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Chapter 443 Sea of Blood

The shock wave has ended, and a large number of arcs remain in the rippling seawater, like white eels swimming around in panic.

Chu Xin moved his broad shoulders and jumped onto a dark red mountain to overlook the entire Saltwater Country.

As far as the eye can see, there is deathly silence.

There were broken limbs and arms everywhere, like a tank of Australian lobsters that had been violently cooked with C4 explosives.


The water surged, and Chu Xin casually grabbed a large plier that was still intact.

The outer shell is red, and the meat inside is completely cooked, with the surface showing a burnt brown color. Even though it is underwater, it exudes a rich aroma of grilled seafood.

Chu Xin peeled off the shell, stuffed the huge crab claw meat into his mouth, and chewed it with a fragrant mouthful.

After swallowing it, his appetite was completely whetted.

Then, he seemed to have entered a cafeteria and arrived at the edge of the shock wave. The people of the Saltwater Kingdom here were just right. They were not completely dead like in the center of the explosion, nor were they torn apart like in the middle area.

Seafood that was about the same size as Chu Xin floated in the water, and soon the carapace was stripped off one by one, revealing the delicious insides.

A gluttonous feast is in progress.

It not only satisfies the appetite, but also replenishes energy consumption. After all, they are not ordinary sea creatures. They have the blood genes of Atlantis flowing in their bodies, so they are naturally more valuable than ordinary humans.


Suddenly, the seabed began to tremble, and hot steam spewed out of cracks in the ground.

The tremors intensified, and the ridge facing Chu Xin suddenly cracked.

Unlike earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, the cracking process is smooth, more like being controlled by a mechanical device.

Sure enough, the hollow ridge split into two, revealing the inner space.

Chu Xin glanced at it and guessed it was a weapons reserve.

"You...how dare you...Father~Mother~I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

The one yelling was the prince of the Saltwater Country. Like the king, he had an appearance that looked like both a lobster and a crab, with a pair of big, bloodshot eyes staring out from under his mask-like cheeks.

With that said, he jumped into the open skull of a marine iguana.

The next second, the marine iguana, which was hundreds of meters long, came to life, swam out of the ridge with its big mouth full of sharp teeth, and pounced towards Chu Xin.

This is also a bionic machine, a weapon specially used for war. It has an extremely realistic skin texture, and you can see the metal structure inside when you open your mouth, as well as a cannon barrel that replaces the tongue.


Red light brewed deep in the throat, and a beam of thermal energy erupted from the muzzle.

Chu Xin did not dodge or retreat, and rushed straight towards the magma-like beam. After becoming the sun of destruction, all the enemy's attacks will become a temper for him.


He used his fists to clear the way, penetrated into the center of the beam, and withstood the huge impact force, he swam upstream, and after a roar, he successfully jumped on the head of the bionic marine iguana. From this moment on, his resistance to similar energy weapons was improved to a certain extent.


He inserted his hands into it like nails and rakes, then jumped up, and the sudden burst of brute force actually shook the huge marine iguana.

Chu Xin was like a bearing, driving it to rotate 360 ​​degrees in the sea like a big windmill, and then hit the seabed heavily. The bionic skin on the surface was torn on the spot, exposing the metal layer inside.


Although he was dizzy, the prince of the Saltwater Kingdom still subconsciously controlled the marine iguana and swung his giant claw towards Chu Xin. The sharp blade at the front was enough to sink into the rock easily.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xin still refused to dodge. He firmly grabbed one of the blades of the giant claw and crushed it into a crooked piece of scrap metal with his bare hands.

With another jump, it hit the marine iguana's throat and penetrated through the dense mechanical parts.

Immediately afterwards, electric sparks were seen all the way up the marine iguana's neck, all the way to the cockpit inside its skull.

"Then let's die together!"

When the prince turned around, Chu Xin had already reached into his head affectionately, and he was so frightened that he immediately pressed the self-destruct button.


The marine iguana exploded on the spot, with the force no less than a small nuclear bomb. The shock wave swept across and scattered all the mess in the saltwater country.

In the rising firelight, Chu Xin walked out unscathed. He looked at the crack in the seabed not far away, and streams of hot steam gush out from it.

So, he jumped into it.

To be more precise, he jumped into the rolling lava of an undersea volcano.

With such majestic geothermal energy, wouldn’t it be a waste not to take a comfortable hot spring bath?

In this way, Chu Xin stretched his body and absorbed the energy from nature. He also used the continuous high heat to temper his skin and improve his endurance.

The originally noisy Saltwater Kingdom was completely quiet. Even if there were survivors, they probably wouldn't have the guts to run out and die. They would all huddle underground or inside the mountains, hoping that the big devil outside would leave soon.

Since the four oceanic countries are autonomous and have little contact with each other, no one knows about the demise of the Aralwater Kingdom. In fact, it is difficult for other countries to believe that the Aralwater Kingdom, which is full of military virtues, disappeared in a short period of time.

So, Chu Xin took a relaxing bath.


When he came ashore, streams of magma flowed downwards along the ravines of his skin, flowing through the bulging muscles, and then divided into strands by the dense muscle groups.

There seems to be a slight increase in size.

Suddenly, the magma accelerated its flow, rolling down like water droplets on a lotus leaf, making a "sizzling" sound when it came into contact with the ground.


A layer of fine, colorless and transparent scales grew on Chu Xin's body, which tightly covered all parts of the skin except his eyes and bone spurs. Each piece was in the shape of a round triangle, only the size of a human thumbnail.

, combined into a tight-fitting invisible soft armor.

It not only has the function of high-hardness defense, but also can play the role of heat insulation and cold protection.

Card text appears:

“Destroying a country is just an appetizer to announce the coming of the Day of Destruction, and we expect the host to truly implement the truth of destruction next;

Proficiency 3%, reaching 8%;


Evolved [Sea Scale] (the body is covered with a layer of colorless scales, which greatly improves defense, has strong resistance to high-heat energy attacks, and can increase movement speed in liquid environments)."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!...

There is a place in the Western Atlantic Ocean that is famous for the fact that numerous ships and planes crashed here.

When radar and other instruments enter an unknown range, they will malfunction inexplicably. Over time, ships will rarely go there or pass by.

This place is called the Bermuda Triangle.

Under the surface of the sea, in the extremely deep straits, there is a vast world.

Here lies the Kingdom of Zebel.

Compared to the salt water country, this place can be called a dreamlike ocean kingdom.

The gleaming stone pillars are scattered at random, with water cannon devices deployed at the top. Soldiers riding giant seahorses carrying magical firearms are patrolling the entrances and exits closely.

Going inside is the royal city, the capital of the country.

The so-called fairy tale world is just like this. The buildings are laid out with prosperous coral groups and gathered into towering woods. Houses made of shells are located in an orderly manner, either clustered together to form a castle or connected by gem covered bridges.

A unique group of towers.

The residents here have human faces and bodies, but they can breathe freely underwater, swim flexibly, and have uniform dark red hair.

They ride seahorses or drive motorcycle-like vehicles, shuttling through the whirlpool streets criss-crossing tall buildings.

In the deepest part of the royal capital, under a thousand-meter stone wall, a beautiful and elegant palace was built against the rock wall.

"King, today is the day for the delivery of the Aral Water Country, but we have not received any message from them, and they have not sent anyone over," an official reported.

"Although those vulgar crustaceans have bad tempers and bad tempers, they are not the ones who break promises and treaties. On the contrary, their stubborn and stubborn characters make it impossible for them to voluntarily break the contract." Another official said doubtfully.

Because of the special environment of the Saltwater Kingdom, it is rich in some rare metal minerals, which are often used in the technological equipment of some Atlantean factions. Therefore, in addition to the Kingdom of Atlantis and the Kingdom of Zebel, which have vast territories,

The Fishermen's Capital has a long-standing order transaction with the Saltwater Country, which has lasted for hundreds of years.

Today is the date for another round of delivery.

However, the whale bionic ship used for transportation by Saltwater Country has not been seen outside the city gate.

"Is there an accident?" Mera, the princess with a pretty face and good figure, frowned slightly.

"Send a team of people to have a look." the king thought.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise suddenly coming from outside.


Immediately afterwards, sirens signaling an enemy invasion sounded throughout the city.

The king and others hurried to the spacious terrace and looked at the other end of the city.

They were immediately dumbfounded as they witnessed a giant human cargo ship fall from above, hit a hilltop adjacent to the city, and then tilted towards a corner of the city.

The freighter was very dilapidated, with traces of seawater erosion all over it, and there was deep mud on one side. It was obviously a sunken ship on the seabed.

As for why it suddenly appeared here, it is currently unknown.

Whoosh whoosh!

Each turret immediately automatically locked and aimed, and automatically sprayed out high-speed rotating compressed water columns, tearing the falling freighter into dozens of pieces.

Even so, the cut pieces of the freighter are still too large to be underestimated and will definitely cause damage to urban buildings.

And directly below, there were still many panicked people who did not escape.

"not good!"

Princess Mera seemed to see something. She kicked off the water and rushed forward, like a jet of cannonballs.

Under water, she can reach terrifying supersonic speeds.


Like her, many soldiers rushed to the rescue immediately, and seahorses carried the frightened people and quickly swam away.

Mera, on the other hand, was hanging in the water, her hands swirling as if doing Tai Chi, converging on her chest, and her fingers spread out as if holding an invisible ball.

As she moved, the surrounding seawater also changed, converging into a torrent and pouring out, hitting the broken bow of the freighter.

This is her innate superpower, which can also be said to be a kind of magic to control water.

The bow of the boat was hit by the rapids, instantly dented and pushed backward.

Mera took the opportunity to shoot at a hidden house directly under the bow of the ship, and rescued a young child from it. Just two seconds after she left, more pieces of the freighter fell, smashing the house to pieces.


At this point, all the residents in this area have been rescued, and the onlookers cheered and applauded subconsciously, moved by the princess's kindness and bravery.

However, Mera herself did not enjoy it. Instead, she climbed up to the heights as vigilantly as the soldiers and looked around.

In just a short while, one-third of the army of the Kingdom of Zebel has been assembled. Under the king's order, they defended the capital in an organized manner, guarding against mysterious enemies that may appear at any time.

"Over there!" The king, who was also a warrior, raised his head and shouted.

Everyone followed his gaze and focused on the hilltop where the freighter hit.

A huge creature that looked both human and inhuman stood proudly, over six meters tall, with lifeless dark gray skin. But just standing there, it exuded an unparalleled sense of bloody oppression, seeping into the seawater and flowing in all directions, permeating and enveloping everyone.

The next second, everyone saw a pair of sparks igniting on his face.

"Attack!" The king felt very bad when he saw this and yelled.


Thick heat rays shot out from Chu Xin's eyes and blasted into the Kingdom of Zebel with overwhelming force.

Dozens of water cannons were fired at it, and it was instantly evaporated before it even made contact.

Some soldiers who were rushing quickly took one look at this terrifying posture and turned around and retreated without saying a word. Unfortunately, Chu Xin only needed to turn his head a little to easily erase the distance they had sprinted with all their strength and kill them all together.

The seahorse mount beneath him was burned to ashes.

The heat ray hit the jade streets of the city heavily, causing a raging explosion. Countless corpses and rubble flew up mixed with it. The quiet sea water also surged violently, turning into a block of heavy blocks driven by the shock wave.

A wall of water hit the surrounding buildings.


The ray begins to move at high speed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Everywhere you pass is filled with death and destruction, and all prosperity is wiped out in an instant, just like a long dream suddenly shattered.

Chu Xin's ray kept moving, and its range naturally changed accordingly. The maximum distance reached more than five thousand meters, and it was released very easily. Obviously, five thousand meters was not the limit of the range at all.

"It doesn't seem to limit the distance, it just depends on whether my energy is enough."

As for the amount of energy in the body, Chu Xin, as the person involved, has no idea.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be endless.

Yes, he seems to have endless energy.

"It's definitely not infinite. It's just that the amount is too huge. It's difficult to sense it when I'm at my peak. I can only explore it in the next fight."

Bang bang bang!

While he was thinking, the Kingdom of Zebel had been reduced to a scorched ruins ravaged by war. There was no way to contend with it, and everything it touched was destroyed.

Feeling bored, Chu Xin stopped spraying, jumped down, and with one crow, a soldier on a seahorse was reduced to a pulp.

Seeing his behavior, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that Chu Xin had exhausted his energy and had to fight hand-to-hand, so they launched an offensive under the leadership of the king himself.

All kinds of advanced energy guns came to greet them. Compared with the primitive tribe-like saltwater country, the visual look and feel is indeed more sci-fi.

It's a pity that neither the water cannon nor the blue light cannon penetrated the sea scale armor on Chu Xin's body. It was like hitting the slippery glass and then splashing away.

Chu Xin fell to the ground and ejected again.

The killing officially begins.

A burly Zebel warrior jumped out with a spear in hand, swinging his feet like a fish's tail, reaching the speed of sound in an instant.

He overcame the violent coercion brought by Chu Xin, tried to find Chu Xin's weak point, and then gave Chu Xin a vicious blow to kill him.

He recalled the red light that bloomed inside Chu Xin's chest when he released the heat ray, and guessed that it might be the most important core inside. As long as it was destroyed, this ferocious and ugly monster would definitely die suddenly.

"My inference is nine times out of ten correct, as long as..."


Chu Xin punched out, and the warrior who was charging and brainstorming was directly shot into a cloud of blood mist.

The killing begins.

As soon as he met him, he was surrounded by numerous soldiers and huge marine creatures. Hot and cold weapons took turns attacking him from above, below, left and right.

Chu Xin has nothing to fear, and there is no need to be afraid.

Every punch and kick he made seemed to be blessed with a "one-hit kill" rule-level buff. Even if it only hit the seahorse beneath him, the force it unleashed would be enough to shock the soldiers above him to death.


Chu Xin punched the tenth time, triggering the passive ability "Thunder Arc Critical Punch".

In an instant, dark red lightning burst out from his fist, hitting a blue battleship with a sci-fi look and smashing it into exploding parts in one fell swoop.

Unknowingly, the sea water in the Kingdom of Zebel has gradually turned red, and broken limbs are floating everywhere.

"Mera, go to the Kingdom of Atlantis and ask them to prepare as soon as possible. I suspect that the Saltwater Kingdom has been poisoned by this guy." King Zebel said to his daughter hurriedly.

At this moment, he had put on a suit of armor, held a trident representing royal power, and was ready to defend the country to the death.

Of course, he knew better that someone had to delay so that the fleeing fleet could have a chance to escape.

"Father, no, I can't leave!" How could the smart Mera not know what her father was thinking.

"As long as you are alive, the Kingdom of Zebel will have hope of continuing, and they will get some respect in a foreign land." The king looked at the fleet waiting for Mera, and there were five or six shuttle-shaped sonic ships full of civilians.

Mera understood, looked deeply at her father for the last time, and resolutely stepped into the last shuttle ship.

"Guards, follow me to attack!"

At the same time as the fleet started, the king raised his trident high and led hundreds of people to kill Chu Xin, who was like a demon.

Someone had to cover it, otherwise the fleet would not be able to escape at all, and as the strongest warrior in the Kingdom of Zebel, he had no choice.

In fact, the king also thought about running away. After all, it was too stupid for him to fly into a flame. If the people died, they would die. But when he saw his daughter Mera, his wavering heart gradually calmed down.

If he really escaped, he would not be considered a king or a father at all.

In fact, after witnessing Chu Xin's invincible fighting, the king also realized a cruel reality. If everyone ran away, no one would survive.


The king and his soldiers rushed forward.

They were like the warriors depicted in medieval European oil paintings, jumping high in unison and slashing their swords at the giant dragon in the middle.

Chu Xin was extremely peaceful, his left hand caressing the bone spur on his right elbow.

"Bone blast."

A bone spur as thick as a mammoth tusk exploded instantly, splitting into countless tiny fragments and sputtering in all directions.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff!

Each fragment is a terrifying armor-piercing bullet. After penetrating a soldier's armor and flesh, it penetrates completely and continues to splash backwards.

A few seconds later, the soldiers who had been full of life and murderous intent just fell to the ground, motionless.

And Chu Xin was still holding a small figure-like king in his hand.

Use your fingers slightly.


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