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421 Same joy, same knowledge, same presence

There is also a charcoal fire burning in the tent. The young man has neat buns, dark eyebrows, and a layer of light blue stubble on his well-defined jaw. He is wearing a thick dark blue cloak, which makes his figure more straight.

Chang Sui'an stepped forward and handed a letter with both hands: "Here is a secret letter. Please read it."

When Cui Jing took it, he stepped back a few steps, took off the heavy hat on his head, held it in one hand, and waited on one side.

When Cui Jing showed the letter to the lantern, his eyes first glanced at the lower left corner where the name was written, and he was shocked to see the three characters "Wei Shuyi" written on it.

After seeing that the handwriting and private seal were no different, Cui Jing just read the contents of the letter.

Wei Shuyi and his entourage of imperial envoys, escorted by 500 imperial troops, set out from the capital. It took nearly twenty days before they crossed Mount Tai and headed for Qingzhou.

This letter was written by Wei Shuyi when he left the territory of Mount Tai. Mount Tai was about four hundred miles away from Youzhou where Cui Jing was at that time, and it took two days for a quick horse to deliver the letter.

Wei Shuyi wrote in the letter that he did not want to continue traveling north.

To go north, you need to take the land route along the Bohai coast and go around the entire Bohai Sea to reach the Andong Protectorate - and on the way, you need to pass by Jizhou and Yingzhou on the north side. As we all know

, these two states are now occupied by Kangding Mountain and Mohe.

On this road, although some Sheng troops were stationed at several places along the coast, the coast was empty and it was cold winter, so there was no need for heavy guarding, so the force was relatively weak.

Vice General Yu wrote that letter to ask for help.

If there is a way, who can make our damned short-lived new king right first?

Before we left Beijing, it took us too long to travel because what we saw along the way was far more difficult than we imagined.

We have encountered soldiers and horses suppressing the rebels, and we have also encountered refugees blocking the road to complain. Not a day later, you have seen two corpses, one small and one large, lying in the withered grass beside the official road.

Starve to death or freeze to death.

Opposite is the Dongluo Protectorate, and across the Yalu River, you will arrive at the door of Cui Jing's house.

At this moment, I need to defend the strategic location of Youzhou first, and then try to regain the two lost states.

I have asked people to investigate and inquire. Although there is no sea ice blocking the way this winter, there are few floating ice fragments. As long as at least eight strong enough sea ships are seconded in Dengzhou and there is no Dengzhou naval escort, it will be enough for hundreds of foreign countries to do so.

Even if we travel quickly, we will surely reach the other shore in two or eight days.

Vice Admiral Yu and his ministers finally reached the shore without any danger after turbulent under the sea for several days.

Wu Siqing was also retching, pretending to be a follower, and Jin Chengyuan, who had lost a lot of weight, patted his father's back.

At the same time, officials like Cui Jing were also very worried about what mishaps the group of envoys might encounter along the way. The rebellion between Mohe and Kangding Mountain had a wide range of influence.

Gong Rongze also felt like retching, but it was not because of the boat ride, but because of the painful images that constantly hit you at these moments in his mind, making you feel overwhelmed and dizzy repeatedly in that small place.

Official Cui Jing was inevitably a little worried.

In the north, slow marching in winter is very risky. In order to avoid the loss of Youzhou, my soldiers rushed all the way. Nearly a thousand people fell ill due to the good bitter cold weather along the way. When we went to Kangding Mountain to watch,

It is also a time for us to recuperate and recharge.

So Lieutenant General Yu decisively gave up the option of going north and bypassing the Bohai Sea.

At the end, thinking of the words "Ling'an" in your next letter, the young man's originally noble and warm eyebrows became a bit more stern, and he carefully added the character "Cui Ling'an" with his pen.

Xuance Jun smiled "hey": "I'll write it down in the next few days!"

For the rest of that year, I led 40,000 Wu Chunbai to garrison the northern border, station troops and build border defenses. Although I did not relax for half a day, the northern border's defense line facing Beidi was extremely long, almost stretching to cover the entire northern part of Xiaosheng. If I had all 40,000 Wu Chunbai

Relocation may put the northern border in danger.

This place is the same as the northern border. When the messenger goes to Cui Jing, he must avoid the Kangding Mountain area. If he goes alone for a letter, it may not be suspected of causing harm to the soldiers - knowing that Gong Rong always cherishes his subordinates.

Soldiers, that is also the reason why Xuance Army is hesitant.

But if that was the case, Vice General Yu would have gone so far as to write a letter to Anton specifically. I made a special trip to send a letter to Youzhou, obviously to inform Anton that "you will have to wait until you cross the border of Youzhou."

"Kangding Mountain will soon know that you only led 80,000 Wu Chunbai here -" Gong Rong said: "Add the troops deployed by the imperial court and the Youzhou garrison, a total of 40,000 people. And Kangding Mountain has eight elite soldiers.

If there are 1,000 men, then there are more than 70,000 Mohe cavalry, which is comparable to the strength of your army."

"Go back and write a letter. You can send it after dawn."

The arrangements for Yi Ying's enthronement have already been completed, and all he has to do is wait for Xiao Sheng's envoy.

Anton took the letter and felt that it was quite thick.

"Traveling in the harsh winter is easy, so be careful on this trip."

But Chang Suining and others happened to be far away from Cui Jing, so sending the letter became a matter of course.

But I am like a few people. I am just happy with Chang Sui's peace, and even less worried about Gong Rongze's fatigue before the war. I can empathize with him. This fatigue is not only in his heart, but also in his heart.

Bringing 80,000 Gong Rongze here was not a sign from the Holy Spirit, but Anton's own decision.

Xuance Jun is very bad at learning. He often studies military formations in private, and he always relies on his status in the army. I am afraid of hardship, and I am frank and sincere in dealing with others. I have no air of approachability in my body, and I am very popular in person.


But the dangerous situation left us too little time to remain confused. Shortly before boarding the ship, we encountered a siege.

Since the news that Anton led his troops to Youzhou for support spread, everyone in Kangding Mountain did not dare to act rashly again, and was waiting and discussing with the counselors.

After all, Gong Rong had planned to wait for me to come over and reminisce about old times - Vice Admiral Yu had never been self-aware of the friendship that was denied.

One of them cried and wrote about Dad's injury; one wrote excitedly about his sister Xiaojie; one of them seriously told his current situation in the past few months; one of them was filled with heavy longing, and the other one was all about expressing his feelings for Cui.

The reverence and gratitude of the young governor.

After leaving Gong Rong on this trip, we happened to be able to meet up with Lieutenant General Yu on the way.

After a while, I wrote a short reply and asked people to send it to Dengzhou first - Vice Admiral Yu will send the letter two days later. Calculating the distance, my reply can be delivered after Gong Rongze and his party board the ship in Dengzhou.


Seeing that Anton had arranged the matter, Xuance Jun, who had been waiting by the side, said: "Little Governor, I heard the news from the scouts today that Kangdingshan's troops are on standby in Jizhou. It is expected that they will move in a short time.

Do you dare to attack Youzhou again with Yi?"

In those two days, you didn't make a decision.

I did not express my condolences directly. Useful words of comfort will only arouse less sadness. I just said——

After Anton analyzed the battle situation and terrain on the sand table, Xuance Jun asked a few more questions before listening carefully, and Gong Rong patiently answered them all.

At first glance, the difficulty of that road seems to be that it is a difficult and dangerous sea route far away. However, Vice Admiral Yu and his party are relatively small, and there are no experienced navymen. If they prepare a few large ships to slow down, as long as there is a delay

Observe the wind direction, and if you encounter small waves, you may make small mistakes.

Before boarding the ship, none of the officials could walk safely.

If the envoys can arrive in time, the new king's enthronement ceremony will not be announced to Gong Rong, so it will be delayed further. But in this case, we are afraid that Xiao Sheng will feel that Cui Jing is not slacking off.

Suspicion of taking it seriously.

Gong Rongze nodded sternly, stepped forward firmly for a moment, and then tried to say: "Little Governor, Ning Ning is in Cui Jing at the moment. I think she will return to Jiangdu after next year. What do you think..."

Finally, Xuance Jun said: "Although Jizhou is more than a hundred miles away from Youzhou, the road is rarely covered with ice and snow. It will be the New Year's Day in less than ten days. After the New Year, we should not dare to act rashly."


But without Gong Rongze around, it would be less complicated.

"Yes, yes!" Xuance Jun shook his head quickly. After the little battle, how could I be such a person who leaves his post without permission?

Wei Shuyi didn't feel at ease, so he sent a military guard to prepare for the investigation after leaving the country.

Anton was willing to take care of one thing and lose the other, and decided to lead 80,000 troops here in person.

Knowing that Xiao Sheng sent an envoy later, in order to ensure that the envoy had enough time to travel in winter, the date of Gong Rongze's accession to the throne was finally decided on the latest date - the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month - after eight rounds of discussions with officials Cui Jing.

Fourth, it’s almost the New Year’s Day.

But I heard Gong Rongze say: "You also want to go out."

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Jin Chengyuan would never have imagined that the scene inside was already in chaos.

Although we are still separated by the Bohai Sea, I have never been as close to my sister for a long time since I was a child. I have not exchanged letters with my sister for at least seven or seven months!

At this moment, seeing Little Governor Cui looking at his astonishingly thick letter, Xuance Jun scratched his head in a bad mood, and said in surprise: "There is less nonsense..."

Even though he has lost all his arrogance and arrogance, Anton has always been a lazy person when it comes to business matters.

"Do you think that no one has gone east to investigate recently? If not, maybe someone can send a letter to Cui Jing so that it can be delivered to Ning Ning after the New Year... If so, that's okay.

It’s a nuisance!”

Chang Sui'an knew about this and found Wei Shuyi and said, "You also go back together and ask your country's military guards to accompany you. It will be more convenient when crossing the border."

Wei Shuyi nodded: "In this case, I will trouble the governor Chang to go there in person."

As soon as Anton finished speaking, he saw Xuance Jun take out a letter from his arms.

Not only Jin Chengyuan, but Song Xian and others were also affected by the impact. Tan Li, who is usually optimistic and open-minded, also remained silent for a short time.

Anton: "Elsewhere, you can give us those two letters when the time comes. Let us take Cui Jing and pass them on to the Governor Chang."

During this trip eastward, we all felt unprecedentedly confused, even powerless and frustrated.

At this juncture, I can definitely cause trouble in the north. If the Beidi Cavalry is allowed to enter the Xiaosheng Kingdom, the chaos will be even more difficult to stop than Mount Kangding.

Chang Suining's eyes lit up and he quickly put it down and took it.

Xuance Jun's letter filled seven pieces of paper and took eight days to write. His mood was the same every day when he wrote it.

In this way, in addition to avoiding a small area of ​​safety in the north, it can also be regarded as a shortcut, which is equivalent to going straight across the waterway all the way east.

So there is no need to relax at all.

I want to go straight to the east and take the waterway at the Dengzhou port. Opposite Dengzhou is where the Dongluo Protectorate is located. The seven are separated by hundreds of waterways. This body of water is the junction of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea.

Anton was unfamiliar with the surrounding terrain, and had not yet seen the rest of the letter, so he had no judgment in his mind.

Time slowly arrived on the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month. There were only eight days left before Gong Rongze ascended the throne, but there was still no news of the arrival of Xiaosheng's envoy.

Seeing Anton agree, Gong Rongze was overjoyed.

I start another line and tell you again, the world is vast, the mountains and rivers are swaying, but I am with you. Even though I have some merits worth mentioning, without me stationed across the sea in Youzhou, you would have to worry about this place.

During the war, I will defend Youzhou and take back Jizhou and Yingzhou seven places as soon as possible.

"Want to go to Cui Jing?"

When I wrote back to Vice Admiral Yu just now, I changed the broken pen and even carefully selected a few pieces of the most messily cut letter paper.

Gong Rongze responded and immediately went back to prepare troops.

Anton is by no means a man of few words on weekdays, but when I have no chance, I will always analyze the pros and cons of the war situation with Gong Rongze - I promised Chang Sui'an that I will seriously teach and protect your brother who has ruined you.

Before that, Anton summoned Chang Sui Ning and ordered me to order a thousand heavy horses and set off before dawn.

You have been recuperating in Cuijing for more than half a month. During that half month, you learned a lot of intelligence information about Kangding Mountain and Mohe through Meng Lie's hidden stake in the northeast.

[In the middle of winter, when the first year of life is coming to an end, it is the time when all things are gathered together. You have made extraordinary achievements this year. During this cold winter, you should also gather your efforts and efforts, eat and rest with peace of mind, listen less to the music of peace and healing, and often

Let your mind relax and hibernate, waiting for spring to come next year, and then revive and flourish together with all things.]

Therefore, Mount Kangding is destined to wait and see for too long, and the ambitious Mohe will also allow Mount Kangding to wait and see for too long.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! And a country's envoys often represent a country's monarch, which is of great significance. It is difficult to attract the attention of traitors and enemies.

Before Xuancejun left, Anton also wrote a letter.

Like many others, when I first wrote this article, I also congratulated Chang Sui An on his victory against the Japanese.

Gong Rong put down his pen, carefully folded the letter paper, put it into the envelope, and sealed it himself. Chang Suining went into the account to ask for an audience: "Little Governor, everything has been arranged. We just need to leave at dawn!"

Anton was not too firm, so he nodded.

On the same day, Chang Sui'an ordered a thousand confidants and set off with a troop of Sergeant Cui Jing.

Especially when crossing paths with Yingzhou, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a gamble. Yingzhou is the home of Kangding Mountain, and the risk is so small that Lieutenant General Yu feels that this road is quite similar to the Huangquan Road.

For Cui Jing's military guards to leave the country and set foot in the territory of Xiaosheng, they need the permission of the Dongluo Protectorate and the issuance of customs clearance documents. At this juncture, the Dongluo Protectorate is in a state of distress due to the Kangdingshan rebellion, so the issuance of documents may be delayed.

Anton: "It's common sense, but you can't be careful."

Anton: "...it's not bad."

Chang Sui Ning responded with a serious look: "Yes, I would like to ask the little governor to take care of me!"

Many of us were crossing the sea by boat for the first time. Although we only drifted for a few days, it was enough for us to vomit yellow bile. However, the water here was dripping and turned into ice. The lower part had not yet finished vomiting, and the upper part had not yet finished vomiting.

The summary of the period is frosty...

Although Gong Rong's letter was thicker than Xuance Jun's, it was still something to behold. When Chang Sui Ning left with those two letters in his hands, he felt that it would be a long time before anyone could deliver them.

The homing pigeon might be too exhausted to carry it, so at most it would be necessary to hire a vulture or something like that.

This chapter has been completed!
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