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Chapter 1410 Zhang Tianhao’s Analysis

 Zhang Tianhao did not expect that Kang Zihua and Xu Yueqian stood outside and listened to their conversation. He did not notice it at first, but he did not expect that Dong Biqi really invited him to a Hongmen banquet.

"Thank you, Director, Secretary for your trust."

He stood up and saluted, then looked at Dong Biqi with a playful smile and said: "Chief Dong, you are not interesting enough. Please ask me again next time. At least ten meals can compensate for my young and injured heart, otherwise this matter will not be over.


"You are still injured, and we have all wiped the cold sweat for you. If it were less, I would really believe it, but this amount is too exaggerated, and I can't believe it, so I have today's treat." Xu Yaoqian said calmly.

He said, pulling out a stool and asking the waiter to bring two sets of tableware.

When the two of them sat down, they opened their chopsticks and started eating.

"By the way, Tianhao, do you know that this Shen Jie wants to harm you?"

"I really don't know this. If he wants to harm me, it could happen at any time. I really can't defend myself, let alone know that he wants to harm me."

"Then why did you think that it would harm you at that time?"

"The management was the worst at that time, and it was only at that time that I told him a few times, but I didn't say anything else. Moreover, supplies were in short supply at that time. You can guess if you think about it, he would use these aspects to plot against me. But

I have done nothing wrong, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on my door."

"Although I have a lot of faults and I like to take advantage of them, rules are rules. No matter how dissatisfied I am, I must abide by them!"

"Well said, well said, rules are rules!" Kang Zihua seemed quite satisfied with Zhang Tianhao's words. He poured himself a glass of wine and clinked a glass with Xu Yaoqian.

"Tianhao, there are really not many people who can do this, and even fewer people understand this principle. They don't know what to do and what not to do, alas."

"Director, you praise me too much. I have lost my temper before and I have also quarreled with you. You have forgiven me. I give you a toast! I am trying to make amends to you." Zhang Tianhao did have a quarrel and a quarrel.

, but the thing was done anyway.

"Tianhao, sit down and let's talk. Everyone understands that this matter has already passed. I have also heard Lao Xu say that your temper used to be more aggressive than it is now. It has changed a lot now, which is a good thing!


"Thank you, director!" Zhang Tianhao drank up the wine and then sat down.

"By the way, Tianhao, do you know what happened today?"

"The director is talking about that matter. After all, except for what happened tonight, others really don't know much about it. After all, it is not within the scope of my business. If I pay attention to it, the impact will not be good."

"Mrs. Chen's matter!"

"It's really hard to say what happened to Mrs. Chen. It stands to reason that Mrs. Chen was injured and there is no one to treat the injury. It may be about the same. But director, I have a question. If we gather all the doctors together, there will be no treatment."

Are there other doctors?”

"Also, it doesn't seem to take long from Peking to Hebei SJZ, Baoding and other places. The night train only takes seven or eight hours. I suspect she has already left."

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while and then said seriously: "I suspect that all this is a conspiracy of the underground party!"

"Are you talking about abandoning the pawn to protect the commander?" Xu Yueqian was stunned when he heard this, and said seriously, "This can divert our attention. If that is the case, it would be terrible."

"Reason!" Kang Zihua's voice was calm, but he only uttered two words.

"Director, I have three questions: First, of the eight people in the security team, six died. Why are two of them in the city? Who will take care of the wounded? Second, the captain of the security team can be said to be the small leader of the underground party.

Will he surrender so easily? This is too false, and there are no injuries on his whole body. Thirdly, with our inspection intensity, is it possible to enter the city? Even if he enters the city, how can he get out of the city, so

I judge that Mrs. Chen has not entered the city at all, and everything she did is to divert our attention."

"If my guess is correct, there should be some gains in Nanjing, but it should only be the first time, and there may not be other gains. What is the purpose of these people? It is to protect Mrs. Chen's safe transfer.

.It’s just that our attention was diverted by two security guards at the beginning. The line of sight at the beginning was wrong, and the purpose was just to send people away.”

"Then tell me, there are blood stains behind Warehouse No. 19. How do you explain this?" Dong Biqi asked casually after hearing this.

"Chief Dong, if you want a blood stain, it's too simple. It's raining lightly and you can still leave a blood stain. I have to admire the other party's imagination. If there is any blood stain, it has been washed away by the light rain. It's just that

What I can say is that the blood stains were deliberately placed on it."

Zhang Tianhao directly gave an explanation, making everyone realize that the scene might be fake.

"By the way, I also heard that we found the small village in the west. I forgot what it was called, but it's more than ten miles away from the train station. That's more than ten miles away. Think about it, can you get from the train station?

Can I carry it to the west side of the station, and can I carry it back to the back of the train station warehouse from the west side?"

"This is definitely a test of one's physical strength, and it's still raining. Anyway, I can't do it. I guess I can't do more than two fingers at the station!"

When Kang Zihua heard this, his expression changed a little and became more serious: "Tianhao, are you saying that Mrs. Chen was transferred away that night?"

"The possibility is very high, and it may be the same train as before, and it definitely cannot be eight people. There must be one more, at least one person, hiding in secret and observing all this, and then taking the opportunity to rescue the people."

"If this is really the case, then what we have done is not a useless effort, and all the pursuits are diverted by the underground party? How is it possible!"

"Director, this is just my personal analysis. It's just a family opinion. As for whether it's true or false, I don't know. As for whether it's in our Peking, I'm not sure."

Zhang Tianhao saw his expression and quickly explained.

"Tianhao, you are right. It is probably all a conspiracy to treat our Party Affairs Office like a monkey."

"Director, this..."

"You are right. I was also thinking about what I overlooked in this. It turns out that I ignored this point. Tianhao, how about you be the chief of the operations department?"

"No, I still like women and money. Once I become the section chief of the operations department, won't I have less time to spend with girls? I won't do it. I insist on not doing it."

When Xu Yueqian heard this, he could only shake his head with a wry smile, and laughed lightly and cursed: "It's so muddy that I can't support the wall. I just think about women all day long. Aren't you already married to Du Xinran? You still think about women outside."


"Secretary, the flowers at home will never be as fragrant as the wild flowers. As long as the family is well coaxed, no matter what happens outside, she will not say anything. Brother, if you don't play with hundreds of women in your life, wouldn't you be sorry for yourself? I can't do it.

I'll help you introduce her to any woman in two days."

"It's ridiculous, I'll treat your sister-in-law forever!" When Xu Yaoqian heard this, he laughed and cursed again, and then poured a glass of wine for Zhang Tianhao, "Wine can't stop your mouth."

When Kang Zihua heard this, he could only shake his head. After all, he really had nothing to do with a person who had no ambition. Although he was capable, you had to rush behind him.

Next, no one talked about work anymore, but instead drank and ate here.

When Zhang Tianhao returned home again, his whole body was filled with the smell of alcohol, and he couldn't even drive the car because of the strong smell of alcohol. People from the Intelligence Department sent him back.

After all, how could the three of them not get drunk if they were drinking with him?

Looking at the leaving team members, Zhang Tianhao, who was already drunk, suddenly opened his eyes when Du Xinran helped him into the room to take a shower, and he was still a little drunk.

He was half-lying in the warm water, but there was something inexplicable in his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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