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Chapter 527 Xiaoyu holds the Neptune Trident!

Atlantis was once a small landmass in the Atlantic Ocean.

It is the cradle of advanced civilization. About 20,000 years ago, Atlantis was torn apart by an earthquake and sank into the sea.

The ancient civilization was destroyed.


No one knows why such an advanced civilization was destroyed so casually, but this underwater kingdom has indeed fallen silent.

Only underwater ruins full of sculptures remained until nearly 10,000 years ago.

A branch of humanity, the undersea people were suddenly born, the ancestors of Neptune Namor.

The new Atlanteans have found ancient ruins, and even though they have passed thousands of years, nothing here has changed.

On the giant sculpture they found the sacred weapon, which became a symbol for all Atlanteans

And according to ancient inscriptions, they believe in a sea god named Poseidon.

From now on.

In this deep sea area tens of thousands of meters below, the people of Atlantis lived peacefully as tribes.

There were conspiracies and even royal battles along the way, but there was a race with a small number of people and a subtle no-kill rule.

Let the people under the sea live smoothly until today's world, and if there are no unexpected interruptions.

This underwater kingdom in the deep sea should continue to exist as always.


With the arrival of the water demon and the rampage of the sky demon, this ancient underwater kingdom has a history of 20,000 years.

Under the apocalyptic disaster in Ximu and the tsunami in Bazaar, everything is collapsing.

The statue of Poseidon has been standing in the royal city from beginning to end, even before Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea.

Everything has collapsed!

Also collapsing were the beliefs of the Atlanteans and the beliefs they gathered together.

"O Poseidon!"

"Did you really abandon us?!"


The disaster announced by Proteus' horn has irresistibly swept through the entire Atlantis.

All the warriors, including the members of the Council of Elders, were trapped in the dark seabed.

This is the power of Westwood.

All Atlanteans are struggling in pain in the waves. This is Bazaar declaring her rule.

"You ruined everything!"

"I have sinful blood running through my body, and I feel sad about it."

Andromeda can no longer leave. Her physical strength continues to decline. She is not a member of the Atlantis royal family. In such a cruel environment, she is no different from ordinary underwater people.

Attuma came to her side. As a father, Haisha didn't want anything to happen to his daughter.

He wanted his daughter to witness the establishment of New Atlantis, but it was obvious that Andromeda did not appreciate it.


"The so-called name of Namor is indeed destroyed from today on, and the name of Attuma."

"My daughter, you will be with me."

Attuma ignored Andromeda's objections at all. He believed that what he did was right.

In ancient times, no one had ever seen the real Poseidon except for sculptures.


This is just a mythical legend.

And in these 20,000 years, the current New Atlantis has truly deliberately counted one god.

And this is the great Water Bazaar that Attuma himself searched for!

"This is our new beginning."

"The Attuma family dynasty, look at how beautiful this scene of turbulent sea currents is!"

"Even the great being who is also the sky can still not resist the power of the sea!"

Attuma's side was surrounded by the demonic aura of water, and he felt very good when he was surrounded by Bazaar's power.

He took Andromeda and hid aside, waiting for the end of this deep sea battle.


"Those are demons. I heard the legend about them. The eight demons who once ruled the world. They..."

Andromeda wanted to say something.

After all, she can't do anything now but watch all this happen.

Only at this moment did the female warrior realize how weak her so-called Atlantean warriors were.

Compared to demons, they are far behind.


While in the palace, I heard the conversation between Xiaoyu and Neptune Namor in a trance, and they didn't finish talking about the identities of the eight demons.

Attuma didn't need to hear any more.


"It just shows their greatness. You can also tell the story about the demons who once ruled the world."

"Atlantis originally belonged to Queen Harper, but now everything is back on track."

Attuma looked at his daughter and waited until Basha transformed Andromeda into the saint form again.

By then all doubts will disappear, he said softly.

"The power of God is like the sea, embracing all things, the power of God is like prison, mighty, demon, god!!"

"What difference does it make?!"

For a while.

Andromeda was silent.


She raised her head and tried to look through the dark clouds and look at the clear ocean shrouded in deep blue.

She could hear Bazaar's roar.

A moment.

The sea serpent trident on her waist vibrated, and she could feel the familiar power.

The legendary sacred weapon belonging to Poseidon, the symbol of the royal power of Atlantis, and the power of Neptune's Trident!

"I don't know what I will look like next time we meet."


"In the name of Namor, the king of this deep sea, I believe he will come back and save the fate of all Atlanteans!"

Andromeda sincerely hopes that Namor, the king of the sea, can escape and sends her final blessings.


There is no need to come back, Bazaar wants all these little bugs to die here now!


"Where else can you run?!"

The demonic energy of water is like a life-seeking arrow, traveling wildly through the sea water.

at the same time.

Marked by the blood of the Atlantean royal family, a sacred weapon gathered by waves in the clear sea water.

Neptune's Trident responded to Namor, crossing the water demon's obstacles and coming to him.


However, before Namor could grasp the trident and escape upstream through the deep-sea tunnel, the whole group went berserk in an instant.

The chaotic tide came, and Basha used magic energy to disrupt a large area of ​​​​the sea water.

"It's just a dead thing."

"You are also worthy of using the power of the sea in front of me."

Whether it is becoming one with water or achieving the effect of teleportation in sea water, these are the abilities possessed by Neptune's Trident.

Nature is also the area that Aqua Bazaar is most familiar with.


Namor's face turned ugly in an instant.

The Neptune Trident was indeed summoned, but due to Bazaar's interference, the feeling of falling into his hand suddenly shifted.


Another flash.

After the water was disturbed, Neptune's Trident appeared in the farther sea currents.

Namor takes action again.

The distance between him and his weapon suddenly spanned more than ten meters from just a stone's throw away.


Namor sent out high-frequency vibrations from his mouth, trying to call Neptune's Trident back.

Boo hoo hoo.

The sacred weapon began to spin in the deep sea. At Namor's call, the spiritual Neptune Trident returned quickly.


"Stupid little bug, it's too late."

Bazaar's sneer echoed in the sea water, and once the movement of escaping by swimming upwards stopped.

Following closely behind him was Bazaar's demonic energy.

"don't want!"

Eklia went to Lanamo anxiously. The magical energy of water was simply the best way to deal with the Atlanteans.

Everything about Deep Sea People conforms to Bazaar's ruling standards.

They are the representatives of the inhabitants of the deep sea. They only need to be contaminated with a little devilish energy, and under Bazaar's control, transformation can happen immediately.

Andromeda is a lesson learned from the past and does not want to lose the graceful legs of the Atlanteans.

Then it's best to stay away from the evil spirit.


"At this speed, we can't swim against the devil."

Namor naturally knew the power of it.

But what can he do? The Atlanteans are strong swimmers in the sea.

He and Ikelia are both outstanding members of the royal family.

The wings on her ankles were about to fly away, but at a constant speed, how could she possibly escape Basha who was chasing her faster and faster.

The battle between the demon monarchs in the deep sea is still going on, and you can follow their escape path upwards.

Bazaar's water demon pursues her all the way. The more clear water sources she pollutes, the more power she controls over the sea.

Without the help of Neptune's Trident, their end was imminent.

"Set off a tsunami and let us escape in an instant. This is the only way to get out of here."

Ignoring Eklia's obstruction, Namor forcibly turned his head in the current and swam downward.


"I will stop the demonic energy, and I will leave the Neptune Trident to you."

"As a member of the royal family, you can also use the name of Namor to travel the symbol of Atlantis."

Block the demonic energy?!

Namor was just talking nonsense. If he could have blocked it, he wouldn't have ended up running away now.


If you want to cross the distance between life and death and get the Neptune Trident, you must make a choice.

Only Atlanteans and members of the royal family can use this sacred weapon.

Now the only royal members are Namor and Eklia.

Eklia went to fight against the demonic energy of the water to buy Namor time and allow the King of the Sea to regain his authority over the sea.

This seems to be the calmest option.


Having already lost everything in Atlantis, what if you watch your sister being sent upwards?

Sorry, Namor can't do it.

"What a reckless person."

"I betrayed the expectations of the Atlanteans. This may have been a foolish decision."


Jiraiya was startled.

The two teammates who were originally following him suddenly separated.

Namor swam towards the demonic energy of water, looking at the posture to block it in front of him, while Eklia swam towards the trident.

Can be seen clearly.

The wings on her ankles turned into afterimages, obviously she had entered an overclocked and high-end swimming speed.

"Such a character is really a headache."

Jiraiya was quite speechless.

He is an outsider as the co-author, but didn’t he agree to be a good friend of Atlantis?!

Whether it's blocking the demonic energy of the water or catching the trident, the Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku can do it all for you.

Now, wouldn't it make it difficult for him to do it now?


The shadow clones exploded instantly, and two Jiraiya appeared in the sea current at the same time.

"Well done, I'm here."


Neptune's Trident suddenly burst out with a large amount of electricity.

The lightning blooming in the sea water, the sacred weapon belonging to Atlantis, felt the approach of the foreigners.

"What's going on?!"

As soon as he could say this, Jiraiya's shadow clone, which hurried over, suddenly exploded.

"not good."

On the other side, Jiraiya's body, while catching Neptune Namor, chakra gathered and swayed out, and a head of white hair came out.

Chakra and demonic energy are entangled with each other, at least it is better than Namor forcing himself into it and dying.

"This is my Atlantis business, I..."

Namor wanted to say something else, but Jiraiya quickly interrupted him.

"It goes without saying these useless words, what happened to your weapons?!"

Think about looking at the other side.

Because of the sudden flash of lightning just now, even Ikelia was affected.

The Neptune Trident that was about to be obtained was knocked away by the flashing electric light as Eklia.

Not only did he not get it, he was even further away.


"If you didn't help, did you actually help?"


Aikelia was paralyzed, and electric current ran through her body.

The figure swimming at high speed stopped for an instant, and a look of pain could not be suppressed on his face.


There was a sound like bone cracking, and Aikelia felt severe pain in her feet.

"I can't move anymore."

Hit by the electric current from Neptune's Trident's counterattack, the overclocked wings on his ankles stopped for an instant.


This pain clearly told Ikelia that the wings she relied on to swim were broken at this moment.

At this moment.

With Jiraiya's kind help.

Neptune's Trident was not obtained, and Eklia even lost the ability to fly in the sea.

The worst thing happened.

According to the legend, the weapon of Poseidon, the god of the sea, was touched by a race other than the undersea people, and the punishment of the gods came.


Rather than calling it ordinary lightning, it might be the power of a certain god!


Aikelia bit her lip and shook the water with her hands, but it moved as fast as a turtle, making her feel desperate.

Just now he was flying at extremely fast speeds, but now he was swimming like a human being.

But even so, she still worked hard towards Neptune's Trident.


There was a sound like an electrical signal in my ears.

Iklia subconsciously raised her head, and she was suddenly covered in garbled data in the area of ​​Neptune's Trident.

Is it a human little girl?!

This thought suddenly appeared in her mind, frightening Ikelia's face to change drastically.


"The Neptune Trident cannot be touched by foreigners. The lightning just now..."

Aikelia felt that she was probably going to die.

If Neptune's Trident counterattacks again, her legs will not be disabled, but she will be directly executed by lightning.


It's too late to say this now.

Nagato Yuki took Xiaodama across a distance in an instant and appeared next to Neptune's Trident.

His small hands held the trident that was taller than Xiaoyu's entire body.


After a millisecond of silence, lightning did not appear. Instead, the seawater surged.


Neptune's Trident bloomed with bright light, and Xiaoyu's voice sounded together.

"This feeling!"

"I heard the sound of the ocean, it was amazing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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