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Chapter 441 Sweeping Temple

The living environment in Haishi is so cramped, not because there is not enough land in Haishi, but because of restrictions. Qianliu Mountain does not allow Haishi's trading venues to expand indefinitely, nor does it allow outsiders to run around. It only allocates land on land.

Just a small corner comes out.

However, just in this corner, there are no less than one million permanent residents, not counting the large number of people coming and going.

Draw the land as a boundary, one place is prosperous, and the other side is quiet.

The boundary is a strait, which is deep and connected by rope bridges on both sides. The ropes are simply paved with wooden planks.

At the bottom of the strait is a calm sea. The cliffs on one side are brightly lit, and there are houses built with ladders everywhere. The houses seem to be clinging to the cliffs, while the cliffs on the other side are dark and cold. The contrast between the two sides is sharp, and there are people in the world.

with the feeling of hell.

The rope bridge was also very deserted, and there were basically no other people coming and going. It could be seen that very few people on the trading market side went to the other side, and they didn't dare to run there if nothing happened.

The savage carried the shark's body in front, and Yu Qing followed behind. Together they swayed on the rope bridge, walking from the bright place with bright lights to the dark place with bright starry sky.

On the other side of Qingleng, on the highest land facing the sea, there is a temple built with walls.

The rope bridge chosen by the savage was also the one that led directly to the temple. He swung across the rope bridge and went straight to the temple gate on the top of the mountain. When he arrived, he threw down the shark's body, turned around to face Yu Qing who was following him, and beat his chest to signal.

, after Yu Qing nodded to confirm, he immediately ran back.

Yu Qing stood outside the temple gate and saw clearly what was going on with the white courtyard walls under the moonlight. The outer walls of such a large temple were all made of skulls, and the entrance courtyard was also built with bones.

The two words "Sweeping Temple" written on it give people a chilling feeling.

Ming Temple is what the outside world calls Saochen Temple, and Yu Qing has also heard of it.

The closed door is a mottled wooden door.

In fact, the temple does not occupy a large area. Apart from looking a bit strange, it does not seem to be very impressive, and it does not look like a prestigious place.

After observing and listening for a while, Yu Qing finally took out the ring and put it on his index finger, then clicked the door knocker.

After waiting for a while and no response, he clicked the button again, three times in a row, before hearing footsteps coming from inside.

The door opened, and a young monk appeared. A head stuck out from the crack of the door. He looked Yu Qing up and down and asked, "Who is the donor looking for?"

Yu Qing turned sideways and let out the body of the shark behind him.

When the young monk saw it, he immediately went out. Wearing a black monk's robe, he quickly went to the shark's body and inspected it with his own hands. After getting up, he quickly turned to Yu Qing and asked, "Who did it?"

Yu Qing said without hesitation: "I killed him."

The young monk frowned and said, "You killed me, the Sea Clan, and even ran to the entrance of our temple to throw the body and knock on the door. Could it be that you are deliberately looking for trouble?"

Yu Qing: "I don't dare. It was the ferryman who had evil intentions on the way and intended to harm me, but I killed him instead. Although I didn't suffer any loss, I have to be reasonable in everything. If I hadn't been smart, I wouldn't have died.

Unjustly accused? I heard that the 'Ming Temple' speaks for the Ming Hai Hai clan, and I'm here today to ask for an explanation."

Surprise flashed across the face of the young monk. It was indeed rare for someone to come to the Underworld Temple to seek explanation. It was also a bit daring. He immediately asked: "May I ask the name of the benefactor, so that the young monk can come in and report."

Yu Qing said: "Ashiheng!"

"Ashiheng?" The young monk was stunned again and tried to ask: "Which Ashheng?"

Seeing this reaction, Yu Qing cursed in his heart. His own name was not loud despite all his efforts, but "Ashiheng"'s name was the kind that shined no matter where he went. People knew him wherever he went, even in this remote place.

All monks and nuns are no exception, it makes me sick just thinking about it.

But he still replied seriously: "How many more Ashhengs can there be?"

To be honest, if Lao Qi and Lao Jiu hadn't suffered physical problems, their lives might have been in danger. He was very disgusted with using Ash Heng's name again, and would not use it even if he was beaten to death, and would not use it no matter how much money was given.

That kind of thing, this is probably one of the few things he would resist even if he was given money.

No one could understand his certain mood. Even just now, a scene in a certain study room flashed through his mind, and the scene of denying to a certain woman that he was Ashheng flashed through his mind. That scene still reminded him of it.


The young monk was surprised and asked again: "Is it the Tanhua Lang from Jin Kingdom?"

Yu Qing: "It's already a thing of the past. There is no such thing as a prostitute in the world."

The young monk suddenly felt a sense of awe, clasped his hands and bowed, "Almsgiver, wait a moment."

He left quickly and closed the door after entering.

After waiting for a while, the door opened again, and this time two young monks came out. The door opened on each side and was completely opened.

The previous one asked Yu Qing to follow him, while the other one carried the shark's body inside.

After entering and seeing the panoramic view of the temple under the stars and moon, Yu Qingdun felt his scalp numb again. The floor was covered with skulls under his feet. The buildings that could be seen in the temple, except for the roof tiles, all the walls were

It is built with skulls, including the main hall in front.

However, the architectural specifications of the temple are indeed not grand. The courtyard is not large, with a main hall, a few houses, and a skeleton tower about three feet high. Apart from that tower, there is not a single building in the entire courtyard.

The two-story buildings are all bungalows.

Despite this, you can still feel that there are black eyes staring at you all around, including the ground, and the eerie atmosphere is strong. I really wonder what the psychology of people who have lived here for a long time will be like.

The young monk carrying the shark's body trotted into the main hall first. In the entire temple, it seemed that only the main hall had lights.

Yu Qing followed the lead, climbed up the steps, and followed him into the hall unhurriedly.

There is only one word in the temple: empty!

There are no tables, no chairs, no clay sculptures, no golden statues, no shrines, no incense burners for worship, and no magical instruments.

There is a brazier hanging on the left and right beams. I don't know what kind of fuel is used. The fire is a bit pale, similar to the light of the lantern on the ferry boat.

The skulls laid on the ground also appeared to be regular, with circles after circles, large circles within small circles, and finally came to a point. At that point, sitting cross-legged and meditating, a middle-aged monk with a handsome face was sitting, wearing a black cassock with gold embroidery on it.

The stripes and gold patterns occasionally reflect light under the firelight.

There were two old monks sitting opposite each other in the hall, both with long white beards and wrinkled faces, looking old and aged. They were wearing black monk's robes, but each was wearing a pure white cassock. They were sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed.

Hear about foreign affairs.

The situation in front of him made Yu Qing a little unsure. He didn't know who the legendary underworld monk was. According to the sitting position, it should be the one in the middle, but the ones on both sides seemed to have more qualified qualifications. Or was it not here at all? This is not the case.

It's impossible. The specifications of this place don't seem to be worthy of the reputation of the Underworld Monk. It's reasonable for him not to live here.

After listening to the mutterings of the young monk who came in carrying the things, the middle-aged monk with a handsome face moved his eyes away from the shark's body and fell on Yu Qing's face. He said calmly: "You are the most talented person in the world in Jin Kingdom.

Tan Hua Lang?"

Yu Qing was quite impatient with this statement, but he asked for it, so he had to respond with empty words again: "It's a thing of the past, and there are only common people."

Hearing this, the middle-aged monk smiled and said, "Regardless of whether it is true or false, these words are easy to take and let go."

Yu Qing didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that this man was looking at him strangely. On the surface, he bowed slightly to show his humility, and then tried to ask: "I wonder what the relationship between the Master and the Underworld Monk is?"

Middle-aged monk: "The poor monk is the current abbot of the Sauchen Temple."

Yu Qing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this person was really the legendary underworld monk. He felt that he didn't look very impressive. Thinking about Ying Xiaotang's age and appearance, he did look much younger than Ying Xiaotang. He quickly bowed

He handed over his body and said, "I have heard for a long time that the master is the elder brother of Duke Xuan. When I saw him today, I didn't expect that the master looks younger than Duke Xuan. I just have a stupid eye and want to pay my respects to the master."

The dark monk fiddled with the black rosary beads in his hand, "Are you hinting to the poor monk that you have a relationship with Xiaotang? When you come here, no one's relationship is of any use. It's not sure whether you can leave alive. To build a relationship, just to be polite.

Stop talking about it. From the look of you, it seems like you still don’t know where the skulls all over the temple came from.”

Yu Qing felt a little confused in his heart, but he still remained calm and said: "I would like to ask for advice."

The monk said: "Changkong, tell him what the Sauchen Temple is."

"Yes." The monk who was carrying the things before agreed, and then turned to Yu Qing and said: "Buddhism is a pure place, and we don't want to cause dust. If there is dust, we will clean it diligently at all times. The skulls all over the temple that the donor saw are full of dust.

Those who were left behind were left here to be saved by our temple. This is the origin of the 'Sweeping Temple'."

Yu Qing tried his best to control the twitching desire of his Adam's apple, nodded and said: "I have learned a lesson."

Ming Monk: "Does the donor also want to contribute to our temple?"

Yu Qing: "Master's words are serious. Qianliu Mountain, Sinan Mansion, and Daye Division have been entangled with me overtly and covertly. The fact that I can come here alive today shows that they can still talk some sense. Even they can talk sense. I guess

Ming Temple doesn’t make sense at all, does it?”

The monk fiddled with his rosary and said calmly: "For countless years, tens of millions of sea people have worked tirelessly to sail boats to and from the other side to make offerings to the Suchen Temple. If you kill me, the sea people can be settled with just a few sophistry? There is no evidence.

Come on, no matter who you are, you will be a pile of bones."

Yu Qing said: "Evidence? To be honest, Master, I came here to verify this evidence." He took off the ring on his hand and handed it to him: "Master, can you recognize this thing?"

The underworld monk's eyes fell on the ring, as did the two young monks, but the two old monks on the left and right still closed their eyes and ignored what was going on outside.

They stared at the ring and observed, while Yu Qing observed their reactions.

As a result, I didn't see any unnecessary reaction, I just stared, and then gradually looked confused, obviously I didn't understand.

The underworld monk asked: "A great talent is trying to deceive a poor monk into being stupid. What do you mean?"

This chapter has been completed!
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