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Chapter 526: Run? Can you run through water in the deep sea?!

Bazaar drew a circle in Atlantis.

In the underwater kingdom she controls, there is no way to escape the control of the evil energy of water.


Ximu, who is also the demon monarch, temporarily held Basha back and used the bat wings in the sky to split Bazaar's sea cliff.


The only thing that can be considered a glimmer of hope is to ride on the upward airflow formed by Ximu's power.

Pass through the split water demonic energy and break away from the thick dark blue shell that surrounds Atlantis.

Travel through the tens of thousands of meters deep ocean, break out of the water, and head to the world on land.

Then you can temporarily get rid of the influence of Bazaar.


After all, this is the place controlled by the water demon. How can it be so easy to escape in the sea?

"Little girl."

Basha screamed sharply, even though the dark clouds sweeping over Ximu had greatly disturbed the vision.

But it's no use.

Wherever there is sea water, Basha's eyes are everywhere, and her rage for revenge makes her completely fixate on Xiaoyu.

Jiraiya and Jinbei are not important.

The Namor that Attuma longs for is not important either, at least in Bazaar's eyes these are not worth mentioning.

And if Xiaoyu ran away.

No...this is something that Barcelona will never allow.

"You can't run away!"

The waves are rough.

A large amount of sea water suddenly surged out from Bazaar's fish tail, submerging the ruins of Atlantis in an instant.

suddenly melted.

Becoming a part of the deep blue water, Bazaar melted into the turbulent waves.

"Queen of Bazaar!"

Attuma struggled in the sudden raging sea water.

But the goddess he believed in now had no time to pay attention to him, just like other underwater people.

Bazaar doesn't care about the pets she keeps now.

The water demon was angry that his brother dared to disobey him and did not give him any face in his deep sea kingdom.

at the same time.

If you don't want to completely lose all dignity, then you must never let Ximu get what he wants.

"You can't stop me either."

"It's up to me to make the decision here. When I catch the little girl, Ximu, I won't be able to spare you."

All the sea water is mixed with Bazaar's voice.

Every drop of water, and all the currents present here, can be counted as a part of the water demon.

Bazaar blended into it and disappeared without a trace.

"The smell of fish on you is really disgusting."

"Even if I don't want to smell it, the smell always appears in my nose and makes me sick."

The gray-skinned demon, placed in the whirlpool of dark clouds, forcibly stirred and squeezed out a world of his own in the sea water.

In fact, Ximu knew that he didn't have much time.

On the one hand, the curse of righteousness in his body restrained him, and the growth of the demonic energy made him feel more pain.

on the other hand.

The empty space under the sea is filled with Bazaar.

No longer depriving the Atlanteans of water, Bazaar unleashed the ocean currents from the royal city as an attack.

There is no more airspace.

The undersea people have returned to the deep sea, the sky belonging to them is gradually shrinking, and the territory belonging to Ximu has become increasingly narrow.

He could indeed smell Bazaar now, it was the scent of the devil.


The smell is really too strong.

In the seawater cliff that completely envelopes Atlantis, the aura of water magic is everywhere.

"I found you."

Ximu actually didn't find it, but he was smart and knew that Basha must be heading for Xiaoyu.

The conflict between the Demon Lords itself is unnecessary.

But it was precisely because of the little girl's appearance that Ximu and Basha became so tit-for-tat.

That's it.

There is no way to stop. Basha wants to catch her, but Ximu doesn't. It's a battle of dignity between the two of them.

Between the sky and the deep sea, who can win?!

The dragon in the deep sea sucks water.

The building blocks strengthen the power of the air flow they control, and the evil energy of the sky encompasses everything that can be swept away.

Several extremely powerful tornadoes were set off on the bottom of the sea.


Like a dragon of the deep sea that has come to life, the wind is roaring and the water is sweeping, thinking about the mouth of the sea cliff that has been cut apart!

Ximu's power roared.


Even the ocean currents covered in the demonic aura of water were disrupted.

The powers of the sky demon and the water demon compete, and the power of the demonic energy strangles each other.


Bazaar's figure appears here.

The broken sea waves form the body of the water demon, and Bazaar can come and go freely in the sea area she controls.

If it is not a Westwood infection.

Just like Basha suddenly descended on the royal city of Atlantis, she could appear in front of Xiaoyu and the others in an instant.

But now.

Ximu's large-scale field attack covered the entire path leading to the seawater cliff.

It was an indiscriminate attack under the tornado.

Ximu didn't need to determine which piece of sea water was Bazaar's incarnation. Anyway, as long as all the water's demonic energy near Xiaoyu was shattered, there would be no problem.


Bazaar's shrill voice no longer has the grace of the Deep Sea Mermaid, or in other words, the Water Demon never had it.

Demonic energy spread from her outstretched tentacles.

On the road to freedom from the outside world, Xiaoyu and others quickly shuttled through the pure sea water.


The demonic energy of water is still behind him, like a poisonous snake chasing death.

The water covered by the demonic energy will turn into dark blue at an extremely fast speed and will be under Bazaar's control.

"It's no use."

"Ximu, do you think they can run through the water?!"

"When I catch the little girl, I will show you the price of resisting the sea!"

"Catching up, New!"

Xiaoba waved his arms and legs and swam forward as hard as he could.

From time to time, I looked back behind me. The dark blue aura gradually approached, and the malice emanating from the sea water was not concealed at all.


Xiaoba felt that the skin all over his body was wrinkled, and even the octopus tentacles began to cramp.

"Boss Jinbei, what should I do?!"

Kai Xia Jinbei is in front, with a serious face of a whale shark under his thick eyebrows.

He protected Namorita with both hands.

The identity of the child in her arms was already clear, she was the princess of the deep sea in Atlantis.

Become a member of the royal family.

She can even call the King of the Sea uncle.

"Don't be nervous."

"I don't want to be the enemy of Atlantis. This is the wrong thing Aaron has done."

"Xiaoba, since you have the same idea, don't worry, I will take you away naturally!"

call out!

A piece of seawater was rolled up, and Jinbei used fish-man karate to grab the current and throw the three of him out as if he were thrown over his shoulder.

Now is the time to race against time.

Completely different from before, the water demonic energy that Basha chased moved very quickly in the sea water.

Jinbe's perception of color is clearer than Hachi's perception.

You must not be caught. If you are contaminated by this ominous aura, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Boss Jinbei, Captain Aaron and the others..."

Xiaoba said with difficulty in the current.

Although Aaron is not a good person, in the end we are all companions together.

Originally thought they would part ways here, the Abominable Dragon Pirates returned to Atlantis due to the threat of the water demon, and... have now fallen into the deep sea.

"have no idea!"

"I don't know where they went, but since they are in the sea, they wish themselves well."

Jinbei sighed helplessly.

Regardless of past friendship or the fact that he is from the fish-men clan, Jinbei's character is not one that will not save others.


In the previous chaos, where did Aaron and his people go?!

Jinbei didn't know anything at this time, so he naturally had no other options. He should run away first, otherwise he wouldn't fall into Bazaar's hands.

"I am not afraid of death, nor am I afraid of Water Bazaar."

"As I said before, the Dragon Pirates are a clan of fish-men after all. I will bear the full responsibility for the damage they caused to Atlantis."

"We will escort this little girl and we will ensure her safety."

"When evil energy enters the body, it will gain the power of the devil."


"Since Bazaar is here, she will definitely be controlled by her, and we won't be able to escape at all."

Xiaoyu understands it very clearly.

Demonic energy is originally the manifestation of the eight demonic powers. After gaining these powers, it gradually becomes closer to the demonic posture.

Bazaar controls the devil.

Now, if you want to pollute them with demonic energy in this deep sea and turn into mermaids, you will have to live at the bottom of the sea for the rest of your life.

"Like what Andromeda looked like before?! That was terrible."

Ikelia's condition has improved a lot.

His daughter is being protected by two fishmen, and now is no longer the time for a racial war.

Jinbei also expressed his goodwill through his actions in facing the water demon.

Unlike the vicious men who invaded the royal city before, the whale sharks came with good intentions.

This is undoubtedly good news that his daughter does not have to fall into the hands of Atuma and be hunted by Water Bazaar.

This is a very bad thing.

"Andromeda...Attuma won't do anything to her."

Namor was slightly silent, his face a little stiff.

Andromeda cannot be taken away, and they have no chance to return. The female warrior in the deep sea can only stay at the bottom of the sea.

But thinking about it on the bright side, Attuma probably won't do anything to her, except... being transformed into Bazaar's new saint.


Namor was silent.

The catastrophe that Atlantis ushered in was more painful than he imagined, especially for him.

Now he has lost his home and even given up on his companions.

Going to land is his only choice. Whether he can carry out his revenge and regain everything that belongs to Atlantis like in the past is still unknown.

"The situation is not good."

"It's already the fastest speed, but I feel the demonic energy is approaching."

Jiraiya stepped on chakra, and every time he stepped on the sea water, it was like stepping on a solid ladder.

Climbing up step by step, you can cover a huge distance each time.

Even the Toad Immortal known as Mt. Miaomu can be found in this real deep sea environment.

At a depth of tens of thousands of meters from the water surface, Jiraiya's movements were greatly restricted.

It's not just him.

Everyone's situation is very bad. The fish-men are naturally adapted to swimming in sea water.

Coupled with the sea currents launched by Boss Jinbei, it was like taking them on a high-speed passage.

And the Atlanteans.

Namor and Eklia have unique innate abilities, feather-like fins growing on their ankles.

It allows them to swim quickly in the sea and even fly after getting out of the water.

Needless to say, Xiaoyu's side, Nagato Yuki is dragging the little girl, and as a result of the information manipulation, the sea water is flowing backwards rapidly.

It's just a matter of teleportation.

If it weren't for the crew members of the Plato in their pockets, there would be too much information to be affected in an instant.


The two simple people, Xiaodama and Nagato Yuki, disappeared in an instant due to information exchange.

Therefore, with the help of programmers, Xiaoyu is the fastest in sea water.


In the current situation, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to outpace the demonic energy of water.

If there is no influence from external forces, as Bazaar said, who can run through the water in the sea?!

"A sacred weapon belonging to Atlantis, please help me again!"

Namor realized the problem.

He took the initiative to fall behind and get closer to the downward current.

Now everything around him is clear and waveless sea, except for the demonic water energy behind him that is chasing death.

They have gradually left the place where the water demon blocked Atlantis.

The sea here is the same as in the past. This vast ocean is extremely quiet. This is the world that the people of Atlantis are familiar with.

As Namor's innate ability to sense seawater was activated, his voice followed the current and re-entered the seabed.


A small oscillation appeared.

As Nishiki opened a point on the current cliff, Neptune's Trident, which could communicate with the outside sea, seemed to come to life.

In the realm of Atlantis.

The battle between the demon monarchs still continues, the waves are rolling, and the sun and moon are dim.

And in the ruins, Namor's Neptune Trident, which he had let go of before, was restored with the help of a weak connection in the sea.

A tiny light began to bloom.


Namor suddenly cut his arm, and the blood belonging to the royal family began to spread in the ocean current.

He knows.

Under the demon's blockade, the response between him and the sea could not reach Neptune's Trident at all.

If you want to strengthen your connection, you can only take advantage of genuine Atlantean certifications!

"In the name of Namor!"

"Neptune's Trident calls you, come to me."

call out!

As soon as he finished speaking, Namor's flowing blood burst into clear light, and then the sea water was broken open.

From the bottom of the sea, from within the ruins, that sacred weapon burst out with light and rushed towards it at great speed!


Bazaar felt something for a moment.

The water demon's fish tail flapped, and Neptune's Trident turned into a pool of sea water at the same moment.

Exactly the same method.

It can also control ocean currents. Neptune's Trident, which is the symbol of this sea, also has the ability to turn into water!

It passed by silently.

The clear light communicates with the clear sea where Namor is currently, and he has the ability to teleport in the sea.

The legendary weapon in the hand of Poseidon can also do the same.


"Basha...the more you live, the more you go back."

In the dark.

Ximu wildly swept up all the water currents, and the power of celestial phenomena raged around him.

Also going berserk was the righteous magic.

The crackling lightning and fire were simply dazzling in the deep sea, especially Basha's eyes hurting from the sight.

"Look at how disgusting you look now."

"Ximu, you are the one who is getting better and better as you live. It's just a ridiculous weapon. How can it be beyond my control?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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