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Chapter 326 Forwarding Message

Zhang Tianhao stood on the roof of the room, looking at the ice and snow around him and the people coming and going below, especially those who were following him, and he couldn't help but smile.

Originally, there should be a lot of guests on the third floor of the hotel, but now he found that because of the arrival of the train, all of them had checked out and were ready to leave, and he only chose the third floor.

Soon, half an hour later, Zhang Tianhao compiled all the decodes directly. Then he looked at the compiled code in his hand. Although it was not much, it could be sent in a few minutes at most, but it still made him a little nervous.

After all, someone will be staying at the hotel at this station at some point. As long as you have sharp ears, someone will still find out if you send the report.

"Boss, give me a pot of hot water!"

"Okay, sir!"

When the boss saw Zhang Tianhao, a foreigner, he immediately smiled and handed over a pot of hot water.

Zhang Tianhao once again glanced at the situation on the third floor and the rooms downstairs. He had to sigh that his luck seemed a bit too good.

The few policemen who were still eating outside or basking in the sun seemed particularly calm after seeing Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao, who was carrying the thermos bottle again, returned upstairs and immediately set up a radio on the table in the middle. It was a high-power radio that had to be powered on to be useful. It could not be used normally.

Of course, hand-cranked generators can also be used, but the signal is not very stable.

He flexed his fingers, and then began to send the message. With the beeping sound, he quickly made contact with the radio station on the other side of the Red Party.

When he saw the red light above, Zhang Tianhao started to send the telegram directly. The speed was so fast that if he sent a telegram to Qin Yuxiang, it would take at least thirteen minutes, but Zhang Tianhao finished sending the telegram in five minutes.

And his fingers were numb, and the frequency was so fast that he almost lost all feeling in his fingers.

After sending the telegram, he immediately walked in. He also carefully put away the antenna hanging upstairs. He breathed a sigh of relief, then sat in front of the window, opened the window, and looked outside.

Just when he had just sent the telegram here, in a certain agency over in Jiangxi, some Red Party telegraph collectors looked at the telegram that had been written on three sheets of paper in front of them, and they were also confused for a while.

Logically speaking, this was not the time to receive a telegram, but now that she had received such a telegram, she was a little overwhelmed.

Soon, she translated the message and ran directly to the chief's office.

"Chief, it's not good. We received a telegram from Northeast China. It contains the Japanese anti-alliance military encirclement and suppression plan, and it was sent using our radio code in Nanjing."

"What, it's impossible to use Nanjing's radio code. Have Wei and the others been discovered by the spies, or have they rebelled?" When the chief heard this, he immediately thought of more things.

"What else does it say above?"

"The message said to ask us to forward it to Xichang No. 2!"

"Xichang No. 2, who is Xichang No. 2? We don't seem to have such a code name, right?"

"No, but I feel like they are from Xichang. Their code name may be No. 2!" The translator looked at the chief and said seriously.

"It also says there is an urgent need!"

"Now ask the headquarters who Xichang No. 2 is. If it is true, then forward it immediately?"


Soon, in a certain Red Party organization, the chief also received an urgent message from Jiangxi, and he immediately thought of something, especially the Xichang No. 2.

"Sister, come here and take a look. This is an urgent message from a comrade in Jiangxi. This is an urgent message from Xichang No. 2. Regarding the "March Plan" of the Japanese encirclement and suppression of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, is it from him?

, and also, how does he know the code of our Nanjing comrades?"

"Don't underestimate him, he is very powerful. If he really wanted to arrest our people in Xichang, our people would have been arrested long ago. I talked to No. 2 last time. No. 2 said he was a total

Talent, a genius, no matter which aspect, is much better than what we teach, but she doesn't have much time, and she hasn't learned much." The eldest sister understood who Xichang No. 2 was as soon as she thought about it, and it was just


"Isn't he in Nanjing? Why did he go to the northeast?"

"I don't know. Who knows how he could run around and go to the Northeast. But he sent a telegram, indicating that he knew the matter was true. We still forward it to the comrades of the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance, and they will be interviewed soon.

If we are not careful in the encirclement and suppression of the Japanese, we may suffer great losses."

"Do I trust him so much?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it. At least he hasn't forgotten me as his savior. This kind of person may not be good at anything, but he still remembers his kindness." The elder sister smiled. The last time she went to kill Zhang Tianhao, the result was that

But he found that Zhang Tianhao was not who he thought.

If it weren't for the transportation route provided by Zhang Tianhao last time and Zhang Tianhao rescuing the migratory birds and the others, they might have never returned.

That night, the Anti-League received a message from Zhang Tianhao. It can be said that this time the Anti-League had a narrow escape from death.

And the young man who jumped out of the window of Zhang Tianhao's box thought he could escape, but in the end he died under the gunpoint of the Japanese, and the film was completely missing.

If it weren't for Zhang Tianhao's telegram, the fate of this anti-resistance alliance might have been foreseen.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao didn't know all this. He seemed to be okay now and took a hot bath happily upstairs. Then he walked out of the hotel feeling comfortable, boarded the train again, and continued towards Harbin.

As for those who were following him, they finally found out after checking that Zhang Tianhao had only taken a shower when he arrived, which made them dumbfounded. After all, this was too surprising.

But they can also understand why Zhang Tianhao, a fake foreigner, would go to a hotel.

In the next day or so, Zhang Tianhao did not encounter any accidents. However, he often encountered Japanese or police officers who were inspecting him, and the inspections here became more and more serious along the way.

"Huh, we finally arrived in Harbin, the largest and most prosperous city in northern China. It's really a unique experience." Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but sigh while standing outside the train station.

"Yeah, but it's really cold here. There's no sunshine in the north or south." Zhang Tianhao didn't expect that Ma Lianlu got off the bus here.

However, a little further north, we have to leave China and enter the Soviet Union.

"Is Miss Marlene going back to China?"

"Yes, but let's go back in a few days. Where is Mr. Del? Where are you going now?"

"Find a hotel to stay in first, and then make other plans!"

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry anyway. I want to go for a walk with Mr. Del, so I can have some company! I wonder if Mr. Del would welcome you?"

"NO, this is not good. We are not familiar with each other. You can go your own way. I have my own things to do. If you follow me, this is a test of personal privacy. I can kill you with a gun." Zhang Tianhao's face was stern.

He said loudly and seriously to Marlene, still with the German's usual straight expression and seriousness.

This chapter has been completed!
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