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Chapter 2064 Killing Order (1)

Chapter 2063: Killing Order (1)

In Qingniu Village, Zhang Tianhao looked at his men standing in front of him. They were all full of energy and looking straight at him. Even when he looked at Zhang Tianhao, his eyes were full of inexplicable emotions.

The speech just now aroused everyone's emotions. At least, these people now have a stronger sense of identification with him, and even know who they are fighting for.

Chen Shijie has always said something, but these ordinary people don't know who they are fighting for. They generally just feel that they are fighting for their own survival.

But today Zhang Tianhao taught them a good lesson.

What is ideological education and what is ideological weapon? Even Chen Shijie stood aside and watched Zhang Tianhao speak loudly, feeling a little dazed.

He had always known that Zhang Tianhao was very capable, but he had never thought that Zhang Tianhao could speak so well and speak so brilliantly.

The only thing that made him a little confused was that Zhang Tianhao's speech seemed to be biased towards the underground party, but there was a big difference.

But in terms of inspiring people, Zhang Tianhao did a better job. At least in the Northeast, he did a better job.

"Brothers, please clean up everyone below. Today we will reorganize. Captain Chen, you serve as the commander of the first company and deputy battalion commander. Yu Xiong is appointed as the commander of the second company. Meng Jie is appointed as the commander of the third company. All female soldiers

Return to the third company, and give you 70 more soldiers."

"He Bao is the platoon leader of the first platoon of the first company, Zhou Shi'an is the platoon leader of the second platoon of the first company, and Zhao Feng is the platoon leader of the third platoon of the first company..."

Zhang Tianhao stood on top and announced the personnel appointments loudly, while others also began to lead the personnel allocation list and began to receive people.

In two hours, nine platoons and a communications squad were established directly, with a total of 347 people, including 41 female soldiers, all in the third company, and a dedicated platoon was established. Dong Jie was in charge.

The first company had a full one hundred and ten men, and except for the third company which had two more men, the others were almost the same.

As the personnel were being reorganized, Zhang Tianhao, Yu Xiong, and Chen Shijie also returned to the Juyi Hall and began to discuss some details of the operation with them.

"Stationmaster, we have specially set up an army, but we can't pull it out?"

"No, it's enough to pull out. The question now is how we pull out and how to announce to the Japanese that we are coming."

"Stationmaster, if you do this, the Japanese will not agree to us. If that happens, we may become a thorn in the side of the Japanese, and the Japanese will send troops to encircle and suppress us." When Chen Shijie heard this, his face immediately fell.

"Haha, did I say tell us our names directly?"

"Then you want to..."

“What is the most popular in the Northeast?”

"Huzi, there are the most people in the Anti-League, webmaster, do you want to push these responsibilities away from the Anti-League or Huzi?" Chen Shijie didn't understand, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he even looked at Zhang Tianhao with a hint of fear in his eyes.


The longer he has been with Zhang Tianhao, the better he understands him. Shenlong has never been seen before, and his actions are unexpected. Even he dare not say that he does not feel timid when facing Zhang Tianhao.

This was not the first time he encountered mental oppression when standing in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"Well, if we don't make some achievements now, then how will the superiors view us? Aren't we incompetent? If we still think about promotion, that's just a dream."

Zhang Tianhao said calmly, but the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

"By the way, have you ever dealt with other beards in the name of Qingniu Village?"

"Yes, we have dealt with them several times."

"Well, you can have this, but you can't have a close relationship. These beards are such a virtue. The reorganization is over this morning. Let's take care of these police stations first, and then go to this place!"

With that said, he pointed directly at Kuanchengzi Airport and said seriously.

"Stationmaster, it's still there. The defense there now is no joke."

"I know, so I'm going to take this place, and this place too!" Zhang Tianhao gently pointed to the place where the Puppet Manchukuo Anguo Army was located, and said seriously.

"Kuanchengzi Anguo Army Security Camp?"

"Yes, it's the security camp. There are about 200 guns and less than 300 people here. I plan to go there with everyone tonight and take them down directly. If we can't stop using the guns, we won't use them."

"Okay, I believe it will be reorganized in the afternoon. This army has been training for two months and is basically ready to go to the battlefield to experience it."

Chen Shijie also understood that since Zhang Tianhao said so, there must be a reason for doing so.

As Zhang Tianhao sat there, he began to discuss with the two of them.

At this time, in the Heixiazi Mountain Village of Daping Mountain, an ordinary team member appeared directly here, named Wu Yuan. He was a correspondent specially selected by Qian Jun. He usually works here in Xiazi Ridge of Daping Mountain.

"It turns out to be Commissioner Wu. What kind of wind brought Commissioner Wu here today?"

When the Black Blind Master saw Wu Yuan, he laughed out loud and walked over to greet him.

"Commander, you are flattering me. I was ordered by the station commander to come here to discuss some matters with the commander. After all, the commander is quite busy."

"Don't call me Commander, I still feel comfortable as the boss, so tell me. Station Commander Zhang is my savior, and the word "discuss" is not used there. Please take a seat."

"The boss is still so cheerful, so I won't be polite. The webmaster sent me here because he really has one thing to do, which is to ask the boss to announce the killing order in the green forest. The webmaster will issue an order to all the people in the green forest.

The order to kill the bandits was issued, and as long as one Japanese was killed, it would be ten dollars."

"so tall?"

When the boss heard this, he was also stunned. After all, he did not expect that Zhang Tianhao would be such a big deal. You must know that ten dollars may not seem like much, but there are many Japanese soldiers outside, and the most important thing is whether he is specifically targeting that person.


If it is targeted at that person, someone may dare to do it for one hundred dollars. But the higher the status, the higher the price. Even if the other party has more bodyguards, the morning dollar may not be enough.

But it would be much easier to just target ordinary Japanese soldiers in Japan.

As long as they are careful, they may capture a group of Japanese soldiers at any time.

"Then I don't know what to use as proof?"

"Every Japanese soldier, whether an officer or an ordinary soldier, has an identity card. As long as you get the identity card, you can exchange it for U.S. dollars. One card can be exchanged for ten U.S. dollars."

Wu Yuan took the order to kill the bandits written by Zhang Tianhao and placed it directly on the table in front of him. It was also stamped with the seal of the Xinjing Zhongtong Station.

The content is simple and crude: the killing order, in the green forest, anyone who kills a Japanese soldier can receive a reward of ten US dollars or equivalent Japanese yen, rubles or counterfeit coins, which can be accumulated indefinitely.

The signature is the big seal of Xinjing Station and his name Zhang Tianhao.

"What if it was killed before? Can I exchange it for you? You don't seem to be able to check it, right?"

"No, we have many ways to check. The Japanese soldiers of the 138th Brigade are stationed outside the city now. Although the gendarmerie in the city is still the original gendarmerie, we can count them. If they are missing or killed in battle, we can also get them.


"So that's it. Has the Japanese team outside been transferred? Otherwise, Station Commander Zhang wouldn't do this!"

"After they were transferred, a Japanese army brigade and a gendarmerie squadron have been transferred to the city. This is all their armed forces, but the police are not included, and the Anguo army is not included."

This chapter has been completed!
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