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Chapter 778 Kang Zihua Arrives

 Just when Zhang Tianhao and his party arrived at the South Railway Station, a small open space was cleared for six cars and a truck to appear here.

Six of them were station cars, except for one which was Zhang Tianhao's personal jeep.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already five-fifty-five. In five minutes, they would appear.

No one spoke, but stood quietly outside the train station. Some police even came over to maintain order here. After all, it was rare for the Party Affairs Office to dispatch so many senior cadres.

While they were waiting here, Yu Yu had left the Hongfang Cafe for almost five minutes, and a new customer sat down at table No. 7.

At the same time, Li Chenghu and the others had already brought people here to start setting up defenses. After all, it would take about ten minutes to ride here from the station, and Zhang Tianhao was only about five minutes ahead of them.

Each of the team members were wearing plain clothes. They were not all dressed up in the same color like the men in black in the movie. After all, they still had to put on makeup. Some were following a rickshaw, and some found a place to stand and read a newspaper. Even

Some people just sit there and take a rest like ordinary people.

But further away, a dozen plainclothes men were gathering there a hundred meters away, and Li Chenghu was also waiting there. He looked at the time from time to time, and then listened to a team member coming over to report the situation to him.

But his face didn't change much, after all, the entire cafe was under his surveillance.

"Sir, can I do this here?"

When the time was exactly six o'clock, a middle-aged man walked in outside the Red Square Cafe. The middle-aged man took a look at table No. 7 and saw that there was only one person, and sat down.

The guest looked up and smiled casually: "Whatever!"

"Thank you, sir. By the way, sir, I heard that there will be snow in the weather today. Is it true?"

"It's snowing, I didn't know. The weather is nice and the sun is so high. How can it snow?" When the guest opposite heard this, he just smiled and continued to read the book in his hand.

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man opposite realized that the code was wrong and immediately realized something.

He immediately stood up and said with a smile: "I heard what others said, so I will sit in the back so as not to disturb your reading. Thank you, sir!"

The middle-aged man stood up and left, preparing to sit in seat No. 8.

But as soon as he stood up, he saw several guests rushing towards him, and then they raised the guns in their hands.

Before the two of them understood what was going on, they were already pushed down and handcuffed.

"Who are you and why are you cuffing us?"

"Assholes, who are you, let me go, let me go!"

But no one paid attention to the shouts of the two people. At the same time, a group of men in black rushed in and dragged the two people out. When the other guests saw it, they also looked confused, but they immediately started screaming.


At the same time, Yu Yu, who was eating and waiting on a small beach not far away, was also shocked after seeing this scene.

If she hadn't been staring outside, she might have been caught, too.

She reached into her small bag and held the pistol, but immediately put it down again. After all, she realized that one person could not defeat these agents.

What she had to do at this time was to immediately notify her superiors and tell them that the contact person had been arrested and that a traitor might be here.

Seeing her contact being taken away, she felt a burst of heartache, then her eyes became sore, and she turned around and walked away in a farther direction.

For her, time is life.

What happened this time was definitely not an accident, it was definitely a premeditated action.

Those who are arrested rarely pass the punishment training of the Party Affairs Office. That punishment is not something that anyone can bear, and the consequences can be enough to make people collapse.

From the very beginning, Zhang Tianhao emphasized to all the students that there was only one situation. If you were not caught on purpose and surrendered to the enemy, you must be prepared not to leave yourself with the thought of being caught.

Except for a few who have firm beliefs and will not surrender until death, most others will be forced to surrender.

At the same time, the train slowly drove into the station. A group of five people also got off the train with simple salutes. They saw Xu Yaoqian and his group had come to greet them, and behind Kang Zihua, there were several bodyguards.

, regarded as the confidant they brought.

"Director Kang, everyone, it's been a hard journey. Let's go, please get in the car!"

"Thank you very much, Secretary Xu. I would like to ask for Secretary Xu's support in future work, please!" Kang Zihua and his party said a few polite words and led everyone to the station.

As for the ceremony and the like, someone was sent to the apartments where they lived, and Kang Zihua lived directly in the villa.

Soon, they arrived at the Party Affairs Office. At the same time, the conference room was already full of middle-level people, even those with positions above captain, waiting for Kang Zihua's arrival.

Next came a series of appointments, which were basically the same as when he was in Nanjing. After all, Kang Zihua was the director, so it was most appropriate for him to announce the appointments.

The promotions that should be promoted also left some vacancies, which will be filled slowly by Kang Zihua. Naturally, the two aspects have to be balanced. There are only so many official positions, and the ones that are now vacant are only a few two or three vacancies.

After Xu Yao's short speech, the officers above the rank of colonel held another meeting here, while the other middle-level officers and above went directly to Paramount.

"Secretary Xu, let's talk about it. After all, I just came here and my eyes are dark."

"Okay, director, this is it. The situation at our station..."

Xu Yaoqian had already made preparations and directly told some of the situation at the station.

"Director, the biggest problem now is funding. The entire station has not been fully funded for a long time. Since I took the temporary position of director, I have been worrying about how to raise funds from various channels. After all, the situation here

It’s relatively chaotic and complex, with forces from all sides living in chaos.”

"In addition, the underground party in Peiping has been resurrected after being vigorously attacked by our people for a while. At the beginning of the year, several underground parties were arrested. Although they were confessed, all the underground parties related to them were evacuated.

I was in Nanjing at the time, and I didn't cause the underground party to be wiped out. Now that the director is here, I finally breathed a sigh of relief."

Kang Zihua also nodded, then glanced at the others, then lightly knocked on the table a few times, and said seriously: "We don't have much funds. Now we still need to raise our own funds, and we are only given twenty

Ten thousand French currency. Section Chief Zhang, please pay this legal currency later!"

"Yes!" Zhang Tianhao took the check, looked at it, put it in his folder, and continued the meeting.

But there was a huge wave in his heart. Xu Yaoqian had caught several underground gangs, but he didn't know. Moreover, even Qian Jun and Ruan Minghao didn't know what the situation was. They were trying to hide it from him.

Do things.

But he also knew in his heart that it was normal to hide it from him, or even to most people. After all, confidentiality was required. If his guess was correct, that Niu Liqian must be in Xu Yaoqian's hands.

As for where he was being held, it was not convenient for him to inquire.

"By the way, today I arrested the two underground gang members who were in contact with each other, as well as the underground gang members I arrested before. I also handed over half of them to the director. Director, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble as soon as I came here." Xu Yaoqian arrived.

Very polite and positioned himself very accurately.

"Secretary Xu, you are so polite. You arrested everyone. You are also the deputy director of our station. Isn't your credit our credit? You don't have to be so polite." Kang Zihua smiled politely and then dismissed the meeting with a smile.

Prepare to have people come together to celebrate his arrival.

This chapter has been completed!
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