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Chapter 700: Music Earthquake!

Chapter 700 A big earthquake in the music world!


Xu Qingzhu, Du Lan, and Xia Yiwei had takeout together in the Bamboo Music Conference Room.

The takeaway was ordered by Xiaopangdi.

Xu Qingzhu, Du Lan, and Xia Yiwei are a little busy and don't have time to go out to the hotel for meals. Moreover, although the three of them are very famous now, they really don't have high requirements for dining.

Three people ordered four dishes.

Xu Qingzhu ate steamed buns, while Du Lan and Xia Yiwei ate rice.

"Dong dong..."

While the three women were eating, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Come in!" Du Lan responded.

The director of Bamboo Music Publicity Department walked in.

"Teacher Xu, Teacher Xia, Mr. Du...the sales data of the new album as of 12 noon are summarized..."

"How much?" Du Lan and the three girls looked up at her curiously, all looking forward to it.

"19.2 million!"

"19.2 million?" Du Lan, Xia Yiwei, and Xu Qingzhu looked at each other, and the three women all laughed.

This data indeed exceeded the expectations of the three of them.

"Go ahead!" Du Lan took a deep breath, suppressed his inner emotions, and then greeted the director of the Propaganda Department.

The director of the Propaganda Department nodded and then withdrew.

"19.2 million! Oh my god, it's really a breakthrough..." Xia Yiwei put down her chopsticks excitedly, looking full of excitement.

"It seems that Bamboo has won!" Du Lan also smiled and nodded. At ten o'clock this morning, the data exceeded Du Lan's judgment of 18 million.

Unexpectedly, in less than two hours, it exceeded 19 million. It seems that by 8 o'clock in the evening, it should not be a problem to exceed 200 million.

"I don't think the problem is big." Xu Qingzhu replied with a very indifferent expression.

"It seems that the one who knows me best is myself..." Xia Yiwei also smiled and nodded.

"Well, actually I took advantage of Teacher Wang Zhou's influence!" Xu Qingzhu continued to eat, then smiled and said to Xia Yiwei and Du Lan.

"This is quite true. Teacher Wang Zhou is quite popular and responsive..."

"In fact, there is no need to take advantage of the situation... Teacher Wang Zhou's is yours, and what is yours is Teacher Wang Zhou's. Do you two still need to separate each other? I don't think it is necessary to separate it so clearly. It is a whole.


"If you insist on saying that...then it's right."

Xu Qingzhu smiled and nodded. She had never concealed it in front of Du Lan and Xia Yiwei. Her love for Wang Zhou was deep and deep in her bones.

"19.2 million, this number is really scary! To be honest, I really didn't dare to think about it before. Even if it was blessed by Teacher Wang Zhou, I think at eight o'clock tonight, it will be at most this number. But who would have thought that it would be at most noon?

, this is a breakthrough...and the rate of increase continues.”

"Yes, this rate of increase is really scary!"

"It seems that the bamboos and the knights have also gone all out, just to be able to witness your live broadcast at eight o'clock tonight."

"But let me tell you, what's so interesting about your live broadcast? I don't know what those fans think..."

Xu Qingzhu listened to what they said there and didn't pay much attention at all. After all, in her opinion, Xia Yiwei and Du Lan were deliberately provoking her, so she didn't bother to argue with them.

And in Xu Qingzhu's opinion, she is absolutely perfect...

"Actually, have you ever thought that as of eight o'clock tonight, the sales volume across the entire network may not be only 20 million, maybe even higher..." Xu Qingzhu looked at Du Lan and Xia Yiwei, she was just trying to provoke them deliberately

The bottom line of both.

Du Lan and Xia Yiwei had been thinking about 20 million just now. After all, in their eyes, 20 million was indeed a very high level and difficult to cross, but...

Hearing Xu Qingzhu's words at this moment, the two women were suddenly stunned. They really didn't think too much about this...

Breaking through 20 million, and more to come...

Du Lan and Xia Yiwei were stunned when they heard Xu Qingzhu's words...

"Then how much do you think you can break through before the live broadcast at eight o'clock in the evening? What are your expectations?"

"Me? I don't have any expectations. It just depends on whether the fans can support me. But I believe the fans will definitely support me." Xu Qingzhu said confidently at this moment.


Du Lan and Xia Yiwei gave Wang Zhou absolute contempt, but they both knew that maybe Xu Qingzhu was right.

Although Du Lan and Xia Yiwei rolled their eyes, they were both looking forward to it.


Xu Qingzhu's new album "Youth" pre-sales data, plus online and offline current sales data, exceeded 20 million!

"Holy shit... 20 million!"

The Bamboo Music Office Building was completely boiling.

The so-called ultimate goal of 20 million set by Xu Qingzhu, Xia Yiwei, and Du Lan was successfully achieved three and a half hours before the end.

Du Lan and Xia Yiwei hugged each other excitedly and jumped up and down.

But Xu Qingzhu looked calm when he heard the news.

In fact, in Xu Qingzhu's view, this was certain and absolutely achieved. And it was almost as she expected, so Xu Qingzhu and he were not much surprised.

However, Xu Qingzhu was not excited, but Du Lan, Xia Yiwei and the staff of Bamboo Music were jumping up and down with excitement!

"Seize the time and publish an official document to celebrate the sales of Qingzhu's new album "Youth" exceeding 20 million copies! And thank the fans..." Du Lan turned around and gave instructions to the head of the publicity department.

They are very excited and excited, but they also want to share this good news with fans all over the Internet. This is good news that can push Bamboo Music to the altar. They absolutely cannot waste this good opportunity.


3:40 p.m.

Bamboo Music Weibo pushes a latest news.

"Thank you for all the support from Zhuzhu. Teacher @XuQingzhu's new album "Youth" turned against the wind and faced the sun. It successfully sold 20 million copies at 3:32 pm. Bamboo Music represents the Bamboo platform, Xu Qingzhu

The teacher expressed his support to the bamboos, thank you!"


With the push from the official blog of Bamboo Music, the whole Internet is buzzing.

The bamboos are having a carnival.

Bamboos all over the Internet began to gather quickly. In fact, they have been waiting for the moment when sales exceeded 20 million, and now they have finally waited for this moment. They have been looking forward to this moment.

The sales volume of 20 million copies is really scary!

Xu Qingzhu completely broke the record and refreshed the data in the music industry!

Xu Qingzhu successfully reached the summit.

Before the new album "Youth", although Xu Qingzhu controlled enough popularity and was known as the "Queen of Hot Searches", all the songs she sang were classics and extremely popular, and her sales volume on the Penguin Music platform was also

They have repeatedly set records and made history...

But those are online sales data. Physical sales data are the basis for explaining the value of a work. Therefore, although Xu Qingzhu broke the digital sales record and became the top singer in the music industry, it is only traffic and has nothing to do with the strength of the physical music industry.

Still different.

But this time, Xu Qingzhu's new album "Youth" successfully achieved the mythical sales figure of 20 million albums in just six and a half hours. This figure completely shocked the entire music world.

Yes, it's an earthquake.

The history and data of the entire music scene have been successfully rewritten. The key is that the rewritten data is really scary, and can even be said to be terrifying to the extreme.

After this battle, Xu Qingzhu's digital and physical copyrights were successfully capped, which also allowed Xu Qingzhu to truly establish her status in the music world.

At this moment, Xu Qingzhu really made those big guys in the music industry who still had any luck feel completely despairing. Xu Qingzhu really rose up and was out of control.

Xu Qingzhu's enthusiasm was so high that they could only look up to him.

The sales data of 20 million was originally an astronomical figure in the minds of musicians in the music industry. It was simply an unattainable number and simply insurmountable!


Xu Qingzhu did it!

Bamboo Music did it!

Xu Qingzhu becomes a god in one battle!

Xu Qingzhu used to dominate the Internet!

But at this moment, Xu Qingzhu's physical album has also successfully reached the top of the music industry, breaking the record for physical album sales in the music industry, and also creating history. This history may not be broken by anyone for a long, long time, unless of course it is Xu Qingzhu.

Qingzhu breaks the record again, maybe Qingzhu can break the record he can create!

Bamboo music is boiling.

Bamboo Music Studio had prepared ribbons and celebration gifts early... and the whole Bamboo Music scene was boiling.

Xu Qingzhu forwarded this news.

"Thank you for accompanying me all the way! The future will be full of rainbows, keep moving forward!"

Xu Qingzhu expressed a series of thanks!

Xu Qingzhu originally wanted to thank ‘Fengming Qishan’ alone, thank Wang Zhou, thank all the staff of Bamboo Music, thank the bamboos...

But Xu Qingzhu thought about it and decided not to do it, because you said too much and divided it in detail. If you didn't miss anything, it would be a 'sin'.

Moreover, if Xu Qingzhu simply expresses his gratitude to Wang Zhou, it will still lead to some inexplicable speculations. This...

Since she and Wang Zhou are not ready yet, there are some things that they should not take risks for the time being.

For Xu Qingzhu, some things are really difficult to explain clearly!

An authoritative media used a headline to support Xu Qingzhu.

"A big earthquake in the music world!"

At this moment, under the coverage of authoritative media and major media, Xu Qingzhu jumped to the top.

With the hot sales of the new album "Youth", Xu Qingzhu has truly stood at the commanding heights of the music world.

Of course, what Xu Qingzhu still lacks is a concert and an annual honorary title.

But to Xu Qingzhu, these are nothing. She believes... this should not be a big problem.

Xu Qingzhu is also looking forward to it, but what she prefers is to take every step in a down-to-earth manner.

The major artists of Bamboo Music also forwarded this update pushed by Bamboo Music and sent their blessings.

At this moment, Xu Qingzhu's cell phone kept ringing.

At the same time, Du Lan and Xia Yiwei's cell phones also kept ringing.

Of course, sensible people knew that Xu Qingzhu was very busy right now, so they all sent their blessings through text messages and did not bother them with phone calls.

Yes, Xu Qingzhu, Du Lan, and Xia Yiwei are really busy. In fact, they have planned to celebrate early because even if they don't break the sales record of 20 million today, they will break it sooner or later, let alone the sales of 20 million.

Data, even if it is 10 million, 5 million... it will definitely create history and set a new record in the music industry.

Xu Qingzhu actually broke this record early on, with pre-sales exceeding 10 million. This data is enough to shock the music world.

The only thing that fans all over the Internet didn't expect was that Xu Qingzhu once again created history and records in just six hours after the new album went on sale.

Xu Qingzhu has truly stood on the commanding heights of the music world and has become a new generation leader in the music world. Although Xu Qingzhu has not yet been crowned queen, this will happen sooner or later. Although netizens are looking forward to it, they know that the best female singer of the year will be

, Xu Qingzhu is well-deserved. If it falls on other singers, then there is definitely an inside story in this selection in the music industry, and netizens also believe that unless the judging panel has water in their heads, otherwise... they would not dare

Do it this way.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before Xu Qingzhu is sealed.

Wang Zhou then forwarded this update from Bamboo Music.

"It seems...it won't work if I don't see you at eight o'clock tonight...Okay, I have to prepare well...After all, this is Senior Zhuzi's highlight moment. Am I just trying to get traffic? Well, I decided to get this traffic."

Okay, thanks to Senior Sister Zhuzi for giving me such a gimmick, allowing me to blatantly use traffic..."

Wang Zhou's comments are always Wang Zhou style comments.

Many netizens also saw Wang Zhou's comments, and they were all amused by Wang Zhou.

"Teacher Wang Zhou, the traffic king!"

"Teacher Wang Zhou is so busy with this wave of traffic... He is really more upright than anyone else!"

"Can Teacher Wang Zhou guide us? We also want to take advantage of Teacher Zhuzi's traffic!"

"I wonder who can be more powerful than Teacher Wang Zhou, who can actually increase traffic to such a level!"

"Looking forward to Teacher Wang Zhou's strength!"

"Teacher Wang Zhou, the 'king of traffic'!"

"Zhuzi, your teacher Wang Zhou is very good at playing. He has completely absorbed this wave of traffic..." Du Lan also saw Wang Zhou's comments on the Internet and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

"What? Let me see..." Xia Yiwei also came forward and was amused when she saw Wang Zhou's comment.

"We've already said it's our teacher Wang Zhou, so how can we call it "traffic"? This traffic originally belongs to our family, do we still need to use it?" Xu Qingzhu felt confident to develop for Wang Zhou at this moment, and the reason for the development was also


When Du Lan and Xia Yiwei heard Wang Zhou's words, they looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

"You two really deserve to be a family. As the saying goes, a family is not a family without a family. You two are amazing! Jue Juezi...I admire you so much. I admire you so much." Du Lan bowed down to Xu Qingzhu, and he couldn't be more impressed.

Not necessary.

Xia Yiwei also laughed and echoed.

"Hehe..." Xu Qingzhu also smiled happily, not paying any attention to the words between Du Lan and Xia Yiwei.

(End of chapter)

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