Turn off the lights
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Chapter 2394 Retreat

When Zhang Tianhao saw that the lights went out again, he didn't say anything more, but climbed down from upstairs and ran towards the intersection over there.

After all, he had to separate from these people. He had to go back to his small villa, and then he could wait for the other four people to come and leave the concession with him.

A Ling and a dozen others left the concession first.

Just when the truck stopped, I saw several people running over not far away. The leader was A Feng. After seeing A Ling and the others, he directly put the people on the truck, and then several people

He also climbed directly into the truck and drove towards the outside of the concession.

At this time, the whole area was still dark, and the few agents staying there also felt that something was wrong, so they went downstairs one by one with guns in hand, ready to check to prevent the situation from changing.

Just as the leader of the team had just come downstairs and before leaving the villa, he saw the lights around him turn on again.

"Captain, we're calling again!"

"Damn it, let's see what's going on over there. Don't make any problems, otherwise the higher ups will peel off our skin." The captain also had an angry look on his face, but he still stood there and looked both ways.

Likewise, the two men standing guard were still smoking there, as if nothing happened.

"Captain, look, Erbao and the others are still here, still smoking. What could have happened? It's been more than a month. Even if anyone dares to come, we have already captured them."

"That's right, by the way, how was the middle-aged man's check yesterday?"

"We have checked over there. It seems that his surname is Tian. He is originally from Tianjin and lives with Chen Dongming. But we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. I heard that he has been doing business outside. I don't know how he came back this time."

"Check, we must find out, who is this Lao Tian, ​​and what kind of person is he?"

"Do you want to arrest him?"

"Let's see if we can catch the big fish behind us. Have you reported this to the director?"

"We have already reported it, and there are photos. Don't worry, there will be no problem." The team member immediately assured, and at the same time, he did not forget to congratulate the team leader.

"Er Bao, these two bastards, they are still smoking, and they are not afraid of others finding out."

The team leader felt comfortable with the flattery, so he felt relieved again, went upstairs again, and continued to arrange people upstairs to keep an eye on Chen Dongming's house opposite.

"Captain, let me tell you, what could happen? It's just another false alarm, really."

"Okay, you two will change, the others will continue to rest, and go to change shifts at one o'clock. Erbao, this piece of shit, has a lot of things to do when he is on duty. He is really a lazy cow."

After complaining a few times, he lay down on the big chair again and began to rest.

The four bearded men below were standing there just like the four secret agents, but now they had left, and it would soon be time for them to evacuate, but it was still a little late.

After another half minute, the two team members on the opposite side blew a whistle. When the bearded man heard it, he didn't understand that the time was up and he should evacuate.

He walked directly to the opposite side, and then the four of them ran directly in the other direction and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

While they were resting here, the truck drove towards the outskirts of Tianjin at an extremely fast speed. The sooner they left, the sooner they would be safe.

"Ah Cai, how long has it been now?"

"It's been a quarter of an hour."

Ah Cai looked at the time while driving, and then said seriously.

"That Husband and the others should retreat too." Ah Feng nodded. Although they had been driving for a quarter of an hour, the truck had already left the concession and was now heading south.

"By the way, Ah Feng, we are driving a truck. If we go out now, we will easily be spotted. After all, we are the only truck out of the city in the middle of the night!"

"This is the truth, but time does not allow us to do more. What we have to do now is to drive the truck out, then drive it to the river and throw it away."

"That's okay!"

The truck continued to speed down the street, getting faster and faster.

Similarly, Zhang Tianhao also trotted for a while and ran directly back to the outside of his small villa. He quickly tidied up the house and then sighed.

As for the ground and other places, he carried out a simple treatment.

There is also a car parked outside, waiting for the bearded group to come back. As long as they come back, they can drive away without even entering the house.

In another part of the concession, Deng Yue was lying on the bed, looking at Liu Yiyi who had just gotten off work, staring at her with a sad face.

"You worked overtime again, I'm exhausted."

"What's going on? You're not bringing that man back, are you? Haha!"

Liu Yiyi joked while taking off her clothes.

"Man, except for the young master, whoever can enter our place, if he dares to come, I will blow his head off long ago, alas!"

"Master is back?"

"Well, the young master seemed to have something to do, so he came back directly and stayed for more than three hours before leaving." Deng Yue nodded and told what happened when Zhang Tianhao came back just now.

"The young master came in a bit of a hurry today!"

"Well, it seems that the young master has a mission today and just took the time to come over to see us. I didn't expect that you worked overtime and didn't wait for the young master to come back. It's a pity."

"Otherwise, the young master will come back so that he can comfort your troubled heart!"

"Xiao Yueyue, I see you are itchy!"

When Liu Yiyi heard this, she immediately rushed over with a smile, and the two girls started playing around.

After a while, the two beautiful girls ended the war, got into bed and started chatting casually.

"Young master has a mission?"

"Well, the young master said that he may not have time to come back to see us this time, alas!"

"Yes, the young master looks really busy."

"Tell me, what is the purpose of the young master coming here this time?" Liu Yiyi also became a little confused.

"I don't know. Let's not ask about the young master's affairs. After all, if outsiders find out, it will be bad for us. You know, you can sleep now. If it weren't for waiting for you, I would have gone to bed early. My whole body is about to fall apart!"


"Just be happy. Aren't you the happiest when the young master comes back?"

"Go away, as if you are unhappy."

Deng Yue shook her head, and then said directly: "Go to sleep, maybe the young master may come back to see us during the day. I am not at home during the day, so you have to keep an eye on the young master!"

"Get out!"

The two of them joked, then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Zhang Tianhao, who was sitting at home, didn't know that the two women were talking about him. After he cleared all the traces, he even blew some dust on the ground and even the table in order to pretend that there was no one here.

, as if it fell naturally.

At the same time, he sat directly in the car outside and waited for Huzi and the others to come back.

While he was waiting, he saw four men with a beard running over from a distance. They arrived in front of the car very quickly.


"Get in the car, let's leave now!"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the four people beside him and said something directly to them.

Then the bearded man got directly into the cab, and the other three people also squeezed into the car.

The bearded man immediately started the car and drove out of the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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