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Chapter 183: Rebirth

Is there something wrong with the weapon? Nanzhu and Mu Aotie were stunned. They didn't react for a moment and stared at the scratched and bloody hand.

Apart from weapons, Yu Qing could not think of any other reason for a while.

Among the nine people who came in together, only the three of them were fine. Logically speaking, it was unlikely. The biggest difference was that the three of them did not pick up the weapons in the ancient tomb, and he had seen the three of them scratching the weapon before.

The hand that held the weapon, hence the suspicion.

Just after taking that weapon, something so weird happened in a short period of time. How dare he let the two senior brothers touch them.

"Water, give me water!"

The man's longing voice became more anxious and hoarse. The torch and knife in his hand fell to the ground together. His vision seemed to be blurred, and he felt that he could not see the three of them clearly. His hands were groping in the air and looking for them tremblingly.

I no longer scratched my itch, but I felt terribly thirsty.

"I'm thirsty, give me water!"

The other two coolies whose eyes turned black also made noises one after another and approached the three brothers one after another, shouting that they were thirsty and asking for water.

Yu Qing moved his hands behind his back to block the two senior brothers and move back together, preventing the three of them from touching each other.

Nanzhu then pulled Yu Qing and Mu Aotie to prevent them from hitting the three people sitting cross-legged and meditating behind them.

The brothers slowly retreated from the six people trapped between them.

Bang bang, bang bang.

The weapons and the last two torches they held also fell to the ground. None of the six torches were extinguished, they were all burning on the ground, but the light in the passage had become much darker.

The three people who were sitting cross-legged and meditating seemed to have the urge to scratch the itch again. It could be seen that they were trying their best to restrain it, and they seemed to be trying their best to resist. It could also be seen that something was greatly disturbing their concentration and resistance.

The three people who were trembling, swaying, and unable to see clearly were getting closer and closer to the three people who were sitting cross-legged and meditating.

Mu Aotie pointed and gestured, silently asking if he should pull the three of them away to avoid being bumped into.

Before waiting for a reply, the person who had taken the lead in the mutation had already weakened his legs and fell to the ground with a bang. He was twitching and his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He could no longer speak, and it was difficult to even make a hoarse voice. His hands

Covering his neck.

Soon his hands were paralyzed, and his twitching body relaxed, and his whole body suddenly stopped moving.

One after another.

The other two people also fell down one after another, and after a period of twitching, they became silent.

It seemed that he had died suddenly, but the three brothers did not dare to reach out and touch him to check whether he had expired.

Yu Qing did not dare to touch the torch they had taken. He handed over the unlit torch and borrowed the flames on the ground to light it. He walked lightly to the knife that had fallen to the ground, knelt down on one knee and held the torch against it.

I got close to the sword and illuminated it, and I leaned over and stared at it carefully.

Nanzhu and Mu Aotie also wanted to know what was going on, so they also came over and squatted down to check.

Under the firelight, the three of them discovered anomalies on the handle of the knife. There were strands of filaments on the handle, like the finest spider silk, which was as long as one finger and was black. In this environment, it was impossible to

It's not easy to spot if you look carefully, and even if you touch it without paying special attention, you won't be able to feel it.

The biggest discovery is that these filaments seem to be alive and have a certain sensitivity to temperature. As soon as the torch is approached, the black filaments immediately flutter slowly, like a sunflower facing the sun.

After making this discovery, Yu Qing pressed the torch up, and found that although the object yearned for warmth, it was afraid of high temperatures, and it burned when it was scalded by the fire.

Yu Qing immediately burned the blade with a torch, flicking it with his toes and burning it repeatedly.

"What are you doing?" Nanzhu asked in surprise.

Yu Qing: "If we don't understand how people are trapped, and we don't know how to defend ourselves, how can we dare to rush in? If we don't find another exit from the ancient tomb, we will die if we go out."

Nanzhu and Mu Aotie looked at each other and had to admit that this was true.

After passing the blade of the knife through the fire and burning it, Yu Qing dared to reach out and take the handle of the knife. Then he stood up and walked to the coolie who seemed to have fallen dead. He knelt down on one knee again and stared at the handle of the knife.

After observing a circle, he moved closer to the place with black filaments on the back of the deceased's hand.

Nanzhu and Mu Aotie came over immediately and knelt down on one knee to observe.

Not long after the deceased fell to death, his body was still warm. As expected, he could feel the black filaments on the handle of the knife again, softly and slowly touching the back of the deceased's hand. Human pores dissipate heat, and the black filaments lightly touched the skin of the deceased.

Finally, the position of the capillary pore was accurately captured, and the tip began to slowly penetrate along the capillary pore.

It turned out that this was the case. The three brothers raised their heads one after another, looked at each other in confusion, and finally figured out the reason why the dead man fell to the ground.

"What the hell is this thing that can kill a person so quickly and silently?" Nanzhu muttered.

Yu Qing let go of the knife in his hand, "It's really fast. It's only been a while. The most fatal thing is that his body is obviously abnormal. He scratched himself to bleed. He didn't even notice the abnormality and didn't know how to react.

After this thing enters the body, it will also have an impact here." He pointed at the head of the deceased, and then pointed at the three people sitting cross-legged and meditating.

If those three people hadn't witnessed the obvious contrast between their accomplice's condition and their own, they probably wouldn't have realized that they were in trouble.

However, the three people seemed to have slowly stabilized, and no longer had that abnormal uneasiness. Some of them had blood oozing from the pores in certain parts.

A knowledgeable person will understand at a glance. Mu Aotie said in a deep voice: "Okay, it's stabilized. They are using their skills to force the poison out of the body."

Nanzhu had to remind in a low voice, "Their cultivation is much higher than ours. It might be very difficult for us to replace them."

This sentence reminded Yu Qing, and he said hello, "Bring me the anti-insect medicine."

With the verification just now, and knowing that the junior brother was not messing around, Mu Aotie did not hesitate and immediately took out a discus from his arms.

Yu Qing: "Open."

Mu Aotie broke open the discus, revealing the waxy yellow ointment inside, which emitted a spicy and pungent smell.

This thing is a gadget used by people in the world to prevent mosquito bites when they go out.

Yu Qing picked up the knife again and brought the black filament on the knife handle close to the ointment to observe the reaction. The reaction of the black filament was very strong, and it immediately shrank back when it was near.

Yu Qing handed the back of his hand holding the torch, "Give me a piece of it on the back of my hand."

Mu Aotie probably understood what he meant, but without listening to him, he scraped off the ointment with one finger and applied it directly to the back of his hand. After spreading it, he sent the back of his hand to Yu Qing.

Yu Qing was not polite and moved the black filament on the handle of the knife to the back of Mu Aotie's hand, trying to see if the body temperature could tempt the black filament to break through the ointment's defense. The result was gratifying, the black filament

Do not dare to touch the human body that has been smeared with ointment. The ointment has an obvious defensive effect.

"Okay, this thing isn't that scary." Yu Qing felt relieved.

However, the corpse in front of the three people reacted at this moment. The corpse actually moved, and its throat made a gurgling sound.

The three people stared at it and saw that the neck of the corpse was beating and swelling, the cheeks were also bulging, and the corpse was rapidly drying up.

What the hell? The three of them quickly stood up, observed the corpse's reaction, and slowly backed away.

Suddenly, the corpse opened its mouth, and something like a snake jumped out of its mouth.

The three of them were startled, but when they looked closely, they found that it was not a snake, but a black plant that was growing rapidly, spreading branches and leaves at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the body that carried it was rapidly drying up.

It is obvious that the reason why this evil black plant can grow rapidly is that it absorbs the corpse below.

The growth rate of plants is directly proportional to the rate of shriveling up of corpses.

Not just one, but the other two corpses were also shriveled up, and black plants were growing out of their mouths.

The plant quickly grew taller than a person, with an enchanting and winding posture, like a vine branch. There was only one black leaf on one branch. It stopped growing when it reached a height of about ten feet, and a faint white light began to bloom at the top, a pearl of rice.

Glowing and translucent.

The three brothers and sisters under the vine branches were shocked. They looked up and saw this scene for the first time in their lives.

The three people sitting cross-legged and meditating under the vine branches closed their eyes and withered their hearts, concentrating on resisting what was inside their bodies and had no time to pay attention to anything external.

At the top of the evil plant, the rice bead is growing rapidly, gradually reaching the size of an egg. It is still expanding, and the light body is getting bigger and bigger.

The corpse it carried was completely reduced to skin and bones, and was as shriveled as a skeleton, but the ball of light it carried was still expanding.

The tops of the other two plants that were entangled with the vine branches that grew first also began to bloom.

The bigger the light ball, the better it looks. The light is soft and white, illuminating the passage space, putting the light of the torch to shame, making people feel very pure, pleasing to the eye, and really beautiful.

It is also unimaginable that such an evil plant can grow such beautiful things.

The light ball is still expanding, getting bigger and bigger. After the attachments on the body surface separate the space, people find that the light ball is surrounded by thin snow-white silk, and each fluttering silk strand emits light.

Shining with holy soft white light.

As it expands, the bottom of the soft silk and the sphere for their growth become more and more transparent, like a glistening glass cover.

The ball of light looks like a giant dandelion at this time.

Just when the ball of light expanded to the size of a washbasin.


Like a blown ball, it suddenly exploded.

The sound of the explosion was not loud, but it was too sudden, causing people in this quiet underground space to feel frightened.

Countless snow-white soft silks are flying, all exuding soft and holy white light, floating in all directions, each one swaying in the air like a wave, like a large group of hatching fish swimming in all directions in search of freedom, the scene is beautiful.

So heartbreaking.

However, Yu Qing and the others did not dare to appreciate this beauty with peace of mind.

Anyone who witnessed the growth process of this evil plant would not dare.

As soon as they heard the explosion and saw this situation, the three brothers and sisters immediately stepped away to avoid being affected by the soft white light thread.

"The three of them!" Mu Aotie pointed at the cross-legged meditator who was kissed by many white lights.

However, at this moment, the pupils of the three brothers shrank suddenly at almost the same time, ignoring the three people sitting cross-legged in meditation, and quickly stepped away.

Just because the countless light strands floating here are gradually extinguishing the brilliance on the body, fading from the beginning to the end and turning into black.

Without the brilliance affecting the vision, the true size of the thread itself was revealed. It was the black filament that Yu Qing and the others had seen from the handle of the knife before. How could they not be surprised and how dare they touch it.

This chapter has been completed!
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