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400 Rats can kill me

Let the child find his deceased grandma... what kind of method is this?!

It can’t be... buried in a sacrificial martyrdom!

Vice Admiral Jin was frightened by this conjecture.

Even if the general is about to be involved in danger, he can't help but say a few words... As a parent, how can you treat your children like this!

"His mother is not dead." Chang Kuo cut off his subordinate's words in time and snorted: "You are alive and well."

Vice Admiral Jin suddenly widened his eyes.

Sui'an Langjun's mother-in-law is not dead?!

Then why did the general announce that he had lost his wife?

Could it be that the other party’s identity is not suitable for disclosure?

It can’t be... she must be a married woman!

Lieutenant General Jin's brain was about to burst into flames. Faced with the "future affairs" mentioned by his own general, his mentality changed from "I don't want to hear a word of it" to "Please say a few more words" -

Seeing that Chang Kuo was about to walk out, Deputy General Jin hurriedly followed two steps and asked in a low voice: "General...can you be more explicit about this matter?"

Seeing Chang Kuo turn his head to look, Deputy General Jin hurriedly explained: "...for such a big event, if you don't even have a name on this jade pendant, my subordinates are worried that I won't be able to find you!"

In short, it's not that he wants to hear it, it's Mr. Sui'an who needs it!

Chang Kuo snorted coldly: "You don't need to worry about this. As soon as my front foot dies, the woman will beat gongs and drums on her back foot to take her son back."

He said: "The reason why I left this jade pendant and these words is just as a father. I want to give that brat an explanation myself, so that he can make a decision in his mind."

Vice General Jin hesitated to speak, his expression was painful, and he felt that two severe punishments were being imposed on him at the same time.

One is to worry about the general's safety, and the other is to worry about the general's secret.

But the general didn't want to say it clearly. It would be rude for him to ask further at this juncture.

Vice General Jin had no choice but to suppress his thirst for knowledge, hide the jade pendant close to his body, and make up his mind to live well so that he could hand the thing into the hands of Mr. Sui'an one day and live up to the expectations of the general.


Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Jin's mind froze for a moment, and he suddenly raised his head and looked at the armor-clad figure in front of him, with a slight limp in his steps.

Therefore, the general chose to entrust this thing to him, could it be to give him a thought of living, so that he would not lose his desire to live when he saw something happen to the general later and lost control of his emotions?

Vice General Jin suddenly turned red at the corners of his eyes.

A Dian and others were waiting outside the cabin early.

"Uncle Chang, I will keep an eye on them later to prevent them from doing bad things secretly!" A Dian's eyes were red, and his voice and demeanor were a little tense. He must have been so worried at night that he couldn't sleep well.

"Good boy." Chang Kuo nodded with a smile, raised his head and touched A Dian's high head: "Don't be afraid, we will definitely not lose this battle."

He did not say that nothing would happen to him, but he was sure that he would not lose this battle.

This is what he said to A Dian, and this is what he said to all the soldiers——

The general's warship was in the middle. As Chang Kuo came out at this moment, the soldiers guarding the warships on all sides saluted Chang Kuo and shouted: "General!"

Chang Kuo looked around at the faces, old and young, little by little.

The morning fog is thick at this moment, and it can only be dispersed in places where people gather. The uneasiness in the air is thicker than the morning fog, and it is difficult to be dispersed.

The thick, cold fog accompanied by the salty sea breeze invaded everyone's heart, as if reminding them all the time that this was not a battlefield they were familiar with. There were too many things hidden on this unfamiliar sea that were difficult for them to deal with.

Danger and murderous intent.

The tragic death of their comrades, the Japanese army's fearlessness and arrogance on the sea... everything they saw increasingly aggravated the instinctive fear deep in their hearts.

And now, General Chang is also forced to "compete" with Maro Fujiwara, just in case the general loses...

Uneasiness and panic are spreading silently.

Chang Kuo can feel all this, and he has the obligation to resolve it all.

However, he never sugarcoated the crisis and insisted that he would escape unscathed. Instead, he said bluntly: "... Even if I die today under the sword of Maro Fujiwara, it does not mean that I, Dasheng, will succumb to the Japanese!"


"Since ancient times, countless heroes have died in order to fight against the traitors who want to destroy China. They could die in the past, but I, Chang Kuo, can die today!"

Chang Kuo's face was solemn and his voice was high and powerful: "I will die, but my will to resist the enemy will never be extinguished!"

Hearing these almost tragic words, the soldiers all around had their eyes reddened, and they all subconsciously clenched their swords.

Then, I heard the voice say decisively: "You must remember, even if I die today, the coach is still here!"


The expressions of the soldiers all around were trembling. Will the commander appear here?

They all said that the situation in Runzhou was also very difficult, and the coach could not escape at all. The Japanese bandits attacked Runzhou first in order to hold back the coach and more troops.

"The coach will never ignore Jiang Du and you!" Chang Kuo's voice was a little louder: "I swear to you that the coach will arrive within three days!"

There was a sudden commotion everywhere, as if being ignited by a fire. The fire spread suddenly, dispelling the cold wave in the air.

Can the coach really come back within three days?!

There was a soldier holding a weapon in one hand, and the other hand subconsciously tightened the copper coins tied with a red rope around his waist, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"People say that Chang Kuo's daughter, Chang Sui Ning, reincarnated into the star and came here to save the world. I know my own daughter better than others, and I also believe that this statement is true!" Chang Kuo did not hide his tone.

Li's determination: "Since she threatened to kill Thief Xu on the 73rd, all officials and people in the world have said that she cannot do anything! However, no matter what she promises, even if no one believes in it, she has never broken her promise!"

"Everything proves that she can do things that ordinary people cannot!"

"This time, since she said that as long as she is alive, she will never let the Japanese pirates invade the country -" Chang Kuo said every word, almost in the loudest voice: "Then she can definitely do it.


"What you have to do is to guard this sea area before the return of the coach, and don't lose your momentum!" Chang Kuo tried his best to shout, his neck and face turned red, and his eyes were also red: "Listen.



All the soldiers shouted in unison, holding up their spears and swords in response.

A general knelt down to Chang Kuo and said loudly in a hoarse voice: "I promise with the general that I will lead my men to stay here and wait for the commander until the last moment!"

Other generals also knelt down and expressed their stance, vowing to defend this sea area and never take a step back.

There was a trace of tears in the corner of Chang Kuo's eyes, and he said firmly: "Okay!"

That's enough.

He can die, but his death must not break his morale.

He must make sure that the soldiers hold on as long as possible and wait for His Highness to arrive.

This is all he can do.

The ships in front slowly moved to both sides to make way for a waterway. Chang Kuo stood on top of the warship and headed towards where the Japanese troops were in front.

On both sides of the warship, countless officers and soldiers were looking at the majestic and inviolable figure above the bow.

"It's time to hand over someone!" In front, He Wuhu, who had been standing all night, ordered the boat to be sailed closer to the Japanese military road on the opposite side.

After receiving the order, the Japanese soldiers dragged the remaining prisoners up. Before He Wuhu's ship could fully move forward, they roughly pushed or kicked a group of prisoners out. Hao Huan and others quickly reached out to

Although they were trying to pick up people, several people still fell into the sea from the gap between the two boats.

Seeing those few people struggling in the cold water, the Japanese soldiers let out vicious and teasing laughter.

He Wuhu gritted his teeth and cursed: "What a stupid thing!"

After kneeling all night, her whole body was stiff and shepherd's purse, whose hands had not yet been untied, was almost pushed into the water. Fortunately, Hao Huan caught her in time.

The companions in the water were pulled up, and the rest got on the boat smoothly. He Wuhu hurriedly asked someone to loosen their ties.

The ship sailed back and sideways. When he saw the big ship moving forward in the opposite direction, a captured soldier immediately turned red-eyed: "...it's all our uselessness that has dragged down General Chang!"

"Okay! Show your momentum and kill a few more Japanese bandits, it's better than anything else!" He Wuhu said in a muffled voice.

Shepherd's Purse looked at the warship, and her heart was full of worry - she no longer expected the blessings of gods and Buddhas, she only hoped that the adults would come back as soon as possible.

Fujiwara Maro's warship also sailed out of the Japanese fleet.

In the end, he and Chang Kuo boarded the same old warship that had been emptied out. This was the "ring" where they competed today.

This warship was anchored horizontally on the sea. The two men stood opposite each other at the bow, with their own army and neatly arranged warships behind them.

"General Chang Da, after so many years, I finally have the opportunity to reminisce with you face to face."

With a smile on her face, Fujiwara Maro spoke in standard Dasheng Mandarin.

He was holding a Japanese sword in his hand, wearing a large samurai robe, and wearing wooden clogs at his feet. He looked as casual as if he was having a friendly sparring session with an acquaintance.

But the person standing opposite him was not a friend, but an enemy general in armor. Fujiwara Maro's posture showed an air of arrogance and contempt.

"I didn't expect you to still be alive." Chang Kuo looked at the incomplete eye of the person in front of him and said, "It will cause harm to you for thousands of years. This is indeed true."

Fujiwara Maro smiled instead of being angry, and his laughter could even be called joyful, and said: "I like your language very much, it is popular and profound, and those poems handed down from ancient times are even more brilliant and wonderful."

There was undisguised yearning and ambition in his eyes: "Only a fertile land can nourish so many bright treasures."

Chang Kuo sneered and said: "However, if virtue is not matched, there will be disaster. Our land of China has produced countless treasures, but no barbarian and inferior tribes who have no morals and betrayal can possess them!"

"General Chang Da, the truth is not in your mouth, but in the sword of you and me." Maro Fujiwara said, turning slightly sideways, raising his hands and waving his sleeves to look at the hull of the ship behind him, and suddenly asked: "General Chang Da, does he still remember this ship?


He said in a reminiscence tone: "Back then, I was on this ship and was accidentally defeated by the crown prince of your country..."

He raised his head slightly, looked at the foggy morning sky above his head, and raised his hands slightly: "Fortunately, God will not kill me!"

As he finished speaking, he pointed the hand holding the knife to the position at Chang Kuo's feet, with a terrifying smile on his ferocious face: "Back then, it was also on this ship that General Chang saw his comrades from a distance.

The last face of the siblings."

Chang Kuo looked in the direction of his finger and saw that the ship's plank under his feet seemed to be stained with dark and difficult-to-remove stains of old blood.

"It has been so long that I can no longer remember the name of that iron-clad hero, but General Chang must remember..." Maro Fujiwara asked with a smile: "The spirit of our old friend is here, and General Chang is standing here at this moment.

Do you feel friendly here?"

Chang Kuo clenched his fingers silently. For a moment, he raised his head, but he didn't see much emotion. He only said firmly: "It seems that General Fujiwara is nostalgic. So, he chose this ship today because he wanted to go back to the old days."

Defeat once?"

Fujiwara laughed: "Then it depends on your ability, General Chang."

"In this case, I will do my best to prevent the foreign visitors from returning with regrets!" After Chang Kuo finished speaking, the big knife in his hand suddenly fell on the side of the ship. When he took a step, he suddenly pulled it up and swept

He raised his ferocious sword energy and attacked Fujiwara.

Fujiwara's face shrank, murderous intent surging in his brows, he stepped back several steps to avoid Chang Kuo's attack, and at the same time drew out the sharp Japanese sword in his hand.

The two of them exchanged dozens of moves head-on, but Chang Kuo was still at a disadvantage.

Fujiwara Maro's eyes changed slightly, and his attacks became more intensive.

On the warships behind the two men, the sounds of beating drums were heard, and the battle flags representing Dasheng and Japan were fluttering in the mist, as if they were going straight into the sky.

Fujiwara Maro approached Chang Kuo again, raised his hand and waved his sword.

Chang Kuo held the sword with both hands. When he was blocking, Maro Fujiwara suddenly slipped out a short sword from his sleeve in his other hand.

Chang Kuo's expression changed, and he leaned back to dodge, taking the lead to avoid the vital point. However, the short sword was lowered by Fujiwara Maro and was suddenly sent into the flesh and blood of his right leg.

The short knife was extremely sharp, and its blade was different from ordinary blades. It was shaped like a pointed cone. After breaking through the flesh and blood, it went straight into the leg bone!

Chang Kuo's cheeks and beard twitched in pain, and it was almost difficult to stand on his already inconvenient right leg. He violently shook Maro Fujiwara away with his sword, and after barely taking a few steps back, his right leg finally fell to his knees uncontrollably.

Chang Kuo gritted his teeth and without making a sound, he suddenly pulled out the short knife that had penetrated deeply into his leg bone.

In this short moment, Fujiwara Maro had already attacked again, and the long sword was about to fall on Chang Kuo's head.

Chang Kuo's eyes suddenly changed, and he held the knife above his head with both hands. Under the pressure of the huge momentum, his other leg also knelt down.

His life at this moment was given by Zhan Xiu.

Any other knife would not be able to block this blow.

And Zhan Xiu was given to him by His Highness——

He must use this sword given by His Highness to delay it longer!

"Japanese thieves and rats, how can you kill me!"

Chang Kuo suddenly shouted loudly, and a violent force burst out from his whole body. He stood up with Zhan Xiu and forced Fujiwara's knife away.

Fujiwara Maro was forced to take a few steps back, Chang Kuo also stepped back, staggered a few times, and held Zanxiu in front of him before he managed to steady himself, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"General Changda, the sword is still young!" Maro Fujiwara held the sword with both hands instead, with a fierce smile on his lips: "But it seems that it doesn't stop there!"

He held the knife by his side with both hands and rushed towards Chang Kuo quickly. The tip of the knife scratched across the ship's plank, sending sawdust flying.

This chapter has been completed!
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