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Chapter 879 Answering reporters questions

Headquarters of the Investigation Department of Nanmanchuria Railway Co., Ltd., Director Sukeo Furukawa, was sitting there, staring motionlessly at the telegram in front of him. All five thousand kilograms of smoke and soil were gone. How much would it cost?

It was actually burned directly by the Chinese, and nothing was left of it.

This was already the third time that he had sat there in a daze. He wanted to vent the anger in his heart, but he couldn't.

"Minister, I just called. Zhang Tianhao was originally from Xichang, Sichuan. The person who sent him to burn our cigarette smoke this time was none other than Kang Zihua. According to the investigation, it was found that this Kang Zihua wanted to send Zhang Tianhao to execute the task the first time.

The matter of burning our cigarette ashes resulted in a dispute between the two of them. In the end, Nanjing sent people to investigate and then forcibly gave Zhang Tianhao the order."

"Baga, the conscience of the Chinese people is very bad. Whether it is Kang Zihua or Zhang Tianhao, please investigate clearly for me. I want them to pay a bloody price for destroying my tobacco. Five thousand kilograms. How much will it cost?"


Sukeo Furukawa had an angry face, but in the end, he calmed down. After all, being angry would not help.

At the Peking Party Affairs Office, Zhang Tianhao went to work normally the next day. He did not miss work because he came back late last night.

Just when Zhang Tianhao arrived outside the Peking Party Affairs Office, he saw many reporters standing there, each holding a notebook or camera, waiting for someone to arrive.

Zhang Tianhao was also stunned. After all, it is not a good thing for a reporter to run in front of him, and it can easily cause unnecessary trouble. The less famous the agent is, the better. If the agent becomes famous, that is not a good thing.


Before he reached the door of the Party Affairs Office, he felt a wave of malice. After all, using reporters to report his deeds was a disguised form of revealing information to the Japanese and driving Zhang Tianhao to his death.

"What a vicious intention!"

Zhang Tianhao figured out the whole story in the blink of an eye, and the coldness in his eyes became more murderous, but he immediately started laughing again.

He parked the car quietly at the corner, and then dressed himself up simply. In the blink of an eye, a completely different Zhang Tianhao appeared in front of the mirror.

He has a huge beard and his skin color has become much darker. He looks like he is at least in his thirties. There is a little bit of white scattered on his hair, and it looks like there are a few white hairs on it.

After looking at the car's reflector, he finally gave a wry smile and simply applied some makeup to his makeup. It looked to me that his makeup was a bit rough.

After reading it, he felt a little confident. After all, he no longer looked like him at all. Except for his height and body shape, his entire face had changed.

Smiling strangely, he drove the car out of the corner and drove towards the door of the Party Affairs Office.

"Section Chief Zhang is here, Chief Zhang is here!"

After seeing Zhang Tianhao's unique jeep, many reporters gathered around him and even looked at Zhang Tianhao who was sitting in the car.

When they arrived at the gate of the compound, Zhang Tianhao's car had been stopped and could not be driven at all.

"Everyone, everyone, please give way. What's the matter? You're blocking my car like this!"

He stood in the car, looked at the reporters around him, and asked with a puzzled look. In fact, he was already laughing so hard in his heart that even the guards on both sides were shocked when they saw Zhang Tianhao's face. After all, Zhang Tianhao, they

Too familiar.

The car was Zhang Tianhao's, but the person didn't look like it. It could be said that it didn't look like him at all. If Zhang Tianhao hadn't spoken, the voice would have been unmistakable. They all thought it was a fake Zhang Tianhao.

It's just that they have long been accustomed to many insiders wearing makeup and don't want others to know what they look like.

"Chief Zhang, I heard that you burned five thousand kilograms of cigarette smoke that the Japanese shipped to Peiping. Is this true?"

"Chief Zhang, I heard that you led a company of troops alone and killed half a squadron of Japanese soldiers in Miyun. Is this true?"

"Excuse me, Section Chief Zhang. Many Chinese people applauded and thanked you for destroying five thousand kilograms of cigarette smoke. Is there anything you want to say?"

"I would like to ask Section Chief Zhang, do you want to cause diplomatic disputes by doing this? Doesn't it bring diplomatic trouble to the country? How can you do this? Will your conscience be at ease?"

Zhang Tianhao listened to various questions without any expression change on his face. On the contrary, his expression was quite calm, as if he was not the one asking the questions, as if he was an outsider.

"Everyone, everyone, please be quiet. If you have any questions, I can answer them slowly. Now let's ask them together. Whose question should I answer?"

Zhang Tianhao stood on the jeep, looked around, and then said with a smile: "If you want to ask questions, how about we go into the compound to answer them? After all, standing at the door is an impolite thing. Dear reporters,

With your identity, I believe you won’t do such impolite things, please come in!”

"Excuse me……"

There were still people who wanted to ask questions now, but Zhang Tianhao didn't say much. Instead, he got into the car and drove slowly toward the courtyard.

Answering questions outside is simply asking for trouble for yourself.

What's more, with so many people, danger is everywhere.

In the courtyard, Zhang Tianhao looked at the reporters who had lined up. He also smiled, then pressed his hands down and glanced at everyone seriously.

"Everyone, I am just the section chief of the General Affairs Department of the Party Affairs Office. I am in charge of general affairs, that is, logistics. May I ask, do you have any questions to ask? Of course, it is not my general affairs department's affairs. I don't know anything about it.

, I believe everyone knows that doing your job well is the most important thing."

At this time, a reporter suddenly raised his hand, then stood up and asked loudly: "Excuse me, Section Chief Zhang, I heard that your campaign to eliminate cigarettes this time was a feat. Some people compared you to Lin Zexu, who carried out the second campaign to eliminate cigarettes."

Cigarettes, will you continue to destroy opium cigarettes?"

"The party and state have issued relevant policies to prohibit the spread of opium and the sale of opium. You must know that selling opium is illegal. We must resolutely stop and crack down on it and restore a healthy body to the people. As for myself,

I'm just in charge of logistics alone, and there's really nothing I can do."

Zhang Tianhao looked at the reporter and replied with a smile: "The next one."

Another reporter raised his hand and was called upon by someone nearby: "Excuse me, Section Chief Zhang. I heard that you destroyed five thousand kilograms of Japanese smoke. Do you have anything to say?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Reporter, you know this is what I heard. I've been sick and at home these days. How could I destroy the Japanese cigarettes? If we do this, won't it cause unnecessary diplomatic disputes? Besides,

We also have no right to prevent the Japanese from normal transactions."

"Next person!"

Another reporter was named, stood up and asked: "Chief Zhang, may I ask, do you have any explanation for the destruction of Japanese cigarettes? I think this matter is already a semi-open secret. What you just said

Don’t your words contradict your own actions?”

"I'm sorry, Mr. Reporter, I think you have misunderstood. First, I did not destroy the Japanese cigarettes. After all, I am a law-abiding citizen. Secondly, the ban on the sale of cigarettes issued by the party-state has long been a fact. Chapter 2

Third, I, a small general affairs section chief, have no ability to destroy the Japanese cigarettes. This is someone deliberately destroying the peace between China and Japan. Such people have such sinister intentions and are really bad. We must resolutely crack down.

." Zhang Tianhao immediately explained to him loudly.

"Fourth, all our actions are based on the interests of our party and state and follow the orders of our director Kang Zihua. As for the rest, I don't know anything about it. I think this reporter should be very satisfied with my answer."

This chapter has been completed!
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