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Chapter 140 Chu Xin, Death



After the tail radiation stream wiped out dozens of fighters, the output stopped.

Chu Xin did not stop, crossed Ginza, and continued towards the coast.

But the Neon Self-Defense Forces' offensive became more and more intense, with seemingly no end in sight, and the harsh roars in the darkness echoed endlessly.

Even though the death of their companions is right in front of them, they are haunted by fear and can only grit their teeth and turn into desperate warriors to pay tribute to their predecessors and set an example for their descendants.

Although the nature of Neon is hard to describe, they do all have a certain cruelty that is used in the wrong place.

It's a pity that no matter how ruthless and fierce they are, they still end up throwing eggs against stones when facing Chu Xin.


The huge momentum is the funeral music, and it is also Chu Xin's killing horn.

The ruins where death is lingering are raging with war, and life is withering and fading like fireflies burning out. Only Chu Xin is forever majestic.

He never likes indiscriminate killings that are meaningless and valuable, as that would make him feel like a mindless beast or a weapon being used.

All killings are based on interests and disputes. For example, the burning of Tokyo this time was not only for the 5% proficiency, but also for publicity, burning oneself, and testing oneself.


Chu Xin crushed it and exhausted the ammunition, then crashed into his fighter plane.

Suddenly, there was deathly silence all around.

It turns out that the person holding in his palm is the last member of the death squad.

Chu Xin raised his head and looked into the distance. The vast skyline was like a platinum-colored ribbon. Aren't the gorgeous waves at the end of his sight the sea water of Tokyo Bay?

Its daybreak.

The real end of Tokyo will also come.

Chu Xin didn't know, and he didn't care.

Shinjuku, Shibuya, Meguro, Shinagawa and other areas are still racing against time to relocate people.

The suburbs of the city are naturally the most enjoyable, so I drove my private car to the next city in a hurry.

The families of ministers and envoys from various countries were also very comfortable. The specially transported helicopters allowed them to overlook the uneven power from a high altitude.

The rest, whether you are a low-level operative, a white-collar worker in an office, or a top-notch cowherd, all obediently follow the arrangements and go into underground facilities to gamble their luck.

With millions of people, there are not enough parking lots and subway stations.

Therefore, people can be seen everywhere in high-rise buildings and on streets and alleys.

The police officers who organized to paralyze the traffic, the special forces who suppressed the riots, the ordinary people who released their bad natures, and the mother and daughter shivering and huddled in the corner formed a wonderful picture of disaster.

What can you do in just one night?

Therefore, many people are destined to be enveloped by nuclear radiation, or even crushed by the shock wave, and become victims of the interests of the hegemonic power.

"Is it dawn yet?"

Someone said something.

For a time, deathly silence spread quickly.

Everyone involuntarily closed their chattering mouths and turned their heads to look east, with a strange paleness appearing on every face.

"Are they really going to drop a nuclear bomb?"

"Probably not?"

"Yes, what age are we in now, and free countries respect human rights very much. The key is that we are in the same camp as them!"

"Do you believe this?" Someone immediately mocked, "I can usually deceive everyone, but my great-grandmother died of leukemia caused by nuclear radiation."…

"Why did I lie to you! Did you drop the nuclear bomb on demand? It has to go through layers of review. Tokyo is not a small city, so how can you just blow it up!" the man replied angrily.

"I just hope it's a small one and not like two." Others also followed suit.

"Eh? Eh, eh, eh!" A woman shouted in horror, "Eh~ did you hear that?"

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Woo~woo buzz~woo buzz buzz~

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Chapter 140 Chu Xin, death is free...co


The long and progressive roar instantly covered the whole city, and the sound expanded rapidly, superimposing a single sound into an ensemble-like roar.

The siren is like an overwhelming sonic attack, bringing the soul of men, women and children like first love, directly hitting the soul.

Nuclear attack alert!

The already chaotic situation immediately became more chaotic.

They abandoned their world-famous hypocrisy and politeness and pushed each other crazily, squeezing the overflowing subway entrance to the brim.

If nothing else, there will be an accident.

Before the nuclear bomb came the stampede.

Countless thin girls and old men had their feet off the ground and were drifting among the crowd with livid faces. Even many tall and strong men had expressions of constipation on their faces.

And the place where the steps go down is even more tragic, because the people who fell down directly filled the subway entrance!

The scenes at the bottom and in the middle are unbearable to look at. People are intertwined with each other. It is impossible to tell whose arm or leg belongs to them. They are all twisted and ferocious, literally.

Although there is no blood-soaked scene, in terms of horror, this scene is definitely no less than a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, especially when their pleas for help and screams come together, it's like hell.

What's even more desperate is that the group of people on the surface are still squeezing down. They scramble to get into the gap, and then get stuck naturally, and eventually suffocate to death.

Seeing the people completely out of control, the police officers were helpless.

They tried to contact their superiors, but they had just boarded the last batch of evacuation helicopters and had no time to respond.

Seeing the subway entrance and underground parking lot, the shopping mall had no hope, and people could only run in the direction out of the city.

The flickering street lights matched well with the crowded streets. The crowds roared and ran under the dim light, like a group of zombies emerging from their cages.

In fact, even if someone says that a zombie crisis is about to break out at this moment, people will choose to believe it and prepare in advance.

After all, in less than half a year, all kinds of monsters have emerged one after another, and even Chicago and Tokyo were destroyed. What else can't be accepted?

Drop! Drop!

Nuclear strike in transit detected.

Officials from the Neon Energy Department were all furious and punching the air.

Today, history repeats itself.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that they are as helpless as ever.


People looked back with ashen faces, and saw a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

Although the location is a bit weird, it does not affect fear-mongering at all.

The hazy sky and earth suddenly became extremely bright, as if ten incandescent lamps were shining in front of my eyes and staring at them. I couldn't see anything, and there was only the roar of death in my ears.

The shock wave mixed with flames swept across, making the miserable Tokyo even worse...

They may not be able to face the fire wave directly, but the radioactive dust is enough for this group of people to drink a pot, and it also completely cuts off the hope of the refugees who are still trapped underground.

Many fire brigades that went deep into the area to carry out rescue operations were abandoned.

Central District.

Twenty kilometers of land within Tokyo Bay, in a park.

The nuclear bomb did explode.

But it's not close to the earth, but up to ten kilometers high in the sky.

The most important thing is that it was not detonated conventionally, but was shot by Chu Xinyi's tail. To be more precise, the military was aware of it and detonated it in advance.

With the passive ability of super core sensing, any clues related to the core cannot escape Chu Xin's perception.

Judging from experience, this should be an atomic bomb of about one million tons.

The power cannot be said to be great among many nuclear weapons, but for carbon-based organisms, megaton level, 10 million ton level, atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs do not seem to have much difference. When the temperature is reached, the final outcome is in the wave of fire.

Evaporation is nothing more than faster and slower.

However, Chu Xin was ten kilometers away from the center of the nuclear explosion, and this distance had no lethal effect on him.

But the radiation is almost

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Chapter 140 Chu Xin, death is free...co


It’s full control!

He immediately stood there, unscrupulously absorbing the hot nuclear radiation that filled the air.

The muscles and bones contract joyfully and sharply, quickly making up for their consumption under the stimulation of nuclear energy.

Although today Chu Xin can only rely on water and air to obtain supplies, he still refuses to those who come with such great supplements. The radiation that others avoid is a delicacy to him.


Chu Xin roared happily, feeling that his whole body was full of strength.

Regarding the serious topic of hard-wired nuclear bombs~

In the movie, a large piece of Zhenjiang's dorsal fin was knocked off by an earth-penetrating bomb. His skin cracked and blood spurted out. To be honest, he might not be able to withstand a nuclear bomb with his face close to his face.

Chu Xin's overall performance is stronger than Zhenjiang, especially the density and structure of the body, but no matter how strong it is, there is a limit.

According to human thinking, no one can withstand the terrifying heat of tens of millions in the center of a nuclear explosion.

Chu Xin didn't know if he could resist it.

In essence, he is just a prehistoric creature contaminated by human nuclear power, not a titan like the legendary Brother Fat. What he has achieved today is not something he was born with, but evolved step by step on his own.


The hot wind blows the radioactive dust in all directions. This good thing cannot be exclusive to the central ward. All major districts in Tokyo must have a bowl of water.

You can't eat meat in other urban areas, so just drink some soup.

free country.

Five-legged building.

"How does it know?"

"According to one of the inferences given by the expert team of the Department of Energy, Godzilla has a strong sense of radioactive materials and can sense nuclear energy from a long distance."

"So if it launches a nuclear bomb again now, the surrounding radiation will probably affect its judgment!"

"The king has authorized it. Minister, please give the order."

A few words here, and another intercontinental missile rises from the land of freedom.


Chu Xin was so high from sucking it.

The world filled with radiation is like a muddy and chaotic quagmire.

Suddenly, there was a surge behind the quagmire.

Chu Xin seemed to feel something, but due to the complexity of the environment, it was difficult for the super-core sensor to accurately lock...

Therefore, he made a bold decision and planned to make a bold attempt.

He did not use radiation flow, nor did he switch cards and leave. Instead, he silently opened the Thorn Tooth Stomach and stabilized the atomic furnace.

Rapidly lower body temperature, allow all energy to exist evenly in the body, and maximize muscle toughness.


The huge cylinder fell straight down and appeared within Chu Xin's field of vision in an instant.

When it fell five hundred meters in the air, internal fission was remotely triggered.

But fission is just the beginning, fusion follows.

The high-energy neutrons produced by fusion cause the uranium-238 in the outer shell to undergo a fission reaction. The direct result of the complex process of superimposing layers is to release more energy.

Sensing the sudden increase in nuclear power, Chu Xin frowned and narrowed his eyelids.

The Free State is really ruthless and does not treat Neon as a son at all.

This is a serious strategic nuclear weapon. The atomic bomb just now is considered an old inventory at best.

This is not an atomic bomb, nor an ordinary hydrogen bomb, but a three-phase bomb!

Three-phase bombs are also called hydrogen-uranium bombs and belong to the category of hydrogen bombs.

A layer of uranium-238 is wrapped around the thermonuclear charge. This relatively stable element cannot withstand the impact of internal fusion, causing fission to increase in an instant.

Then the dual explosive power of hydrogen bomb and atomic bomb burst out.

This shows the determination and will of the Free State. Since I can’t get Chu Xin’s body, then none of you can get it.

If you can't get it, destroy it.

In addition, we are worried that Chu Xin will destroy Los Angeles, Seattle or San Francisco just like Tokyo. If this comes true, the damage will be even greater than one or two nuclear bombs.

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Chapter 140 Chu Xin, death is free...co


The free country does not want to follow Neon's footsteps, so it imposes justice!

Killing the monster on behalf of mankind is an unprecedented and supreme honor!

While thinking about it, the five-megaton three-phase bomb exploded three hundred meters above Chu Xin's head.


"Tokyo is too miserable~"

Chu Xin looked at the terrifying flames above his head, as if he was in a lava world where the space was twisted and cracked.

It is said that this was the first time that he was actually hit by a nuclear bomb in the face and exploded head-on.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is a first experience worth remembering.


The temperature at the center of the nuclear explosion skyrocketed at a terrifying speed, until it was measured in hundreds of millions.

The outermost layer of the spiny-toothed beetle stomach was melted away almost in the blink of an eye, just like blowing on paper money burned by flames.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Xin felt the extreme heat.


It hurts so much!

The skin's dryness and cracks disappeared in an instant, and no blood spattered out, because it all evaporated along with the skin and flesh.

Because the external temperature increased, Chu Xin's body temperature continued to rise, and the atomic furnace became violent and chaotic uncontrollably.

Attacked from the inside and outside at the same time, the blood vessels twisted and twisted like roasted earthworms, and the rock-hard muscles turned into roasted steaks, shattering and flying like pieces of black briquettes.


Chu Xin's eyes swelled and his head was beyond recognition.


The atomic furnace exploded.

The cooling system collapsed, and all the internal organs spontaneously ignited and became necrotic, then dissipated into steam.

Cells that divide and proliferate at terrifying speeds try their best to save this body. Unfortunately, in the face of the high heat in the center of the nuclear explosion, the powerful infinite cells are powerless. They are melted one by one...

Feeling the unprecedented crisis of death, some cells detached from the main body and flew away like splashing waves.

According to the capabilities of the cells, even if the body is torn apart, as long as the cell tissue is preserved, rebirth is just around the corner.

However, no matter how fast the cells run, they cannot move faster than the heat shock wave.

But Chu Xin was very tenacious. Its consciousness was almost lost, and its body was completely deformed into a fiery red rotten flesh. However, it subconsciously absorbed the extremely majestic nuclear energy to promote cell regeneration.

Just like Sun Wukong who was thrown into the alchemy furnace.

Unfortunately, Chu Xin is not Sun Wukong, and this is not a mythical world.

There is a miracle, that is, there are other cards in the card pack, but Chu Xin doesn't use them.

Only by putting it to death and reviving can Godzilla cards have greater room for evolution.

The card pack's trump card is Chu Xin's stability, and his hard resistance to nuclear explosion is his wave.


Huge monsters were wiped out of thin air.

Only a little bit of extremely condensed flesh and blood remained between the red gaps on the ground, but it was no more than the size of an adult human head.

Chu Xin, death.

At this moment, Tokyo truly lost its chance for rebirth.

Chu Xin's weakening period of only 20 days was directly extended to more than ten years by two nuclear bombs.

All things wither and the earth mourns.

free country.

There was cheering in the five-legged building.

"Godzilla is finally dead," the minister breathed a sigh of relief, and then said sternly, "We must be the first country to enter the center of a nuclear explosion!"

"But Minister, there should be nothing left in the nuclear explosion center." someone said.

"Can you guarantee it? In short, we must not let other countries collect the remains of Godzilla!" the minister replied.


Mianzhou Hidden reminds you:....

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Chapter 140 Chu Xin, death is free...co

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