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Chapter 23 Stop

When people sit at home, disaster comes from the sky. The three of them never dreamed that they would be involved in this way.

The three of them were stopped in one sentence. If the couple insisted on doing this, things would change. If they didn't agree, how could Empress Qixia let them go?

The three of them didn't even dare to silence themselves, unless they could guarantee that no news would leak out, otherwise they would be punished. The more they were smeared, the darker they became, and the more Empress Qixia would not let them go.

On one side is Sinan Mansion, which cannot be offended, and on the other side, Empress Qixia cannot be offended either.

After thinking about it, if you offend the Sinan Mansion, you will probably run away. With the care of Empress Qixia, you can at least gain a foothold in the demon world. If you offend Empress Qixia, the human world is not a long-term place for demon cultivators, and the demon world cannot tolerate it. Three people can only be two.

Whichever is the lesser of power and harm.

Seeing that her husband had made the atmosphere tense again, Bai Lan immediately smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to the ambush point and wait." After pushing her husband, the couple jumped off the top of the mountain.

Gao Yuan snorted, "If we really succeed, the things don't have to be presented to the empress by these bitches."

Mrs. Rat laughed in a high-pitched voice, "It won't be too late to settle the account with them later."

The remaining three people looked at each other, understood, and then jumped down from the top of the mountain...

What was supposed to come finally came, and the five people standing on the canyon finally saw a large group of people coming from the intersection in the distance.

Seeing dozens of forward horsemen galloping towards us, Heiyun Xiao said in a deep voice: "Let people move away to the left and right first, and stay far away to avoid being discovered by spies."

The men immediately sent orders to set up their arrangements, and the five of them quickly withdrew from the top of the canyon into the mountains, hiding in the canopy of a mountain top to peek.

After observing for a while, Heiyun Xiaohu said: "Brother Jiangshan, it's almost foggy now. When they advance to the canyon, it will be the right time for us to take action."

Jiang Shan hummed, fluttered to the ground, and fled into the mountains to arrange things. Not long after, there was a sound of "croaking" frogs in the mountains.

Jiangshan's original form is a frog demon, and his body is a frog called "Mistgakure". This frog grows in the mountains and rivers of the ancient tomb wasteland. It can swallow water vapor to hide its body. A fog shadow frog swallows

The mist did not have a large area, but Jiangshan came prepared this time and summoned countless similar people to lurk in the mountains and forests in this area early.

This is also the reason why the black and white couple came to him, it can come in handy.

In fact, the couple can use the same method to find more demon cultivators to help them. However, if too many people come, they may not be able to do anything. They may even become angry, because a group of demon cultivators can still do things without them and the couple.

You can kill them at any time. So you didn't find people randomly. The three people you found were all chosen after careful consideration, and they can all be put to appropriate use.

There was a slight mist in the mountains. It was not obvious at first, but then it gradually became more noticeable as it drifted in the mountains and forests.

Yu Qing, who had always been secretly wary, suddenly turned around.

At first, he only occasionally turned his head to look out the window, and then suddenly turned around and lay down in front of the window. The ethereal movement of the mist in the forest made him feel something was wrong.

From far away, his Guanzi Jue interpretation skills were not enough to see the details, but he could still see the big and obvious situation. There seemed to be something moving deep in the forest!

That's right, and there are a lot of things moving!

However, I can't see it through visual inspection. There are many things that collectively exist outside the visual inspection distance here. This is obviously abnormal. It is most consistent with the conclusion that there is an ambush!

Yu Qing's heart tightened for a moment, and he turned his head to look at the driver and then at the escort outside the window. He wanted to give a warning, but the words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak.

"Brother Shiheng, what do you want?"

A candidate sitting by the window felt very uncomfortable because of his pressing posture, and couldn't help but complain.

Yu Qing had no choice but to sit down slowly, then suddenly stood up, and said with a smile to a candidate sitting at the door: "Brother Qian, I have a little chest tightness and shortness of breath, and feel nauseous and want to vomit. Can you please let me sit at the door to breathe a little bit?"


In front of everyone, a scholar still needs to be polite on the surface, so Brother Qian naturally changed places with him very graciously.

Yu Qing sat at the door of the carriage, ready to escape at any time in case of an accident. He never left his hand with his sword, frowning and wondering whether to remind him...

In the first car, Fu Zuoxuan, the escorting envoy, sat alone at one end, while Jiang Yinian, the great archer, and Xing Jinhuahai, the master of Sinan Mansion, sat on the left and right.

Jiang Yi Nian stared out the window and seemed unable to turn his head.

Jin Huahai didn't feel like there was anything interesting to see outside. He noticed something unusual and asked, "What is Mr. Jiang admiring?"

Jiang Yi Nian turned around and said in a deep voice: "It's foggy!"

This tone made Fu Zuoxuan couldn't help but look at it.

Jin Huahai asked curiously: "Isn't it normal for fog in the mountains?"

Jiang Yinan: "It is normal for fog to form. However, it is around noon, the sky is cloudy, the temperature has not changed abnormally, and there is no fog all the way ahead. How can it easily form fog at this time?"

The other two looked at each other in confusion. Fu Zuoxuan was a little puzzled, "Mr. Jiang, you don't think there's something wrong with the fog, do you?"

Seeing that the two of them were still confused, Jiang Yinian said slowly: "Master Fu, brother Jin, don't forget who I am, don't forget my identity, I am a master archer! Archers are very aware of the celestial phenomena that affect shooting targets.

Sensitive, I started practicing archery when I was eight years old, and I have seen morning fog, night fog, etc. The fog in front of me is not normal!"

When he said this, Fu Zuoxuan was still a little confused, while Jin Huahai's expression became serious.

Jiang Yinian did not explain too much. There was a long movable table between him and Jin Huahai. There was a map on the table. He pulled the map on the table and turned it around so that he could check it for himself. It was facing Fu Zuoxuan before.

He pointed his finger at the location of the previous departure station, observed the terrain along the route, and suddenly turned his head and asked out the window, "In my impression, is there a canyon ahead?"

This was not his first time walking this road, but there were some things that he didn't focus on. Besides, the route was very long and he couldn't remember the details.

A young general riding a horse outside immediately replied: "Yes, walk about two miles and you should be able to see it when you turn the corner ahead."

Jiang Yinian said in a deep voice: "How long, how wide and how high is the canyon?"

The young general said: "It looks like it's about seven miles long, so the name of the valley is Qili Gorge. According to the impression from people who work in humble positions, the widest place is about five feet, and most areas are about three feet wide. The height is not necessarily certain, the average height is about ten feet.


The gray-haired Jiang Yiannian suddenly felt nervous, and suddenly shouted: "Send the whole team to stop immediately!"

The young horseman immediately pulled out his flag, played the semaphore, and shouted: "Everyone stops!"

The carriage swayed and was stopped urgently. Jin Huahai asked urgently: "Mr. Jiang, are you sure there is a problem?"

Jiang Yi Nian: "I'm not sure, but I have been immersed in the military all my life. From a combat perspective, the Qili Gorge in front is perfect for setting up an ambush. Combined with the unusual fog in front of me, I have no choice but to be on guard."

The escort envoy Fu Zuoxuan hesitated and said: "There are forward spies ahead to open the way. Is there any problem that cannot be discovered?"

"The spies are just clearing the way. It is impossible to search left and right along the way, and they may not be able to find hidden ambush." ​​Jiang Yinian gestured with his hands: "The canyon is seven miles long. If I set up an ambush, I will only wait for a team to enter, and then quickly roll rocks from both sides of the canyon.

If it is smashed down, the team will be buried at the bottom of the valley. The only ones who can escape are some so-called masters. How will I deal with it when the time comes? Mr. Fu, I should immediately send smart and capable people to the canyon area to conduct a detailed investigation."

Jin Huahai had already moved out of the carriage and stood on the shaft of the carriage waving hello, "Ahead of the Qili Gorge, hurry up and get ten people. Check both sides of the canyon carefully. If you find any abnormalities, report them immediately!"

"Yes!" Someone from the Sinan Mansion took the order, called for help, and quickly galloped away.

Jiang Yinian also ordered the military troops outside the window, "Send a team of troops on each side of the mountain forest to search along both sides of the road."


The carriage and horses suddenly stopped. Yu Qing immediately got out of the carriage and stood on the shaft of the carriage looking ahead. When he saw two teams of people rushing into the forest on the left and right to search, he was relieved. This sudden situation must have been

What was discovered.

He still hesitated whether to make up a lie, saying that he saw a group of figures running past deep in the forest, so as to lure people here to find something.

Now it seems that the people in the imperial court are not as incompetent as he thought, at least they are more powerful than he imagined...

"Why did you stop?"

Hei Yunxiao, who was hiding in the canopy and peeping out, was stunned. The others were also stunned. They were about to enter the trap. What does it mean to stop suddenly?

Mrs. Rat said in a thin voice: "Did we find it? It shouldn't be. Didn't all the personnel evacuate in advance?"

"No, something unusual must have been discovered." Gao Yuan raised his chin and said, "Look, two teams of people have been sent to search the mountain on both sides."

Hei Yunxiao, who was in charge of the general command, immediately said: "Send the message and ask the people on both sides to retreat another hundred feet."

"Yes." His brothers followed the order and left.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and the movement became less clear. Several people tried their best to keep a close eye on the movements of the people and horses from various states. When they saw that the searchers and horses were only searching along both sides of the road and did not go deep, they were all relieved.

A figure suddenly flashed from below, and the frog demon Jiangshan jumped up, holding on to a branch and asked: "What's going on? Why did the men and horses stop?"

Hei Yunxiao: "We have started searching the mountains along both sides of the road. We should have noticed something abnormal, but the problem should not be big. If we really find something, the movement will not be like this. Brother Jiangshan, I won't find you in the search.

Same race, right?"

Jiang Shan snorted, "Frogs lurk in the soil underground. Is it abnormal to have frogs in the forest? What can you find?"

At this moment, another figure flashed up, quickly climbed up the tree, and reported urgently: "Master Hei, the secret was exposed at the Qili Gorge. A group of people from the Sinan Mansion passed by and personally searched both sides of the canyon. The search was too thorough.

Look carefully and you've discovered the tricks we did."

Everyone was shocked and immediately watched the reactions of the people and horses on the official road in the mountain...

This chapter has been completed!
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