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Chapter 223: Sneaking into the Tunnel

Her thoughts were those of a practitioner of the Eight Classics. She was not interested in Tanhualang. All she was interested in was that Wen Xin often mentioned it during chats. Wenxin had always wanted to see Tanhualang's original handwriting, but Wenxin

She couldn't find the real trace of the family's wealth, so even she became curious.

Now that I learned that I had obtained the authentic calligraphy, I naturally became interested and wanted to see how good calligraphy could make a woman like Wen Xin like it.

The two women quickly went straight to the study, quickly opened the metal scroll in the study, poured out the paper, and spread it on the desk.

The two girls admired it side by side. Wen Xin had a look of love as if she had found a treasure. She stretched out her fingertips and compared the twists and turns of the handwriting in the air.

Song Pingping nodded slightly as she tasted it, "I don't know if it's good or not, but the writing looks pretty good." She was actually muttering in her heart, thinking she was so clever, but it was just ordinary writing. "Hey, how do you read some sentences?

Doesn’t it feel smooth?”

Wen Xin: "This is an essay on calligraphy practice. There are not many serious examples of his calligraphy in the world. It is not easy to get such a draft."

Song Pingping said a little perfunctorily. After seeing the real thing, her interest had obviously plummeted, but she still paused. She stared at the words on the paper and muttered, "Three stupid birds outside..." She raised her hand to rub her eyes, and then looked carefully.

Look, that's right. He pointed at it and said in surprise: "This...is this also written by that Tanhua Lang?"

Wen Xin smiled and said, "When I was practicing my calligraphy, I just did whatever I wanted. It was so random that there might have been three birds chirping outside the window, which must have disturbed him."

Song Pingping was suspicious. After tasting it for a while, she tried to say: "Why do I feel that these words are curses?"

Wen Xin chuckled.

She must have said something stupid and made people laugh. Song Pingping was a little embarrassed, "I said, I just feel that I can't be sure. You are a talented woman and you know a lot. Just teach me more and don't laugh at me."

Wen Xin shook his head and said softly: "No, we are all guessing. Who knows what he was thinking when he wrote this. Maybe your guess is right."

Song Pingping pouted, "You're laughing at me again. Just think about it, how can such a great talent curse others casually like people from our mountains?"

"You can't tell where you are from when you curse." Wen Xin shook his head and smiled bitterly. He couldn't explain it clearly, so he didn't explain it. He traced the handwriting on the paper with his fingertips.

Song Pingping was completely no longer interested in this kind of thing. She took a step back and began to look at Wen Xin's clothes. Her eyes were full of admiration and envy. She found that this woman looked good in everything she wore, and she had a refreshing look.

Quiet and elegant feeling.

She knew that this was a kind of self-cultivation that was infiltrated from the very core, and it was beyond external objects. Accessories and other embellishments really didn't matter.

She also felt that really not caring about those mundane things was a kind of cultivation in itself, and any desire that existed would be written in her temperament.

As she watched, she gently rolled up her sleeves with one hand, revealing a calm and gentle look on her face. She made gestures with her fingertips, quietly imitating Wen Xin's actions.

Xiao Hong, who was doing some cleaning at the side, looked back from time to time, and couldn't help but purse her lips and snicker when she saw it.

In fact, she had discovered a long time ago that this woman likes to imitate the young lady's appearance, even imitating her clothes, and her hairstyle is already exactly the same as the young lady's...

The few people did not stay in the study for too long. There were servants outside to report that the reception banquet for the fifth young master was ready.

This was Jie Feng's family dinner, and it was hard to miss it. Wen Xin had to put aside her favorite things for the time being and go to the banquet quickly.

However, before leaving, Wen Xin still took a quick look at her pet.

In the iron cage under the eaves, the little guy slept with his legs up in the air. He was sleeping so sweetly that he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips from time to time. I wonder if he was dreaming about eating.

"Did you still eat nothing after feeding it?" Wen Xin, who was squatting in front of the cage, turned around and asked.

Xiaohong said distressedly: "I haven't eaten it yet. If I force it into its stomach without eating it, it will spit it out when it turns around."

Song Pingping, who was leaning down with her hands on her knees, said: "Senior brother is right, let it continue to be hungry. As long as it is hungry enough, it will naturally eat anything. It is the same as humans. When hungry, they will naturally not be picky."

Wen Xin turned her head and glanced at her, but hesitated to speak. She always felt that their method of raising spiritual pets was a bit too rough. They used various coercive methods on the little guy who had just been weaned. It was really...

However, she also understood that these people knew the experience of taming spiritual beasts, and she was ignorant in this regard, so it was not good for her to express random opinions.

"But it's finally quiet. Huh..." Wen Xin suddenly remembered something and looked at Xiaohong and asked, "Xiaohong, have you noticed that as long as you let him go out to relax, he will become well-behaved when he comes back and won't bark or make trouble?

Now, I can sleep soundly and peacefully."

Xiao Hong tilted her head and thought for a moment, then nodded, "That seems to be the case."

Song Pingping sighed: "I really can't stand you guys. What does it mean to go out and relax? How does it know what relaxation is? It's obviously tired from running out, and it will naturally fall asleep when it comes back. After all, it's so young."

Wen Xin and Xiao Hong both looked enlightened.

"Hey, don't wait any longer, your fifth brother's reception banquet is waiting for you."

Song Pingping urged, and the master and servant were startled and almost forgot, so they quickly got up and left...

In the dining hall, he met Mu Aotie, and Yu Qing took the opportunity to ask him specifically to find out what reward Nanzhu got for finding Coyotito again.

Mu Aotie said that he just had too much money, so he gave him two taels of silver this time.

It did not appear that Nanzhu could go further than he imagined.

After returning to the sundry yard, Yu Qing sat in the yard and waited for dark.

After dark, he locked the door and went back to the house to sit cross-legged and meditate.

Suffering, waiting.

It was even louder at midnight, and it was estimated that no one would be looking for it anymore, so I immediately walked out of the room in the dark, and the moonlight was like water outside.

Some of what Nanzhu said made sense, so he obeyed, found a stone and quietly placed it on the courtyard wall under the eaves.

Then he slipped into the warehouse, lit the oil lamp, ran to a pile of debris, and began to gently lift the things piled in the corner one by one, and piled them on top of other debris.

When he dug out the iron plate hidden under the floor tiles again, he didn't rush to open it, but jumped out from the debris.

He returned to the yard, walked lightly to the door, and gently unbolted the door.

Squatting down, he placed a dry branch prepared in advance under the door to prevent the wind from blowing the door and allow people to push the door open.

He had thought about this during the day.

Even if someone pushes the door in and finds that he is not there and the door is not bolted, he will think that he has wandered off somewhere and cannot find him outside, so the problem is not big.

The people who could come to him would not be some important member of the Wen family, they would just be servants like Liu Gui, who were easy to deal with. He still had some courage and adaptability.

At first, he thought about making some kind of reporting device, such as pulling an alarm rope into the tunnel, but later found that it was not good, but it would make it easier for others to follow the clues and discover his whereabouts. No matter who it was, once they knew that he had entered the secret passage of Wen Mansion,

That would be difficult to handle.

After finishing the work at the door, he listened attentively to what was going on outside, and then quickly went back to the warehouse. When he reached the entrance of the tunnel, he grabbed the iron plate handle, blew out the oil lamp with a whistle, and then slowly opened the door in the darkness.

An iron plate.

After gently leaning the iron plate against the wall, he felt the darkness and stepped lightly, trying not to make any noise.

It's really dark down there, and you can't see even if you stretch your hand.

After going down the steps and reaching the ground, he leaned against the wall in silence for a while, holding his breath and listening intently.

After making sure that there was no sound and no light in the tunnel, he took out the fire stick and lit the oil lamp, lighting it up and moving forward quietly.

This section of the road is not far, it ends about three feet away.

A tunnel crosses in front of you, should you go left or right?

Yu Qingmo calculated the direction of the tunnel after coming down from the warehouse. To the left, it should go deep into the inner courtyard of Wen Mansion.

As for the direction to the right, he was a little surprised. The Zayuan was already beside the high wall of Wen Mansion. If he went to the right, wouldn't he exit Wen Mansion?

The oil lamp illuminated the wall, and he took out a small bamboo stick folded from a broom brush and inserted it into the crack in the wall. Then he turned left. Whenever he needed assistance in recording the route, he would insert a bamboo stick into the crack in the wall.

Gen. I have a lot of these things hidden in my clothes. They are all prepared when I am bored during the day.

The ground was wet, and after walking quietly for about ten feet, the tunnel route began to look like branching branches.

Which way should I go? Stop and think for a moment.

Considering that he didn't know much about Wen's internal situation at present, it was his first time to sneak into this secret passage, so he didn't dare to stay too long.

After thinking about the direction of the tunnel, and then thinking about the direction of the core area of ​​Wenfu, I went straight to the key area, giving up the idea of ​​investigating the side roads one by one.

Just when he couldn't figure out where he was in Wen Mansion, he suddenly saw steps leading up to the roadside.

He immediately touched it on tiptoe.

When I reached the end of the steps, I found that the path was dead and blocked by a wall. I was surprised.

I looked back and saw that this was obviously a step up and down. Why build this step when there is no road?

He immediately realized that there was something wrong with the wall in front of him. He looked at it with an oil lamp and saw at a glance that the oil lamp holder on the wall was a bit unsightly. He grabbed the lamp holder and tried to shake it. He found the direction of the loose opening and pulled the handle down.

, there was a slight click in the wall.

The wall in front of me moved, and the wall quietly turned sideways.

He stretched out his hand and pushed gently, and the wall silently rotated on its axis.

I held on to the wall to prevent it from closing again, but found that there was a small square space behind the wall. I don't know what the situation was. The wall inside was uneven and there were two lights.

Yu Qing then realized what the space inside was. He seemed to be standing behind some kind of statue.

Those two lights seemed to be the eyes of the statue.

Slightly startled, he immediately raised his hand and used his index finger and thumb to directly extinguish the flame on the wick.

This chapter has been completed!
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