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Chapter 2075 Eliminate Traitors

Zhang Tianhao did not panic when he walked out of the restaurant. After all, the gunfire was still some distance away from him. He had not yet figured out who was being chased by the Japanese.

After hearing the gunfire, Zhang Tianhao walked directly in the direction of the gunfire.

Standing on the street, the gunshots heard were more obvious.

Five minutes later, Zhang Tianhao arrived outside a small alley. After all, the gunfire came from inside, and the gunfire was more intense than what he heard at the beginning.

When he walked to the entrance of the alley, he saw several police officers blocking the entrance of the alley, while more than 20 police officers inside were shooting at a family.

"Come on, get out of here. This is not the place for you to stay."

"If there's anything exciting to watch, I'll watch them all and arrest you all."

While they were talking, the three policemen directly held their guns and drove away the pedestrians around them like chickens and ducks. If they were slower, they might have been hit with rifle butts or kicked with their feet.

Zhang Tianhao looked there, then looked around, and then walked forward along the street, because he found a three-story facade not far from the opposite side, which was a flower building.

This place is not usually open at noon. It is only open at night or in the afternoon when it is getting late. The staff inside are all sleeping now.

After more than 200 meters, that is, two minutes, he walked to the outside of the flower house: Yixiangyuan, then looked at the top again, crossed over again, and walked to the opposite side of a small alley leading to the back.

This small alley is only as wide as one person, and it is not very clean, but it is enough to pass people.

He squatted down, looked around, and then squeezed directly into the alley.

It's only about a foot wide, and a fatter person can't get through it. But he is not fat, on the contrary, he looks thin.

There is also a small alley behind the main street facade. This may be where you buy groceries, or someone may be passing by someone who lives behind. However, at this time, there are not many people here.

He looked at the building behind him, then at the wall, put on a pair of gloves, clasped the cracks in the wall directly, and reached the top of the building in just a few movements.

Climbing to the top of the building, you can see the policemen on the opposite side besieging the small courtyard. There is not just one person in the small courtyard, there may be several people.

Zhang Tianhao took out his binoculars and could almost see the police outside and the figures inside.

Several policemen outside were already injured and fell to the ground, while other policemen were still besieging the small courtyard. There were even Japanese military police at the other end of the alley.

They were rushing over. Although there were only five people in a group, the entire battlefield was full of variables.

"Three people, what are they?"

He didn't do anything, but quietly climbed on the roof and watched the police on the opposite side exchange fire with the people inside.

As the Japanese arrived, one of the Japanese military policemen took out a grenade, knocked it, and threw it in.


There was a loud noise, and several screams were heard from the people inside the house, and the windows were blown open. Several of the policemen kicked open the door and rushed inside.

The police only have guns and no grenades at all, so it is a bit difficult to attack here.

But the Japanese military police came over and blew it up with grenades. Everyone inside might have been injured.

Two minutes later, I saw several policemen dragging out two corpses from inside, as well as a young man with a bloody face. His body was also covered in blood. He was obviously suffering and might not be able to move. He was allowed to be dragged out by the police.

But he couldn't stop cursing the police and even the Japanese, but Zhang Tianhao couldn't hear the curses of the young people on the other side because he was about six or seven hundred meters away.

He looked carefully at the young man with a telescope. Although it was stained with blood, his face seemed familiar.

Suddenly his eyes became sharp, and he thought about who this person was. He was actually Wu Bao, who was assigned to the city just yesterday, and was a member of the action team.

Then the other two may also be members of the action team.

"Damn it, how could these bastards be so careless and find their lair directly by the Japanese? Aren't they killing themselves?" He picked up the gun, a Mosin Nagant sniper rifle.

Then he aimed at Wu Bao.

At this time, only the dead can shut up. As for living, that is a bad thing.

As the scope swept across the opposite side, he suddenly saw a very familiar face again, that was the face of Xiao Sun, a rebellious Xiao Sun.

Xiao Sun also came to Xinjing, which was beyond his expectation.

When the scope of his rifle was put on the head of Xiao Sun on the opposite side, the gun suddenly rang out, and a bullet was shot directly from the barrel of the gun, directly towards Xiao Sun's head.

When the shot was finished, he immediately pulled the bolt again and aimed at the head of Wu Bao, who was being held up by the police, and then the gunshot rang out again.

The whole process will not take more than three seconds.

He didn't even look at the result, and slid directly from the roof along the wall. He ran with all his strength in the other direction.

After all, there are already a lot of police and Japanese military police surrounding this place. If he stays here, he may be discovered by the Japanese.

And when he was sliding down, both the police and the Japanese military police were holding guns, looking for the gunman who appeared. They were holding guns, trying to find this gunman.

"No, Sun Keming is dead, and so is the prisoner!"

At this time, several police officers discovered that Sun Keming and Wu Bao were both killed, and they were too dead to die.

They were all headshots with one shot, and the accuracy of their marksmanship surprised them all.

"Damn it, give me all your strength to find the gunman, hurry up!"

A police captain cursed instantly, and the Japanese soldiers also looked depressed. The opportunity to kill anti-Japanese elements, or how difficult it was to catch an anti-Japanese element alive, was gone now.

"Baga, are you all pigs? Look for me. Spread out and look for me. I must find this killer, otherwise everything will be torn apart."

Then a captain of the Japanese military police yelled at the police.


A dozen police officers immediately dispersed, looking for the gunman again.

But after Zhang Tianhao fired two shots, he had already left here and ran towards another street. Even if he took the alley behind, his speed was extremely fast.

When they reacted, Zhang Tianhao had already jumped downstairs, not giving these people a chance at all.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Tianhao changed back into a suit, even his hat, sunglasses, and flat glasses, and was walking on the street.

"Damn it, no one was able to eat safely today. It seems that the traitor is really a headache."

He cursed and waved to the side, and a rickshaw came over.

"Sir, you get in the car, don't you know where you are going?"

"Xihe Hutong."

"Okay, you're done!"

The rickshaw driver responded immediately, cleaned up the dust on the rickshaw, let Zhang Tianhao sit on it, took the rickshaw away and ran towards Xihe Hutong in the west of the city.

As he left, the police wanted to find someone, and even arrested many innocent people around them, but in the end, there was no answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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