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Chapter 147: A True Scholar

What is it? Is there anyone else with that name?

The guard was a little confused, thinking that he heard wrongly, and that the other party was scolding him.

I don’t know where this anonymous person is going, but I’m watching...

Yu Qing didn't know what kind of mood he was in when he left. Anyway, he had no attachment and didn't even want to look back or take another look.

Not far away, when we walked into the turbid water again, we passed by a group of staggering victims who seemed to be exhausted.

Outside the city gate, a group of people came, and he left alone.

No one cares about these new victims, not at all.

He did not make any stop for these victims, and he had no ability to do anything to help.

He had previously thought of going to the city to make a big fuss on behalf of the victims, but he had done so once when he left Beijing to fight against the imperial court. The memory of being rounded up was still fresh in his mind, and he did not dare to act rashly.

He also knows that he can't help enough.

Real disaster relief covers a wide range of areas. Treatment during the disaster, basic survival costs, how to survive after the disaster, reconstruction of roads, farmland, housing, and epidemic control. The financial, material and manpower required are huge. It is not at all

The hundreds of thousands of taels of silver he invested can fill it up.

His money only allowed the victims to temporarily avoid starving to death and have a place to stay.

The disaster-stricken areas in Zhaozhou include more than one Shangwan Prefecture, and far more than the more than 30,000 victims.

After missing a group of victims, he ran his hands everywhere on his body and dug inside his clothes, hoping to find a forgotten banknote.

It's not like he has nothing, he still has the bottle of magic dew, some traveling pills, and some personal belongings.

In addition, he was convinced that he had emptied himself out, and he didn't even leave himself a copper coin.

He didn't know if he had taken the wrong medicine.

Bang! Suddenly he slapped himself hard.

He didn't understand. He was a human trafficker to make money, so why did he lose everything?

One hundred and sixty thousand taels of silver, just given away for free?

Snap! He slapped himself hard with his left hand.

I thought that I had spent more than 30,000 taels of silver borrowed from Su Yingtao and the others in the capital, and I was a villain in vain.

Snap! He slapped himself hard with his right hand.

I thought about taking risks to make some money on the way to Beijing, and thought about how I almost risked my life.

Bang! He slapped himself again.

Thinking of beating up the three senior brothers, he thought of taking away the hundreds of taels of silver from the three senior brothers.

Bang! He slapped himself again.

In the end, it was not only my face that hurt, but also my chest. It was so heartbreaking!

He covered his chest with one hand and walked away in panic. He sighed and sighed incessantly, and he even wanted to die.

When he couldn't think about it, he suddenly jumped forward and threw himself into the muddy water.

Water splashes everywhere.

However, the water was too shallow, so I couldn't drown myself. I even drank a mouthful of dirty water, which tasted bad. I got up and vomited, then continued walking wet...

The panting Zhan Muchun had already reached the city gate, but he still had to stop and hold on to the wall to slow down. His physical strength was indeed very average.

After he was out of breath, he trotted out of the city again. The city gate guard also knew him, so he let him out.

The sky has turned white and it's almost dawn.

Zhan Muchun did not see Yu Qing when he left the city. He only saw the retracted suspension bridge and a group of refugees kneeling and begging outside the moat.

"Hey, the champion is here so early."

The guard had not slept all night and was yawning. As soon as he turned around, he saw Zhan Muchun and immediately greeted him cheerfully.

The two also became familiar with each other. Recently, Zhan Muchun often used a basket to carry him in and out of the city.

Breathing heavily, Zhan Muchun pointed to the crying victims outside, "Isn't there someone giving out money to help the victims enter the city?"

The guard sighed: "Oh, these victims have just arrived. The more than 30,000 victims who were outside the city have already entered the city. More than 30,000 lives have been saved. That scene... have you seen tens of thousands of people kneeling?

A silent scene? It’s truly something I’ll never forget!”

Zhan Muchunli asked: "Where are the people who do good deeds? Have they entered the city already?"

"Didn't enter the city." The guard looked into the dim distance with infinite emotion on his face, "He saved the person and then left. In order to save the person, he spent all the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver he had on him, and he didn't make it.

After getting the money, he went to the city and left."

Zhan Muchun was so impulsive that he grabbed the collar of his armor and said angrily: "I saved more than 30,000 refugees, but you refused to let him enter the city because he had no money? Commander Cai, is your conscience at peace?"

The guard general was of a higher rank than him, so he didn't blame him. He patted his hand and said, "The champion has misunderstood me. No matter how heartless I am, I can't be hard-hearted. He has no money, but I promised to let him enter the city.

But he was tough and knew right from wrong. He said he didn’t want to break the rules and embarrass me, so he just turned around and left. He is a good man, and Cai is convinced!"

"How long have you been gone?"

"Just left a while ago."

Zhan Muchun let go and looked outside the moat, "Which direction did the man go? Put down the bridge, I want to find him."

"No!" The guard quickly stopped him, "Master Zhuangyuan, this is no joke. There are so many victims. If they swarm to break through, do you think I should kill them or not? Besides, I am a martial arts practitioner.

, with his cultivation, you won’t be able to catch up with him if you go out with your hands and feet.”

Zhan Muchun asked again: "What's his name?"

Idiot? The guard muttered in his heart, rolled his eyes, scratched his neck, shook his head and said: "He ran away without leaving his real name. If you do such a good thing, you still don't leave your name, and you can't accept it even if you don't accept it!"

Zhan Muchun immediately gestured and asked: "Does he have a ponytail, a mustache, and a sword hanging on his waist?"

Bang! The guard suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Yeah! That's right, with the dress you mentioned, it seems you know him. Tell me, who is this person?"

When Zhan Muchun heard that it was indeed Brother Shiheng's feat, he was so excited that he didn't have the heart to talk to him about anything, so he turned around and ran away.

"Hey, eh, Number One Scholar, I..." The guard stretched out his hand to greet him repeatedly, but failed to call him back. He wondered: "What's going on? It seems that we really know each other, acquaintances? Who? How can we let this person come back?"

The champion is so excited."

Zhan Muchun did not go anywhere else. After entering the city, he ran directly to the tower and climbed up to look into the distance to see if he could still see Brother Shiheng.

I can't see it, but the sky is getting brighter and brighter, but looking around, I still see a hazy yellow area and vague hills. Only the lonely figure leaving is not visible. It may be

Because that person’s weight in heaven and earth is too small.

Thinking of what Brother Shi Heng had done to save all the people without leaving his name behind, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He was extremely regretful and hated that he should not have avoided hiding, even if he was helping to beat him!

In the city, a group of scholars also arrived at the city one after another, chatting with the guards and asking about it. After confirming that Zhan Muchun was on the tower, a group of people naturally couldn't help but inquire about the outcome of last night's disaster relief.

After roughly understanding the situation, and hearing that Zhan Muchun might know who the person who did good things without leaving his name was, a group of scholars hurried to the tower.

When they found Zhan Muchun, they saw Zhuangyuan Lang standing in front of the wall, facing the morning breeze and reflecting the fish-belly white light in the sky, staring into the distance for a long time.

A group of scholars quickly gathered around him, and someone tried to ask, "Sir, do you know that great good man? Who is he?"

"Who is it?" Zhan Muchun murmured, slowly looked back at them, then looked back into the distance, smiled bitterly, and struggled to say three words, "Ashiheng!"



"Is it the Ash Heng who got perfect scores in four subjects in the Huiqiao Examination?"

"Is it the Ash Heng who recently resigned in the capital and caused a stir?"

A group of scholars were already chattering into a chaotic mess, some were surprised, some were in disbelief, some were extremely excited.

For scholars, those who get perfect scores in the four subjects of the General Examination are really like gods. In terms of real materials, they are even better than the Palace Examination. That person actually came here?

What Zhan Muchun could say was that he could only confirm with a slight nod.

"Ah, it's really him. No, why did he come to Shangwan City to provide disaster relief?"

"There is nothing to doubt. Master Zhan and Ashheng are Jinshis in the same department and are familiar with each other very well. Since Master Zhan said so, it must be right."

"I... Alas, I missed the opportunity to get to know Ashheng when he came to Shangwan City." Someone grabbed the clothes on his chest and looked regretful.

He was not the only one who felt remorseful. A group of scholars were lamenting and feeling regretful.

Zhan Muchun was also upset and regretful, even hating himself for being useless.

After Ashheng resigned, he was still able to save the people from misery, but he did nothing in his position. He couldn't help but think of the essay that Ashheng would try to write, and he couldn't help but murmured: "The place where people gather is the place where people gather."

When a country is in mourning, the country will decline. Those who protect the people are true countrymen! The place where the people gather is the country..."

He muttered to himself over and over again, his eyes glazed over, and he read the poem at the top of his list over and over again, and it seemed that he truly understood its true meaning.

His articles were not only written, but also realized.

I think of the image of the man who resigned from his official position but appeared in the disaster area carrying large and small bags and leading the victims forward in the mud to survive.

Thinking of that man who stayed up all night yesterday and spent all his money to save the lives of tens of thousands of victims, but he himself was in a situation where he couldn't even enter the city without a penny.

The scholar who was muttering in his mouth could not help but burst into tears.

"The land where the people gather is a country. If the people mourn, the country will decline. Those who protect the people are true national warriors..."

It was not only Zhan Muchun who was touched, but also these scholars.

How many scholars from this place not too far from the capital had not read the article that received full marks in the four subjects? They all started to recite it.

"The land where the people gather is a country. If the people mourn, the country will decline. Those who protect the people are true national warriors..."

The miscellaneous chanting sounds became more and more orderly, echoing on the city wall over and over again, becoming more and more solemn.

Passers-by in the city and guards on and off the city walls all looked back, surprised and a little inexplicably shocked.

The guards were extinguishing the torches and bonfires, and bursts of black smoke passed over the people, but they could not stop the people from reciting it over and over passionately.

An inexplicable force seems to be able to break the dawn, seems to be able to tear apart the darkness, and the first bright morning light blooms in the sky...

This chapter has been completed!
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