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Chapter 398 Female Dragon

The waves sparkled under the blue sky, and seagulls soared freely between the sky and the sea.

Mountains are scattered messily on the sea surface, like stars scattered in the night sky, and their shapes are like countless stone towers covered with lush vegetation.

Halong Bay is a typical limestone karst landform bay with overlapping mountains and seas, and beautiful and charming scenery. It is known as "Guilin on the Sea" and is a famous scenic spot well-known far and wide.

The bay between the mountains is like a maze on the water, with cruise ships passing through it. People lean on the railings to look at the lush scenery and bathe in the warm breeze of the tropical humid monsoon climate.

"Mom, look, it's such a big fish!" the little girl pointed and shouted in the distance.

"Where?" The young mother turned her head and saw no fish, only the remaining clear water waves rippling in her field of vision.

The white ripples spread far and wide, and the arcs dividing the water surface extended to the end of the line of sight. This showed that it was indeed a big fish.

Of course, the premise is really fish.

"Maybe it's not a fish~" the guide on the boat joked, "Do you know the origin of the name Halong Bay?"

"Is it related to dragons?" someone asked.

This was what the guide was waiting for, and he immediately began to tell this legendary story that had been told countless times: "At the beginning of the founding of Annan, people lived a happy and healthy life. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Annan suffered an invasion from foreign enemies. Legend has it that these people

The enemies were all monsters with eyes burning with demonic fire! Just as they were about to land on the ground from the sea, a divine dragon descended from the sky. It took its children and started a fierce battle with the enemy. It spewed out endless amounts of water from its mouth.

The pearls turned into thousands of stone islands, which are the mountains on the sea that everyone sees. Because it was too sudden, the enemy ships crashed into the stone mountains one after another and then sank. In this way, under Shenlong's

With their help, we won, and Shenlong felt that the scenery here was pleasant and the people were hardworking and kind, so he stopped returning to heaven and stayed here to become the patron saint!"

Well, it's a very cliché story.

"So it's called Halong Bay? That's it."

"Hey, it seems that similar stories can be found in all tourist attractions!"

"That's right, it's just editing anyway. You have to add some cultural heritage and historical background to increase the price."

"Just listen and have fun, Shenlong? If such a creature really existed, the fossil would have been discovered long ago!"

The sea area fifty kilometers south of Halong Bay.

The leisurely school of fish suddenly became frightened and confused, and dispersed like children after school when the gate was opened. The vast deep sea suddenly became empty and silent.


The water temperature rises and the water flow becomes vigorous.

Samson arrived at this area from far to near carrying Chu Xin on his back. The former stopped swimming at high speed at the latter's signal.

"Do you also smell the same kind of scent?" Chu Xin touched Samson's head covered with spikes, as if giving a loving touch to a dog.

"Roar~~~" Samson hummed, it liked this very much.

Dragons can speak, and human languages ​​can be easily learned, but Samson is special. Although his brain has a normal IQ, he is unable to speak human words, which is considered a biological defect.

A week ago, Chu Xin went all the way south, using the spirit of speech and blood ties and the keen perception of his kind as a dragon king to find prey, intending to rejuvenate his muscles and bones before forming a cocoon.

However, after a few days, the strongest prey I encountered was a completely transformed Deadpool. Even if it tore apart a brown bear and gnawed a tiger alive, it could not withstand Chu Xin's simple slap.

Just when Chu Xin was bored, Blood Tie Luo suddenly condensed an extremely bright silk thread and guided him there.

Combining the surrounding environment and local legends, it is not difficult to judge that a real dragon is hiding or sleeping here!

In fact, Kassel College knows the background story about the dragon in Halong Bay. After all, the dragon clan was glorious in ancient times and profoundly influenced all aspects of human civilization. Many myths are closely related to them. Therefore, the college also sent commissioners to Halong Bay to conduct surveys. Unfortunately,

Nothing was found, so it was speculated that the legendary dragons had already left or died.

The executive department also has hybrids using blood-based knots, and they have also explored the area, but still found nothing.

There is an extremely important principle in this word spirit: the more powerful an individual is, the easier it is to be discovered, but some individuals are powerful enough to hide themselves and isolate themselves from resonance. More powerful individuals can even use bloodline resonance to kill the releaser in turn, destroying their brains and

Soul, because the releaser's spirit is undefended when using this speaking spirit.

However, the same word spirit will have completely different effects when released by different users. With Chu Xin's identity and authority, even the Black Emperor Nidhogg would find it difficult to completely hide it.

"It's quite hidden under the seabed."

Chu Xin soon discovered something. He found regular cracks through clues. From a bird's eye view, they were formed naturally and there was nothing unusual about them.

But when he enters the thinking and perspective of a dragon and changes his angle to peek, he can detect the mystery.

This is a small alchemically constructed Nibelung!

The so-called Nibelungen is a fictitious space created by alchemy. The internal space is folded and time stops. However, this space is real and is an auxiliary space modified on the basis of the real space. The Nibelungen is usually made of

Made by Dragon King level dragons, a few talented second generation and third generation species can also do it.

Norton's Bronze City is a Nibelungen, and the space within the city is vaster than the volume observed from the outside with the naked eye.

Generally, it is impossible to enter without a key or the owner's permission.

Obviously, Chu Xin did not belong to the general category. The alchemy formation that others had no clue about or even discovered at all fell into his eyes. He actually learned it by himself without a teacher, and it was as easy to understand as single-digit addition and subtraction.

He stretched out his hand and moved it on the seabed, releasing one or two auxiliary word spirits, and finally pressed down a stone peak hard.

Whoa whoosh!

Suddenly, the sunken pit burst out with turbulent water, and dense blisters enveloped Chu Xin and Samson, and they entered it.

When he regained his vision, he was already in another world. This was the Nibelung of the unknown dragon clan.

The area is small, no more than a standard football field, and the whole structure is a closed cave. The cracks in and out at the back seem to have an invisible barrier that isolates the sea water, and also isolates the two worlds, one big and one small.

There is nothing superfluous, except for a thick stone pillar in the center that connects the upper and lower parts.

There are traces of artificial carving on the stone pillars. The carving is not very exquisite, but it is easy to see that a lot of thought and energy was spent on it.

"Tian Yi Shen?" Chu Xin read out several Chinese characters on the stone pillar.

Although the word is a Chinese character, this god has nothing to do with Han. She is the Annan goddess who symbolizes the ocean and rivers. She protects coastal fishermen when they go sailing, similar to Mazu.

Chu Xin didn't feel that the King of Ocean and Water was hidden here, because he didn't feel the slightest bloodline threat from the same level, and the scale of this Nibelung was not in line with the identity and ability of the Dragon King.

But it can be roughly guessed that the person living here is a water dragon, most likely a subject of the King of Ocean and Water.

"The legend of Halong Bay is not groundless." Chu Xin muttered.

A series of clues showed that this dragon had a group of loyal local believers many years ago, and she also enjoyed human worship and belief. However, the mixed-race family finally discovered her, formed a fleet to attack, and realized that she had been exposed.

She resolutely built the Nibelungs and then went dormant to this day. As for the children mentioned in the legend, most of them are her deadliest servants.

"This also imposes an alchemical formula."

Chu Xin walked to the stone pillar and slapped it heavily in sequence, immediately destroying the stable structure of the technique.


He stepped back ten meters and looked at the stone pillars that were beginning to collapse and disintegrate.

The gravel cracked and fell off, and the stone pillar lost weight in a short while, revealing its true face hidden in the billowing smoke.

A sleeping monster!

The fine blue scales all over the body are like magnificent warm gems, exuding an icy cold air.

A mermaid-like tail is very huge, and the tail fin is closer to a beautiful fish tail, like the gorgeous skirt of a bride.

There are two pairs of slender limbs on the streamlined torso, and the crystal-thin flesh wings are close to the back. It is not like Samson's body covered with ferocious spikes and protrusions, but it exudes enchantment.

The slender neck is winding, and at the top is a small and charming dragon head. At first glance, it looks a bit like the white female dragon in "How to Train Your Dragon", but it is more fierce.

Its straight line length is about twenty meters, but at this moment it looks like a vine wrapping around the stone pillar, forming the shape of a coiling dragon pillar.

This is like a miraculous handicraft, which vividly displays the physical beauty of the dragon.

"Next generation? This blind box is pretty good."

Chu Xin was in a good mood, but had evil thoughts in his heart.


The beds they slept on were all dismantled, and the dragons gradually woke up.

The scales on his body began to tremble, a pair of dragon eyes slowly opened, the air pressure fluctuated, the elements became active, and the golden pupils burst out with brilliance.


However, as Chu Xin also ignited his golden eyes, the next generation suddenly looked like a shady firefly trying to compete with the bright moon. His delicate body trembled with fear, as frightened as if he was woken up by a slap from the patrolling dean while sleeping in class.

Regardless of being angry when getting up, feeling weak all over, and not having returned his soul, he quickly slid down the stone pillar for the first time, his eyes filled with "I don't understand, but I am greatly shocked."

Don't blame it, after all, not everyone can experience the Dragon King's wake-up call service, and probably no dragon wants to experience it. It is too scary. If you are a human, you will definitely not want to see the amiable face of your head teacher or boss when you open your eyes in the morning.



The next generation of Zhongguo slid to his knees at the speed of light and knelt down in front of the tiny Chu Xin with his dragon body.

"See the Lord of Bronze and Fire. May I ask if it's Lord Norton?" A trembling female voice came from her mouth.

"It's really a female dragon." Chu Xin said secretly.

This chapter has been completed!
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