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Chapter 283 Zhang Tianhao’s redemption (2)

"Sister, my life is yours. You can take it at any time. My gun is here too. You can shoot me to death at any time. I don't have any complaints or dissatisfaction."

Zhang Tianhao took out the gun directly, put it in front of the elder sister, and smiled bitterly, but his face was full of disappointment.

When the eldest sister saw the gun, she immediately grabbed it, then pulled it casually, loaded the bullet, put the gun directly against Zhang Tianhao's head, and shouted in a low voice: "I came today and had no intention of going back alive. After all, I saved you."

, I have done this sin, so I will put an end to it myself."

A trace of hesitation flashed across the eldest sister's face, but her eyes turned red unconsciously, and even looking at Zhang Tianhao, tears flowed down her face.

"Sister, if you beat me to death, I will never say a word no. Don't worry, there are no outsiders here. I am the only one who came to see you. Even the people in the station don't know my whereabouts."

"But before you beat me to death, can you listen to me tell you about my experiences in the past three years? Do you still remember what you said to me when I was lying on the bed?"

Zhang Tianhao paused for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe you don't remember what I said, but I always remember it clearly. I know how to do it, and I did it."

"Did I tell you to harm the girl?" When the eldest sister heard this, she immediately became angry and looked at Zhang Tianhao with even more hatred and regret in her eyes.

"Sister, if I don't do this, what will others think of me? Will they say that I have changed, or even become a bit too saintly? If, as a small leader of the Party Affairs Office, I don't do this, will there be no way for me to do so?

The feeling of being complicit. Is it so easy to be a saint?"

"Three and a half years, I have calculated it, the total is thirty-six, the number of Tiangang!"

"Thirty-six, you have harmed 36 girls, where is your conscience, where is your conscience! I want to shoot you right now, what else do you have to say." The eldest sister looked at Zhang Tianhao with a flash in her eyes.

Lived with endless hatred.

"Sister, before you kill me, do you want to hear what I have to say? If you think I did something wrong, then you can kill me directly without any complaints from me."

Zhang Tianhao gave a bitter smile, looked at the elder sister, and pulled the stool towards her, and then continued: "If I don't do this, do you know what the consequences of these people's demonstrations will be? They have money and power.

It's nothing, but have you ever thought about these girls from ordinary families?"

"I harmed them, but actually I was protecting them. Now they marry, study and study, everything is still the same as before, nothing has changed."

"Have you ever thought about it if you were harmed in the station? Wouldn't they have a decent life?"

"Sophistry, everything is sophistry." Listening to Zhang Tianhao's shameless words, the old lady cursed and used some more force on her pistol.

"Okay, elder sister, let me quibble. Let me tell you what happened in our station. At least eight out of ten people who were harmed by them in the station committed suicide, and two others lived in fear.

中.This is the result I know! Don’t treat the people in the Party Affairs Office as human beings, it’s best to treat us as animals.”

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and then looked at the elder sister.

"By the way, since last year, especially since September, I arrested seventeen more people, thirteen girls and four boys. After using some special means, I made them trust me and become my subordinates, and then I

They received professional agent training for about three and a half months. Although they have not experienced actual combat, they are still a group of good agents.

"If you need it, I can tell you to give them to you! By the way, there is also my woman, who was also trained by me. She still has a certain level of knowledge in agents, at least she is still very good in radio transmission and reception.

s method."

"And she has been exposed. I used my personal relationship to suppress this matter. After all, she is also one of yours. After she gives birth, you can take her away. If she stays in Xichang, something will happen sooner or later.


"At your level..." The elder sister couldn't help but sneered and glared at Zhang Tianhao with disdain.

"Sister, I can't say anything else, but I'm definitely a master in this area. Don't compare me to those rubbish from the agent training camp. I can defeat a hundred of them by myself."

"just you……"

"Sister, we won't discuss this for now. Let me talk about my experience in the past three years, so that you can see whether my work in the past three years is enough to kill more than a hundred times!"

"Say it!"

Next, Zhang Tianhao briefly introduced his experience, especially every action, and even the process of killing the Red Party members, including some temporary tasks and even emergency tasks.

As well as the situation in Chengdu, the situation in Nanjing, etc.

He even asked people to bring in a large amount of weapons, ammunition, medicines, etc. He also invested a lot of money and transferred it through his woman, etc.

"I then shifted my target to the Japanese, but there were too few Japanese in Xichang, so few that there were only a separate group of two or three people, and they were all contacted by radio stations."

"It's just that the situation is very bad. The situation in Xichang is getting more and more unfavorable to you. When I came back, I decided to kill the first squadron in the Chengdu station. Then I created conflicts, and even a large number of

He framed them and used dirty tricks to manipulate them all into applause."

In order to restrict the development of the Xichang Party Affairs Office, he has been suppressing it in various ways for three years, so that the Party Affairs Office has never had more than 30 action members.

Similarly, over the past three years, Zhang Tianhao has explained some choices to his elder sister. Although it is somewhat rough, one can still tell how much effort Zhang Tianhao has put into these things.

Last year alone, more than a hundred people passed through Xichang. When he got the news, in order to let these people escape, he had to use several red parties in Xichang to divert attention.

As Zhang Tianhao narrated, the elder sister looked at Zhang Tianhao with extremely shocked eyes. The hand that was still holding the gun had already dropped her hand and put the gun on the table again.

"How could you do this?"

"Sister, you saved my life. Although I am not a human being, and I can even be said to be full of evil, at least I still have a little bit of self-awareness. I should repay the kindness of others as a spring!" Zhang Tianhao saw that the face of the eldest sister also softened.

Come down, even with an incredible smile on his face.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this breath of relief was not easy.

"Knowing choices, knowing how to use the contradictions between enemies, and eliminating them step by step. His ideas and abilities can be said to be good. He is definitely much better than most people."

"It's hard for you, but how can you prove everything you have done? I can't just rely on what you said, right?" The old lady immediately turned coldly and looked at Zhang Tianhao, with something more in her eyes.

Extremely suspicious.

"Sister, no one can deceive you. I believe you know who I am. You should also ask about it. I am a notorious and heinous person. If I lie to you again, what else can I deceive?"

As he spoke, he took out the recommendation letter given to him by Migratory Bird and placed it directly on the center of his table.

"This is the second IOU written by Migratory Bird to me. The first time, he used my woman, Yuxiang, and almost poisoned me to death. I knew everything they did and didn't say much.

Just handle it with care."

"Next, I spent a lot of money to buy a lot of guns directly from Liu Hu's security team, and even borrowed two or three boxes of Bailangduoxi (all filled with sulfa) from Captain Zhang.

Even if I put it at home, the woman would give it away."

"The last time I went to Nanjing to receive an award, I borrowed more than one million U.S. dollars from somewhere to buy weapons, medicines, radio stations, etc., but it was almost completely destroyed."

"I believe you can also find out..."

The eldest sister didn't seem to hear what Zhang Tianhao said, but looked at the recommendation letter in front of her. Tears were streaming down her face. She grabbed the letter, her hands trembling a little, as if the recommendation letter was heavy.

Up to tens of thousands of kilograms.

"How is Lao Hou doing now?"

"It's very bad. It probably won't last very far. The last time I informed Lao Hou, I told him that his traffic officer had rebelled, but he didn't evacuate. He gave me a "Death of an Old Bird", alas.


"Did you tell him to leave last time?"

"Yes, I was the one who informed him to leave last time. I can't say more about anything else. In addition, he himself was injured in both arms while fighting with his traffic officer, and he didn't get good treatment at all.

Treatment, coupled with the heavy torture, his body has completely collapsed." Zhang Tianhao immediately explained after hearing what the elder sister said.

"Now I asked him if I wanted to rescue him, but he refused my request and is now in the county jail. There are even many other comrades, but he refused my request. There is nothing I can do.


"Old man, why don't you be so persistent? Alas!" The elder sister sighed, then looked at Zhang Tianhao, "I will hand over this letter of recommendation, okay?"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you for safekeeping. This is already the second such IOU." Zhang Tianhao didn't care.

As for this thing, he is not afraid even if it falls into the hands of the enemy. After all, it does not have his signature on it. He can even produce countless letters of recommendation, even one for each person.

"what are you thinking?"

"I want to join you, Old Sister, can you be my introducer?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Old Sister with longing eyes and a look of expectation on his face.

"Oh, this can be done, but you also know that although I can fight for you in your situation, but..."

"I know, that's it for me anyway. If you need anything, just tell me directly. I will do my best to help you, but the sin on my body is too heavy." Zhang Tianhao was also a little disappointed.


As for joining, he has a letter of recommendation from Migratory Bird, so the examination will probably take a long time. Besides, the sins he committed are extremely heinous.

This chapter has been completed!
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