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Chapter 23 Convergence

 【Level 0:200%】

[Current technology points: 69]


【Exercise method:】

[Flower Picking Qinggong: 3/200 (Mastery)]

[Gust Sword Technique: 2/200 (Mastery)]

[Phantom Body Technique: 2/100 (Introductory)]

[Viper Kick Technique: 1/100 (Introductory)]

One kilometer away from the boundary road, a group of people sat on the ground to rest, while Zhao Yu took the opportunity to take stock of the harvest.

The evolution level is basically stuck at 200%. According to the information intercepted by Super Brain, you cannot upgrade to the first level before reaching the camp, otherwise you will be killed.

This should be a setting made by the advanced civilization behind it.

Perhaps it is to prevent experimental subjects like them from being killed by high-level monsters, or perhaps to prevent humans who have been strengthened to high levels from dominating here and blocking the way of latecomers.

The situation at the camp has fully demonstrated this point.

The camp was originally open to everyone, but a group of early arrivals occupied the entire camp and specially released five first-level coins for latecomers to fight for.

No matter who wins, they will eventually have to hand over more than half of the zero coins, otherwise there will be no possibility of exchanging the skills, weapons and equipment in the camp.

According to what the prisoners said, there is an AR technology in the camp that allows you to personally experience the operation of the exercises, which is relatively easier than reading the secret manuals and learning them like this.

Of course, compared with Super Brain, which can directly use technology points to improve skill proficiency, it is still far behind.

"Super brain, calculate the route to encounter the large army!"

It is naturally impossible for Zhao Yu to think about such brain-consuming things by himself.

Soon, Superintelligence gave out multiple routes, including the one with the highest probability of meeting other people.

After walking for about an hour, I was very lucky to meet up with a large group of people.

We haven’t seen each other for nearly a day, and both sides are injured.

When Zhao Yu and others left, there were still more than 800 people in the army. At this moment, there are still more than 800 people, but less than half of them are no longer from their school.

After exchanging information, everyone knew that not long after they left, a large number of monsters came to the door.

These monsters are so strong that they even have leader level. Among the people left behind, there are only a few who are at the threshold level, so they are completely unstoppable.

Forcibly relying on human life, he piled the leader-level monster to death.

This is not over yet, there is a steady stream of monsters chasing them.

Fortunately, they were lucky and happened to meet Ji Wushuang, Huo Zhenwu and others.

This group of ancient martial arts descendants stayed in the supermarket and were attacked by large-scale monsters at night.

Naturally, their group of ancient martial arts descendants relied on their strength and no one was injured or killed, but other ordinary people suffered heavy losses.

After some final discussion, they followed the marks left by Zhao Yu and others and chased them all the way.

With the help of Ji Wushuang and others, the remaining students can survive, and the two sides reunite.

"It's all my fault!"

Xiao Xiaolong said painfully.

Obviously, those monsters were attracted by their return to the novice area.

"Stop talking about this, you don't want this either. If you want to blame, just blame those people who brought us in behind the scenes..."

The person who spoke was Zhao Wanjun. She shined during this crisis, killing many monsters, and her strength increased by leaps and bounds. The most important thing was that she completed the last hit on the leader monster, and thus became the strongest of the left-behind group.

, passed the threshold level, almost seventy times of strengthening.

At this time, Ji Wushuang and others also came over.

Although the two sides acted together, they still maintained a certain distance. When they heard that Zhao Yu and the other strongest men had returned, they naturally wanted to come over to see the situation.

"When you talk about extreme strength, do you mean a hundred times of strengthening?!"

Ji Wushuang asked curiously.

As early as last night, her strength had stagnated, and she wondered whether she had to go to the camp to continue improving.

Now, when Zhao Yu and others return from their trip, it is a good time to obtain information.


Zhao Yu nodded, not skimping on information, and said: "We are all at the zero level now, and the limit of body strengthening is one hundred times of strengthening..."

"Going further up, you need to go to the camp and perform a first-level job transfer..."

"However, it is a pity that the camp is currently occupied by a group of earlycomers and there is no way to pass..."

Then, Zhao Yu talked about the five first-order coins circulated in the camp and the five overlord-level forces in the inner circle.

"Can you show me the martial arts secret book?!"

Ji Wushuang acted quite calmly, and it wasn't until Zhao Yu talked about martial arts that she became a little moved.

Zhao Yu did not hide it and handed the three seized martial arts secret books to Ji Wushuang.

He also wants to know how these martial arts secret books compare to those of ancient martial arts disciples like Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang picked up the Gust Sword Technique and watched it, and handed the Phantom Body Technique and Viper Leg Technique to Huo Zhenwu and Pan Yiting to watch.

The three of them looked solemn at first, but later on, their expressions obviously relaxed a lot.

"How is it?!"

Zhao Yu asked curiously.

"It is indeed ancient martial arts, but they are all low-level skills!"

Ji Wushuang said with a smile on his lips.

Low-level skills?!

Seeing that she wanted to say something, Zhao Yu quickly asked about the situation related to the exercises.

"According to the messages left by our ancestors, a long time ago, the ancient warriors were very powerful, capable of moving mountains and seas, and were omnipotent..."

"Correspondingly, the skills also have high and low levels. They are divided into four levels according to the Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth. Each level has four levels: extreme, upper, middle and lower..."

Zhao Yu quickly asked: "What are the levels of these three skills?!"

"Yellow-level low-grade, very ordinary!" Ji Wushuang smiled, his eyes full of pride.

"Then I don't know, what level of skills are you practicing?!"

Ji Wushuang smiled and said: "The Wuji sword technique passed down from our Ji family's ancestors belongs to the middle level of Xuan level..."

Huo Zhenwu on the side added, saying that his and Pan Yiting's skills were of the Xuan level.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu then recited the Flower Picking Qinggong and asked about the grade.

I got the same reply that it was just a low-level yellow-level Qinggong.

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This made him a little disappointed. The four martial arts he learned were only the lowest level.

However, it’s normal to think about it. How can it be too strong for a technique that can be obtained by that group of robbers?

"Are these exercises you have obtained spread from the camp?!"

Huo Zhenwu asked solemnly.

The ancient martial arts technique has been leaked, and there may be more advanced techniques.

"Yes, the people from Wangfeng Valley went to the camp to exchange for the exercises, and then sold them to others for one hundred and zero coins each..."

The price was learned from the mouths of two prisoners from the Bahuang Alliance.

"One hundred and ten cents a book, that's not cheap!"

Huo Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief. One hundred and zero coins was equivalent to killing a hundred ordinary monsters, and not many people could do it.

In this way, even if other people have martial arts, they will not learn too much, and unlike them who have been practicing martial arts since childhood, their martial arts level is probably not high.

Zhao Yu added: "That's the price in Wangfeng Valley. I heard that in that camp, such a technique only costs one zero coin, and there is also AR technology to assist in learning..."


Several people were shocked, and after careful questioning, they discovered that the camp was so dark.

"That group of people really went too far. They occupied the entire camp and made a lot of money by taking advantage of being the first to arrive. Isn't there anyone who cares about them?!"

They can imagine that all latecomers who want to go to the camp to buy things have to pay half of it. How much money must the camp's power have accumulated?!

It is simply unimaginable to do nothing and gain such a huge advantage by being the first step.

"If they can occupy the camp, they must have reached the first level, but the good news is that those above the first level cannot come to the novice area, so they can only stay in the camp and cannot come back..."

Then, Zhao Yu told the story of his trip, mainly saying that the law of the jungle prevails in this place, and when he meets other people, he will not be as friendly as them.

"I understand..."

Ji Wushuang nodded and said: "The two of us met in the novice area. It's fate. Let's just merge into one..."

This is exactly what Zhao Yu thinks. There are more than 20 extremely powerful people in the Eight Desolations Alliance, and it is difficult for him to compete on his own.

It would be best to let Ji Wushuang and others join in, as it can make up for the gap in their high-end combat power.

After discussing the merger, Zhao Yu then asked: "How many extremely powerful people do you have here?!"

"Five!" Ji Wushuang said with a slight smile.

After the merger, their side is strong and Zhao Yu's side is weak. It is obvious who will take the lead.

She continued: "So, my idea is that if there is any major issue on weekdays, we can just sit together and discuss it with a few extreme experts..."

Zhao Yu hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

The character of Ji Wushuang and others is not bad, otherwise, when they met in the supermarket, they would have robbed the supermarket.

As a result, they didn't do that, but waited until they left before occupying the supermarket.

After talking about the merger, Zhao Yu then talked about the current dilemma.

"We currently have two things to deal with..."

"The first thing is that we destroyed a team from the Bahuang Alliance. They will definitely send people to hunt them down..."

"It's unknown how many extremely powerful people there are, but we have to guard against them!"

The two sides merged, and there were six extreme experts in total, while the Eight Desolations Alliance had more than twenty extreme experts, which was obviously incomparable.

"There's no need to be too afraid!"

Ji Wushuang smiled and said: "When you destroyed them, you were the only one who was extremely strong. Come to think of it, they sent people to chase and kill four or five extremely strong people. We should be able to eat it!"

"That's right, the Bahuang Alliance can't just go out and let more than 20 extremely powerful people chase you just for you, an extremely powerful person?!"

Zhao Yu thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the case, which relieved his tension a little.

He continued: "There is one more thing about that king-level monster..."

"When we come back this time, we will definitely cause new monster attacks..."

"I am an extremely powerful person, and I will inevitably lead to king-level monsters..."

"According to what they said, king-level monsters are as powerful as first-order monsters and are no longer something we can resist..."

"Comparable to the first level?!"

Huo Zhenwu's eyes lit up, and he seemed a little ready to take action, wanting to compete with the first-order monster.

Xiao Xiaolong on the side was dejected. He left in the first place just to suppress Huo Zhenwu and regain Pan Yiting's heart.

But now, he is back in despair...

However, after encountering so many changes, he had already lost his desire to compete and only thought about letting his classmates survive.

"I would like to try to see what kind of strength this king-level monster is!"

Huo Zhenwu licked his lips. He had killed several leader-level monsters and no longer took them seriously. Suddenly he heard that there were king-level monsters and he couldn't wait to try them.

Several other people were also a little moved. As warriors, they naturally wanted to fight against stronger ones.

Now that I can't go to the camp to advance to the first level, fighting against a king-level monster comparable to the first level is just a good way to see what the path after the first level is like.

"Then let's just do this. We will follow your plan and send everyone to the safe area..."

"Then, those of you who returned to the novice area, plus a few of us, will go to the place where you fought against the Bahuang Alliance..."

"First, eliminate the threat of the Eight Desolations Alliance, and second, fight against that king-level monster..."

Ji Wushuang said that she, like Huo Zhenwu and others, wanted to have a chance to encounter a king-level monster.

Zhao Yu originally wanted to leave after sending the large troops to their positions, fearing that the king-level monster would be implicated.

At this moment, it coincides with them, and they even want it.

It's unclear whether he alone can escape from the king-level monster. If Ji Wushuang and others are added, the chance of survival will be great.

In this way, the matter was settled, and the group speeded up and walked for nearly an hour, finally reaching the dividing road.

We also arrived at the secret base selected in advance, which is a valley near the dividing road.

After placing the large army here, Zhao Yu and more than 30 people, plus Ji Wushuang and other eight ancient martial arts successors, left here.

There are many descendants of ancient martial arts on their side, some are strong and some are weak. The strongest ones, such as Ji Wushuang and others, are already extremely strong, while the weak ones also have threshold-level strength.

Although these threshold levels are powerful, their physical fitness is limited after all, and they may not be useful in the subsequent battles.

Therefore, most of them were left at the base to look after others.

The other three ancient warriors accompanying them, although not as good as Ji Wushuang and others, are all strengtheners who have been close to the limit for eighty or ninety times.

Coupled with their exquisite martial arts, they may not necessarily be weaker than the extreme strong, but may even be stronger than ordinary extreme strong.

"I won't go with you..."

Zhao Wanjun hesitated for a moment, but ultimately did not choose to follow.

She pulled Zhao Yu to the side and said: "Although our two parties have merged, there must always be some strong people left to look after one or two..."

She was worried that if there were no strong people left on her side, those from the ancient martial arts sect would use their people as cannon fodder.

Although after a few contacts, the other party behaved very gracefully, he still had to be on guard.


Zhao Yu nodded, "Then the students will look at you!"

Then, he took out three more secret books, handed them to Zhao Wanjun, and said: "This is the secret book that was captured before. You try to practice it first, and by the way, let someone copy more and distribute it to everyone. Once you master it, you can finally practice it."

It can improve some combat power!"

This secret book is useless to him. It has been collected by Super Brain. It is better to give it to Zhao Wanjun and let her dispose of it.


Zhao Wanjun was not polite and accepted the secret book.

When Zhao Yu saw this, he didn't show any pretense and quickly returned to the team and left with Ji Wushuang and others.

This chapter has been completed!
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