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Chapter 2149 Japanese Confidence

Zhang Tianhao stood outside and fought with several people for two hours, until the guard came over and told him that the time was up.

Moreover, it was already past twelve o'clock. After all, the Japanese train would arrive in a few hours.

"Are you ready for blasting?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Chen Shijie and said calmly.

"Stationmaster, everything is ready. Thirty miles to the east, we will send people to plant explosives directly there. As soon as our battle starts here, the railway over there will be broken and no longer passable.

Unless you’re walking.”

"That's good!"

He nodded directly, and then looked at Meng Zhengdong.

"Commander, I'm ready here. I've asked my men to dismantle forty meters of railway track."

"Okay, now gather everyone and prepare to fight."


Zhang Tianhao said calmly. The trumpeter next to him began to play the trumpet, and the crisp trumpet rang directly in the train station.

All the soldiers who were still resting screamed. Although they only had more than two hours of rest, and although they were very sleepy, they could still adapt to such a battle.

After all, an army is an army, and soldiers here are soldiers. They hold their own equipment directly, and the equipment appears directly outside. As companies appear one after another, everyone begins to gather.

Soon, three thousand people gathered outside the train station and lined up neatly. At least, there were quite a few of these soldiers.

The only labor force left is more than 500. They have just gained some semblance of strength after marching long distances, but they still need continuous training to become a qualified warrior.

Now Zhang Tianhao doesn't have much time to train, so he has to be prepared to find a time to train these soldiers. After all, without training, these people's discipline will be seriously insufficient in all aspects, and their habits will be problematic. Without training, their combat effectiveness will still be greatly reduced.


However, it is all a smooth battle. If it is a head-on battle, it may really become a big problem and it may be defeated in one blow. This is not what he wants to see now.

"Brothers, after two hours of fighting, everyone has seen that the Japanese are not terrible. We are Chinese. We kill with the guns in our hands. No matter how powerful the Japanese are, they can only become the ghosts of our hands."

"A big victory is just a small matter for us. Now there is another upcoming victory in front of us. Brothers, do you want to win another victory?"

"Think, think!"

Following Zhang Tianhao's instructions, everyone began to shout loudly. Even under the light, it seemed extremely loud. Especially in snowy weather and in the wild, it was even more deafening, soaring into the sky.

"Okay, the battalion commanders below will start assigning tasks. According to their respective requirements, they will go directly to our designated location to ambush. Everyone, I wish us victory. When we win, I will find time to treat everyone to a good meal."

Zhang Tianhao immediately saluted everyone, but when Zhang Tianhao put on his military uniform, his thin body stood upright, and even his military uniform had a lot of snow falling on it.

"First Battalion, follow me!"

"Second Battalion, follow me!"

As each battalion set off, they began to ambush not far away, and they were estimated to be approximately 70 to 80 meters away from the railway track.

There was enough time, but the soldiers were all lying on the snow. It was still quite cold, but if we were to fight at this time, not many people would pay attention to this.

Zhang Tianhao led the members of the Third Regiment, about 300 combatants, and more than 500 laborers, directly guarding the train station, directly preparing to give these Japanese a head-on attack, and even allocated grenade launchers.


Half an hour later, Zhang Tianhao saw that the surroundings had quieted down, and he also conducted a brief inspection with others, but he did not say much, but continued to stand in the train station, waiting for the train in the distance.

In addition, more than 300 of his soldiers were already holding guns and standing there, looking as if they were Japanese, wearing full Japanese military uniforms.

Most of them are Japanese military uniforms, and the others are Anguo Army uniforms.

In the military camp outside Xinjing City, Zuo Teng was sitting there. He did not go to sleep. After all, he had to wait for news from Gongzhuling. Several people suspected that Gongzhuling would be Zhang Tianhao's best opportunity to make a move.

But he was not sure, so he, Oda Ernan and Zuoha Chibei sat in the military camp and waited. After all, the time was coming and the train was about to arrive at Gongzhuling.

"Mr. Zuo Yu, Mr. Xiaotian, how sure are you that Zhang Tianhao will take action there?"

"I don't know about this, but I'm 50% sure. After all, one of our checkpoints five kilometers east of Nancheng was directly picked up, and there is another checkpoint thirty miles east of the Anguo Army.

All of them are also missing. I suspect that Zhang Tianhao may have teamed up with Huzi again to attack our people."

"Could it be that An Guojun betrayed?"

"Forgive them. If they dare to betray the empire, they will have to bear the wrath of the empire. We have already found the corpses of the Anguo army in the east, but at the checkpoint in the southeast of the city, we have not yet found the corpses of the Anguo army.

In addition, eighteen miles west of the city, there is a squad of imperial soldiers and a platoon of Anguo troops."

"It's just that we found that no one has a body. They were obviously dragged away. Look, do these three points look like an arc, running directly from the east to the west? The target is probably

Princess Ridge?”

"With their marching speed, they should be almost at Gongzhuling by this time." Oda Ernan said directly and affirmatively, "However, if they want to capture a squadron of imperial soldiers in Gongzhuling train station, these people have thought too much."

"Yes, Captain Zuo Teng, if my guess is correct, they are probably workers and prisoners of war, but they only have a small number of weapons at most. They used the imperial army to suppress bandits and directly took advantage of the loopholes."

"A small amount of weapons?"

Several people understood why this small amount of weapons was a small amount. Rather than other situations. After all, a squadron went to suppress bandits and has not returned yet.

They didn't believe that anyone could directly eliminate one of their squadrons in this area, and not even a single one of them could escape.

Confidence, this is their absolute self-confidence. It is normal for a squadron to fight a division of the Chinese army. However, there is no Chinese army in this area. Even if there is an anti-alliance alliance, there are only more than a hundred people, and they are still trapped in the mountains.

Do you know where it is hidden?

"Are these workers trying to leave and escape our pursuit?"


"Tell me, could this be a trick by the Central Commander Zhang Tianhao? After all, once Zhang Tianhao gets these prisoners of war, he can quickly arm them. By then, he may have a strong military force?"

"Armed, is it so easy to get weapons? Even if Zhang Tianhao is capable, where do the weapons come from? Are they sold on the black market? Or are they obtained from other places? This is not just one or two weapons, and the weapons on the black market,

We have sent people to keep an eye on it, and as long as someone buys it in large quantities, we will definitely find it."

It's just that these people don't know that Zhang Tianhao has already prepared weapons for these people, but it's just inconvenient to take them out.

He has no shortage of guns, let alone other things.

The only thing he lacks now is food. If there is enough food, the army can definitely develop.

And there is a price to pay for underestimation.

This chapter has been completed!
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