 2717 The first step
Chapter 2718 The second step
Chapter 2719 The third step
Chapter 2720 the fourth step
Chapter 2721 1 The fifth step
Chapter 2722 Step Six
Chapter 2723 Step Seven
Chapter 2724 Ying Zuo is furious again
Chapter 2725 Minister Li’s surprise
Chapter 2726 Life is getting harder
Chapter 2727 Meeting with Yingzuo (1)
Chapter 2728 Meeting with Yingzuo (2)
Chapter 2729 Meeting with Yingzuo (3)
Chapter 2730 Yu Yu
Chapter 2731 Lao Lis bold guess
Chapter 2732 Yu Yus anxiety
Chapter 2733 Fushou Hall
Chapter 2734 Assassination
Chapter 2735 As long as you have enough money, thats it
Chapter 2736 The anger of the Japanese
Chapter 2737 Lao Dais plan
Chapter 2738 Help Yu Yu
Chapter 2739 Director Li’s Fear
Chapter 2740 Lao Lis trust
Chapter 2741 Yu Yus speculation
Chapter 2742
Chapter 2743 Yu Yu’s identity
Chapter 2744 Huangqiao Incident
Chapter 2745: Tail removal
Chapter 2746 The orphanage is closed
Chapter 2747 Prepare to return to Shanghai
Chapter 2748 Seeing Yu Yu again
Chapter 2749 Behind Lu Xiaohong’s betrayal
Chapter 2750 Mountain Eagle
Chapter 2751 Quadruple Secret Code
Chapter 2752 Difficulty in finding a job
Chapter 2753 Confession Conference
Chapter 2754 Operation Afa
Chapter 2755 Angry Kodama
Chapter 2756 Kodamas request
Chapter 2757 Handover
Chapter 2758 Horrible Economic War
Chapter 2759 Shocked Minister Li
Chapter 2760 The six missing groups
Chapter 2761 Leaks within the military command
Chapter 2762 Lao Zhang wants to report
Chapter 2763 Internal rectification is needed
Chapter 2764 Group 10
Chapter 2765 Purpose of rectification
Chapter 2766 Zhang Tianhaos worries
Chapter 2767 The Appearance of Ma Er
Chapter 2768 Yu Yu’s worries
Chapter 2769 Rescue
Chapter 2770 Rescue (2)
Chapter 2771 Rescue (3)
Chapter 2772 Rescue (4)
Chapter 2773 Killing someone with a borrowed knife
Chapter 2774 Return to Chongqing
Chapter 2775 A small meeting of the Bureau of Central Statistics
Chapter 2776 Dialogue
Chapter 2777 Dialogue (2)
Chapter 2778 Ambush
Chapter 2779 Identity exposed again
Chapter 2780 Battle
Chapter 2781 Meet Xu Zengen again
Chapter 2782 Return the favor
Chapter 2783 Leaving Chongqing
Chapter 2784 Zhang Xiaomei
Chapter 2785 To Xian
Chapter 2786 Directly against Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 2787 Go Home
Chapter 2788 Dinner Party
Chapter 2789 Lao Lis thoughts
Chapter 2790 Japanese special problem
Chapter 2791 Meeting
Chapter 2792 Japanese bombing
Chapter 2793 Home was bombed
Chapter 2794 Masturbation
Chapter 2795 City Defense Map Stolen
Chapter 2796 Giving credit
Chapter 2797 Commander’s Brother-in-law
Chapter 2798 Missing Woman
Chapter 2799 Being followed
Chapter 2800 So thats it
Chapter 2801 Discovery of Radio Station
Chapter 2802 Luo Family
Chapter 2803 Zhang Tianhao’s powerlessness
Chapter 2804 Pause
Chapter 2805 Prepare to send away
Chapter 2806 Farewell
Chapter 2807 Telephone
Chapter 2808 Action (1)
Chapter 2809 Action (2)
Chapter 2810 Action (3)
Chapter 2811 Action (4)
Chapter 2812 The shock of Doi Yuan and others
Chapter 2813 The arrival of Xu Yaoqian
Chapter 2814 Being monitored
Chapter 2815 Whereabouts Exposed
Chapter 2816 Bombing
Chapter 2817 Inner Doubts
Chapter 2818 Suspicion (2)
Chapter 2819 So thats it
Chapter 2820 Go home again
Chapter 2821 Missing
Chapter 2822 Something happened in Shanghai
Chapter 2823 Minister Lis Troubles
Chapter 2824 Meeting Director Yan
Chapter 2825 Tracking
Chapter 2826
Chapter 2827 Xu Yaoqians plan
Chapter 2828 Looking for trouble for Xu Yaoqian
Chapter 2829 The powerful Luo family
Chapter 2830 Sister-in-law was kidnapped
Chapter 2831 Sister-in-law was kidnapped
Chapter 2832 Behind the kidnapping
Chapter 2833 Price and Payment
Chapter 2834 There is still an ambush
Chapter 2835 Give up
Chapter 2836 Cannon Sound
Chapter 2837 Meeting Point
Chapter 2838 Inspection Post
Chapter 2839 Xu Yaoqian has a headache
Chapter 2840 Xu Zengens shock
Chapter 2841 Lao Dais doubts
Chapter 2842 The weak Director Yan
Chapter 2843 Seven Students
Chapter 2844 Conflict
Chapter 2845 Xia Haos anger
Chapter 2846 Xu Zengen is also a sensible person
Chapter 2847 Fun Chat in the Car
Chapter 2848 The fight between all parties
Chapter 2849 Meeting Minister Li Again
Chapter 2850 Blackmailed
Chapter 2851 Couples Night Chat
Chapter 2852 Digging a hole
Chapter 2853 Guests of Mutton Soup
Chapter 2854 Xu Yaoqian’s helplessness
Chapter 2855 Exposure
Chapter 2856 Fishing Plan
Chapter 2857 Accident with Xiaoyu
Chapter 2858 Arrest
Chapter 2859 Meeting
Chapter 2860 Xu Zengen’s doubts
Chapter 2861 Zhang Tianhao’s military exploits
Chapter 2862 Meeting Director Chen in the Hospital
Chapter 2863 Lao Li’s plan
Chapter 2864 The arrival of the eldest sister
Chapter 2865: Sister’s face
Chapter 2866: Sister’s face (2)
Chapter 2867 Someone breaks in
Chapter 2868 Bah, shameless
Chapter 2869 Lao Lis visit
Chapter 2870 Zhang Tianhaos situation
Chapter 2871 Missy
Chapter 2872 Meeting Gift
Chapter 2873 Mental Test
Chapter 2874 Lao Lis purpose
Chapter 2875 The thoughts of the chiefs
Chapter 2876 Leaving
Chapter 2877 Xu Zengens sense of powerlessness
Chapter 2878 Returning to the Xiao Family
Chapter 2879 Two Telegrams
Chapter 2880 Return to Shanghai
Chapter 2881 The situation in Shanghai
Chapter 2882 Secret deal
Chapter 2883 Meeting Ah Feng
Chapter 2884 Boss Dai’s shock
Chapter 2885 Death of Kodama
Chapter 2886 Nozawas worries
Chapter 2887 Being questioned when returning home
Chapter 2888 Everyone’s dissatisfaction
Chapter 2889 Interrupted Meeting
Chapter 2890 Nozawa’s shock
Chapter 2891 Discovery
Chapter 2892 Everyone from Tantong Company
Chapter 2893 Weird Company
Chapter 2894 Turns out to be Japanese
Chapter 2895 Warehouse No. 13
Chapter 2896 Zhabei
Chapter 2897 Heiji Ichiro
Chapter 2898 The third identity issue
Chapter 2899 Killing
Chapter 2900 Drinking
Chapter 2901 Questioning
Chapter 2902 Leaving
Chapter 2903 One person or multiple people?
Chapter 2904 Clearance
Chapter 2905 Another attempt at Kodamas mechanism
Chapter 2906 Destroy the Kodama Mechanism
Chapter 2907 Young Master Zhang Tianhao?
Chapter 2908 American-Chinese Bank
Chapter 2909 Young Master Zhang Tianhao?(2)
Chapter 2910 Work
Chapter 2911 Follow up again
Chapter 2912 Following Manager Jian
Chapter 2913 Big World
Chapter 2914 The killing is in progress
Chapter 2915 Meeting an acquaintance
Chapter 2916 Doi Yuanyingzuo reaches cooperation
Chapter 2917 Zhou Xiaofeng’s Origin
Chapter 2918 Being trained in the company
Chapter 2919 Case Analysis
Chapter 2920 Nanjing Road Alley
Chapter 2921 Pier
Chapter 2922 Xu Zengen’s shock
Chapter 2923 Cafe
Chapter 2924 New Identity
Chapter 2925 Goodbye Li Changchun
Chapter 2926 Entering the Liu Family
Chapter 2927 Entering the Liu Family
Chapter 2928 Meeting Qin Yuxiang
Chapter 2929 The sweep plan is advanced
Chapter 2930 Fired
Chapter 2931 Manager Jians abnormality
Chapter 2932 Manager Jians true identity
Chapter 2933 Girlfriend again
Chapter 2934 Qian Juns current situation
Chapter 2935 Cards, the power in your hand
Chapter 2936 Forbes Abnormality
Chapter 2937 The Twelve Golden Hairpin Meeting
Chapter 2938 Breakfast
Chapter 2939 Poisoning (Thanks Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 2940 Enrollment
Chapter 2941 Shadow Zuo’s pursuit
Chapter 2942 Accountant Zhu appears
Chapter 2943 Chicken Soup for the Soul
Chapter 2944 Lao Zhus Speech
Chapter 2945 Targeting counter-encirclement and counter-mopping up
Chapter 2946 Tu Feiyuan VS Mo Changhe
Chapter 2947 The arrest is in progress (1)
Chapter 2948 The arrest is in progress (2)
Chapter 2949 Leaving the city
Chapter 2950 Farewell
Chapter 2951 Zhang Chaoyang’s worries
Chapter 2952 Dealing with Traitors
Chapter 2953 New Identity
Chapter 2954 Dealing with Jiichiro Jingping
Chapter 2955 Drug Problem
Chapter 2956 New Mission
Chapter 2957 Ruyus curiosity
Chapter 2958 Rice
Chapter 2959 Activating a new identity again
Chapter 2960 The action begins (1)
Chapter 2961 The action begins (2)
Chapter 2962 Solving Forbes Problem
Chapter 2963 The arrival of the guards
Chapter 2964 The bank dispute begins
Chapter 2965 Pingyi Society Reform
Chapter 2966 Tufeiyuans rage
Chapter 2967 Interrogation and Persecution
Chapter 2968 Failed Capture
Chapter 2969 Hate hate hate
Chapter 2970 Meeting at the teahouse (1)
Chapter 2971 Meeting at the teahouse (2)
Chapter 2972 Meeting at the teahouse (3)
Chapter 2973 Qin Yuxiangs Analysis (1)
Chapter 2974 Qin Yuxiangs Analysis (2)
Chapter 2975 Secret Code
Chapter 2976 Weird Radio Waves
Chapter 2977 Ichiro Suzuki visits
Chapter 2978 Heiji Ichiros information
Chapter 2979 Farewell
Chapter 2980 Letting go is also a relief
Chapter 2981 Another failure
Chapter 2982 Conspiracy to corrupt the central bank
Chapter 2983 Is it anger or sadness?
Chapter 2984 Clean Water Expert
Chapter 2985 Experts on China
Chapter 2986 Farewell to Qian Jun
Chapter 2987 Bank robbery broke out
Chapter 2988 Panic Director Li
Chapter 2989 Qin Yuxiangs plan
Chapter 2990 Female Killer
Chapter 2991 Clear water plus one (2)
Chapter 2992 Clear water plus one (3)
Chapter 2993 Plan
Chapter 2994 Where does the money go?
Chapter 2995 Where the money goes (2)
Chapter 2996 Seeing Suzuki again
Chapter 2997 Two clear waters plus one
Chapter 2998 Qingshui plus one enters the scene
Chapter 2999 Business Negotiation
Chapter 3000 Explosion
Chapter 3001 Tragic Scene
Chapter 3002 Before Action
Chapter 3003 Investigation
Chapter 3004 Missed?
Chapter 3005 Before Action (2)
Chapter 3006 The action is in progress
Chapter 3007: Taking advantage of others
Chapter 3008 The four daughters of the Jingping family
Chapter 3009 Ying Zuo’s Judgment
Chapter 3010 Prepare to save people
Chapter 3011 Its so heartbreaking
Chapter 3012 Asking Tu Feiyuan
Chapter 3013 Discovering the target
Chapter 3014 Ruyus smile
Chapter 3015 Emergency
Chapter 3016 Goodbye Heiji Ichiro
Chapter 3017 Interlude
Chapter 3018
Chapter 3019 Arranging Four Girls
Chapter 3020 Entering the Military Police
Chapter 3021 Leaving the Military Police
Chapter 3022 Killing Night
Chapter 3023 Killing Night (2)
Chapter 3024 Qin Yuxiangs Mission
Chapter 3025 The martial arts hall is on fire
Chapter 3026 Director Li thinks death is too long
Chapter 3027 Director Li Wants to Die
Chapter 3028 Fishing Plan
Chapter 3029 Shadow
Chapter 3030 Hiring people
Chapter 3031 He Juxiangs plan
Chapter 3032 Unexpected Information
Chapter 3033 Decoction
Chapter 3034 Persuading Pingzhi
Chapter 3035 Successful cooperation
Chapter 3036 The Third Squadron
Chapter 3037: Scolding He Juxiang
Chapter 3038: Teach Manager Sakai a lesson
Chapter 3039 Applying for Early Graduation
Chapter 3040 Successful Surgery
Chapter 3041 The pain in the hearts of several women
Chapter 3042 Clinic Opening
Chapter 3043 Flowers are reduced to zero
Chapter 3044 Qin Yuxiangs worries
Chapter 3045 The sweep is about to begin
Chapter 3046 Another blind date?
Chapter 3047 An irresistible blind date
Chapter 3048 Baoren Pharmacy
Chapter 3049 Angelica
Chapter 3050 Retreat and Capture
Chapter 3051 Full mobilization of all squadrons
Chapter 3052 Operation Anchovy
Chapter 3053 Qin Yuxiangs suspicion
Chapter 3054 Medicinal Diet
Chapter 3055 A phone call
Chapter 3056 Large-Scale Sweep
Chapter 3057 The mean-mouthed Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 3058 Successful blind date, depressed Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 3059 Shanghai Chaos (1)
Chapter 3060 Shanghai Chaos (2)
Chapter 3061 Shanghai Chaos (3)
Chapter 3062 Shanghai Chaos (4)
Chapter 3063 Shanghai Chaos (5)
Chapter 3064 Shanghai Chaos (6)
Chapter 3065 Shanghai Chaos (7)
Chapter 3066 Shanghai Chaos (8)
Chapter 3067 Shanghai Chaos (9)
Chapter 3068 Shanghai Chaos (10)
Chapter 3069 Shanghai Chaos (11)
Chapter 3070 Shanghai Chaos (12)
Chapter 3071 Shanghai Chaos (13)
Chapter 3072 Shanghai Chaos (14)
Chapter 3073 Shanghai Chaos (15)
Chapter 3074 Receive goods
Chapter 3075 Buying Population
Chapter 3076 Meeting (1)
Chapter 3077 Meeting (2)
Chapter 3078 Young Master Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 3079 Study Room
Chapter 3080 Study (2)
Chapter 3081 Little Yokos vigilance
Chapter 3082 Prescription
Chapter 3083 A walk in the courtyard
Chapter 3084 Matchmaker
Chapter 3085 Explosion
Chapter 3086 The reason behind the incident
Chapter 3087 The truth guessed by Qin Yuxiang
Chapter 3088 The Failure of Yangzhou Encirclement and Suppression
Chapter 3089 Return
Chapter 3090 Return to Shanghai
Chapter 3091 Female Worker
Chapter 3092 Analysis of reasons for marrying
Chapter 3093 Get up early
Chapter 3094 Surgery (1)
Chapter 3095 Surgery (2)
Chapter 3096 Surgery (3)
Chapter 3097 Yoko’s identity
Chapter 3098 Yokos choice
Chapter 3099 Gap
Chapter 3100 Blocking my path to wealth
Chapter 3101 Bookstore Clerk
Chapter 3102 Even if I beat you to death
Chapter 3103 Qin Yuxiangs Troubles
Chapter 3104 A phone call
Chapter 3105 Boss Dais plan
Chapter 3106 An information
Chapter 3107 Factory starts operation
Chapter 3108 Unexpected News
Chapter 3109 Prepare to train more people
Chapter 3110 Screening Personnel
Chapter 3111 Screening Personnel (2)
Chapter 3112 Yokos doubts
Chapter 3113 The first quarrel
Chapter 3114 Exaggerated Income
Chapter 3115 A table of mahjong
Chapter 3116 January 6
Chapter 3117 Yoko pities the three girls
Chapter 3118 Pier
Chapter 3119 Pier (2)
Chapter 3120 Pier (3)
Chapter 3121 Pier (4)
Chapter 3122 Pier (5)
Chapter 3123 Pier (6)
Chapter 3124 Pier (7)
Chapter 3125 Pier (8)
Chapter 3126 Pier (9)
Chapter 3127 Pier (10)
Chapter 3128 Pier (11)
Chapter 3129 Pier (12)
Chapter 3130 Pier (13)
Chapter 3131 Pier (14)
Chapter 3132 Pier (15)
Chapter 3133 Pier(16)
Chapter 3134 Zhang Tianhao gets angry
Chapter 3135 Yokos anger
Chapter 3136 Yokos anger (2)
Chapter 3137 Successful Connection
Chapter 3138 Warning Ma Jun
Chapter 3139 Educating three female spies
Chapter 3140 Maid Outfit
Chapter 3141 The Three Lost Women
Chapter 3142 The final glory
Chapter 3143 Good luck all the way
Chapter 3144 Such a conversation
Chapter 3145 The Kingdom of Heroes
Chapter 3146 Reputation
Chapter 3176 The wolf is coming
Chapter 3148 Guidance to Ma Xuanxuan
Chapter 3149 Qin Yuxiang’s inner monologue
Chapter 3150 Busy
Chapter 3151 Yoko’s loss
Chapter 3152 Application passed
Chapter 3153 Sorry, I'm late
Chapter 3154 Lovely Qin Yuxiang
Chapter 3155: Survival by cutting off the tail
Chapter 3156 Yoko who cant sleep
Chapter 3157 Clues (1)
Chapter 3158 Morning
Chapter 3159 The factory director is confirmed
Chapter 3160 Small Conflict
Chapter 3161 An accident within an accident
Chapter 3162 Reprimand
Chapter 3163 Electronic Components
Chapter 3164 'Drunken'
Chapter 3165 Everything is being prepared
Chapter 3166 Before Action
Chapter 3167 Yokos Thoughts
Chapter 3168 The action begins
Chapter 3169 Receive goods
Chapter 3170 Alertness
Chapter 3171 Complete the mission
Chapter 3172 Sakais shock
Chapter 3173 Li Changchun’s shock
Chapter 3174 Two extremes
Chapter 3175 Eliminated Suspect
Chapter 3176 The wolf is coming
Chapter 3177 Targeting College Students
Chapter 3178 Liu Family Meeting
Chapter 3179 Conspiracy
Chapter 3180 Missing Goods
Chapter 3181 Reactions from all parties
Chapter 3182 Picking up the goods
Chapter 3183 The body is too strong
Chapter 3184 Telephone Blackmail
Chapter 3185 Hypnosis
Chapter 3186 The Shunyi Gang is destroyed
Chapter 3187 Concession Inspection
Chapter 3188 Yagyu Kendo Gym
Chapter 3189 Sakais Purpose
Chapter 3190 Threat or joke?
Chapter 3191 Conditions
Chapter 3192 Zhang Tianhaos doubts
Chapter 3193 Yoshiko Kawashima reappears
Chapter 3194 Special Fleet
Chapter 3195 Build another laboratory
Chapter 3196 The Chaotic Concession
Chapter 3197 Another spy
Chapter 3198 Peeping at documents
Chapter 3199 Password
Chapter 3200 Counterfeiting
Chapter 3201 Qitengs Abnormality
Chapter 3202 Radio Direction Finding Vehicle
Chapter 3203 Another ambush
Chapter 3204 Another small dispute
Chapter 3205 Qians Clothing Village
Chapter 3206 Qin Yuxiangs Growth
Chapter 3207 The resentment of Sakai Jiro
Chapter 3208 Qian’s Clothing Village
Chapter 3209 Analysis
Chapter 3210 Coincidentally
Chapter 3211: Release internal energy outwards
Chapter 3212 Becoming stronger
Chapter 3213 The spies come to cause trouble
Chapter 3214 Meeting with Qi Teng Haoji
Chapter 3215 Inexplicable pressure
Chapter 3216 The crisis brought by Sakai
Chapter 3217 The operation was successful
Chapter 3218 Military Commanders Business
Chapter 3248 Joint (2)
Chapter 3220 Successful arrest
Chapter 3221 The Lost Radio Station
Chapter 3222 Sensitive Yoko
Chapter 3223 Frankly speaking reasons
Chapter 3224 Death Plan
Chapter 3225 Li Changchuns shock
Chapter 3226 Training Begins
Chapter 3227 The perfect substitute
Chapter 3228 The perfect substitute (2)
Chapter 3229 Two Messages
Chapter 3230 The retreat of female workers
Chapter 3231 Lao Li’s shock
Chapter 3232 Being chased (1)
Chapter 3233 Being chased (2)
Chapter 3234 Being chased (3)
Chapter 3235 Being chased (4)
Chapter 3236 Being chased (5)
Chapter 3237 Being chased (6)
Chapter 3238 Qi Tenghaoji’s attention
Chapter 3239 Meeting an acquaintance
Chapter 3240 Crazy Female Worker
Chapter 3241 Teaching Xu Jie
Chapter 3242 Targeted again
Chapter 3243 Two women discuss Jingping
Chapter 3244 Plane Incident
Chapter 3245 Chiteng Keiko
Chapter 3246 Trap?
Chapter 3247 Joint (1)
Chapter 3248 Joint (2)
Chapter 3249 Joint (3)
Chapter 3250 The second connection (1)
Chapter 3251 The codebook is stolen
Chapter 3252 The Special Agent Seeking Death
Chapter 3253 The extremely angry Zhou Shuili
Chapter 3254 The extremely angry Xu Zengen
Chapter 3255 Li Changchuns Troubles
Chapter 3256 Internal Meeting of the Military Police
Chapter 3257 The gaze from upstairs
Chapter 3258 Murder and Arson
Chapter 3259 Watching a Show
Chapter 3260 Zhang Tianhao’s little moves
Chapter 3261 Preparing to sell stocks
Chapter 3262 One-Time Password
Chapter 3263 Another discussion on stocks
Chapter 3264 Preparing the Shop
Chapter 3265 Safe passage?
Chapter 3266 Men’s Dignity
Chapter 3267 Party
Chapter 3268 Stocks
Chapter 3269 Contract
Chapter 3270 Another killer group
Chapter 3271 The wind is blowing
Chapter 3272 Tufeiyuans anger
Chapter 3273 The scene
Chapter 3274 Quiet Meeting
Chapter 3275 Clues
Chapter 3276 See the blockade again
Chapter 3277 Signal
Chapter 3278 Meeting
Chapter 3279 Meeting (2)
Chapter 3280 The ninth beating
Chapter 3281 Assassination
Chapter 3282 Notify Ziteng
Chapter 3283 Death of Wang Weiguo
Chapter 3284 Entering the killers house
Chapter 3285 Tang Casino
Chapter 3286 Casino
Chapter 3287 The person behind the scenes
Chapter 3288 Refuse to meet
Chapter 3289 He Rong’s nervousness
Chapter 3290 He Rong explains
Chapter 3291 Death of He Rong
Chapter 3292 Mysterious Disappearance
Chapter 3293 Mr. Hua
Chapter 3294 High Salary
Chapter 3295 Teach the Three Women a Lesson
Chapter 3296 Business
Chapter 3297 Its business again
Chapter 3298 A brief exchange
Chapter 3299 Luck is also strength
Chapter 3300 Luck is also strength (2)
Chapter 3301 Plan
Chapter 3302 Visiting Taiping Smokehouse Again
Chapter 3303 Diversion of sight
Chapter 3304: Being relied on
Chapter 3305 The Bold Sun Jing
Chapter 3306 Departure
Chapter 3307 Meeting Hu Kai
Chapter 3308 Send a gun
Chapter 3309 Encountering Japanese and Puppet Troops
Chapter 3310 Water Bandit Liu Xiang
Chapter 3311 Hu Kais shock
Chapter 3312 The Japanese Army Chases
Chapter 3313 Destroy the enemy
Chapter 3314 Airplane
Chapter 3315 Questioning
Chapter 3316: Investigate the inner ghost
Chapter 3317 Training in the Female Soldier Camp
Chapter 3318 Arrest
Chapter 3319 Female Soldier Execution
Chapter 3320 Ambush Battle
Chapter 3321 Capture the headquarters
Chapter 3322 Horrible Casualties
Chapter 3323 The End of Yamada
Chapter 3324 Return
Chapter 3325 Basement
Chapter 3326 Suzukos warning
Chapter 3327 Delivery in person
Chapter 3328 News of coming back
Chapter 3329 Angry
Chapter 3330 Reminder
Chapter 3331 Plan No. 2
Chapter 3332 'Traitor'
Chapter 3333 Investigation Report
Chapter 3334 Stealing documents
Chapter 3335 Getting ready to go home
Chapter 3336 Yokos methods
Chapter 3337 Biochemical Laboratory
Chapter 3338 Rescue
Chapter 3339 Gunshots in the Dance Hall
Chapter 3340 Yoko seeks medical treatment
Chapter 3341 Yokos pain
Chapter 3342 Back to Xiangshan Road
Chapter 3343 Its him
Chapter 3344 Li Changchuns actions
Chapter 3345 The three shocked bosses
Chapter 3346 Specialty Telegram (1)
Chapter 3347 Special Telegram (2)
Chapter 3348 Specialty Telegram (3)
Chapter 3349 Specialty Telegram (4)
Chapter 3350 Specialty Telegram (5)
Chapter 3351 Specialty Telegram (6)
Chapter 3352 Jiang Hua was caught unexpectedly
Chapter 3353 Conversation with Yoko
Chapter 3354 Separation
Chapter 3355 More bonuses
Chapter 3356 Li Changchun is relieved
Chapter 3357 Jiang Hua’s Purpose
Chapter 3358 Li Changchun’s request
Chapter 3359 Meeting Taro Matsushita Again
Chapter 3360 No. 1 connector signal
Chapter 3361 Unsatisfactory joint
Chapter 3362 Yoko’s reflection
Chapter 3363 Gift
Chapter 3364 'Girl's Prayer'
Chapter 3365 Transaction (1)
Chapter 3366 Transaction (2)
Chapter 3367 Panasonics thoughts
Chapter 3368 Panasonic was beaten
Chapter 3369 Unexpected Information
Chapter 3370 The insidious Jiro Sakai
Chapter 3371 Director Lis change of face
Chapter 3372 Director Lis shock
Chapter 3373 Bombardment of No. 76
Chapter 3374 Catch Lingzi again
Chapter 3375 Jiang Huas explanation
Chapter 3376 Death of Jiang Hua
Chapter 3377 Oda reappears
Chapter 3378 Plane stolen
Chapter 3379 Sickness
Chapter 3380 Flying to Yan'an
Chapter 3381 The concentration of Japanese radio stations
Chapter 3382 Arrive at Yan'an
Chapter 3383 Meeting Lao Li
Chapter 3384 Leaving again
Chapter 3385 Escape on the river
Chapter 3386 Escape
Chapter 3387 Xiao Shuichiro
Chapter 3388 Li Changchun’s plan
Chapter 3389 Encounter on the road
Chapter 3390 Plan in progress
Chapter 3391 Being followed
Chapter 3392 The plan begins again
Chapter 3422 The golden cicada escapes from its shell
Chapter 3423 Japanese troops on the front line
Chapter 3395 Li Changchun returns to Chongqing
Chapter 3396 Night Visit
Chapter 3397 Terrible Intuition
Chapter 3398 No. 1s Teachings
Chapter 3399 Traitor
Chapter 3400 Angry at Matsushita Taro
Chapter 3401 Factory Plan
Chapter 3402 Labor again
Chapter 3403 Three people conspired
Chapter 3404 The struggle between the two sides
Chapter 3405 Departure
Chapter 3406 Arriving at the designated place
Chapter 3407 Convergence
Chapter 3408 Patrol Boat
Chapter 3409 Seizing the Boat
Chapter 3410 Rescue
Chapter 3411 Your own choice
Chapter 3412 Return to Shanghai
Chapter 3413 Tasteless wine
Chapter 3414 Yokos doubts
Chapter 3415 Shocking Profits
Chapter 3416 Suzuko’s doubts
Chapter 3417 A big net
Chapter 3418 Prepare to deceive people
Chapter 3419 Being eavesdropped
Chapter 3420 Japanese troops are surrounded
Chapter 3421 Hashimoto Bear’s Sin
Chapter 3422 The golden cicada escapes from its shell
Chapter 3423 Japanese troops on the front line
Chapter 3424 The battle is over
Chapter 3425: Being targeted again
Chapter 3426 A great victory on the front line
Chapter 3427 Inexplicable pressure
Chapter 3428 Tufeiyuan underestimated again
Chapter 3429 No. 1s Suggestion
Chapter 3430 Boss Dais anger
Chapter 3431 Disembarkation
Chapter 3432 Persuading Qin to go to the United States
Chapter 3433 New Years greetings (thank you Niuer for the reward)
Chapter 3434 An accident in the factory (1)
Chapter 3435 An accident in the factory (2)
Chapter 3436 Yokos wry smile
Chapter 3437 Understand the causes and consequences
Chapter 3438 Factory Incident
Chapter 3439 Flustered Sakai Jiro
Chapter 3440 List
Chapter 3441 Qi Teng Haoji’s discovery
Chapter 3442 The late Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 3442 Escape (1)
Chapter 3443 Escape (2)
Chapter 3444 Escape (3)
Chapter 3445 A Letter
Chapter 3446 Escape (4)
Chapter 3447 Finally back again
Chapter 3448 Yoko’s concerns
Chapter 3449 Tail?
Chapter 10 I speak for myself
Chapter 6 A Bing’s Thoughts
Chapter 7 Going to see Qin Yuxiang
Chapter 8 Go to the bank
Chapter 9 Withdrawing Money
Chapter 10 Lao Zhang’s worries
Chapter 11 Fishing
Chapter 3458 Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions
Chapter 13 Chase
Chapter 3460 A brief meeting between father and son
Chapter 3461 Xu Zengens anger
Chapter 3462 Planned Bankruptcy
Chapter 3463 Embassy (1)
Chapter 3464 Embassy (2)
Chapter 3465 Embassy (3)
Chapter 3466 Embassy (4)
Chapter 3467 Embassy (5)
Chapter 3468 Embassy (6)
Chapter 3469 Return to the villa
Chapter 3470 Each fights fifty big boards
Chapter 3471 The Japanese Union
Chapter 3472 Two Messages
Chapter 3473: Gendarmerie Intelligence Incident
Chapter 3474 Shocked Duo
Chapter 3475 Lao Zhang escapes
Chapter 3476: The girls’ retreat
Chapter 3477 Qin Zhang meets
Chapter 3478 Lao Zhang’s Worry
Chapter 3479 The whereabouts of No. 1
Chapter 3480 Suspicion and Asking for Money
Chapter 3481 Guidance
Chapter 9 Disappearance
Chapter 10 Crazy Night (1)
Chapter 11 Crazy Night (2)
Chapter 3485 Crazy Night (3)
Chapter 6 Comments on Zhang Tianhao
Chapter 7 Lao Zhangs concerns
Chapter 8 Qin Yuxiang’s unexpected arrival
Chapter 9 The Crisis of the Underground Party
Chapter 10 New Years greetings
Chapter 11 Classmates
Chapter 12 A terrible guess
Chapter 13 To save or not to save?
Chapter 14 To save or not to save? (2)
Chapter 3496: To save or not to save? (3)
Chapter 3496: To save or not to save? (3)
Chapter 3497: To save or not to save? (4)
Chapter 3498: To save or not to save? (5)
Chapter 3499: To save or not to save? (6)
Chapter 10 The operation was successful
Chapter 11 Three women apply for employment (1)
Chapter 3502 Three women apply for employment (2)
Chapter 3504 Opening of Business
Chapter 3505 He Xiu’s Temptation
Chapter Six Reasons for Dismissal
Chapter 7 Qin Yuxiang loses his composure
Chapter 8 The Identity of Hideko Tanaka
Chapter 9 Qi Teng solves the puzzle
Chapter 10 Two women’s private conversation
Chapter 11 Death of Ishibei (1)
Chapter 12 Death of Ishibei (2)
Chapter 13 Zhang Tianhao’s Worries
Chapter 14 Qin Yuxiang’s confusion
Chapter 3515 First Draft of Plan
Chapter 3516: Meeting Mr. Chen
Chapter 3517 Mr. Chen
Chapter 3518 Miuras threat
Chapter 3519: Killer
Chapter 3520 The fire started
Chapter 3521 Arrangements to leave
Chapter 3522 Departure and Plan
Chapter 3523 Plan
Chapter 3524 Wanted
Chapter 3525: When the plan is in progress
Chapter 3526 Lao Lis guess
Chapter 3527 Loopholes
Chapter 3528 Preparation
Chapter 3529 The action begins
Chapter 3530 Entering the Military Camp (1)
Chapter 10 Entering the Military Camp (2)
Chapter 3532 Entering the Military Camp (3)
Chapter 2: Shanghai is in chaos again (1)
Chapter 3 Shanghai is in chaos again (2)
Chapter 3535 Shanghai is in chaos again (3)
Chapter 3536 Shanghai is in chaos again (4)
Chapter 3537 Shanghai is in chaos again (5)
Chapter 3538: Shanghai is in chaos again (6)
Chapter 3539: Shanghai is in chaos again (7)
Chapter 3540 Shanghai is in chaos again (8)
Chapter 3541 Shanghai is in chaos again (9)
Chapter 3542: Shanghai is in chaos again (10)
Chapter 3543 Director Li’s fear
Chapter 3544 Ying Zuo’s decision
Chapter 3545 Documents
Chapter 3546 Mr. Chen’s meeting
Chapter 3547 Battle Damage Ratio
Chapter 8 Surgery
Chapter 9 Lao Zhang’s speculation
Chapter 10 Xu Zengen’s dilemma
Chapter 3551 Zhang Tianhao falls asleep
Chapter 3552: Failed Negotiation
Chapter 3553 Tu Fei Yuan’s speculation
Chapter 3554 Qi Teng Haoer’s Pressure
Chapter 3555 Being followed
Chapter 3556 Zhao Chuan moves out
Chapter 3557 Ambush
Chapter 3558: Another sunny day
Chapter 3559 Chiteng Keiko’s worries
Chapter 3560 Li Changchun returns to Shanghai
Chapter 3561: Memories of the Three Women
Chapter 3562 Zhou Xiaofeng comes to Shanghai again
Chapter 3563 Wake up
Chapter 3564 Unexpected Information
Chapter 3565 Zhang Tianhao’s cruelty
Chapter 3565 An unexpected phone call
Chapter 3566: Men’s Jealousy
Chapter 3567 Meeting
Chapter 3568: Women’s Intuition
Chapter 3569 Keiko’s speculation
Chapter 3570 Zhao Chuan’s letter
Chapter 8 Terrifying Thought Control
Chapter 9 It’s not the same
Chapter 10 Kill at the Door
Chapter 3: Shelling and Building Streets
Chapter 4 Assassination
Chapter 4 The Complaints of the Three Women
Chapter 3577 Immortality Clinic
Chapter 3578 Special Patients
Chapter 3579 Photos
Chapter 3580 Arrangements for Disabled Persons
Chapter 3581 Attitude Reversal
Chapter 3582 The situation in the concession
Chapter 3583 Shopkeeper Sun asks for medicine
Chapter 3584 Shopkeeper Sun
Chapter 3585 Identity Loophole
Chapter 3586 The helpless choice
Chapter 3587 The Bank Incident Escalates
Chapter 3588 Fifty Million Counterfeit Coins
Chapter 3589 Lao Zhang is being followed
Chapter 3590 Save Lao Zhang
Chapter 3591 Organizational Entrustment
Chapter 3592 Another rescue
Chapter 3593 Gunshot
Chapter 3594: Saving Students
Chapter 3595 Educating Students
Chapter 3596: Difficult Students
Chapter 3597: Prepare for rescue
Chapter 3598 Afeng’s information
Chapter 3599 The Return of the Three Women
Chapter 3600 The Golden Incident
Chapter 3601 How easy is it to see
Chapter 3602 Doubts and Observations
Chapter 3603 The Three Women’s Worries
Chapter 3604: Medical Treatment
Chapter 3605 The Suspicions of the Four Treasures
Chapter 3606 Lao Zhang’s shock
Chapter 3607: There are many things to do
Chapter 3608 Two months later
Chapter 3609 Two months later (2)
Chapter 3610 A Difficult Breakthrough
Chapter 3611 Returning “home”
Chapter 3612 Decoction
Chapter 3613 Dinner
Chapter 3614 A small conflict
Chapter 3615 Children’s Problem
Chapter 3616 Xu Yu’s Worry
Chapter 3617 Token
Chapter 3618 The depreciation of the yen
Chapter 3619 Zhang Tianhao’s complaints
Chapter 3620 Ruby Ring
Chapter 3621 Cheng Wen
Chapter 3622 Yoko’s Visit
Chapter 3623: The Doubts of the Three Women
Chapter 3624: Changing Makeup
Chapter 3625 Li Changchun Visits
Chapter 3626: Meet Li Changchun again
Chapter 3627 Reception
Chapter 3628: Reception (2)
Chapter 3629: Reception (3)
Chapter 3630: Exchange of Messages
Chapter 3631 Reception (4)
Chapter 3632 Reception (5)
Chapter 3633 Reception (6)
Chapter 3634 Reception (7)
Chapter 3635 Reception (8)
Chapter 3636 Financial Sources
Chapter 3637 Bank
Chapter 3638: Alley Entrance
Chapter 3639 Analysis of the Hidden Place
Chapter 3640: Tufeiyuan’s attention
Chapter 3641: Everyone is preparing to fight against the local tyrants
Chapter 3642 Everyone has their own thoughts
Chapter 3643 Yoko’s self-blame
Chapter 3644: Finding Gold
Chapter 3645 Telephone
Chapter 3646 Anger
Chapter 3647 Car Explosion
Chapter 3648: Authentic
Chapter 3649 Transfer the money
Chapter 3650 Qi Teng Haoji’s Psychology
Chapter 3651 Xiangshan Villa
Chapter 3652 Gold Transportation
Chapter 3653: Appreciation from the Chiefs
Chapter 3654 The warm side
Chapter 3655 Making Money
Chapter 3656 Being monitored
Chapter 3657: Prepare gifts
Chapter 3658 Joke
Chapter 3659 Wine Table Culture
Chapter 3660 Eavesdropping Equipment
Chapter 3661 Transaction Changes
Chapter 3662: Grab supplies
Chapter 3663: Risky Action
Chapter 3664: Qi Teng’s Night Visit
Chapter 3665 The four meet again
Chapter 3666: Disappointed Ying Zuo
Chapter 3667 Li Changchun’s helplessness
Chapter 3672 Heart Disease
Chapter 3673 Yu Yu
Chapter 3674 Farewell to Peking
Chapter 3675 The leaders were shocked
Chapter 3676 The three women are preparing to leave
Chapter 3678 Stopping halfway
Chapter 3679 Peking Branch
Chapter 3680 Bandits Attack
Chapter 3681 Being woken up
Chapter 3682 Strange big man
Chapter 3683 Things are fermenting
Chapter 3684 Boss Dai’s terrifying analysis
Chapter 3685 The warrior man
Chapter 3686 Tense atmosphere
Chapter 3687 Cooperation between all parties
Chapter 3688 Sakai comes to visit
Chapter 3689 Yoko nodded
Chapter 3690 The situation is urgent
Chapter 3691 Suspicion of Identity
Chapter 3692 Suspicion of Identity
Chapter 3693 The Fury of the Japanese Army
Chapter 3694 Confusion among all parties
Chapter 3695 Lao Hu’s identity
Chapter 3695: Underhand
Chapter 3696 The Origin of Zhao Li
Chapter 3697 Qi Teng’s Concern
Chapter 3698 Cute Little Tiger
Chapter 3699: Race against time
Chapter 3700: Forced to Stop the Train
Chapter 3701: Joking about the leader
Chapter 3702 Handover
Chapter 3703 Actions from all parties
Chapter 3704 Commander Chen’s speculation
Chapter 3705: A state of foreign excitement
Chapter 3706 Urgency and Slowness
Chapter 3707 It’s inexplicable again
Chapter 3708 Rest
Chapter 3709 Mysterious Troops
Chapter 3710: Crossing Shilou Mountain
Chapter 3711 Meeting Lao Li again
Chapter 3712 Counting
Chapter 3713: Sending 'Words'
Chapter 3714: Shocked by all parties
Chapter 3715 Yoko’s thoughts
Chapter 3716 Meeting Xiaoyu
Chapter 3717 Meeting Gu Yuejiao
Chapter 3718 Meeting Xiao’s Father and Xiao’s Mother
Chapter 3719 Father Xiao’s decision
Chapter 3720: Mother Xiao’s shrewdness
Chapter 3721: Sister-in-law recognizes relatives
Chapter 3722 Materials
Chapter 3723 Peking Branch
Chapter 3724 Returning “home”
Chapter 3725: Move the baby away
Chapter 3726 'Fell in'
Chapter 3727 Comfortable (1)
Chapter 3728 Comfortable (2)
Chapter 3729 Distrust
Chapter 3730 Doubt (1)
Chapter 3731 Doubt (2)
Chapter 3732 Suspicion (3)
Chapter 3733 Where the money goes
Chapter 3734 Business
Chapter 3735 Qi Teng Koji who doubts life
Chapter 3736: Delivering Medicine
Chapter 3737 Food prices will rise
Chapter 3738: News spread
Chapter 3739: Kyoko’s wrong words
Chapter 3740 Qi Teng tests again
Chapter 3741 Yingzuo’s jealousy
Chapter 3742: Assassinated
Chapter 3743 Complaint
Chapter 3744 Director Li’s Suspicion
Chapter 3745 'Flying Pigeon Project' (1)
Chapter 3746 'Flying Pigeon Project' (2)
Chapter 3747 'Flying Pigeon Project' (3)
Chapter 3748 'Flying Pigeon Project' (4)
Chapter 3749 'Flying Pigeon Project' (5)
Chapter 3750 'Flying Pigeon Project' (6)
Chapter 3751 'Flying Pigeon Project' (7)
Chapter 3752 'Flying Pigeon Project' (8)
Chapter 3753 'Flying Pigeon Project' (9)
Chapter 3754 'Flying Pigeon Project' (10)
Chapter 3755 'Flying Pigeon Project' (11)
Chapter 3756 'Flying Pigeon Project' (12)
Chapter 3757 'Flying Pigeon Project' (13)
Chapter 3758 'Flying Pigeon Project' (14)
Chapter 3759 'Flying Pigeon Project' (15)
Chapter 3760 'Flying Pigeon Project' (16)
Chapter 3761 'Flying Pigeon Project' (17)
Chapter 3762 'Flying Pigeon Project' (18)
Chapter 3763: Chi Teng’s Suspicion
Chapter 3764 Qiteng’s Suspicion (2)
Chapter 3765: Proposed Honeymoon
Chapter 3766 Letter
Chapter 3767 No. 1 was arrested
Chapter 3768 Come out
Chapter 3769 Yoko’s helplessness
Chapter 3770 Action (1)
Chapter 3771 Action (2)
Chapter 3772 Action (3)
Chapter 3773 Action (4)
Chapter 3774: The shock of Doi Yuan and others
Chapter 3775 The Arrival of Xu Yaoqian
Chapter 3776 Being Surveilled
Chapter 3777 Whereabouts Exposed
Chapter 3778 Bombing
Chapter 3779: Inner Doubts
Chapter 3780 Suspicion (2)
Chapter 3781 So that’s it
Chapter 3782 Go home again
Chapter 3783 Missing
Chapter 3784: Something happened in Shanghai
Chapter 3785 Minister Li’s Troubles
Chapter 3786 Meeting Director Yan
Chapter 3787 Tracking
Chapter 3788
Chapter 3789 Xu Yaoqian’s plan
Chapter 3790: Looking for trouble for Xu Yaoqian
Chapter 3791 The Powerful Luo Family
Chapter 3792: Sister-in-law was kidnapped
Chapter 3793: Behind the Kidnapping
Chapter 3794 Price and Payment
Chapter 3795 There is still an ambush
Chapter 3796: Give up
Chapter 3797: Cannon Sound
Chapter 3798 Meeting Point
Chapter 3799 Inspection Post
Chapter 3800 Xu Yaoqian has a headache
Chapter 3801 Xu Zengen’s shock
Chapter 3802 Lao Dai’s doubts
Chapter 3803: The Weak Director Yan
Chapter 3804 Seven Students
Chapter 3805: Conflict
Chapter 3806 Xia Hao’s anger
Chapter 3807 Xu Zengen is also a sensible person
Chapter 3808: Fun Chat in the Car
Chapter 3809 The fight between all parties
Chapter 3810 Meeting Minister Li Again
Chapter 3811: Blackmailed
Chapter 3812: Couple’s night conversation
Chapter 3813 Digging a hole
Chapter 3814: Guests of Mutton Soup
Chapter 3815 Xu Yaoqian’s helplessness
Chapter 3816 Exposure
Chapter 3817 Fishing Plan
Chapter 3818 The accident with Xiaoyu
Chapter 3819 Arrest
Chapter 3820 Meeting
Chapter 3821 Xu Zengen’s doubts
Chapter 3822 Zhang Tianhao’s military exploits
Chapter 3823 Meeting Director Chen in the Hospital
Chapter 3824 Lao Li’s plan
Chapter 3825 The arrival of the eldest sister
Chapter 3826: Sister’s Face
Chapter 3827: Sister’s Face (2)
Chapter 3828 Someone broke in
Chapter 3829 Bah, shameless
Chapter 3830 Lao Li’s visit
Chapter 3831 Zhang Tianhao’s situation
Chapter 3832: Miss
Chapter 3833 Meeting Ceremony
Chapter 3834 Mental Test
Chapter 3835 Lao Li’s purpose
Chapter 3836 The thoughts of the chiefs
Chapter 3837 Leaving
Chapter 3838 Xu Zengen’s sense of powerlessness
Chapter 3839 Returning to the Xiao Family
Chapter 3840 Two Telegrams
Chapter 3841 Return to Shanghai
Chapter 3842 The Situation in Shanghai
Chapter 3843 Secret deal
Chapter 3844 Meeting Ah Feng
Chapter 3845 Boss Dai’s shock
Chapter 3846 Death of Kodama
Chapter 3847 Nozawa’s Worry
Chapter 3848: Being questioned after returning home
Chapter 3849: Everyone’s Dissatisfaction
Chapter 3850 Interrupted Meeting
Chapter 3851 Nozawa’s shock
Chapter 3852 Discovery
Chapter 3853 Everyone in Santong Company
Chapter 3854 Weird Company
Chapter 3855: Turns out to be Japanese
Chapter 3856 Warehouse No. 13
Chapter 3857 Zhabei
Chapter 3858 Heiji Ichiro
Chapter 3859: The Third Identity Issue
Chapter 3860 Killing
Chapter 3861 Drinking
Chapter 3862 Questioning
Chapter 3863 Leaving
Chapter 3864: One person or multiple people?
Chapter 3865 Clearance
Chapter 3866: The Kodama Trap Again
Chapter 2906 Destroy the Kodama Mechanism