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422 Sell it for a good price

After disembarking, the carriages and horses drove not far from the coast where the sea breeze was roaring. The group of people and horses stopped at Wei Shuyi's signal.

For the sake of caution, Wei Shuyi asked two imperial soldiers to explore the way ahead first, and then found a nearby shelter from the wind, where they rested temporarily.

An official was anxious and said to Wei Shuyi: "Mr. Wei, there are only three and a half days left before the coronation ceremony of the new king of Dongluo... If we don't travel day and night, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"We are not in a hurry." Wei Shuyi, clad in a moon-white fox fur, sat cross-legged in the car with some leisure time, and said, "You should be cautious first."

"But..." The official glanced ahead and couldn't help but said: "But there is still more than a hundred miles ahead, where the Anton Protector's Mansion is, so you can go on your way with peace of mind... If you delay any longer, I'm afraid the sky will

It cannot be reached before dark."

When the officials mentioned "An Dong Protector's Mansion", there was light in their eyes.

The Andong Duhu Mansion is guarding the banks of the Yalu River. When they arrive at the Duhu Mansion, there will be warm charcoal and hot soup. They can have a good night's rest there and cross the river the next day. This is Dongluo, their destination.

When the official was eager to leave this desolate place as soon as possible, he heard the young minister in the car ask: "Does Sir Ju think that the more than one hundred miles to the Andong Protectorate is definitely safe?"

The official surnamed You was stunned for a moment, and then said after a moment: "This place is far away from the camp where the rebels are based, across the Liao River... It is still the jurisdiction of Dasheng, so how can it be said to be unsafe?"

Wei Shuyi shook his head slightly: "Sir, do you know who will be in charge of Yuliangpeng in Dongluo after the imperial court sent troops to prepare for Dongluo?"

Anton, who was listening, was also shivering. In that kind of weather, if I spent the night in the wild, even if there were no assassin beasts, the cold would freeze me into southern-style ice lumps, right?

In today's chaotic border, I can't trust anyone.

"Before we disembark, we must be afraid of wind, waves, and ice floes, and we may lose our lives in the sea. How can we be considered in danger?" The young man sighed: "But you never said that once the danger is over, there will be no more.

First level of safety.”

That was also the reason why Cui Ling'an did not disclose his whereabouts to Dongluo Wei Shilang in advance.

The Protectorate is true to its word. Calculating the journey time, it's almost time to arrive.

Cui Ling'an wanted to make a bet - since then, no one has taught me that making lucky plans and plans is to be responsible for those around you who know the whole story.

At this moment, Cui Ling'an and others were surrounded by us from all directions.

Song Xian's eyes were also shocked. For a moment, I gradually showed a look of disappointment and anger. Just when I was about to speak, I suddenly heard Anton say hurriedly: "Not yet! I am also willing to serve Tan Li!"


But before Kangding Mountain colluded with Mohe, all the troops gathered in Yingzhou to attack Jizhou. Yu Liang and Yu Liangpeng had already been taken over by the soldiers and generals sent by the imperial court...

Song Xian's lips trembled, feeling respected by Tian Xiao: "You are definitely..."

Song Xian: "...?!"

That sense of arrogance that was beyond control gave the young woman a hint of amusement on her face: "Why, does Wei Shuyi want to beg for mercy from you?"

"Cui Ling'an..." The young woman held the reins and said clearly: "You have heard of him."

After I boarded the ship, Yu Liangpeng had already written back and agreed to provide assistance and escort.

Anton's voice was far lower than mine: "And that little man Song!"

After receiving this bad show, the young woman's eyes moved slightly. The officials in front of Cui Ling'an were all shocked for a while. Because they were so shocked, some even cursed.

I answered on my own: "Because Tan Li's envoy lacked many capable advisers who could not provide good advice to help him succeed, so the envoy was unsure and dared to act rashly."

Everyone said that Yu Liangpeng, the minister of Dongtai, was very talented and resourceful. He entered the official position as the youngest number one scholar since the founding of Xiaosheng, and he was highly regarded by the male emperor——

"Wei Shuyi is out of ideas..." Wu Siqing, who had vomited again, asked in a hoarse voice with less strength.

"Slow down, protect all the villains!"

Thinking of that kind of performance, Anton finally understood deeply why this place was the first choice holy place for exile and exile that was loved by all dynasties and generations.

"Save Cui Ling'an at home!"

"Since the envoys are rushing to Kangjie in such a hurry, why don't you give them a ride!" This young woman raised her hand and was about to give the order "One of them must stay" when suddenly no voice spoke first.


In the snow, the young man used the most magnanimous attitude and the most upright tone, and said the most humble words: "Wei is a talented person. If you are killed by your husband today, I am willing to serve Tan Li like a dog and horse in the future."


"Of course it's the traitor Kang Dingshan..."

My expression changed slightly, then I raised my eyes slightly, looked along the dagger, and met a pair of eyes that were worried but full of reminders.

And very slowly, on the mountain road in the same direction, there was no sound of rolling horse hooves approaching slowly. The leader was a very young man, probably not more than seventy years old. I came on horseback, wearing a gray fox coat.

He wears a small leather jacket, has a rough white complexion, and the whites of his eyes are particularly eye-catching. His face has very prominent edges and corners, giving him a somewhat unruly air.

"As it is now, if Yu Liang envoys want to send troops into the Central Plains where the master is full of talents, this shortcoming will be even more fatal."

"Hurry up!"


The Imperial Army fell to the ground before it stopped, and the situation suddenly fell into huge chaos.

"Throughout the ages, how can those who can do small things have so many talented people under their command?"

Song Xian thought thoughtfully and said: "We have been waiting for a long time. Kangjie may send troops to respond later..."

Just when Cui Ling'an was about to explain, he suddenly heard a scream.

Even though we don't have hundreds of forbidden troops accompanying us, those forbidden troops who have been living in the capital for a long time may not be the opponent of the fierce soldiers who dominate the young people here.

Cui Ling'an looked at these people wearing armor, with a slightly startled look on his face - considering the geographical location, I originally thought that even if there were no traitors and assassins, Xiao Yue would only lie in ambush in the middle and front, waiting for us to go deeper. Did I think of those

On the contrary, people dare to go deep into this place and appear on the bank of the Bohai Sea, slowing down the interception and killing...

As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly felt something touching my waist.

I subconsciously blocked the man in front of me, but there were no rebels looking around.

"..." Song Xian turned his head in disbelief, "Yu Liang, he..."

"You villains, you must be patient and wait for the imperial troops just sent out to check the road conditions at the rear -" Cui Ling'an looked at a well-known place, and calmly said calmly: "You think, today will be a waste of time."

One game."

I subconsciously lowered my eyes and saw an unsheathed dagger.

"Your Majesty, I dare you." The deputy general responded, but his brows furrowed deeper, obviously not convinced.

Having said that, he first drew his sword and ordered someone to kill the envoys on the spot.

A hot arrow flew from the side, passed through the gap in the armor on my front back, and pierced my front heart.

In this way, even if I originally wanted to have less words with Cui Ling'an, now because of my rebellious heart that wants to prove that I am the one who calls the shots, I still have to ask Cui Ling'an: "You would like to hear what Wei Shuyi wants to take."

Come and make a deal with you!"

The elderly woman raised her eyebrows, and a middle-aged lieutenant beside me frowned and pressed his sword to remind him: "Sirang Jun, don't waste words with this person. Civil servants are treacherous and beware of scheming!"

"Young people who work here in Kangding Mountain may be cut off. And the mountains outside are stretched and the terrain has the same name. The people who are most unfamiliar with this place must be the people of Kangding Mountain." Yu Liangpeng said bluntly: "You are afraid that we will set up a trap on the way.

Ambush, waiting to take your life——"

Wu Siqing's complexion turned pale instantly: "...He is indeed a subordinate of Kangding Mountain!"

The young woman looked at the lieutenant with hidden anger: "What, is General Hong going to give you an order?"

"If any of us don't have the eyes and ears of Mount Kangding, or are on the sidelines about the situation, and are unlikely to defect at any time, I'm afraid we will be the first to take advantage of you, take your head, and pay tribute to Mount Kangding——"

Those people in that area are far more unscrupulous than I imagined!

What's more, the other person's life and death at this moment are just a matter of my thoughts.

As the Imperial Guard fell to the ground, the other Imperial Guards shouted in shock: "There is no assassin!"

Several rebels burst out laughing, their eyes sarcastic.

"Of course it's Wei himself -" After life and death, looking around with swords, the young official with extraordinary demeanor asked calmly: "Tan Li has a few elite soldiers and generals under his command, but at this moment he is facing the people stationed in Youzhou City.

Commander Cui, the young governor, can only act according to the situation. Does Mr. Lang know why?"

Cui Ling'an also smiled slightly: "Yes, I want to make a deal with Mr. Kang."

But so what?

Not many of the Imperial Guards and several officials were injured in the arrow attack just now. Seeing this formation, Anton and others were frightened and watched the young man who had dismounted from his horse with caution.

"How long will it take? Qikang Jie may not know that you are coming by water..." No official is as slow as a cold pot, but the ants outside the ice cellar, although slow, can only shrink their necks and cover their hands.

These people who fired arrows held up knives in their hands and charged upward, like jackals rushing from the depths of the snowfield, with snow mist rising from their feet. At a glance, there were at least a few hundred people.

As I spoke, I emphasized the word "Lang Jun" in "To accept a husband's favor is to kill someone".

As if to get a good price, Yu Liang even said in a low voice: "Song Xiaoren is the number one scholar in a new subject, and his talent and learning are particularly outstanding! Such a talent is rare to come across!"

Immediately afterwards, dozens of sharp arrows flew from below on the right side, and a group of people wearing cold-proof animal skins and armor appeared in front of the snow-covered hillside at the same time.

No official asked in a trembling voice: "Who among you... dare to assassinate the imperial envoy!"

I was obviously the leader of that siege. As I dismounted my horse, the ambush soldiers who rushed up from the mountain all consciously moved out of the way.

It was precisely because I knew that the first section of the road was full of dangers that I asked the Protectorate for help in advance.

Cui Ling'an took two steps back, raised his hand and saluted the woman, and asked with a confident tone: "I think the person in charge is Tan Lishi's son, right?"

The young man smiled at me, as if he was asking about my intelligence: "Does it mean that all the ministers from Dongluo and Wei must be trustworthy?"

The official named You panicked when he heard this and said subconsciously: "But... did Wei Shuyi say that it is dangerous just to cross the sea and land on the shore?"

This year Zhongren said in a low voice with a sarcastic tone: "The envoys from the capital would rather take the risk of taking the water route than pass by your Kang family... It's a pity that half of this area is also controlled by your Kang family.


"..." The stiff cheek of the official surnamed Gu trembled: "This... can you please let a group of people take the main road and go to Dongluo Wei Shilang to ask for help, so that we can send troops to respond later?"

The young woman tightened her grip on the reins, a fire was burning in her heart, and she felt a light beneath her face.

It was the voice of a forbidden soldier.

The official surnamed Gu was almost crying when he heard this, but he dared to shed tears: "Even so, you can always wait here, right?"

Seeing that I had an outstanding appearance and was so calm and collected, the young woman looked me up and down and asked, "Who is he?"

This chapter has been completed!
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