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Chapter 621 Determining the Position

 At around nine o'clock, Zhang Tianhao stretched himself, then walked to the window and looked at the sky outside. At some point, it started to snow lightly outside.

Looking at the light snow, fluttering and brisk, it seemed that the snow didn't come so late this year. This was already the first snowfall, and he didn't even remember it.

"Hey, Xiaohou, didn't you go today?"

"No, this morning, the students seemed to be discussing in the school. A lot of people were arrested yesterday. It seems that their leader was arrested. The director asked us to go there in the afternoon."

"That's fine, you can go about your business!"

Zhang Tianhao hung up the phone, then had another cup of tea and read a newspaper.

The newspapers still talked about some things about the student movement, and almost all places began to respond. It can be seen from "Shenbao" and "Ta Kung Pao" that universities in various places began to be in chaos.

A storm started from university students in Peiping and grew bigger and bigger. I believe it will soon spread across the country. It is also a huge student movement in Chinese history.

After reading a few of the latest newspapers that Qian Jun prepared for him, he put them down casually. His mind was no longer on the newspapers, and his thoughts had already drifted to an unknown place.

After a while, he came back to his senses and realized that he had been worrying too much.


Just when he lowered his head to read the newspaper again, he inadvertently saw a missing person notice on it. He sat up and frowned involuntarily.

"That's not right, how could it be like this?"

"Forget it, let's go take a look!" Zhang Tianhao put down the "Beiping Morning News" casually, then smoked a cigarette, took a slow drag, and thought about what was going on.

After all, he knew that it had only been five days since he left and returned to Peiping. Many things were not easy to deal with in five days, but the question was why the news was sent out so early.

Soon, Zhang Tianhao laughed to himself. The only people who knew the news were two or three.

"Dong dong dong!"


"Chief Zhang, the director asked you to go to his office for a meeting, so go there now." The secretary walked directly to his office and said in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll go there now."

Soon, Zhang Tianhao arrived at Xu Yaoqian's office, then knocked on the door and walked in.


When he walked in, he saw Tian Zhongya, Wang Shuxiang, and two squadron leaders waiting for Zhang Tianhao in the office. Apparently he arrived a little late.

"Okay, now that the people have arrived, let's have a short meeting."

"Chief Wang, please tell me the situation so that everyone knows the situation here." Xu Yaoqian looked directly at Wang Shuxiang and said in a low voice.

"Director, everyone, through last night's reconnaissance, we basically locked two areas, one is Nancheng District, and the other is XC District. There are unknown radio signals respectively, and these radio signals are basically unfamiliar.

The radio station is not a commercial signal. It is most likely a Red Party radio station, but it is undeniable that it may also be a Japanese radio station."

Wang Shuxiang opened her notepad and said seriously: "The problem now is that I want to eliminate the radio stations in two places, and then follow the clues to find the location of the possible radio stations."

"It's just that now we can only roughly determine the location of the rooftop, and we don't know the rest. This is the difficulty."

Xu Yueqian also nodded, looked directly at Zhang Tianhao and several others, and said calmly: "From now on, I will ask Section Chief Wang to assign two radio stations to each of you. As long as there is any radio station we detect,

If you are not familiar with the radio station, then you will start to conduct power outages in different areas, and the one-time power outage lasts for one minute, and then it will be sent up. I believe that one minute is enough to determine whether the signal has stopped. If not, it is the next area. Understand.

Is there any more?”

"heard it!"

"Nancheng District is under the responsibility of Section Chief Tian, ​​and Section Chief Tian brings his intelligence section personnel and all the people from the Second Squadron of the Action Section to act together. In addition, from now on, no one is allowed to go out at will. If you want to go out, you must report to

I'm asking for leave, and when your combat orders come down, I can give orders to the team members below and take action together."


When the time slowly came to night, Zhang Tianhao led the first squadron, and Tanaka Masa led the second squadron. At the same time, two large trucks were prepared with radio stations on them, so that they could monitor unfamiliar radio stations at any time.

"Let's go, Zhu Rulong takes your team. You are at the Electrical Engineering Bureau, waiting for my call at any time. You are mainly responsible for the situation of all the Electrical Engineering Bureaus in XC District. When you go, no one is allowed to leave or make any calls.

Any phone call, otherwise, he will be directly arrested for conspiracy."


"Others are on standby at any time. You are not allowed to leave here even half a step. Violators will be punished for collaborating with the enemy!"

At the same time, Tanaka Masaru also led a group of people in the city, all of whom were on call at any time. After all, only the station could use this technology to monitor whether the radio station was active.

Zhang Tianhao and his group were sitting directly in the conference room, and just opposite was the Translation Department. The lights in the Translation Department were still bright, and the operators were nervously staring at the radio signals above, even carefully monitoring them.

Are there any suspicious signals found last night?

When the time hand pointed to twelve o'clock, a radio operator suddenly reported directly to Zhang Tianhao and Tanaka Yahui: "Chief Zhang, there is an abnormal signal in the XC area."


With that said, Zhang Tianhao walked into the translation phone, picked up the phone at hand, and called directly.

"There is a power outage in XC district, one district per minute, hurry up!"


Zhu Rulong over there immediately arranged for a power outage, and the Electrical Engineering Bureau, which had already been prepared, began a power outage in different areas.

Zhu Rulong stood in the power distribution room, looking at the huge switches with signs, and at the same time, he stared at the time on his watch.

"The first area will have a power outage for one minute. The second area will be ready."

At this time, not only Zhu Rulong was here, but also seven members of the first team's operations team.

"One minute is up. The second area will have a power outage. The first area will be powered on and it will return to normal!"

"One minute's up, the power is out in the third area, and it will be restored in the second area!"

In almost a matter of seconds, the electricity was sent.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhao did not hang up the phone at all, but listened to the voice on the phone while looking at the place where several professionals in front of him temporarily monitored abnormal radio signals.

"Section Chief, found it!"

"Zhu Rulong, stop the power outage and restore everything now. Hurry up, don't let anyone see your flaws. Minghao, notify the brothers in the operations department immediately. Go to the third area of ​​XC area now, hurry up!"

With that said, Zhang Tianhao grabbed his clothes and rushed outside. The action team and radio station that had been prepared in the truck also followed Zhang Tianhao towards the third district.

Looking at the third area on the map, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but be stunned. It was an area near the city gate, where the terrain was more complex and there were more residents.

Basically, it is difficult to get a car in. It is usually a one-way lane. Once you encounter a car driving opposite you, there is no place to turn around.

This chapter has been completed!
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