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Chapter 202 Wife sacrifices to heaven!


Godzilla stopped the atomic energy output with a slight breath, and then roared toward the dark passage.

After a while, another long roar came back.

The distance is very far, but the Titan beast can receive the sound.

However, it will take some time to reach the surface from the underground, even by flying.


No one waited foolishly.

Chu Xin approached Godzilla again, and kept grabbing at him with his feet. With the help of the golden dragon's armor-piercing power, clearly visible marks soon appeared all over it.

He has been taking advantage of flying to make Godzilla miserable without wings.


Mothra, who was entangled with Rodon, suddenly turned his gun. Rodon, who wanted to chase, was slapped by Sekhmet's claws and his eyes flashed with stars.


Mothra's forehead bloomed with light, and cross heat rays burst out.

Chu Xin twisted his head and blocked it with a jet of flames.

However, the cross heat ray was only weakened a little, and after passing through the fire, it shot towards Chu Xin's back with slightly less force.

As the Queen of Monsters, Mothra's peak strength should not be underestimated. For example, now it has returned to 100% of its best condition.


Chu Xin flicked his tail, and the thunder exploded and completely shattered the cross heat ray.

The gap in absolute strength is still huge. Among the Titans, the only ones qualified to arm-wrestle with Ghidorah are the Atomic Dinosaurs.

"Ho ho ho!"

At this moment, the singing snake wrapped its tail around King Kong and jumped out of the hole.

A dazzling blue light instantly becomes the focus of the night.

King Kong carried this light and slashed at one of Chu Xin's necks.

The dorsal fin battle ax that had just been filled with energy was like a magic weapon, striking heavily on the skin covered with scales.

But as the sound of "Keng" sounded, King Kong failed to cut off Chu Xin's head. The huge shock caused the battle ax to fly out directly, spinning at high speed and hitting Godzilla's face.

Make an opening.

King Kong flew away in shock and anger, but fortunately, the snake caught him in time, so that he did not fall into an awkward state.


Godzilla roared angrily at King Kong.

King Kong knew he was wrong, so he angrily picked up his battle ax and stood side by side with Godzilla.

If it were changed to another location, it might actually have some effect, but it chose Chu Xin's toughest neck.


King Kong, who had obtained the magic weapon, was originally very aggressive and confident, but before the war officially started, the cruel reality made him regain his senses.

However, with the help of two generals on the Protector side, the numerical disadvantage was made up for. After all, Typhon on the Destroyer side was disabled and Tiamat was unable to go ashore. Apart from Chu Xin, there were only Rodon, Abaddon and Benye.


Sekhmet can challenge two, while Behemoth and Benyep are equally matched.

Therefore, Chu Xin has to face Godzilla, Mothra, King Kong, and Crooked Snake alone.

When he thought of this, Chu Xin felt excited and eager to try.

The more enemies there are, the more murderous he becomes!

I like being beaten the most

The main reason is that Ghidorah itself is too strong and is already at a bottleneck in terms of combat power.

If you don't take risks and hit the bottom limit, it will be difficult to make a big improvement, otherwise the growth of proficiency will soon enter a period of weakness.

What's more, his proficiency level has exceeded 30 and he has the permission to use other cards. Such insurance measures allow him to relax physically and mentally.


"Neon has declared the highest level of disaster and is requesting emergency assistance from all parties."

"The fifth aircraft carrier fleet of the Free State has sailed into the Neon Sea, but considering the existence of Tiamat, it has not entered Tokyo Bay."

"Austria dispatched the Royal Air Force, but was attacked by flying Titans on the way and suffered heavy losses."

"Dahan refused to support, and Chiguo provided material assistance."

"More Titan beasts have been detected moving in the direction of Neon. Personnel in Neon please ensure safety."

The international news is broadcast one after another, and various news are emerging one after another, which means that the situation is getting more and more serious.

The general said in frustration, "Is there nothing we can do? Everyone, use your smart brains to think of a solution."

"There is news from the Ministry of National Defense that more Oxygen Destroyers are being created and plans to carry out an extermination operation against the Titans of Ghidorah's group, leaving Ghidorah in an isolated and helpless situation and creating opportunities for Godzilla's side."

The deputy said in surprise.

"Oxygen Destroyer?" Mark shook his head, "When that thing is mass-produced, neon will be wiped out."

Dr. Serizawa looked at the night sky and said worriedly, "This may be the longest night in Tokyo."

But it was also the busiest night in Tokyo's history.

Boom boom!

On the front is the atomic breath, on the top is the cross heat ray, and on the back is the sharp battle ax. Godzilla, his delicate wife, and the Hanhan brothers launched a siege on Chu Xin.

Chu Xin first used his hammer tail to prevent King Kong from getting close, then he resisted the cross heat ray, and repeatedly shot the gravitational ray against Godzilla. Then his wings trembled and he took off into the air, and the swift hurricane blew Mothra away.

"Hoo vomit——"

Suddenly, a shrill cry of despair echoed across the sky.

It turns out that it was the Crooked Snake who attacked Typhon who was fighting against the army.

It pierced the ferocious bone spurs on both wings into Typhon's flesh, and when it was pulled out, blood holes immediately appeared.

Typhon, who was already crippled, was unable to resist and couldn't fly even if he wanted to.


The croaking snake bit Typhon's neck, tearing it apart and chewing off a large piece of flesh.


It wasn't over yet, it then stabbed the end of its tail, which shone with silver lightning, into the bloody opening in Typhon's throat.

Following a burst of electric shock, Typhon gradually stopped wailing and could only breathe oxygen vigorously.

However, there is air leakage from the throat, and I can see more air coming out and less air coming in.

However, the vitality of the titan beast is very tenacious. Typhon, who has a strong and vicious temperament, raised his head with a strong force and bit back the tail of the snoring snake.

Like the tail of a forked branch suddenly converging into a spiral shape, the electric current condensed into an illusory spear head, which was inserted into Typhon's big mouth!

Puff puff

The terrifying sound of skin and fascia being shattered.


The snake swung its long tail vigorously, and Typhon's head exploded completely, and he was officially declared dead.

The Croaking Snake, which successfully killed a Destroyer, felt good about itself. After roaring for a long time, it immediately participated in the core team battle and launched a vicious attack on Chu Xin.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! With the four parties joining forces, Chu Xin's situation suddenly became unfavorable and the pressure doubled.

Fortunately, he has rich combat experience and performed with ease from beginning to end.


King Kong saw the opportunity and hugged one of Chu Xin's tails with both hands, and signaled Snake to seize this perfect opportunity.

Mothra also hooked Chu Xin's other tail with two forelimbs, and Godzilla held Chu Xin from the front, so that all three of his heads had no time to look behind him.

The confident Snake immediately flapped its wings and accelerated, swooped down, aimed at the eyes of Chu Xin's middle head, and swung its tail of silver lightning.


Just when he was about to touch it, the Snake was caught off guard and exploded into a blood mist that filled the sky. In the golden light of thunder, only a horrifying head popped out far away.

The murderer is an extremely ferocious golden-armored long tail!

It is Chu Xin's third tail.

At that critical moment just now, the bulge of flesh between the two tails tore apart, and the tail that could have grown out suddenly burst out.

The reason why Chu Xin was hidden was to prepare for emergencies.

This third tail is located in the middle, slightly longer than the two sides, and has a vertical spiked tail fin on the top, and the tail hammer at the end is diamond-shaped.


Seeing the tragic death of his new little brother in front of his eyes, King Kong was furious.

It raised its battle ax high, and the crystal blue dorsal fin blade hit Chu Xin's torso hard, causing dents in the sharp friction with the scales.

Godzilla was even more furious. After all, the state in which they suppressed Chu Xin allowed Chu Xin to succeed, and their insults far exceeded any swear words.


Mothra flew behind Godzilla, and his wings once again lit up with a familiar halo.

Blazing white holy light!

In an instant, it was dawn in Tokyo at twelve o'clock in the morning.

This time Chu Xin was on guard. After all, he rarely fell into the same pit twice.

He quickly closed his eyes and relied on his hearing and airflow to judge the actions of Godzilla and King Kong.

Puff puff

Chu Xin's left head was bitten by Godzilla's neck, and his right head was tightly trapped in its arm.

At this time, the King Kong behind seemed to be jumping high. Chu Xin roughly judged that it was holding a battle ax in both hands and raising it above its head, trying to use all its strength to cut off the middle head of itself.

The ideas and cooperation are both good, especially the latter which has made great progress.

Unfortunately, the movement emitted by King Kong was really huge, and the radiant energy emitted by the dorsal fin battle ax seemed to be a precisely positioned bullseye.

Hu Peng!

No, Chu Xin's unrestricted three tails intertwined into "vines" that suddenly appeared with lightning, and turned into whips and slapped King Kong's side hard.

It flew sideways violently, and before it even hit the ground, there was a loud crunching sound of ribs being broken.


Godzilla was not idle, the temperature of his mouth rising sharply while biting Chu Xin's neck.

The next second, an atomic breath hit the skin of Chu Xin's neck at zero distance.


Although it did not break through the defense instantly, the fierce and arrogant impact caused Chu Xin's cervical vertebrae to slip, each bone was covered with cracks, and two or three of them were completely shattered in a few seconds.

Chu Xin was not a coward, and he felt cruel. The other two heads were also close to Godzilla and released gravity rays, one aimed at the neck and the other at the dorsal fin.


Gravitational rays not only have the lethality of lightning, but also disintegrate and shatter matter at a deeper level.

So under the continuous output, the skin on Godzilla's neck cracked, a dorsal fin shook like a tooth that was about to fall out, and the full blue light flickered on and off.

From a distance, Chu Xin and Godzilla looked like they were making out from ear to ear.


Until each other's energy continues to blend to the point where balance cannot be maintained, the two behemoths become actual furnaces, and the two forces repel each other.

The turbulent energy wave scattered in all directions, and the area within several thousand meters was cleared instantly, and countless buildings were swept away.

Judging from the status of both parties, Chu Xin obviously has the upper hand.

Godzilla was very tired. Almost a day of high-intensity fighting had consumed the energy stored in his body, and he was seriously lacking in physical strength.

On the other hand, although Chu Xin looked a little embarrassed, his overall aura was strong but not weak, and he had the courage to fight for another 24 hours.

At this moment, the battlefield in the sky also became intense.

Sekhmet was invincible in both battles. He was as strong as a violent god of war. He first beat Abaddon until blood vomited from his mouth, and then aimed at Rodon with a series of punches.

With a sound of "Winter", Laton was slapped into a building with a paw.

As soon as it struggled to get out, it was pushed down by Sekhmet, who was descending from the mountain. Three sharp claws penetrated Raton's shoulder, and blood like lava suddenly spurted out.


Benyep wanted to help, but was blocked by Behemoth.

Abaddon was also cowed and hung timidly high in the sky, not daring to approach the furious Sekhmet.


Chu Xin sprayed gravitational rays towards Sekhmet.


Godzilla rushed out, knocked Chu Xin over violently, and then started a technical struggle on the ground, and the gravity rays were also interrupted.

buzz buzz

A loud roar of flames came from Sekhmet's chest.

It raised its head proudly and looked down at the trembling Raton with condescending eyes.

Although Raton's strength has increased, its mind does not match it, and its combat experience is extremely limited, making it impossible to display its true strength.

As for Abaddon, no matter how strong that guy is, he can only be like this.



At the same moment that Sekhmet spewed out fire, endless black flames like ghost mist fell from the sky. After dispersing the red fire, it completely enveloped the unsuspecting Sekhmet.


In an instant, Sekhmet let out a cry of pain, and Raton took the opportunity to flutter his wings and escape.


A giant titan beast, exuding a cold and bloodthirsty evil aura, emerged from the darkness.

The pair of towering horns and demonic eyes stared at Sekhmet without emotion, lingering with cold murderous intent.

Destroyer camp, Baphomet.


In the distance, Anhuruk was also approaching quietly, covered in plants and walking like a ghost.

It seemed to be eating something in its hand, and green blood kept dripping.

When Chu Xin's blooming light shone in the past, it was the head of the snoring snake that refused to rest in peace.

"Jie Jie Jie"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Anhuruk saw Sekhmet being burned in such a miserable state, and he let out a low, mocking smile without concealing it.


Suddenly, Behemoth, who was entangled with Benyep, stiffened, and even Benyip looked puzzled.

Anhuruk's extremely penetrating laughter was still there, and his right arm, which had disappeared into the darkness, slowly shrank back to its normal length, with his palm covered in hot blood and filth.

Looking at Behemoth again, part of the back end of its body has turned into a shocking and terrifying blood hole.

Intestinal rupture!

Most of the internal organs had been torn to pieces by Anhuruk's arm.

Anhuruk looked at Behemoth who was about to die viciously, his eyes filled with the joy of having his great revenge avenged, and he obviously held grudges for the losses he had suffered at the hands of Behemoth and Sekhmet.


Behemoth was like a wind-up toy, and its huge body collapsed to the ground.

But no matter how tenacious his vitality was, he couldn't withstand Benyep's last strike. As Benyip pierced his chest with a claw, cutting his heart into pieces, Behemoth's eyes widened and he stopped breathing.

Seeing this, Chu Xin knew very well that none of the Titans in the Destroyer camp were good at sneak attacks, group fights and other tricks. In human society, all of them were ruthless and ruthless people.

At this point, the protector camp has suffered heavy casualties.

The remaining Godzilla, Mothra, Sekhmet, and King Kong were all stained and exhausted, and most importantly, their morale was severely damaged.

In such a situation, Chu Xin naturally wanted to work hard.

He leaned back three times, lightning flashed in the middle, and fire flowed on both sides.


Thunder and fire collided, and the condensed beam of light cut through the night like the spear of Longinus.

Baphomet sprayed mist-like black flames from high altitude, and Abaddon also shot out a mouthful of venom.

With such a combination, even Sekhmet would have to go to hell.


Godzilla stepped forward resolutely and stood in front of Mothra and Kong, breathing back his atomic breath.

But now it was unable to hold on, the light on its dorsal fin gradually extinguished, and its breath quickly weakened.


Godzilla stumbled to the ground, all attacks hit his chest, and the atomic furnace in his body almost collapsed.

Upon seeing this, Anhuruk's two arms suddenly grew longer and stabbed straight into Godzilla's unprepared throat.


Mothra cried sadly and bravely flew out regardless of Godzilla's obstruction.


It was penetrated through the torso by Anhuruk.

But the strange thing is that there is no blood flowing, and Mothra is turning into beautiful and gorgeous fluorescence little by little.

They are like countless fireflies, floating towards Godzilla consciously and becoming one with him.

On his deathbed, Mothra dedicated everything he had to the King of Monsters, whom he admired and trusted most.

The Queen's Sacrifice!

"Have we still come this far?" Chu Xin murmured to himself with some expectancy, roaring to signal for his side to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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