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Chapter 3700: Forced to Stop the Train

Chapter 3701 Forced to Stop the Train

I don’t know when the sun finally set, and only the afterglow of the sunset still gave off a little light on the top of the mountain in the west.

The afterglow of the setting sun will also disappear on the top of the mountain in the west.

The train has already passed Yaoping and will soon pass through Zhanglan Town. After Zhanglan Town, it will basically reach its destination.

It's just that this time the purpose is there, but the specific location is not necessarily certain, it just depends on where the troops in front get it.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already a quarter past six, and the train was about to arrive in fifteen minutes.

After passing Zhang Lan Town, Zhang Tianhao's heart started to lift. After all, the outcome was about to happen.

But he was still not afraid of ten thousand, he was just afraid of what might happen. If he was half a minute or even a few seconds late, the train might have already passed.

Standing at the door of the train, watching the train pass Zhang Lanzhen quickly, his eyes involuntarily began to stare into the distance.

After all, the next time is the critical time.

He took a cigarette and started smoking it gently.

As the smell of smoke drifted by and he heard the banging sound of the train coming from beneath him, a flash of nervousness flashed across his face.

After all, no one knows whether the next step will come normally.

"hope so!"

In the case of uncertainty, he can only think about the good side. After all, he still believes in the other party and believes that the organization will do this well.

We cannot be careless in our response work, and this time we are determined to win.

With such a long list, it is estimated that Yan'an will no longer be able to sit still.

The cigarette in his hand has been lit, and his thoughts have flown to nowhere.

Just when he was confused, he felt a sudden burst of pain between the fingers of his left hand, which made him involuntarily loosen his fingers.

The lit cigarette burned out at some point and burned directly onto his fingers, causing him to instinctively shrink and loosen his fingers in pain.

Seeing the cigarette butt blowing out of the car with the wind, he also smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, he became a little nervous when the end came.

"What's wrong with me? At this time, there's nothing to worry about. Isn't it just supplies? We can just get them when we don't have them anymore, right?"

Thinking of this, he also relaxed, and then sat down quietly, savoring the rare silence carefully.

Just as he was slowly savoring the rare silence, five kilometers ahead of them, an army was ambushing there.

However, due to time constraints, I originally wanted to dismantle the rails.

But the comrades were already so tired that they could hardly get up. Only then did the group leader remember that he wanted to force the train coming from Taiyuan to stop.

He instinctively thought of placing stones on the railway. As long as the train came, the train would naturally stop.

Otherwise, it is a scene of car crash and death.

At the same time, there was another comrade standing about 500 meters away from several piles of large rocks, saying hello to the train to prevent it from hitting the rocks directly at that time.

"Captain, why are you forcing the train to stop? It's not a military train. If it were a military train, it would be useless for us to stop the train."

"Okay, this is an order. No one is allowed to have any objections. Take the time to rest now. We don't have much time to stay. It is estimated that the iron guy will arrive soon, and we will definitely have to leave soon. This is not a safe area.


"So, take the time to rest, the commander is probably coming soon!"

Indeed, everyone knows how precious the rest time is now.

About five minutes later, I saw a bright light flashing in the distance. The dazzling car lights shone directly along the railway, which stunned the group leader who was resting.

"Brothers, get up quickly, it's coming, it's coming, everyone is here, get ready to hijack the car!"


They had only rested for less than half an hour, and no one wanted to move, but orders were orders. No matter how tired they were, all the soldiers picked up their weapons, and at the same time, began to surround the train.

The soldier at the front had already changed into ordinary people's clothes, holding a white shirt, and started shaking his head about five hundred meters away from them.

Even though it was night time, the train was still running at high speed, and it was driving forward in an indomitable manner.

At this moment, the driver of the train saw a young man holding a white thing not far away shaking his clothes while driving towards them, as if something was wrong.

The driver was stunned when he saw it, but the train still had no intention of stopping. However, the driver paid attention and stared closely at the track in front of the train.

At this moment, the stone in front was illuminated by the headlights and reflected directly back.

"No, there are rocks on the road ahead."

The driver was also shocked and quickly pulled the brakes. His movements were quick and quick, as if he had rehearsed the move countless times.


The emergency braking shocked everyone in the car, and the train also slid forward along the track.

The driver was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Looking at the rocks getting closer and closer, there are quite a lot of them, at least dozens of large and small ones. This is completely because they don’t want the train to pass.

Although this kind of thing is not troublesome to clean up, you also know that this kind of thing wastes time.

The most important thing is that on this railway, if this happens, someone must want to hijack the train, and an accident must occur.


There was another creaking sound, and I saw the stone on the rail in front of me, which almost collided with the locomotive.


The locomotive traveled less than one meter along the track before hitting a rock.

Once there is a collision, although the car will not be destroyed and no one will be killed, there will definitely be problems with the train.

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

And just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a large number of people appearing around him. They stood up from the ground one by one and rushed towards the train.

The speed was so fast that the driver was stunned.

"I knew it wasn't good, it wasn't good. It seems like my hunch was true. Now it's going to be very troublesome."

In the train, almost everyone was swaying around, and many people even had their heads banged heavily on their seats.

Many people even fell directly to the ground, and the screams and curses were endless.

The entire carriage was in chaos, and shouts were rising and falling from time to time.

Even Zhang Tianhao, who was in the cargo compartment at the back, was speechless for a while. After all, the emergency brake almost knocked him out.

And the cargo compartments in the car bumped forward one after another from the other side.

As for that old Hu, he was hit hard by the box. No matter how strong he was, the box weighing dozens of kilograms still made him scream in agony.

Then he passed out gloriously. As for how many bones were broken, that is another matter. No one really knows whether he can survive.

But what does this have to do with Zhang Tianhao?

At the same time, he saw a large number of soldiers rushing towards him and directly surrounding the train. At the same time, a large number of soldiers rushed onto the train.

"No one is allowed to move!"

"Whoever moves will be killed!"

"Don't move!"

As a large number of soldiers rushed into the train, even the last cargo compartment was surrounded by a large number of soldiers.

Seeing these soldiers, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but smile.

After all, he saw these people's clothes.


This chapter has been completed!
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