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Chapter 176 Dont you die in Tokyo too?

An encrypted voice conference was held quietly, and the participants were all five-feather-level leaders of the Wuxiang Club.

"Albrecht Grünewald", the leader of the Four Sages of Deberbery, and "Eric Hidra", the president.

The Four Sages of Freedom "Ayn Rand" and the rich man "Elon Smith".

Neon Hokkaido Region's President "Judōji Tsukihiko", Hakata Region President "Miyazaki Heiichi", Tokyo Region's Acting Prime Minister "Murrasaki Senichi".

The Four Sages of Austria, "Arthur Shanak", the Pope of the Cross Kingdom, and more than a dozen people with high positions of power and wealth that rival the country.

Among them, Deborah and Neon have the largest number, but the most noisy freedoms in the past are only two, one is scientific research and the other is economics, and there are no political elders.

In fact, it is easy to understand. The purpose of the Wuxiang Society is to create a new world after a major reshuffle.

The group of people who are at the top of the pyramid have no need to do that. It is completely thankless and they can blatantly defeat their opponents one by one.

Then the other two countries are third parties that do not intervene at will and are not easy to win over at all, so they are also classified as being purged.

It can be seen from the high-level personnel that many of them were the leaders of the new human creation plan back then.

In fact, the New Humanity Project is the first step of the New World Project, which uses money and materials from around the world to create a semi-mechanical army. Unfortunately, it was impacted by the more cost-effective Cursed Sons and was forcibly stopped.

Even so, the Wuxiang Society's evil intentions persisted and their ambitions grew.

"What happened to Qi Wu Xuanzong's death?" Shidaoji Yuehi asked in an indifferent voice.

"I don't know, my people are still investigating in the hotel." Ziyuan Xianyi replied in a soothing tone.

"We have lost a Qiwu Xuanzong, but Tendo Kikunochei is dead, and the Tendo family is naturally defeated. This also gives you the opportunity to sit on the position of prime minister and completely control Tokyo. It is a pity that I replaced him with a high-quality holmium

Metal, what a waste." Ayn Rand said.

"Where are the remains of Scorpio?" Elon Smith laughed, "That thing should be very collectible, I bought it!"

"Sorry, there is no chance," Murasaki Senichi said calmly, "I have already asked Heiichi Miyazaki to be sent to Sendai. He will be used as a medium to summon level 5 and cause mass extinction in the Sendai area today or tomorrow."

The helicopter last night had just left Tokyo and headed south to Hakata, Kyushu, when it received a temporary order from Murasaki Senichi and turned north to Sendai.

From this we can conclude that among the five neon districts, the former Tokyo and the current Sendai are not members of the Gosho Kai.

But overnight, only Sendai was left isolated.

Wuxiangkai does not intend to invite Sendai. After all, the fewer people in the New World, the bigger the cake will be. The current structure has roughly determined the two camps for the future war.

Everyone said something to each other, and the topics discussed all revolved around neon.

"How is the Black Swan plan progressing?" Pope Cross suddenly asked.

"The research results have made a major breakthrough, and you can start deploying them." Arthur, one of the four sages, replied.

"Once activated, there is no turning back. You must make careful arrangements and not give the enemy a chance to breathe." Ayn Rand also followed suit.

"This matter must be kept absolutely confidential. No mistakes can be made in any link that may leak the secret. If necessary, our own people can be sacrificed. This is related to whether the plan to create a new world can be realized!" President Deborah said in a hoarse voice.

As soon as he spoke, the voices of the others suddenly lowered a bit.

"Don't worry, we have long been prepared for the new world, and I believe every member understands this." Hakata President Miyazaki Heiichi said.

"According to what Albrecht and I discussed, the Black Swan plan will be implemented in about a week." Ziheng Xianyi said.

"Shigaki Senichi, it's going to rain over there? Why is there thunder?" Albrecht spoke for the first time.

The leader of the Four Sages could imagine his handsome and gloomy appearance just by listening to his voice, and a man in a black trench coat standing in the wilderness and smoking a cigarette unconsciously appeared in his mind.


Murasaki Senichi, who was sitting in the airport shuttle bus, took off his headset and looked out the window.

The sky is as blue as the sea, cloudless, not to mention thunder, not a drop of rain is possible.

"No... hmm?" Murasaki Senichi looked at the terminal ahead.

He was about to reach the exclusive passage, where hundreds of soldiers were standing.

In the aisle behind the crowd, clusters of flashing golden light quickly moved from far to near, like some kind of laser flashing through the glass window.

There were indeed incredible thunders!

Ziyuan Xianyi called the driver to stop and stared at the entrance of the passage with squinted eyes.

Soon, the soldiers five hundred meters away also noticed the movement.


Before they could react, there was an explosion and a loud noise.

The thunder and fire rolled, and the thunder and light shot out!

Without any instructions from Shigagaki Senichi, the driver immediately reversed the car, turned around and headed for another exit.


Chu Xin, who was using Lei Yin's card, flashed out, and hundreds of soldiers in his path were electrocuted one after another, and they all fell to the ground stiffly and died.

It can be seen from this that with the improvement of proficiency, the strength of Lei Yin cards is constantly increasing.

Murasaki Senichi immediately looked up the pictures and videos sent by his subordinates on his mobile phone. After comparing them for a while, he solemnly said, "It's the small gastrea that attacked Qiwu Xuanzong and Tendo Kikunochori!"

The voice conference was still going on, so others immediately realized something was wrong.

"Ever since Cancer appeared, the atmosphere around the world has become disturbing to me. Gee, there must be someone operating behind the scenes." Hokkaido President Judōji Tsukihiko said.

"Mushigaki Senichi, you don't want to die in Tokyo too." Miyazaki Heiichi said a little nervously.

Not that I care too much, the main thing is that everyone is not far away. At this pace, it will be my turn next~

My dead Taoist friends are not dead, I hope my Taoist friends will stick to it for a little longer~

"I'll hang up first." Ziyuan Xianyi ended the call.

After he went offline, the others did not continue chatting and quickly arranged manpower to pay attention to the situation in Tokyo.

We have already lost one Wu Meiyu. If there is no more one, it will be a big blow to the Wuxiang Association.

After all, the gold content of a Wu Mei Yu member is extremely high, covering comprehensive considerations such as connections, money, power, etc.


Chu Xin waved his right arm, and an electric shock beam was thrown out.

It was like a flying thunder snake, chasing the rear of the shuttle bus with a crackling sound.


More than a dozen bodyguards tried to stop him along the way, but they were all beaten up by the tiny current that escaped.

Their injuries were not serious and they would be lucky enough to die in the hospital after some rescue.


The electric shock beam penetrated the shuttle bus and hit and exploded in the cabin.

Just two seconds before it was torn apart, Ziyuan Senyi jumped out alone.

He rolled nimbly on the ground, crashed through the glass of the terminal, and jumped straight in.

Such skills are definitely not ordinary people.

He survived, but no one else in the car, including his assistant, driver, and close associates, survived.

Thinking of this, even the extremely good-natured Ziyuan Senyi couldn't help but feel angry.

"Stop it!"

He said to the men around him without looking back.

Without saying a word, a group of policemen and initiates rushed upstream towards Chu Xin.


The troops in the hall immediately opened fire, and the sound of gunfire was heard all of a sudden.

Fortunately, the civilians were driven out, otherwise it would have caused even greater chaos.

Ziyuanxian galloped one or three steps at a time, ignoring everything happening behind him. He stepped on a motorcycle parked on the side of the road and increased the power.


Chu Xin didn't bother with the minions. It blasted an entire glass wall with lightning and flew from a high place in pursuit.


With his arms intertwined, surging elements surged out, forming a downward grid that blocked all incoming bullets.

In fantasy, this wave of operations is called spiritual power release and transformation~

It looks simple, but it actually tests your ability to control the power of elements.

The chase goes from outside to inside to outside again.


Murasaki Senichi rides a motorcycle recklessly through the bustling streets of Tokyo.

With his superb skills, he constantly shuttles through the traffic, regardless of whether it is a red light or not.

There were troops, police and civilian policemen all the way to the rescue, but no one could stop Chu Xin from flying in mid-air. He could only watch helplessly as the golden light of lightning and thunder quickly shortened the distance between him and Ziyuan Xianyi.

After passing an intersection, a large number of soldiers set up a checkpoint and were deployed on the rooftops of the buildings on both sides.

One by one, Ziyuanxian passed by, and they focused their fire on Chu Xin, who had lowered his altitude.

Peng Peng Peng!

A sudden change occurred.

Many Transformers poured out and launched a violent attack on the army.

Taking this opportunity, Chu Xin accelerated his approach.

He waved his right hand vigorously, and electric currents shot out in all directions.

Flash strike!

The motorcycle was exploded by electric fire. Ziyuan Xian jumped up high and fired twelve holmium bullets at Chu Xin.


Chu Xin switches to Licker.

At the moment when the bullet approaches, the phantom of the Predator also appears behind him, and the magic circle generally overlaps and blends with the licker.

Card fusion!

"New fusion: Predator, Licker = Predator."


Chu Xin transformed into an ugly beast more than ten meters long and allowed bullets to hit his tough body.

It has the appearance characteristics of both, and its abilities are also a reasonable combination.

Although the combat power is not outstanding, it is still an attempt.


A long abnormal-shaped tail emerges from the tail vertebrae, and a long flowering tongue spurts out of the mouth.

Under the constant pressure from front to back, Zi Yuanxian was stunned and had no way to retreat.

With the tail wrapped around him, Chu Xin wrapped him around the waist and took him away like he was snatching his wife, leaving behind countless family members who were being blasted by Transformers.

At this moment, Murasaki Sen wanted to scold Miyazaki Heiichi for his crow's mouth.

While running, the text on the card appeared:

“It’s been a long time since I’ve used card fusion. Only through continuous innovation and research and development can we gradually enrich the unpredictable fighting methods;

[Licker] Proficiency is 4%, reaching 99%;

Note: The last 1% requires a continent-level zombie disaster to be completed;

Earn rewards:

The zombie virus in the body upgrades and neutralizes a certain degree of gastroenterovirus. The infected creature is no longer limited to a simple zombie, but will become a more powerful and diverse monster, and obey the simple command of the host."

A few minutes later.

Chu Xin, who had kidnapped Ziyuan Xianyi, suddenly stopped.


What confused Murasaki Senichi was that this gastrea was actually watching TV on the roadside!

The current news is being broadcast live on TV. A female reporter is standing on the rooftop of a building. Behind her is a stone monument that looks like a lake. Farther away is the turbulent sea filled with sea fog.

She explained extremely nervously and fearfully:

"At this moment, an extremely huge gasterozoa appeared in the offshore sea beyond the line of the Sendai Monument!"

"According to relevant sources, it is suspected to be Libra, one of the twelve signs of the zodiac!"

"As you can see, nearby residents are still evacuating in an emergency, and the navy and army are being deployed!"

Neon, Sendai area.


In broad daylight, the 100-meter-tall white Guanyin statue was knocked to the ground.


Like the howling of the sharp wind.

I saw a huge thing climbing from the sea to the land, trampling and overturning all the buildings in its path, including this famous Sendai landmark.

This is a very large "conch" with great visual impact, and it also looks like a gray moving mountain, with the words "thick and solid" written all over its body.

Its height is definitely more than two hundred meters!

The weight is even more difficult to estimate. In short, everything becomes two-dimensional under it.

It relies on tens of thousands of legs and feet at the bottom to walk. There are metallic shiny substances squirming in many holes, as if many crustacean insects with a cold glow live in them.

Although the speed was extremely slow, all the artillery fire fired by the Sendai army was ineffective, and the only small sparks that hit the snail were insignificant.

Let alone regeneration and self-healing, because even the Scorpio's defense has not been broken even a little bit, and even Scorpio will be blown out by the missile, which shows how terrifying its defense is.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It’s called: Zodiac Sign Libra!

Libra's carapace is recognized as being hard.

Nine years ago, the North Bear Country dropped a medium-yield nuclear bomb, but it failed to shatter it.

Yes, most other gasterozoans rely on their powerful regeneration and self-healing to resist nuclear explosions.

But it didn't reach that point. It used its pure defensive power to bear it down, and the tens of millions and billions of high temperatures seemed to be a decoration.

Libra also relies on its carapace and is rated as Level 5 by scientists from various countries, which is impossible to defeat at this stage.

However, this is not a feared characteristic of Libras.

Ten years ago, when it first appeared in the world, it destroyed the Ganges Kingdom and killed more than a billion people. Then it moved eastward and completely destroyed Southeast Asia in the following time.

Finally, it passed by Chiguo and entered the Pacific Ocean.

Libra, who has a record of more than one billion kills, did not wave his fists or kicks, or emit energy. He just used his indestructible body to pass through one city after another, and everywhere he passed was filled with victims and corpses.

Because, it plays poison!

People call it the biochemical army of gastrula.

Libra's body can produce tens of thousands of lethal viruses that can parasitize on humans or other hosts. It is no exaggeration to say that it has collected countless viruses in nature and transformed itself into a walking virus reservoir.

And it can be spread through the air, and its penetrability is no less than that of ultraviolet rays.


Suddenly, Libra stopped.

When they felt the ground stop shaking, the people and troops who were fleeing all cast their eyes in surprise and uncertainty.

They saw a blue-purple smoke billowing out from the gap where the snail body met the legs and feet at the bottom.

When the wind blows, the color of the smoke quickly changes and spreads in all directions.

This chapter has been completed!
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