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Chapter 699: Two Excited Old Academic Men!

Chapter 699 Two excited academic old men!

Early in the morning, when mother and daughter Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu woke up, breakfast was already on the table. It was cooked by Wang Zhou, and of course Xu Jinkai had done it.

Xu Jinkai didn't sleep all night, but he was as energetic as an excited cow, full of passion.

Wang Zhou did not affect his condition today at all, and he was also full of energy.

If they hadn't known that Wang Zhou and Xu Jinkai had not slept all night, both Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu would have thought that they slept very soundly last night, and at least they would be in high spirits now.

“It smells so good.”

Feng Xinran walked to the restaurant and stood in front of the dining table. Looking at the various breakfasts on the table, she couldn't help but give Wang Zhou a thumbs up.

Feng Xinran didn't need to think about it to know that it was Wang Zhou who made it, because Xu Jinkai couldn't make such a breakfast. If the breakfast on this table was made by Xu Jinkai, then Xu Jinkai would probably be tortured by Feng Xinran after Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu left.

He was forced to confess and beaten with a stick.

Feng Xinran rarely gets to eat breakfast made by Xu Jinkai. Of course, even if Xu Jinkai makes breakfast, it is just a simple porridge, and then the whole instant steamed buns, dumplings, etc...

Today's breakfast table has many varieties and different tastes. It is absolutely full of color, flavor and flavor...and they are all purely handmade. They are definitely not bought on the street, nor are they heated by those instant foods in the refrigerator.

It was obviously done by Wang Zhou himself.

At this moment, Feng Xinran couldn't help but give Xu Qingzhu a thumbs up.

"Daughter, I have a good sense. Unlike your mother and I... I have a very bad sense when it comes to choosing a mate!" Feng Xinran said with a smile to Xu Qingzhu in the bathroom.

The mother and daughter were brushing their teeth and chatting.

"Mom...my dad is so good. He loves you so much and is very good in many aspects. When looking at people, you can't just look at other people's shortcomings. You must also learn to discover that my dad's strengths are not my dad's.

It has many shining advantages!”

"Let's not talk about anything else. You two have been together for so many years. When did my father take another look at other women? All his eyes are for you."

"In this regard...he did really well." Feng Xinran couldn't help but nodded when he heard Xu Qingzhu's words and said seriously.

"It's just...my dad is really good at this. Much better than 99% of the men in the country!" Xu Qingzhu also said good things for her dad again.

Of course, Xu Qingzhu also knows how much his parents love each other. They have been in love with each other for so many years. Although they often bicker and even fight,... Xu Qingzhu knows very well that they both love each other to the end.

Deep down, no one has any improper relationship with the opposite sex outside, and they always deliberately keep a distance from the opposite sex!

"Just say good things for your father, say... What did your father promise you? Or give you any benefits? You have to know that your father supports you and Wang Zhou, and your mother also supports you unconditionally...

But just because your father did this, you can't be bribed by him." Feng Xinran knew that this was not what Xu Qingzhu was talking about, but she still joked.

"That's natural. Mom and I are the best. Mom and I have always been on the same front. This is the policy, the principle, the red line, the bottom line that cannot be touched..." Xu Qingzhu patted her chest,

Putting the toothbrush in his mouth, he said calmly.

Xu Jinkai was very excited today, and his whole person was in a state of high excitement.

His topic was finally solved.

"Old Xu, you eat when you eat, why are you humming... You have the nerve to hum even with your broken voice. If Qingzhu hadn't inherited my excellent genes, once they were ruined by your genes, her vocal cells would also

It's been defiled!" Feng Xinran said with a smile as he looked at Xu Jinkai who looked happy and hummed excitedly while eating.


Xu Qingzhu couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing on the spot.

Wang Zhou quickly put down his chopsticks and patted Xu Qingzhu's back.

"Qingzhu, why are you laughing... I think your mother is right. I am tone-deaf. Thank you for not inheriting my genes. God has eyes." Xu Jinkai echoed Feng Xinran's words at this moment, not because of Feng Xinran.

Choke him and he will choke back.

Xu Qingzhu looked at her father in astonishment.

There was something wrong with this. It stands to reason that her father would definitely start a war at this time, and the couple would go back and forth at the dinner table... In the end, although Xu Jinkai struggled, it was just a struggle, and Feng Xinran, a senior lawyer,

In comparison, how could Xu Jinkai win?

Feng Xinran also had a look of astonishment on her face. She was holding chopsticks in her hand. She was ready to fight Xu Jinkai, but Xu Jinkai unexpectedly got a temporary power...

Feng Xinran seemed to be meeting Xu Jinkai for the first time, with a look of shock and confusion on her face.

"That's not right, it's definitely not right..." Feng Xinran looked at Xu Jinkai. "That old Xu... what are you thinking?"

"Honey, what can I have in mind? I just think what you said is quite right. I support you." Xu Jinkai continued to eat seriously, feeling extremely happy.

Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu looked at each other with astonishment on their faces. This really didn't look like Xu Jinkai from before...

Not at all.

Xu Jinkai seemed to be a different person.

"By the way, I have good news for you..." Xu Jinkai suddenly put down his chopsticks and looked at Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu's mother and daughter excitedly.

Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu were stunned by Xu Jinkai's surprises.

"What is that?" Feng Xinran looked at the abnormal Xu Jinkai in shock, and then glanced at Wang Zhou who was sitting there eating calmly.

Feng Xinran always felt that Wang Zhou was responsible for Xu Jinkai's abnormality.

"I...do you still remember the topic I studied..." Xu Jinkai looked at Feng Xinran and asked.

Feng Xinran nodded.

She knew that Xu Jinkai had told her before, but half a year later, Xu Jinkai still couldn't figure out his thinking and couldn't get through this main line.

Therefore, Xu Jinkai’s key research topics have not made progress yet. If he continues to be stuck, it will have some impact on his teaching career.

"I was stuck on three points and had no ideas. I learned a lot about literature in the past six months. I even went through the entire library of Imperial University and asked Lao Kang to go through the library of Magic University.

I've read it all over, but... we still can't figure it out, but guess what?" Xu Jinkai got excited when he talked about it, and he danced and said it without even eating.

"Wang Zhou helped you untie it last night?" Feng Xinran heard Xu Jinkai's words and replied with a smile.

Feng Xinran replied casually.

Feng Xinran can be a dignified senior barrister and is definitely a well-known figure in the lawyer circle of the imperial capital. Her observation of words and expressions is not comparable to that of Xu Jinkai. At this moment, Xu Jinkai has already behaved like this. If Feng Xinran can't even see through this,

Then her role as a lawyer is useless...

"Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have asked you..." Xu Jinkai suddenly realized something and couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Xu Jinkai came to his senses and wondered who Feng Xinran was. He was definitely a barrister. If she couldn't even see through this, how could she be a barrister?

"But Wang Zhou is indeed right. He was able to solve my confusion in such a simple way... It's amazing. It took Lao Kang and I half a year to figure it out. I didn't expect Wang Zhou to do it."

In this way, Wang Zhou's talent amazes me." Xu Jinkai said without forgetting to give a thumbs up to Wang Zhou sitting opposite him.

"Uncle Xu, please don't praise me. I don't praise you without praise..." Wang Zhou heard Xu Jinkai praising him and couldn't help but raised his head and said.

"Why don't you praise? This is not a boast at all. What dad said is also true..." Xu Qingzhu took over the words and said happily and proudly.

Xu Qingzhu was very happy that Wang Zhou could be praised by her father.

When Wang Zhou heard Xu Qingzhu's words, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"I support Qingzhu on this issue. I must give this a thumbs up. Lao Xu and Lao Kang struggled for half a year and couldn't figure it out. Wang Zhou actually gave him some advice casually and opened up their Ren Du lineage. If this is still the case,

If it's not awesome, then what is really awesome?" Feng Xinran also expressed her opinion very seriously at this moment, and her attitude was very determined and firm.

"I will always stand on my wife's side!" Xu Jinkai also expressed his stance shortly after.

Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu looked at each other. Both mother and daughter were stunned for a while. They couldn't understand that just one night, Xu Jinkai's attitude towards Feng Xinran had actually made a 180-degree turn. This was simply unbelievable and unbelievable.


"It seems that last night, Wang Zhou not only helped you clear up the difficulties of the subject, but also cleared up your stupid head... Not bad, not bad..." Feng Xinran smiled happily.

"Auntie, I..." Wang Zhou still explained a few words, but was held down by Xu Qingzhu.

"Honey, come and have some of this..." Wang Zhou's open mouth was blocked by a quail egg held by Xu Qingzhu, and he was stunned to stop the words that came to his mouth.

One night, just one night...

Wang Zhou used his talent to serve Xu Jinkai, which made Xu Jinkai full of admiration. He seemed to admire Wang Zhou very much.

If Wang Zhou hadn't been his future son-in-law, he would have hugged him...

Feng Xinran and Xu Qingzhu, mother and daughter, still saw Xu Jinkai's actions, and they were very happy in this happy state.

Although Xu Jinkai has always felt that Wang Zhou has high attainments in the field of ancient Chinese literature and calligraphy, but...

After a night of long talks, Xu Jinkai really got a deeper understanding of Wang Zhou. Wang Zhou is not an ordinary person with high attainments, but has very deep attainments in many fields, even if

In the field of ancient Chinese literature, neither he nor Xu Jinkai could reach it.

After Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu left after breakfast, Xu Jinkai immediately called Kang Borui, and the two old friends started chatting.

"Oh, why did I forget about Wang Zhou..." Kang Borui suddenly slapped his head when he heard that Wang Zhou helped Xu Jinkai solve the problem.

"Old Xu, this time it's my business. I actually forgot about Wang Zhou... Oh my God, thank you for chatting with him. Otherwise we would have had to make many detours." Kang Borui looked dumbfounded.


This topic was done by Xu Jinkai and Kang Borui, so this topic is theirs. Of course, Xu Jinkai has always been the main subject, which is why Kang Borui has never taken it too seriously. Although he is entangled in this matter, he can

I didn’t think too much about it…

But when Xu Jinkai mentioned Wang Zhou, Kang Borui immediately thought of it and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He actually rode a donkey to look for the donkey!

He clearly knew that his student Wang Zhou was talented and had a much wider knowledge of ancient Chinese literature and exposure in certain fields than he did, but when he was researching the topic, he just developed a fixed pattern, that is, there was no

Go and consider Wang Zhou.

"It's okay... To be honest, I always thought that Wang Zhou was very good and knowledgeable, but that was just my opinion. But... after my communication with him last night, I realized that this little guy is not ordinary knowledgeable.

, it should be more appropriate to use "Xue Tianren". I found that you, old boy, have found a treasure!" Xu Jinkai smiled happily. When he mentioned Wang Zhou, he was full of smiles. It was a compliment from the bottom of his heart.

"I got a treasure? Didn't you get a treasure? He is your precious son-in-law... You have really earned it, but this baby Qingzhu is also amazing. The two children together are a perfect match." Kang Bo

Ruiye said with a smile.

Kang Borui has always been very optimistic about Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu, and the key is that Kang Borui and Zheng Junmei have always wanted to match Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu. It can also be said that they are also the result of the match between Kang Borui and Zheng Junmei. Maybe

Even if Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu don't have the relationship of being netizens for more than ten years, with the help of Kang Borui and Zheng Junmei, they will definitely get together. This is fate!

Destined by God!

Wang Zhou didn't really believe in the so-called fate before, but now... he believes in fate more than anyone else.

"Yes, yes... according to what you said, I have indeed found a treasure!"


Xu Jinkai and Kang Borui both laughed happily.

Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu separated from the airport, and Xu Qingzhu went to Bamboo Music. She still had a lot of things to deal with at Bamboo Music. After all, today is the first day of sales for Xu Qingzhu's new album "Youth". Although she did not

She doesn't care too much about the result, because she believes in the bamboos... But she doesn't care about the result, but she must pay attention to the process. She can't just show nothing on the first day of sales, right?

Xu Qingzhu's new album "Youth" is related to Xu Qingzhu's many influencing factors this year. It is crucial to Xu Qingzhu himself and to Bamboo Music, so Bamboo Music is going all out, with Xia Yiwei and Du Lan personally supervising

, Therefore, if Xu Qingzhu doesn’t care about anything and just becomes a hands-off shopkeeper, it still cannot be justified...

Wang Zhou, on the other hand, returned home directly accompanied by the Xie brothers!

(End of chapter)

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