Turn off the lights
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Chapter 224 Dont look at anything inappropriate

In silence in the darkness, I stared closely at the two lights. I felt that the lights were shaking slightly, and there were some faint movements.

After waiting for a while, there was no more reaction. He tried to get closer to the bright light slowly, only to find that it was two long, slightly curved holes. From the concave and convex surface, it should be the gap between the sculpture's eyeballs and eyelids.

The distance between the two holes was too wide, so he had to look out from one hole.

Looking at the hanging curtains and furnishings outside, it looks like a family temple.

There is a figure of a woman, a maid in pine-colored clothes, who is lighting up the oil lamps on the shelf.

After setting up candles and other things, the maid closed the door and left.

After that, the temple fell into a dead silence.

Yu Qing observed silently for a while and found it boring. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard the sound of opening and closing the window. He immediately looked outside. The sound came from outside the sight of the hole and could not see anything.

Soon, a young man in white appeared in sight, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and he was quite handsome.

This person was obviously searching the family temple. He opened the curtain to check, squatted under the table and looked everywhere.

After confirming that no one was around, the man with sword-browed eyebrows and starry eyes stood behind a pillar, using the hanging yellow curtain to cover his body. He folded his arms and chest, leaning against the pillar with his eyes closed and meditating.

Yu Qing was wondering, what was he doing here to calm down and meditate? But looking at the other person's appearance just now, it didn't look like that.

He vaguely felt that the other party seemed to be waiting for someone.

The result was as expected, not long after, the door creaked open, and it was the maid from before who pushed it open, welcoming a MILF with a gorgeous appearance.

After the woman entered the door, she turned around and said, "I want to worship God and not let anyone disturb me. I'll just watch from the outside."

"Yes." The maid stepped back and closed the door.

The woman turned around and used an extra hand, and gently turned the door bolt. Then she walked towards the statue of Yu Qing. When she passed the low-hanging yellow curtains on both sides, she seemed to know that someone was waiting for her, so she turned her head.

The man in white with his eyes leaning on the pillar.

The beautiful woman took incense from the table and lit the candle. She looked up and put the incense into the incense burner without any thought. Then she glanced at the man in white and said jokingly: "Stand there like that."

Why are you so far away, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

The man in white walked over and frowned: "I told you, it's not safe to meet here. Try not to meet here."

Gorgeous woman: "Don't worry, outsiders know that I am worshiping God here and will not break in without saying hello. My maid will be guarding outside and nothing will happen."

The man in white was a little impatient, "Tell me what you want from me."

Gorgeous woman: "What else can be done? The position of the head of the Wen family requires you to show off in front of your master. Have you done it?"

The man in white: "I said it, but my master didn't express his position. Then again, it's not my master's decision. If you want to be the master, you have to find a way to satisfy the current master. Who will take charge?

At home, the decision is in the hands of the old man."

Gorgeous woman: "Nonsense, Qinglian Mountain and the Wen family have been entangled for more than two thousand years and have become two sides of the same palm. How can Qinglian Mountain let someone whom it is dissatisfied with be the head of the Wen family? The old man's attitude is of course important.

Qinglian Mountain’s attitude is also decisive.”

After hearing this, Yu Qing probably understood that the man in white with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes was a disciple of Qinglian Mountain, and he didn't know who he was. As for this woman, she was from the second brother of the Wen family and wanted to help the second brother fight for the position of the Wen family's heir.


The man in white sighed: "How can my master decide the attitude of the entire Qinglian Mountain?"

Gorgeous woman: "Your master cannot determine the attitude of the entire Qinglian Mountain, but he can influence the attitude of Qinglian Mountain. If Qinglian Mountain has an attitude, the old man has to worry about it. Your master is in charge of the Wen family, so he will inevitably act as a

You have become the contact person between Qinglian Mountain and the Wen Family. As long as you can gradually influence your master's perception, you will naturally be able to influence Qinglian Mountain's attitude. If you add a little more fire at the right time, things will be done."

Yu Qing murmured in his heart, who is in charge of the Wen family in Qinglian Mountain?

The man in white had a sullen face and frowned, "Isn't it tiring for a family to be like this?"

Gorgeous woman: "Tired? Then ask the old man if he is tired, and ask him if he used tricks to get to the position of patriarch. You should know that once you become a side branch, you have to move out of this mansion. The family only has

It's just a property allocated for you to operate.

Let that stupid woman from the first house be the mistress of such a nice house, and let that stupid woman enjoy such a big family property. I will have to look at her face for the rest of my life. Even my children and grandchildren will be dwarfed by his children and grandchildren. Why?

?How can I be willing to do this? Seeing that bitch’s son coming back so arrogant today makes me so angry!”

Yu Qing, who was behind the statue, touched his mustache and roughly knew who this woman was, and found that there was some undercurrent surging within this big family.

The man in white could understand her mood. He snorted and shook his head, "With all due respect, your husband and the head of the house are not smart people and are not suitable for taking on this important task."

Gorgeous woman: "If my husband was capable, would I still need to look for you? At least, my two sons are smarter than his two sons."

Man in white: "My son thinks it's fine and normal. Is it better than Wen Yan'an?"

Gorgeous woman: "This is the key point for you to tell your master. Wen Yanan has left the official career. Once the Wen family falls into the hands of the big family, the next generation may not be able to find a suitable heir."

The man in white was silent for a while, holding back only two words, "Are you done?"

The pretty woman asked, "Why do you look so impatient?"

"I understand what you said, let me give it a try." The man in white said and left.

The gorgeous woman suddenly grabbed his sleeve, a strange look appeared on her face, and her tone was a bit teasing, "What, do you want to dump him when you're tired of playing with him?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Qing, who was about to leave, was startled. He heard a different message. When he took a closer look, he saw that the gorgeous woman was leaning on the man's body as if she had no bones, and her arms were wrapped around her.

Got someone's back.

This scene immediately made Yu Qing's mouth drop, and his jaw almost dropped in shock.

He was a bit doubtful that his guess was wrong. This woman was really the mistress of Wen's second wife? If true, then...

The man in white, who turned his back to the person behind him, looked obviously impatient. He grabbed the hands wrapped around his waist and threw them away, "I still have something to do."

"You dare to leave me and try it!" The beautiful woman's voice suddenly became sharp.

The man in white was startled by the voice and turned around urgently to warn, "Are you crazy?"

The gorgeous woman stared at him with a sullen face, then suddenly smiled, stepped forward and broke into his arms, wrapped her hands around his neck, "Look, I scared you."

As he spoke, he held the other person's face, stood on tiptoes, and actively kissed her passionately.

The man in white turned his head to avoid it, "I really have something else to do, and I will accompany you next time."

"Are you hiding from me on purpose?" the beautiful woman murmured, insisting on her.

"No, it's not suitable here."

"Why didn't you say it was inappropriate before?"

After being entangled, the clothes on the beautiful woman's upper body opened, revealing her white and plump chest. Then the man in white was stirred up and suddenly hugged her aside, behind the low hanging yellow curtain.

A pile of futons piled there were spread out, and a man and a woman quickly took off their clothes and were making love on the futons.

That scene, that scene, left Yu Qing dumbfounded. He never dreamed that he would see this scene when he entered the Wen family tunnel for the first time.

At a young age, he could not bear this scene. He quickly turned around and covered his crotch with his hands, trying to control his breathing.

Later, I found that this didn't work, and the strange noise coming from outside kept piercing my ears. I immediately exercised my breathing and exercise in an attempt to calm myself down.

But I still have that image in my mind, and with the commotion outside, I can't calm down at all. If I force my luck, I might go crazy.

He couldn't help but give up the resistance and prepared to leave here. If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it.

But before leaving, he couldn't help but stick to the hole and continue to peek. This was the first time in his life that he had seen such a scene.

I recited the words "Don't look at anything inappropriate" in my mind for a long time, and then I finally moved my steps and moved away cautiously and cautiously.

As for the turned wall, he didn't dare to close it now for fear of being discovered if there was any movement.

After finally reaching back into the main tunnel, he took a long breath, took out the fire stick and lit the oil lamp, and continued to move forward. The image still appeared in his mind from time to time, and it was difficult to concentrate. He was a little hooked.

The feeling of losing one's soul.

Not long after walking, he found another ascending step. He didn't know where it led, so he touched it again.

As a result, after the steps reached a certain height, they started to go down again. When they reached the end, they found that they were submerged in water.

It is obviously not as simple as water accumulation, there are irregular large rocks piled up in the water.

Thinking of the stairs going up and down, it is basically certain that this is also a passage leading somewhere, and someone just blocked it with stones.

He is here for the first time today and is not fully prepared. He can only say that he is here to explore the road and confirm the environment in the tunnel in order to prepare for subsequent exploration. He does not plan to remove the rocks to explore the waterway for the time being.

Then he withdrew.

After returning to the main tunnel, I walked forward for a while and suddenly found that the space was much wider. When I got closer and illuminated it with an oil lamp, I realized that I had reached the end. At the end was a warehouse door, a metal iron door.

He stretched out his hand and tried to push it, but he couldn't push it. It was locked. He shined an oil lamp on the iron door and found the keyhole.

He pressed his hand on the keyhole again and used his energy to investigate. As expected, it was a thousand-machine lock that could deal with monks. It would be difficult to open without the corresponding key.

He stopped and looked at the place, muttering to himself that the secret passage was sealed with an iron gate, and he didn't know what was hidden inside.

Well, I was not fully prepared, not sure enough to open it, and didn't dare to act rashly, so I had to give up again, turned back, and changed lanes when I reached the intersection.

As I was walking, I suddenly heard a faint knocking sound. I immediately leaned against the wall and held my breath to concentrate.

This chapter has been completed!
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