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Chapter 1437 The beginning is hell

"It's not okay, Commissioner, your status is noble!" Old Song wanted to persuade him, but Song Lang stopped him.

"Don't worry, it's only more than an hour away. If you look carefully, you should be able to find it soon. Don't worry." Song Lang straightened his face, and he and Song Zishan got serious and said seriously.

"Okay, everything will be done according to the commissioner's wishes. Just the three of us will keep looking for it."

"Thank you very much. We will go into the city tomorrow and I will contact other comrades. For the sake of the party and the country, we must find our lost brothers."

Not far away, Zhang Tianhao stared at the third small courtyard. Neither of them spoke, but stayed quietly, like two statues. There was even a lot of snow falling on their heads and clothes.


Zhang Li on the side wanted to speak in a low voice, but Zhang Tianhao raised his right hand and interrupted her directly. Instead, he stared at the third joint.

Soon, half an hour later, Song Lang was seen walking out of the room, followed by three more people, who might be the contact people, and Zhang Tianhao's brows were also slightly frowned.

It wasn't a matter of getting out of the three people, but he was sure that Song Lang had asked the question, otherwise he wouldn't have forgotten to go to the door and turn around twice.

"There's a problem, let's step back now!"


When Zhang Li heard this, she didn't understand what was going on. She also looked worried. She didn't even know what to do next. After all, she had just come to contact and encountered such a thing.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao's face was as cold as water and he didn't say much. Instead, he hid behind a tree on one side and stared at the house in front of him, and then he was carefully on guard.

Soon, Song Lang led Lao Song and three others, carrying a shotgun and hatchet on their backs and began to leave the small village, heading towards the village where they came from.

Just after these people left, Zhang Tianhao's brows wrinkled slightly, feeling that he could not move even an inch.

However, not long after Song Lang and the others left, Zhang Tianhao did not rush to leave. Instead, he stayed here and stared at the small village carefully. He was worried that things here were not over. On the contrary, things might have just begun.

The rain outside was still falling, and their footprints had already been covered up, making it impossible to tell that they had been there. Moreover, the snow outside was getting heavier and heavier.

And the weather is getting colder and colder. Even Zhang Li next to me, who was originally in autumn, has now come to the icy and snowy Northeast. She is obviously not used to it, and her face is pale from the cold. She is beaten from time to time all over her body.

The Cold War was obviously worse than she had expected.

It was just that she was carrying some small things on her back and stayed beside Zhang Tianhao. She was wearing a leather coat and did not speak. She was waiting for Zhang Tianhao's instructions to take action.

"You stay here first while I go inside to take a look, or come in with me and take a look. We have about half an hour!"

"I'll go in with you and send a telegram to my superiors inside to say we've arrived!"

"There is no need to send telegrams for the time being. What we have to do now is to find an identity to hide and survive. This is the most important thing." After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he strode towards Song Zishan's house.

Soon, he opened the door and walked in. After all, Song Zishan took the two of them and Song Lang left to find them, but Zhang Tianhao and Zhang Li were safe for the time being.

Looking at the food hanging in the room and the broth prepared in the pot, Zhang Tianhao was not polite at all, but picked it up and started eating.

"Zhang Li, come and have some. If you don't eat now, you won't have much energy if you leave soon, and you may have to leave for a while." Zhang Tianhao said while eating.

Zhang Li also knew that their journey would be more difficult next, but she didn't know exactly how far it would go, but it would definitely not be that easy.

In a few minutes, Zhang Tianhao was half full, and then he searched the entire room. Zhang Tianhao quickly completed the search of the three small houses.

There was nothing special about it, it seemed like it was just an ordinary Orion family, and there wasn't even anything uncomfortable about it.

But Zhang Tianhao always felt that something was wrong!

When Zhang Tianhao searched again, he even wondered if he was being paranoid because he didn't find anything valuable, especially something that Song Lang could find, but he didn't find it.

When he lowered his head again, his eyes changed slightly, because what he found was nothing else but shoe prints on the ground. When they came, they were wearing military boots, high-top ones, which could keep them warm but not easy.

Being stared at by snakes and insects.

But the problem is that there is an extra pair of shoe prints with different soles on the ground. And they belong to a woman.

"Zhang Li, look at it, this shoe print doesn't seem to be yours, right?"

When Zhang Li heard this, she was also stunned. She put down her chopsticks and walked over, tried it with the sole of her shoe, then shook her head and said: "This is one size smaller than my shoe, but it is not our shoe print. This

It looks like the prints of military boots.”

"I said Song Lang discovered there was a problem over there, so that's it! Okay, it's time for us to leave."

Zhang Tianhao picked up some pieces of meat on the side. Although it was a little cold, it was cooked meat. They could still eat some while walking on the road.

After putting it in his bag, Zhang Tianhao carefully picked up a torch nearby and started burning it directly in the house. Then the two of them put it directly on the door and walked out of the village.

As they got further and further away from the village, he and Zhang Li also followed the footsteps of Song Lang and the four of them. What he needed to do now was to rescue Song Lang.

"Bah bang bang!"

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao heard bursts of gunshots coming from the woods in the distance. Although they were not many, they completely disrupted the silence of the snowy night.

"Follow up quickly!"

As soon as Zhang Tianhao heard the sound of gunshots, he said something to Zhang Li beside him, and then started running. After all, the sound of gunshots meant that Song Lang was ready to fight with the people at this time.

"Chief Zhang, listen, is this the sound of a rifle? It seems to be the sound of a rifle!"

At this time, Zhang Li ran over and whispered: "When they left, didn't they have rifles? How could it be like this?"

"Okay, don't talk. The problem now is that we look ahead to see what happened?" Zhang Tianhao also looked nervous, and then he accelerated and ran.

After a while, I saw the policemen in police uniforms in the distance. They were forest police set up by the Japanese. They seemed to specialize in guarding the forest, and the others were Japanese lackeys.

"Why are there so many forest police?"

He looked over and soon discovered that there were at least ten police officers, and they were surrounding you, which made him curse even more in his heart.

This was obviously where these policemen were lurking from the beginning. If they had not walked through the mountains and forests instead of taking the main road, they might have been discovered.

"Zhang Li, you find a place to hide here. I'll go meet these damn policemen and teach them a lesson. Let them know that traitors are not that easy to be."

After saying that, he put down the radio and asked Zhang Li to carry it to the side to hide. However, he took out a dagger and gun from his body and rushed towards the police.

The speed was so fast that Zhang Li had just carried the radio on her back, but Zhang Tianhao in front had already disappeared. With her eyesight, she could not even see the situation in front of her.

This chapter has been completed!
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