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399 Is this explaining the funeral arrangements?

Chang Kuo agreed to Fujiwara Maro's request to "compete" alone.

But he has two conditions. First, all captives and hostages should be released immediately. Second, the time for the competition is set at dawn tomorrow at 4 o'clock -

The ones who came to reply were He Wuhu and a military advisor who was proficient in the Japanese language. He Wuhu had a loud voice. He stood on the bow of the ship, raised his eyebrows and said to the opposite side: "It's getting late now. Considering that General Fujiwara's eyesight is damaged, I'm afraid.

It’s dark and we can’t see clearly. We, General Chang, don’t want to win without force, so we have specially chosen the time for the competition to be tomorrow morning!”

The military advisor also conveyed He Wuhu's original words with great enthusiasm.

After Yoshimi Fu heard this, he cursed and came to Fujiwara Maro. After explaining the matter angrily, he cursed: "...a group of people who don't know whether to live or die, even if they are about to die, they still dare to use their words.


Several Japanese military advisors also showed dissatisfaction for a while.

Fujiwara Maro, who was sitting cross-legged at the head, just laughed contemptuously.

"Chang Kuo has always been good at speaking." He said: "When a Sheng people fights, there is an unwritten rule of scolding the formation before the battle, in order to anger the enemy and show off one's own prestige. If I do this

If you get angry, you fall into this clumsy trick."

"That's right!" said a military advisor: "General, there is no need to be angry about this. From what we can see, Chang Kuo has an old illness. He was afraid that he would be unable to stand up after standing on the ship for too long.

I’ll take this as an excuse to wait until tomorrow!”

Another strategist also sneered: "From this point of view, it is just a paper tiger, and it is just a bluff when it has to respond to the challenge!"

Fujiwara Maro slowly raised his lips, and there was murderous intent flowing in his eyes: "The majesty on his lips is not the real majesty. I will wait for him until tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow, I will let all Shengjun see with their own eyes how Chang Kuo was trampled under my feet and how he begged me for mercy."

Ji Jian Fu responded, suppressing his anger for the time being, and asked: "General, Sheng Jun also asked us to release the prisoners immediately!"

Fujiwara Maro: "Let half of the people go back first - tell Chang Kuo that the competition has not yet begun. I am willing to release half of the prisoners. I am already very sincere."

Although Yoshimi Fu was dissatisfied, he didn't say anything more and went down to do as he was told.

The person who stepped forward to hand over was He Wuhu.

Yoshimi helped people count half of the prisoners from left to right, but when he counted Lao Kang and Shepherd's Purse in the middle, he suddenly showed a joking smile and said in a stiff voice: "Only the last one is left."

"Let her go back first...!" Lao Kang, who had lost his left hand and was still bound and kneeling on the board of the ship, his face pale and covered with sweat, still had a loud voice.

"Let Uncle Kang go first!" Shepherd's Purse frowned, looked at Lao Kang, and said resolutely: "You go back to treat the injury, it will only last one night. I am young and can hold on!"

As she said this, she was afraid that these cruel and tyrannical Japanese soldiers would come up with some torture tricks again, so she raised her head and shouted at He Wuhu: "What are you doing, Colonel He, why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you take Uncle Kang back quickly!"

He Wuhu was so excited by her roar that his feet were faster than his brain and he stepped forward to help Lao Kang up.

Yoshimi raised his hand and pointed at the shepherd's purse that he left behind. He turned around and said something to the Japanese soldiers around him, and they laughed together.

Although He Wuhu couldn't understand what they were talking about, he could guess something from the harsh laughter and dirty looks.

He Wuhu quickly untied the rope for Lao Kang and said without raising his head: "Sister Shepherd's Purse, don't be afraid!"

His voice was hoarse and rough, hiding suppressed anger.

Shepherd's purse knelt straight: "I've never been afraid of anything in my life!"

He Wuhu said nothing anymore, supported Lao Kang, and asked people to take the half of the prisoners back.

But he soon left and came back again.

He had someone row a small boat close to it, taking Qihu and more than a dozen soldiers with him, and stopped ten steps away from where shepherd's purse and others were.

Faced with the Japanese soldiers' shouts and threats to retreat, He Wuhu refused to give in: "You Japanese soldiers are unfaithful. Before I release you tomorrow, I will see with my own eyes that our people are unscathed!"

After being relayed by the translator, the Japanese soldiers reported to Yoshimi Fu. However, He Wuhu had a strong attitude. The two sides choked for a long time and almost used the knife. In the end, under the scolding of a Japanese general, the Japanese soldiers acquiesced to something.

The behavior of Wu Hu and others.

Night fell over the sea, and the rain was still falling, hitting the skin as cold as needles.

Shepherd's Purse and others were still forced to kneel in the rain.

Every time she raised her head and looked forward, she could see He Wuhu standing with his legs spread like a sculpture, holding a knife in his right hand, staring straight at the movement on her side.

The lights were lit on the boat, and you could vaguely see the big man with a messy beard and a fierce look on his face, like a door god in the first month.

Shepherd's Purse looked at it for a long time, but felt that that fierce face seemed a bit naive for no reason.

Although shepherd's purse is not afraid, she is not stupid either. She has not imagined what kind of encounter her woman might face after her identity is discovered.

The door god was here at this moment, but it helped her block the evil spirits and didn't give those messy things a chance to get close.

Shepherd's Purse's eyes moved from He Wuhu to Hao Huan who was standing next to He Wuhu. With their eyes facing each other, Shepherd's Purse suddenly looked at Hao Huan who still had a wound on his arm, showing an embarrassed look.

But a cheerful smile.

What is this? This is the comradeship born out of life and death together, fought through blood... Even if we really die on this sea today, how can we say it is not worth it?

Seeing the vigilance and surveillance of He Wuhu and others, Ji Jianfu was furious, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

So what if we put the people back tomorrow morning? The Japanese will definitely win this battle. They want to get, conquer, and crush things, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!

At that time, they will have at their disposal far more than just this vulgar woman. In the vast and prosperous land on the other side, there will also be endless food and wine to enjoy, and endless slaves to drive!

Seeing that Fuman was sure to win, Yoshi turned around and returned to the cabin.

"General, the Japanese are treacherous and have no faith at all. I'm afraid that tomorrow they will..."

In Chang Kuo's cabin, Vice Admiral Jin and other generals were all there, still trying to persuade Chang Kuo.

Chang Kuo interrupted them: "Whether they have faith or not, I have to agree to this. Can't you see what's going on outside now?"

Vice Admiral Jin subconsciously looked outside the cabin, recalling what he had seen and heard along the way here.

Looking around, in addition to the groans of the wounded soldiers suffering, the faces of the soldiers everywhere were more tired and hopeless.

Uneasiness and fear fill every corner.

Some younger soldiers even secretly wiped away tears.

"We are a dignified Chinese nation, different from the Japanese." Chang Kuo said: "The Japanese can ignore the prisoners, but we cannot."

"If the Japanese army is using these hostages to force me to open the country today, I will definitely not agree. Even if I don't care about the life and death of my comrades, I am upholding justice and cannot be blamed."

"However, they only coerced an old man named Chang Kuo to come out and fight Fujiwara." Chang Kuo said: "In this situation, our army is already at a disadvantage. If I continue to lag behind, let the Japanese army

Kill and humiliate the prisoners of our army, and the hearts of the people will be scattered."

"The morale of the military here cannot be lost just because of me, Chang Kuo. Otherwise, if we fail in this battle, I will be a sinner for the ages!" Chang Kuo said in a solemn voice: "It is also the duty of a general to stabilize the morale of the military."

"But the Japanese army forced you to come forward, obviously..." Vice Admiral Jin couldn't help but said: "Please forgive me for speaking bluntly, if you were defeated by Fujiwara Maro tomorrow, wouldn't it also damage your morale?"

This must be one of Fujiwara Maro's plans!

"There are different ways to defeat." Chang Kuo said with determination, "Even if I lose, I still have to show my strong backbone and use my life to inspire morale. Even if I lose, it's worth it!"

"General!" Hearing these words that seemed to have a death wish, Deputy General Jin's eyes suddenly turned red. He knelt down on one leg, cupped his fists and begged: "But if something happens to you, who will take command of the overall situation!"

"Nonsense, even if I die, I still have a coach!" Chang Kuo looked at the deep night outside the cabin and said with conviction: "Sui Ning will definitely come back in time."

Your Highness is good at deducing situations. From the beginning, she also expected that Fujiwara Maro would gather heavy troops to attack Jiangdu's defense. Therefore, she must also know how long the soldiers here can last without her commanding the battle situation.

Therefore, he concluded that His Highness would definitely rush back in time.

The battle situation here was fierce, and His Highness did not appear in front of others. It was not because she was retreating, but because she needed to personally arrange the situation in the rear. The dangers she was involved in far exceeded the dangers here.

This war against the Japanese was more difficult than any previous one...but he believed that with His Highness here, these Japanese thieves would never succeed!

Chang Kuo looked at Vice General Jin and others: "Listen to me, just wait for Suining to come back."

When he mentioned the word "Sui Ning", Chang Kuo's eyes were already telling everyone that these were not words to soothe people's hearts, but true faith.

This seemingly firm belief in "loving one's daughter without restraint" is actually extremely solid to Chang Kuo.

Your Highness will not bring reinforcements, but she alone can defeat thousands of troops.

When it comes to killing Japanese bandits, His Highness is the unique and sharpest sword in Dasheng.

In the past, the key battles to defeat the Japanese soldiers were all commanded by His Highness. In this sea area, when it comes to the use of troops, layout, planning, judgment, and decision-making, no one can compare with His Highness in the position of Grand Marshal of the Anti-Japanese War.

It can only belong to His Highness.

Even if we don't mention the glory of the past, the soldiers outside at the moment have more trust in His Highness than him.

Because the person who led them to kill Xu Zhengye and regain Jiangdu was General Ningyuan Chang Sui Ning, not this bad old man like him.

Soldiers and generals will build a strong bond and trust because they have fought and won battles together.

Many of them had copper coins "congratulated" by General Ningyuan hanging on their waists. Even if they were able to stay in Jiangdu in the first place, it was because they took the initiative to "blaze a bloody trail" in the lottery.

The young general who was born out of nowhere, because she was beyond the realm of worldly knowledge, and with the blessing of many things that "can do things that others cannot", to a certain extent, has become something of a miracle in the eyes of the soldiers under her command.

the incarnation of.

The word "miracle" will bring extraordinary courage to people, and courage is morale.

The morale is low at the moment, which is inseparable from the fact that they have not been able to see the coach coming for a long time.

In a war, the commander is the biggest backbone of the soldiers.

At this moment, in the eyes of many soldiers, their commander is still fighting the enemy in Runzhou, and his life or death is uncertain. Naturally, people are uneasy.

Therefore, as long as His Highness can come back, even if he really dies in the hands of Fujiwara Maro, it will not affect the overall situation.

Fujiwara Maro obviously didn't know this. This idiot really thought that killing him would determine the outcome of the battle.

As everyone knows, who is Chang Kuo?

The person who can really influence the overall situation of the military is his daughter-in-law, Her Royal Highness!

Can Maro Fujiwara think of this? Just take your time and guess!

Chang Kuo was not afraid at all, and even had a look of triumph on his face.

"Okay, no need to say more, let's wait until tomorrow!" Chang Kuo stopped his men from talking anymore and glared: "Everyone should put away the bad luck on their faces. I can still carry the beheading, but I may not be able to carry it.

You will lose to that one-eyed turtle, so there is no need to mourn for me in a hurry!"

Vice Admiral Jin hesitated to speak, but finally did not dare to say anything again.

If more than ten years ago, Maro Fujiwara had dared to challenge the general, then he would have considered Maro Fujiwara to be a person. But now, the general is old and suffering from illness... Then Fujiwara

You villain, it’s obvious that you took advantage of the situation!

They were angry and disdainful, but forced by the situation, the general had made up his mind...

After Chang Kuo asked about Lao Kang's situation, he felt a little relieved, drove all his subordinates out, drank the medicine, and then turned on the lamp and lay down to rest, preparing to recharge his batteries.

But the pain in his right leg made it difficult for him to toss and turn and fall asleep.

His leg ailment was particularly painful every winter. Now that he was at sea, the cold and damp air invaded his body, and he was always highly concentrated, standing to direct the battle, the attack was particularly severe at this moment.

He swallowed many pills given to him by Princess Xuan'an, but he could only get some relief.

Chang Kuo endured the pain, put his hands behind his head, looked at the dark top of the ship, and counted the hours silently in his heart.

He chose to delay all night not because of his useless leg, nor to anger Fujiwara Maro.

His Highness must have come with all his strength, day and night, and one night was the time he left for His Highness to make the journey.

On the battlefield, subordinates and the lord must work together with all their strength, and neither of them is afraid of death in order to win the battle.

Perhaps, this will be the last collaboration between him and His Highness.

But it doesn't matter, it's a great blessing that he can reunite with His Highness in this life.

Chang Kuo suppressed all his thoughts and closed his eyes contentedly to rest until the sky began to glow with a gray-blue color called dawn.

The rain has stopped.

Vice Admiral Jin was the first to walk into the cabin and personally helped Chang Kuo put on his armor.

Chang Kuo handed a jade pendant to Deputy General Jin and said, "Old Jin, go back and give this to that brat Sui'an for me."

Vice General Jin took the jade pendant, still feeling the warmth in his general’s palm——

So, General...are you explaining your funeral arrangements to him?

Thinking of this, Vice Admiral Jin instinctively resisted Chang Kuo's next words.

Until he heard his own general say: "Tell him to go find his mother-in-law."

Vice Admiral Jin: "?"

Wait, didn't Sui'an Langjun's mother pass away long ago?

This chapter has been completed!
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