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Chapter 440: Sea Market

Seeing that he directly killed the shark, Nan and Mu, who were hesitant to speak, were quite worried. They went to the underworld to say that the ferryman had robbed him and was killed. This was without evidence. Can they really pass the test?

Yu Qing urged, "Don't wait any longer."

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Nanzhu had to stop Xiao Hei from continuing to scoop water and explained a few words to Xiao Hei.

Xiaohei nodded, returned the job to Nanzhu, turned around, grabbed the big stick and threw it into the air.

The big stick that flew up in the air instantly opened its eyes, opened its jointed limbs, and popped out a pair of black wings to fly. Seeing Xiao Hei jumping up in the air, the big stick immediately went over and grabbed Xiao Hei, hovering in the air.

Nan and Mu immediately got into the water and escaped from the water.

Xiao Hei directed the stick and flew towards the brightly lit shore.

Without Xiao Hei scooping water, the gurgling water from the bottom of the boat raised the water level in the cabin. Yu Qing didn't care, jumped to the stern of the boat, stood next to a solitary lamp, untied his ponytail, pulled out a cloth and covered his face,

Luck drives the ship to continue sailing forward.

The distance was not far, so he could still bear the consumption of this amount of energy.

The ship was sinking slowly, until finally only a little frame was left floating on the water.

Thousands of ships are constantly plying on the brightly lit shore. Different from the deserted place on Xingluo Island, the countless houses on the shore seem to be densely packed and chaotic. The architectural style also feels arbitrary, with heights and heights randomly scattered. Various house configurations

There are doors and windows of various sizes, and lanterns of various colors hang under the eaves. Men and women stand in front of the railing at the door. Some are leaning on the railing alone, some are talking and laughing with others, some are crying, some are deep, some are melancholy, some are coquettish.

Some are simple and elegant, some are in love with each other, some are talking harshly to each other, or some are empty and silent.

On the street on the shore, a drunk man threw away the wine bottle in the water casually, and the passers-by casually threw away the sundries in their hands. The porcelain pieces were broken and vomited all over the ground, while the "rat remover" dexterously shuttled on the ground.

"But they did their duty faithfully and picked up the garbage on the ground in time. They kept cleaning and kept the streets clean.

Lanterns of various colors give the sea city a magical brilliance, red, orange, white, green, blue, and purple.

The people coming and going freely and freely, the intermingling of men and women, the mixing of males and females, make this coast full of various smells, fragrance, stench, sweat, powder, and even the smell of blood. The butchers on the roadside are dripping with blood.


Birds in the sky hunted bats, and they almost collided with taller houses but escaped in time. The demon cultivator on the roof showed his true form and was drinking. Animals on the ground were shuttled around, and there were also people riding wolves and tigers.

Wandering slowly on the street.

On the steps on the shore, there are baggage carriers unloading or loading goods, some people get off the boat, and some people get on the boat and leave. Some are half-monsters, some swing their fluffy tails but have bare thighs, and some stand upright.

With two fluffy ears and plump breasts half exposed, all kinds of charming women are charming and can stick to the guests at any time, soliciting guests with coquettish voices. There are also beautiful and quiet beauties waiting on the steps with their heads raised.

Picking up the boat, I wonder if he is waiting for his lover. There is also a strange man wearing an umbrella and wearing white standing motionless on the steps at night.

There are disabled people crawling on the ground begging for money from customers, and there are also old women sitting on the ground with their hands outstretched and begging for mercy.

Silk and bamboo bells and drums, and the long and cheerful sound of singing and dancing floated under the night cover, faintly reaching the sea.

Yu Qing looked at the prosperity ahead. The ships passing by him were shocked and surprised when they saw that there was a crippled shark boatman in his half-sunken ship, and they all stayed away from him.

It was like a shark suddenly broke into a school of fish, and the fish quickly gave way. The scene was so abrupt.

The half-sunken ship docked in the water, and the bow of the ship hit the steps that extended to the water. Yu Qing lightly stepped on the side of the ship that emerged from the water, like walking on a tightrope, grabbed the shark's neck and yanked the shark.

People were pulled out, and the bottom of the boat collapsed.

Yu Qing stepped on the stone steps and dragged the shark ashore.

Someone actually poisoned the ferrying sea people here.

What kind of place is this? The prosperity of Haishi is almost supported by the ferry people. If you offend the Haizu, if nothing else, do you want to be trapped in Haishi forever?

Here, if you have trouble with anyone, try not to get into trouble with the Sea Clan. Otherwise, if something happens, you won't be able to escape from here, not to mention that the Sea Clan is relatively abiding by their duties.

In short, this scene happened really suddenly.

The people disembarking from the ship on the steps were stunned, the people loading and unloading the ship were surprised, the charming woman soliciting customers stopped smiling on her face, the chaotic crowd quickly stopped, and quietly moved to both sides.

This reaction quickly spread to all around, and everyone looked at the masked man who dragged the shark's body ashore. The entire coastline quickly became quiet. Even though people in the distance didn't know what happened, they all looked at it.

Don't dare to move this way.

Only the sound of silk and bamboo singing and dancing in the far and near pavilions still floated leisurely.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention being attracted, Nan Zhu and Mu Aotie, who were floating in the water, took the opportunity to go ashore and blended into the crowd to look at Yu Qing.

Xiao Hei saw them in the air, landed on the top of a house, jumped down with a big stick, and got into the crowd barefoot. When he arrived next to Nan and Mu, he was about to say hello, but Nan Zhu covered his mouth.


Yu Qing dragged the shark's body to the steps. The crowd in front of him didn't want to cause trouble, so they all made way for him.

Yu Qing's eyes turned to a flag flag standing nearby, with the word "carry" written on it, and he immediately walked over. Then the crowd watching over there immediately gave way, revealing the figure standing with arms folded under the flagpole.

A man, also a man with a mustache.

Behind the man stood a dozen savages with thick hair, animal skins tied around their waists, and two human-like bodies as tall as two adults.

Seeing Yu Qing walking towards him, the man holding his arms suddenly felt uncomfortable all over. He didn't know how to place his hands, and the arms he held slowly dropped down.

Bang! Yu Qing threw the shark's body at his feet, "How much does it cost to send it to the Underworld Temple?"

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the man.

The man looked around, tried his best to squeeze out a smile, waved his hand and said: "Send this to the Ming Temple. We can't explain it to the Ming Temple. Sorry, I won't take this job. You'd better find someone else to take care of it."

Yu Qing said: "You don't need to explain. I will go with you and I will explain myself."

It's not that he can't move these things, but that he doesn't know where the Underworld Temple is and needs someone to guide him, and he doesn't want people to know that he's new here in public, so he would rather spend some money.

Seeing that this was just a simple move, and so many people saw it in public to testify, the man with the mustache thought for a moment and stretched out five fingers. Then when he thought that this man from the sea tribe dared to kill even the ferryman,

How dare you drag a corpse to show off in public? Then the five fingers loosened and turned into three. "Three hundred taels is already the cheapest price!"

Yu Qing took out the banknote, handed it three hundred taels, and paid the money first in front of everyone.

After collecting the money, the man immediately turned around and called a savage to explain.

Bang! The savage beat his chest with his fist to show that he understood, walked out, grabbed the shark's body, threw it on his shoulder, and quickly strode away.

Yu Qing turned around and followed.

The man under the flag gave each other his hands. It wasn't until the figure disappeared that he lowered his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What kind of situation is this? How dare you kill the ferryman?"

"You dare to take the corpse directly to the Hades Temple after killing him. What's going on?"

The pier became lively again, and there was one more thing going on. People started talking about what had just happened.

Among the crowd, Nan and Mu also left quickly with Xiao Hei, following Yu Qing from a distance.

In fact, there were far more people than just the two of them who followed to see what was going on, either to watch the fun or for some other purpose.

Along the way, whether it was Yu Qing who was following the savage, or Nan and Mu who were following behind in the crowd, walking through the sea city built with the undulations of the terrain, they had a taste of what the most prosperous place in the world is called.

Eyes full of colors.

Haishi has always been said to be the most prosperous place in the world. The prosperity of the capitals of Jin Kingdom and Yin Kingdom is far from comparable to here, because there is a kind of indulgent beauty here, and this is a real city of desire. No

The rules of Youya are different from the secular ethics of the capital city. Here, as long as you have money, you can do any transaction.

Of course, the rules are still voluntary and cannot be forced.

However, this place is too crowded, with countless monsters and monsters living here, so it is inevitable that some predators will happen behind the scenes.

For merchants and guests, in terms of safety, there is no comparison between this place and Youjiao Port. As long as you are a merchant in Youjiao Port, Youya even provides a certain degree of extraterritorial protection. But Youjiao Port is definitely not as prosperous as Haishi.

And fun, this is a holy place for rich people.

In terms of temperament, one side looks like a serious business person, and the other side looks like a chaotic hodgepodge.

Whether you think safety is more important or fun is more important, everyone has their own needs and choices.

However, the number of people gathered in Haishi is far less than that of Youjiaobu, which shows that there are still a majority of people who don't like loneliness.

Here, anyone can do almost any business.

For example, if a person sells something to a passerby and learns that the passerby is looking for a place to stay, he can immediately turn his room into an inn.

In the sea market, people in almost every house are doing business. Even if you pick up a relatively unique stone, you may immediately put a sign for sale in front of your home, or go to the street to sell it.

Prices here are very high, and because many things have to be shipped all the way, there is a lot of pressure to establish a foothold here. Many people are willing to sell anything for money, including their own bodies.

There are not even straight streets here. Many roads actually pass under the houses. There are also roads cut out from the middle of several houses to save space. Some sections of roads are even built directly on the roofs of other people's houses.

This chapter has been completed!
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