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Chapter 148 Nature

The people's will to welcome the bright rising sun on the city wall was soon pulled back by reality.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the city, which brought Zhan Muchun and the scholars, who had been moved by themselves, back to reality.

Everyone quickly went to the other side of the city wall and looked down in front of the wall stacks. They saw a conflict between shopkeepers and refugees.

"It was only ten cents a piece before, but it suddenly became thirty cents a piece..."

"I can sell my own things as much as I want, whether you want to buy them or not..."

You can understand the general meaning as soon as you hear it. The price of the seller's goods suddenly increased several times. The refugee was angry and had a quarrel with him. If it weren't for a group of people pulling him, he would have taken action.

Zhan Muchun frowned, and in a flash he knew that this was bound to happen. Suddenly there were more than 30,000 people in the city, and everyone had money. It was inevitable for prices to rise, but this sudden surge several times

method is not advisable.

Brother Shi Heng spent all his money to rescue people into the city. If the victims cannot survive the disaster, then it is the responsibility of these officials.

After thinking again and again, he suddenly took out the three hundred taels of silver notes, handed them to a scholar, and said: "Give it to the city gate guard for me, so that he can have the opportunity to rescue as many victims as possible."

He had some concerns about donating money before, but now that Ashheng is taking the lead, he has the excuse to donate again.

All the scholars looked at each other in shock.

Zhan Muchun had already run down the tower quickly and then ran further away.

This time, he rushed directly to the prefect's mansion, jumped directly to find the prefect, and begged the prefect to find a way to stabilize the market prices of the most basic living supplies for the victims of the city and the people in the city.

"Zhuangyuanlang, don't you understand yet? The reason why the four major families are willing to let in the rich victims is to make money from them. To put it bluntly, the reason behind the price increase is that the four major families have increased the price of material supplies.

What should the vendors below do if they don’t raise their prices?”

"Sir, can you tell the four major families that once the five taels of silver in the hands of the victims cannot bear the disaster, someone will incite the victims to target their granaries. Then tens of thousands of people will riot, and the consequences will be investigated by the court, and we will not be able to escape

They should not even think about their responsibility, so they must control the increase, at least to keep people alive!

Sir, as officials of the imperial court, at such a critical moment, when the life and death of all people are related, how can we leave it to these profiteers? We can just yell and warn, if only one of my heads will be chopped off by the imperial court together with their whole family, we want to see

Let’s see who is afraid of who!

If they still dare to intimidate me, I will stand down and stop them. Let them intimidate me, the number one scholar appointed by His Majesty, first!

Your Majesty, Your Majesty is having a headache due to the disaster. When we stand with the victims, we stand with His Majesty, and we stand with the court. I would like to ask the mere merchants, what do they have to fear? You can shout loudly, as long as I wait

Don't be afraid, the profiteers will be terrified and surrender. This is the power of God, and you can master it well!"

Tanhua Lang suddenly became so strong-willed that the prefect was a little startled. He looked at the resolute look in his eyes for a long time and then suddenly raised his voice and said, "Okay! Call the others and let's go find them together!"


After hurriedly preparing a few people, the group quickly left the government office.

Seeing the victims coming and going on the streets, the prefect in the carriage lowered the curtains and sighed with emotion, "I don't know who the person who scattered wealth outside the city is."

Zhan Muchun, who was sitting with him, said in a deep voice: "It's Ashheng!"

"Ashiheng? Which Ashiheng?" The prefect was surprised and asked, "The one who is in the same class as you?"

Zhan Muchun nodded, "Exactly!"

"Hiss..." The prefect breathed, slowly punching the palm of his other hand with one fist, looking at Zhan Muchun and thinking about it, and he probably understood the reason for the change of the No. 1 Scholar.

On the way, the prefect reported again that hundreds of victims outside the city had entered the city again.

After further questioning, I found out that a group of scholars began to give out money on their own and stood outside the city gate to hand out money to help the victims enter the city.

What will happen in the future is that at least there will be no victims under the city walls of Shangwan City, and many more lives will be saved...

The sky is not responding to the call, and the earth is not working. This is the true portrayal of Yu Qing wandering alone in the waterlogged land.

He was like a crazy person, jumping around in the water from time to time, beating his chest from time to time, and shouting at the sky and the earth from time to time, but there was no response from the empty world.

I don't know how many times I lost my footing and fell into a deep puddle, but I got up every time.

The big head in the jar seemed to be a little unbearable. He banged his head countless times before Yu Qing finally showed mercy and opened the lid and let him go free.

However, there was nowhere to go. There was water everywhere, and it was difficult to find a suitable place to stay. The 'big head' had to fall on Yu Qing's ponytail.

Yu Qing’s clothes were wet, and ‘Big Head’ actually didn’t like water very much.

It wasn't until a hilltop with undulating terrain appeared in front of him that Yu Qing, who had been thinking about the lost 160,000 taels of silver, suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the hilltop in front of him with his mouth open.

The scene on the mountain suddenly reminded him of something.

I thought of a way to earn back the 160,000 yuan with interest!

Suddenly there was another scream, "Oh no!"

Then he ran like crazy, splashing turbid water, and rushed towards the top of a hill in one breath.

After escaping from the waterlogging and running to the mountain, he rummaged through his clothes.

He took out the calligraphy and painting given by Wen Ruowei.

There is no doubt that the treasure map was soaked by his repeated dips in water when he went crazy.

"It's over, it's over..."

I felt so distressed again that I wanted to stab myself ten thousand times, so I quickly checked.

After the inspection, I breathed a sigh of relief and found that it was fine. Fortunately, it was not drawn on paper, but the edges of the pen and ink that had been soaked in water seemed to be a little hairy, and the handwriting seemed to be lighter.


He blew hard on the calligraphy and painting with his mouth, then found a tree, and hung the calligraphy and painting on the branches to dry.

He looked around and saw that no one was seeing him, so he took off his clothes again.

There is no way, after people wake up a little, they find that wearing wet clothes is really uncomfortable, so it is better to take them off, wring them out, dry them in the water, and dry them in the sun.

He wandered around the mountain in a pure and natural manner.

Where there were no other people around, 'Big Head' felt relieved and completely enjoyed the breath of freedom flying around on the mountain top, stopping here and landing there.

One person and one insect is like guarding an isolated island.

There is not a speck of green on the top of the mountain, and not even a mouse can be seen. It can be seen from the holes dug everywhere on the mountain, not to mention everything on the ground, even underground, everything that looks edible is eaten.

After walking around for a while and tidying up his muddy hair, Yu Qing picked up the treasure map again and studied it carefully again.

Based on his current conditions, the only way to earn back the 160,000 yuan was through this treasure map.

This became his only hope.

The loss was so huge, and if he had to worry about hundreds or thousands of taels, he would only be able to recover his money in the year of the monkey, so he no longer had any interest.

I have a big appetite and want to swallow it all in one gulp, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of the pain in my heart.

As long as we find the cave heaven and paradise left by the immortal, we will naturally sweep back the 160,000 yuan.

However, holding the calligraphy and painting and looking around, everyone who looked at it almost vomited blood, but still couldn't find any clue.

"This is a bullshit treasure map. It has no route, no directions, and no place names. What kind of map is it? What's the use of it..."

In anger, Yu Qing grabbed the treasure map with both hands and was about to tear it up.

He had always suspected that the copied painting was useless, and that the real secret of the treasure map might not be in the calligraphy and painting, but in the drawing paper.

However, when he pulled it with both hands, he couldn't let it go, and he had reasons in his heart to persuade himself to calm down. Just because he couldn't understand it didn't mean that the treasure map was useless. It could only be that his knowledge was shallow. It was left to the future to figure out which day he would understand it?

Maybe the only thing I can do now is to make a little money and live a life first.

After giving up, I feel really tired after I have endured until now. I want to sit cross-legged and meditate to adjust my breath. However, I feel heartache and have too many distracting thoughts to meditate calmly.

Forget it, he simply climbed up to the big bare tree and lay down on the branch to sleep. He put the treasure map on his belly and continued to dry it, so he could protect it with him.

After a while, I really fell asleep, exhausted both physically and mentally.

In my sleep, I would occasionally touch my stomach to see if the treasure map was still there.

I slept until noon, until the sun was high in the sky, and I was suddenly awakened by the scorching sun.

There is no way, there is no shade here.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the dazzling sunlight. He subconsciously picked up the treasure map to block the sunlight.

With a cover, he opened his eyes again sleepily. His eyes unconsciously glanced at the treasure map above, and when he turned his head to check the clothes hanging to dry, he was suddenly startled, and a thought flashed in his mind.

He paused for a moment, blinked his eyes, raised the treasure map he had put down in his hand, and raised it to the top to block the sunlight. He also turned his head back to look at the treasure map again.

Soon, he found the origin of that flash of thought.

The calligraphy and painting were unconsciously stacked together in his hands. At this time, through the sunlight, the overlapping of the landscape pattern and the calligraphy of the poem praising the landscape appeared.

The overlapping is secondary. The important thing is that he accidentally discovered that on the tops of the mountains in the painting, some of the tops of the mountains were stained with ink and had no blanks, while others had some blanks due to the depiction of clouds.

The blank space and the text overlapped, and what he had just seen accidentally appeared. Through the light, he could see a single text circled in the blank space on the top of the mountain.

Feeling that he had made a major discovery, Yu Qing was suddenly shocked and immediately turned over and jumped down from the tree. He folded the calligraphy and painting in half and looked at the sun for comparison.

Later, he found that it was more convenient to lie on the tree for comparison. He climbed back to the big tree branch with his bare buttocks and lay down. He slowly rubbed the folded calligraphy and painting in front of the sun, and used the blank space on the top of the mountain to cover the words in the poem.


If you can't read a series of words that you can't read back and forth, then it definitely means nothing.

He took off the condom little by little, even if it was basking in the bright sun, he would be very patient and would only scratch the itchy spots on his legs with his toes.

In the end, his hard work paid off, and he was able to compare the ups and downs of words along the way, and at least he could read the words smoothly.

This chapter has been completed!
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