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Chapter 182 Weird

Yu Qing was startled by the sudden movement and threw down the torch in his hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

But he soon breathed a sigh of relief. There was a fire inside, and someone lit the fire seal. A coolie soaked the torch head in a broken clay pot for a while, then took it out and faced the fire seal. It was dark with oil.

The Baotou immediately burst into flames, making the cave a lot brighter.

The smell of kerosene then overflowed.

Yu Qing understood where the noise came from. Someone broke the kerosene jar. As Meng Wei said, there should be a lot of kerosene inside, even at the entrance of the cave.

 He picked up the torch on the ground and ducked in.

The people outside who were wary of the movement inside also relaxed their strings. Mu Aotie, who was carrying a torch, quickly jumped down and got into the cave. Nanzhu cautiously came to the end.


 A few scattered clay pots were broken, and people entering the cave soaked the torch heads they carried with kerosene for later use.

 Under the illumination of several torches, the entrance was already bright.

The tilted and collapsed stones half blocked the entrance of the cave, half exposing the sky to the outside world. A group of people looked around with torches, and there was endless darkness inside.

 In addition to rocks and pots of fire oil on the ground, there were also the skeletons of dead bodies wearing clothes a little further ahead.

"Judging from the excavation marks at the entrance of the cave, it does not seem like a normal entrance to the underground palace. It seems that the Yu tribe did not find the real entrance to the tomb passage, but forcibly dug a hole into the mountain." Nanzhu looked around and commented.


As soon as he opened his mouth, the six coolies looked back, their eyes seeming to say, is this fat man going to start chatty mode again?

Sure enough, Nanzhu turned around and stared at them. He stepped forward and asked, "Your names must have been fake before. How should I call you now?"

The six people ignored him, knowing that if they spoke to him, he would probably continue to be verbose.

One person looked at Yu Qing and asked, "Are you going in?"

Where else can we go if we don’t go in? Yu Qing nodded.

 Six coolies immediately formed a formation, three of them held torches in a zigzag pattern in front to clear the way, and the other three held torches in the back, protecting Yu Qing and the others in the middle.

This hastily carved passage is not spacious and can only accommodate three people walking side by side at most.

Nanzhu and Mu Aotie stood closely behind Yu Qing.


Having not gone far, a woman's sigh suddenly sounded out, the sound of resentment was long and clear to the ears, and it obviously came from the dark depths of the corridor.

Yu Qing was stunned for a moment, thinking he had heard wrongly, but looking back and forth, he found that nine people including him had stopped at the same time, staring into the darkness ahead with inexplicable emotions in their eyes.

 What does this mean? It means that all nine people heard it.

Where did the woman come from in this ancient tomb that had been sealed for ten or twenty years? Especially in this environment.

 Inexplicably, all nine people felt their hairs stand on end, and the chilly feeling of this space became clearer and deeper.

 The nine people had just entered the ancient tomb and had not gone far before they were restrained.

“Have you heard of this situation before in various news about the ancient tomb?” Nanzhu asked.

 They all shook their heads and had never heard of it.

Yu Qing raised his hand, raised the torch in his hand and lit it on someone else's torch, then waved his arm, and the fire shrank with a roar, and fell to the ground far ahead before burning again.

Everyone looked up to the light of the fire, but other than the skeletons lying on the ground, no woman could be seen.

 So, everyone continued to move forward, while being highly vigilant about their surroundings.

When passing by a skeleton, he saw a weapon next to the skeleton. Nanzhu greeted him: "If you don't have a weapon, you can borrow one on the ground."

  Before, I hoped to see these people without weapons, but now I feel that it would make people feel uneasy if they did not have weapons in their hands.

 It is true that these coolies came to see Yuanshan without weapons.

The person at the front listened to Nanzhu's advice, picked up a big knife next to the corpse with his toes, and grabbed it in his hand to be on guard.

The group walked to the burning torch on the ground in front of them. Yu Qing leaned over to pick it up, then threw it out with a wave of his hand, and once again explored the front.

When we met another skeleton on the road, another person in front also picked up a weapon on the ground.

“Didn’t you say that this underground place was burned by fire? The clothes of the skeletons on the ground are still in good condition, and there are no traces of being burned by fire in the corridor. What’s going on?” Nanzhu couldn’t help but murmured again.

No one paid attention to him and he continued to move forward. He walked to the burning torch on the ground again. There was no need for Yu Qing to throw it away. The person who opened the way in front had already thrown it out...

There was a coolie sitting at the entrance of the cave. When he saw that the people who were deep in the cave had completely disappeared, he quickly got up and got out, jumped on the pile of large rocks, and nodded to Meng Wei.

Meng Wei looked around and said, "I will continue to stay here. You should go back and report to the sir."

 “Yes.” The coolie quickly flew away.

In the nearby mountains and forests, Jian Yuanzhai and his party were lurking and watching carefully.

Seeing the coolies leaving, Cui You asked Qin Jue, "Big shopkeeper, Yu Qing and the others have gone in, do we want to go in?"

Qin Jue raised his head and looked at the sky, and said somewhat puzzled: "That's the Yuanshan forbidden area. It's in broad daylight. People are staring at it openly and secretly. How do you get in?"

Cui You: "Shall we wait until dark?"

Qin Jue looked at the mountains and forests on the left and right, "Let's wait and see Yuanshan's reaction."

 Cui You: "We are here to have a wedding banquet. Are we here to keep an eye on you?"

Qin Jue: "Go home alone. The happy event is about to begin. Come immediately to announce it."

Cui You immediately pointed out a person and asked him to go back first...

Even though there are six torches lighting up the front and back at the same time, people in the corridor can still feel the oppressive feeling from the darkness.

There was still no woman seen in front, but the woman's sigh still weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

Yu Qing was alert to the surroundings and glanced at the "little movements" of the three people in front of him from time to time. He found that the hands of the three holding weapons seemed a little itchy, and occasionally they would rub the backs of their hands on their clothes.

 At first, only one person made this move, but now three people appeared one after another, attracting his attention.

 He occasionally looked back at the three coolies behind him and found that there was nothing unusual about them.

After walking for more than a mile, the end of the corridor suddenly appeared, diverting Yu Qing's attention and found that the road ahead was blocked by something.

A few people took a closer look and saw that there were actually tree roots of different thicknesses, intertwining the road ahead and making it airtight.

“There are rocks all around, where are the tree roots?” Nanzhu muttered.

The coolie at the front seemed a little impatient, and suddenly swung his knife and slashed away. Bang! A gap was made. The firelight came up and saw that there was indeed a space behind the gap.

The wielder of the knife struck several more times, and soon a hole was opened.

This unscrupulous movement made Yu Qing frown secretly. Is this because he is really not afraid of disturbing things underground or something?

The three people who opened the way held torches and got in one by one. After receiving the no problem signal, Yu Qing and others filed in, and then found that they had entered another space.

The walls are made of regular long stone blocks, and the ground is paved with large stone bricks. The neat underground passage is spacious and can accommodate three carriages passing side by side. This space capacity surprised several people.

Comparing the entrance passage, it is obvious that this is the original part of the ancient cemetery palace.

Under the firelight, there was no end or turning in sight at the front or rear of the passage. Nanzhu clicked his tongue, "Just by looking at this passage, the scale of this underground palace can be seen. How much money did the builders have to spend to create such a grand scene underground?"

Manpower and material resources, is this really what Guanfeng Yang created?"

 A coolie stared at Yu Qing and asked: "Are you walking around aimlessly without a destination?"

Yu Qing was silent and replied: "Look for the Lord's tomb."

According to the records on the cloud map, the target location was only indicated by the words "place of the same cave". In this vast underground palace, only the main tomb chamber should be the closest to this statement. He could only look for it first before talking about it.

The group set off forward again, people were swaying in the light and shadow, and there was darkness a little further away.

 It was quiet, there were only a few footsteps, and no so-called evil spirits were seen.

 After walking not far, Yu Qing felt more and more that something was wrong with the three coolies in front of him.

 The abnormal movements of the three of them were really obvious. They kept rubbing their eyes, as if they couldn't see the road clearly.

The torch was shaking like a mess, and the hand holding the torch kept tickling the hand holding the knife.

 The people behind them all noticed something was wrong, and Yu Qing said in a deep voice: "Stop!"

Starting from him, everyone behind him stopped, but the three people in front seemed not to hear it and continued to move forward scratching the itch.

This is a bit strange, Nanzhu shouted: "Li Dahao, stop!"

He was able to name all the twenty or so coolies who came to see Yuan Shan because he chatted with each one for a long time, although the names he wrote down may all be false.

The voice was loud, and the three people in front seemed to have heard it. They stopped one after another, turned around, and were still scratching, looking anxious. They rubbed their eyes from time to time, and their minds seemed to be abnormal.

 The hands of the three people have scratched and drawn blood, and they are still scratching. The scratching is shocking.

The most bizarre thing is that the eyes of the three people have lost the color of the whites and are all pitch black. They look black and shiny under the firelight, like black gemstones.

Yu Qing and others held their breath and were speechless. They were all shocked.

After a while, Yu Qing slowly looked back and felt the torch behind him swaying due to the swaying light of the fire.

  Looking back, I saw a familiar scene. The three people behind me also started to scratch their itch. Due to the situation of their accomplices across from them, the three of them seemed to realize something, and their expressions were full of panic.

Some people simply threw down the torch, sat down cross-legged on the spot, and used their energy to heal themselves.

The other two men saw the horror of their companions and were afraid of following in their footsteps, so they quickly threw down their torches and followed suit.

 The light in the channel suddenly became much darker.

Yu Qing suddenly looked at the two senior brothers and found that their behavior was normal, and he was somewhat relieved.

Nan Zhu and Mu Aotie looked back and were shocked when they realized that the three people behind them were also wrong.

Among the three torches that were still held, one dangled over. The coolie holding it kept twisting his head left and right, unsteadily, as if his neck bones were stuck, staggering towards Yu Qing and the others, pleading in a hoarse voice.

, "Water, is there any water? I'm thirsty, give me some water."

His voice did suddenly become dry and hoarse, hoarse than Nanzhu's.

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Aotie said with a solemn look on his face, and was about to go over and check the other person's pulse.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qing suddenly made a move, pressed his shoulders and pulled him back, "The weapons he picked up may have problems, so don't be touched. The situation is unknown, so don't touch them yet."


This chapter has been completed!
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