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Chapter 24 The situation in the camp!

 Wangfeng Valley.

In the largest and most luxurious private room on the third floor of Wangfeng Restaurant, seven people sat around a round table.

"Xie Zheng, I heard that one of your teams was destroyed?!"

A middle-aged man with a mustache said with a smile.

Xie Zheng's face looked a little ugly, and he snorted coldly: "A little mouse walking out of the novice area can be killed with just one hand. There is no need for you, Ding Hong, to pretend here..."

"Hey, what you said is that we are all elders of Wangfeng Valley. Aren't I worried about your Bahuang Alliance..." Ding Hong said angrily.

This immediately made Xie Zheng furious, but he couldn't get angry at this moment.

The status of the few people present is no worse than his, and each of them leads a team that is not weak.

Hearing this, other people also laughed a bit.

Xie Zheng suppressed his blush and said nothing in the end, but deep down in his heart, he hated Zhao Yu so much that he gritted his teeth. He thought that when he returned, he would order someone to capture Zhao Yu alive and torture him in every possible way to ease his heart.


"Okay, I've called you all here today because I have business!"

At this time, the man sitting in the main seat gently knocked on the table.

Others in the field also became quiet and turned their gazes towards him.

The man in charge is He Yun, the real boss of Wangfeng Valley. He holds a first-order coin and has the power to enter the camp.

After such a long period of accumulation, my martial arts skills are unfathomable and far beyond what others can compare with.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

He Yun coughed lightly and said: "I got news that in a month, the owner of the camp may leave here..."


Everyone was shocked. Although there were rumors, this kind of news often appeared, but no one took it seriously.

But when these words came out of He Yun's mouth, they could not be underestimated.

"Boss, is that guy really going to leave?!"

Xie Zheng also looked a little nervous, although he had never met the owner of the camp and didn't even know his name.

But living in this area, even though the Bahuang Alliance is arrogant in Wangfeng Valley, in the eyes of the camp, they are not even an ant.

After all, there are a large number of first-level experts in the camp. Facing them, the zero-level extreme experts, is an instant kill.

"He can't survive until he leaves!"

He Yun nodded slightly and said: "There is a rule written in the camp. You must go to the second-level camp within one year, otherwise you will be obliterated..."

"According to the old man in the camp, that person has been in the camp for nearly ten months and has reached the point where he has to go to the second-level camp..."

Hearing this, several people present looked solemn.

It stands to reason that it is a good thing for them that the camp owner leaves, even if the camp is empty.

After all, without the group of earlycomers occupying the camp, they have a chance to strengthen to the first level and even occupy the magpie's nest.

Xie Zheng asked: "Will everyone in the camp leave?!"

Others also looked at He Yun without blinking, with a trace of expectation in their eyes.

Anyone who does not go to the second-level camp within a year will die.

Although they arrive at different lengths of time, some are as little as three months, and some, like He Yun, have been here for six months.

This means that there is not much time left for them. If they cannot reach the first level, one year is up and the power of the past will be like the clouds of the past.

He Yun shook his head slightly, "The master will take away his confidants. It can be said that the camp's high-end combat power will basically leave..."

"However, there are still some people who will stay..."

Ding Hong arrived not long ago. When he heard that he had a chance to reach the first level, he quickly asked: "Boss, do we have a chance to enter the camp?!"

He Yun's expression was very complicated, he shook his head and said: "I can't say for sure, it depends on what the group of people left behind think!"

"If they don't want to add new blood, then we can only wait until they die, or even they leave..."

A cold light flashed in Xie Zheng's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Boss, the elite who took away the camp, the remaining first-order ones are probably not very strong. Is it possible for us to unite with the other four overlord forces to break in?!"
Everyone else's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they were very excited about this proposal.

After all, compared to being a dog, no one wants to become a master.

He Yun shook his head, sighed, and said: "This is not possible!"

"The gap between the first level and the zero level is too big, and it can no longer be made up by martial arts and numbers..."

"Besides, even if there are people left in the camp, there should be a lot of them..."

Xie Zheng refused to give up and asked: "Boss, the First Order cannot return to us. No one knows how strong the First Order is..."

The people present are all the best among the extremely strong, claiming to be powerful, but no one can tell clearly how strong the first level is.

After all, the First Order cannot come back. If you want to know the strength of the First Order, you can only go to the camp.

But without first-level coins, anyone who rushes to the camp will die. There are no exceptions... There are exceptions.

"Do you still remember the group of women I sent to the camp a month ago?!" He Yun suddenly asked.

Someone said in surprise: "They are still alive?!"

A month ago, the five major overlords returned from the camp. Immediately afterwards, the five major forces began to mobilize their manpower to guard the boundary road and arrested many new women.

Moreover, an order was issued not to touch these women at will, but to keep their bodies intact.

In the end, each of the five major forces divided up a group of women and sent them to the camp one by one.


He Yun nodded slightly and said: "Some are dead, but most are still alive..."

"One of them, named Hao Yuwei, was living very well and was taken a liking to by the owner of the camp..."

"Not only has she become that woman, but she has also been promoted to the first level. Even when I see her, I have to bow my head and salute..."

"Fortunately, we were quite polite at the beginning, and Hao Yuwei didn't trouble me, and she treated me well..."

He Yun had some complacency on his face, as if it was such a great thing to be valued by a woman.

Others find it ridiculous that the boss of one of the five overlord-level forces actually...

But they can also understand, after all, the so-called five overlord-level forces are just outside the camp. If placed in the camp, they are nothing.

He Yun smiled lightly and said: "Hao Yuwei has recruited several maids, and they have all been promoted to the first level..."

"I had her permission to fight one of her first-order maids..."

Others were shocked and quickly asked about the outcome of the battle.

He Yun, however, was not in a hurry to reveal the results and instead asked, "Do you still remember what we heard during the ten times of strengthening and the fifty times of strengthening?"

Xie Zheng touched his chin and recalled: "I remember that when I was strengthening for the tenth time, I heard that I was going to the camp to change the class of the beast shifter..."

"Fifty times of strengthening, you will go to the camp to change the job of the strengthener!"

"That's right!"

He Yun nodded and said: "One can become the first level only by ten times, and one can become the first level by fifty times..."

"Don't think about it, obviously the strengthener is better..."

"And Hao Yuwei's maid is just a first-level beast shifter..."

"What's the result?!"

Several people asked with burning eyes.

They clearly know He Yun's strength. They may not be able to defeat him one on one, but if two or three people join forces, they have a high probability of winning.

He Yunchang sighed and said: "That was the worst defeat I ever had. When the battle started, my Qinggong and body skills were useless. In the face of my strong physical fitness, I couldn't use them at all..."

"In just a few seconds, I was stepped on by the maid..."

There was a trace of fear in his eyes, as if he was reminded of the time when he first entered the camp.

At that time, he had just won the first-level coin, which was the time when he was at his most swollen.

I had the idea of ​​trying my hand with other first-level experts, but later I saw that there were a lot of people in the camp, so I gave up.

During this period, I kept forbearing, but in the end, I did the right thing.

"It can be said that any first-order person can crush the zero-order..."

He Yun pursed his lips, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

Are they really not as good as those first-order powerhouses in the camp?

Of course not!

Just like Hao Yuwei, she was still a newcomer and was captured by him and sent to the camp.

As a result, now, she has become his backer.

The reason is that she became the woman of the camp owner.

In the final analysis, the owner of the camp is just the person who entered the camp earlier than them.

It’s really one step first and one step at a time.

"In short, during this period, you should try not to cause trouble, recruit as many people as possible, and increase the number of extremely powerful people under our command..."

He Yun said sternly: "After that person leaves in a month, the camp will definitely change drastically. No one knows what the situation will be then, but it will be no problem if we increase our strength and actively prepare for war!"

"Xie Zheng, Ding Hong, your hunting team can stop for a while..."

The others nodded and made up their minds to continue cultivating some extremely powerful people when they go back.

Only Xie Zheng and Ding Hong looked unhappy.

"Boss, they have property in the valley. I and I have poor foundations. If we don't hunt others, we will have no money..."

Since their interests were related, the two of them rarely put aside their prejudices and cried together.

He Yun touched his nose and said, "Well, let's do this. For every additional extreme power the two of you have, I'll give you one thousand contribution points. How about that?!"

The two of them were immediately overjoyed and quickly agreed. One thousand contribution points is equivalent to a tribute of one thousand zero coins, which is not too small.

"Okay, let's break up..."


Boundary Road.

"This is where you fought with the Bahuang Alliance before?!"

Ji Wushuang scanned the circle and found no sign of anyone else's presence, so she couldn't help but ask.

"It's here, but it looks like the people from the Bahuang Alliance haven't come yet!"

Zhao Yu also scanned around, and Superintelligence also used his vision to scan again. There was no one else within a hundred meters.

"What now?!"

Xiao Xiaolong said: "Should we wait here, or go find the people from the Bahuang Alliance?!"

"According to what the prisoners said, they will definitely come later..."

"Moreover, the route we took here is enough to prove that we are waiting for people here, so they will definitely come here..."

Ji Wushuang thought about it and felt it made sense. He nodded and said, "Then let's just ambush them in the woods. When they arrive, we can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

She has sufficient confidence in her own strength and is not afraid of people from the Bahuang Alliance.

The several ancient warriors accompanying them all had the same attitude, and they obviously did not take ordinary extreme experts in their eyes.

Zhao Yu, Xiao Xiaolong and others were hesitant and stayed here on the dividing road. Even if they couldn't defeat them, they could still escape back.

According to the enemy, normal extremely powerful people would not dare to return to the dividing road for fear of attracting king-level monsters.

However, it still depends on Ji Wushuang and others whether they can keep the hunting forces of the Bahuang Alliance behind this time. Zhao Yu hesitated for a while, but agreed.

The group of people left the dividing road and walked towards the dense forest.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few hundred meters, a sound breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

"Be careful!"

Ji Wushuang suddenly spoke, and the long sword behind her instantly appeared in her hand.

Immediately afterwards, she moved, a white light flashed, and an arrow was shot down by the sword in her hand.

At the same time, Zhao Yu had just raised the long knife in his hand. Seeing that the crisis was over, he relieved his strength.

He also noticed that there was a sneak attack with arrows, but the speed of drawing the sword was a beat slower than Ji Wushuang.

This made his heart tremble. He didn't expect Ji Wushuang to draw his sword so quickly. When the two of them were close, he might not be able to block the opponent's sneak attack.

Fortunately, Ji Wushuang is not an enemy!

However, Zhao Yu also frowned slightly. Just now, his super brain did not respond to the sneak attack with arrows.

This is because the previous instructions he gave to the super brain scanning reminder referred to monsters and humans, and did not put these dead objects in it.

Now it seems that a patch is still needed.

Zhao Yu called Superintelligence in his mind, "If there is a hidden arrow like this, you need to flash the vision to remind..."

"If possible, it would be best to mark the trajectory of the attack on me..."

The computing power of Superintelligence is amazing, and it is easy to calculate the trajectory of arrows. It would be a waste not to use this ability.


The moment the patch ended, the vision in my mind began to flicker.

Not far away, a group of people rushed towards us.

"The people from the Bahuang Alliance are here!"

No need to remind Zhao Yu, everyone else also took out their weapons.

Soon, more than a hundred people from the Bahuang Alliance came into view. The leaders were extremely fast, and they were all extremely powerful.

"One for each person, Zhao Yu, take care of the others!"

Ji Wushuang judged the number of extremely powerful enemies with just a glance.

There were five people in total, one less than their number. Zhao Yu, who was free, was directly sent by Ji Wushuang to fight against the threshold level powerhouse.

Zhao Yu was also happy to be free, but he did not let down his guard. If Ji Wushuang and others were at a disadvantage, he could go up to support at any time.


There were ten extremely powerful people from both sides, and they collided in pairs.

Everyone else tacitly avoided this king-versus-king battlefield.

Only Zhao Yu, an extremely powerful man, wandered into the battlefield where soldiers were fighting against each other, and carried out a one-sided massacre as if he were in an uninhabited land.

"How is that possible?!"

Guo Yang stood on a tree in the distance, his eyes tearing from the sight.

He didn't expect that there were so many extremely powerful enemies.

There is one more person than them, and he even has the power to kill other threshold-level experts.


Unexpectedly, the next second, a familiar scream sounded, attracting Guo Yang's attention.

He turned around and saw that the captain of the third team was beheaded by a woman with a sword.


Guo Yang was startled, "Where did these people come from and why do they know martial arts?!"

According to the trajectory, these people only have three secret books, and they are all three lowest-level secret books leaked from the bandit group.

Moreover, judging by the time, they don’t have time to practice martial arts?!


A flash of shock flashed in Guo Yang's eyes, "Could it be that they knew martial arts in the real world?!"

Immediately afterwards, in the battle between the king and the king, two more people were defeated and beheaded.

Seeing this, Guo Yang suddenly felt bad, "No, I have to go back and report the news!"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly retreated tens of meters and waited until all five of his own extremely strong men were killed. Then he ran away using Qinggong without looking back.

This chapter has been completed!
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