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Chapter 452 Dragon? It’s a giant dragon!

Although the seven demons clearly expressed their fear, how could Said, with his swollen self-confidence and self-esteem, be willing to run away in despair? What's more, he was showing off his power in front of his father and brother just now, and was extremely arrogant. If he was killed by an origin in the next second

The unknown-looking monster was so frightened that he retreated without a fight, so how could he stay firm next?

Besides, Said didn't think he would definitely lose. After all, he had yet to truly unleash the power of the Seven Deadly Sins Demon. He just took this opportunity to try his hand, hoping that the monster floating in the air would make him happy.

In order to make himself full of strength, Said lowered his arms naturally and slowly flew out of the broken window into the sky, enjoying the horrified gazes of countless passers-by.

He could see clearly that it was a dark gray humanoid creature with bulging muscles like pieces of metal rocks welded together. It was about six or seven meters tall. Clusters of ferocious irregular bone spurs were concentrated high on the shoulders and back.

The towering, surrounding invisible force field protects and holds it up in the air.

In terms of appearance alone, he is more like a den of snakes and rats than the Seven Demons, but in terms of temperament and momentum, Said has to bear it. The guy opposite him is really something.

He was indeed very swollen, but he never really lost his mind.

So he stopped when he was two kilometers away. Said's body was exuding billowing demonic mist, which sometimes condensed into a vicious ghost face. Evil purple current danced on his fingertips, and his dimly lit right eye was breathtaking, seeming to be able to mobilize all living beings.

The seven emotions and six desires.

Of course, he didn't know that the monster in front of him was Chu Xin, who had just arrived on Earth. The Sky Eye would include the Battle of Metropolis two years ago in confidential files, and all the information about Doomsday was sealed, making it difficult to query.

to relevant graphics and videos.

After Chu Xin returned to Earth, he chose America as his destination without hesitation. When he passed through the sky and passed Philadelphia, he sensed the pure evil breath of the Seven Deadly Sins, and immediately rushed there like a mold smelling of petroleum.


Just as he expected, it turned out to be the villain BOSS from the first part of "Shazam", a bald man who gained the power of the Seven Evil Sins.

"Very good, it's mine."

Chu Xin said something that left Said confused, and then he shot out like a meteor ejected from the void.

Said was shocked. The moment he heard the sonic boom, he raised his hands to block it, forming a cloud of magic mist in front of him to hinder Chu Xin's progress.


Chu Xin didn't hesitate at all, and ran straight into it. The thick mist suddenly turned into thousands of needles and pierced Chu Xin's skin, and condensed many rotten arms to drag.

Bang bang bang!

Chu Xin's body and thoughts were unmoved. Instead, he accelerated to Mach 5 within two seconds, and the entire shrouded demonic mist fell apart in an instant.

With one punch, the biological force field like the wind of a fist disintegrated the thick thunder and lightning wielded by Said until it collapsed.


Unable to react in time, Said flew backwards and crashed through three buildings. Dense glass shards and bricks fell from the sky. The crowds in the street shouted, and sirens and screams rang out one after another.

A chaotic opening ceremony.


Seid staggered out of the ruins, coughing out black blood from his mouth. When he lowered his head, he saw that his chest had sunk to a depth of two-thirds, and his heart and lungs were shattered.

Even though he was so fatally injured, the seven demons still maintained his life, using magic power to replace the blood bursting from the heart. After all, it was not easy to find a qualified inheritor of evil. They did not want to be imprisoned in the Rock of Eternity by the wizard Shazam.

Gradually, under the influence of magic, the internal organs began to repair, and Said was able to breathe on his own.

Just this time, he was honest and looked at Chu Xin as if begging to be let go.

"Why, how could this happen?"

With just this one blow, Chu Xin shattered the confidence he had just built up.

Even though it was only a moment of confrontation, the opponent only threw an ordinary punch. On the other hand, he used the devil's fog, devil's thunder and lightning, and the devil's body, but he did not take any advantage at all. Instead, he was almost beaten by a punch.

Instant kill.

It was hard for Said to accept it, but his strong desire to survive made him stand up, turn around and fly.

Bang bang!

The sonic boom that made his bladder tighten followed closely behind.

"I'll stop it, you take the opportunity to run away!" The demon arrogantly broke away, revealed its physical form, and flapped its wings to actively greet Chu Xin, who was swooping down like a cannonball.

Among the seven demons, Arrogance is the leader. When all six brothers were trembling, he was the only one who was inspired by a trace of arrogance to stand up and take the overall situation into consideration.

Said continued flying at high speed, not even daring to look back.


Bang bang!

what happened?

Why didn't this sonic boom stop?

Could it be that arrogance ran away?

The confused Said turned his head slightly and glanced boldly with his peripheral vision, almost scaring him to the point of peeing.

Naturally, Chu Xin was still chasing him closer and closer, and a green light flowed from his fingers, turning into a chain. At the end of the chain was a huge green bubble, and inside was the devil's arrogance.

At this moment, no matter how Arrogant struggles, physical tearing or magical bombardment cannot break the cage, and even if it melts into a ball of black mist, it cannot penetrate at all.

"You can't escape by running, damn, you can only fight with your backs against the wall!"

Soon, Said recognized the reality. He was frightened, angry and afraid, which caused his face to become distorted. It seemed that he was repeatedly switching between the two extreme states of constipation and diarrhea, and it was as if the sadness of all living beings was reflected on his face.

"This kind of big guy who only knows how to kill usually has no brains. Its spirit and soul must be its biggest shortcomings. It happens to be our special event." Said thought about it and regained some confidence.

He mobilized the spiritual magic power of the Seven Deadly Sins and launched an attack on Chu Xin that disrupted the seven emotions and six desires and triggered a soul riot.

Five seconds passed.

Ten seconds passed.

Seid, who looked embarrassed, yelled: "Are you really the devil who manifested the seven deadly sins?!"

Although the six demons were angry at his suspicious questioning, they had nothing to say to refute him.

Because Chu Xin was under the wave of their mental attacks, his emotions and thoughts were calm, and he even showed a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

"This guy either has no emotional thinking, or his mental resistance is full." Lust poked his head out from Said's shoulders, and a pair of narrow, turbid, dark yellow eyes were no longer filled with lust, but filled with fear.

It tried, trying to arouse Chu Xin's primitive instinctive desire, but it was like facing a huge abyss. Not to mention it didn't work, his own consciousness almost fell into it and was unable to extricate himself.

You know, with the power of lust, just looking at humans and animals can turn them into carnal puppets who only know how to mate, until they run out of energy and die.



The first sound was Chu Xin's suddenly accelerating sonic boom.

The second sound was the sound of fist touching chin.

The key is that the second sound is more piercing than the first sound.

In Said's frightened mood, Chu Xin struck out with an earth-shattering lightning arc punch. The heavy punch, as indestructible as a missile, enveloped the explosive and scorching dark red thunder and lightning, and a gorgeous dahlia blossomed on Said's face.

When the lightning dissipated, Said was completely wiped out, and six dense masses of black mist floated in the air.

Chu Xin threw Arrogance over, and then used the green lantern ring to create a larger cage, trapping the seven demons in one fell swoop.


The dark wind was blowing, the black mist was changing unpredictably, and seven demons with the same style and different appearances were lined up, staring at Chu Xin with mixed emotions, and his eyes were vaguely flashing with excitement.

They are the agglomeration of the seven deadly sins of mankind and manifest themselves as demons under the influence of magic. However, there is also a saying that they are demons that exist in hell and feed on the seven deadly sins of mankind.

Later, all the seven demons were captured by the Wizards Association of the ancient times. Unable to truly die, they were sealed in the Rock of Eternity guarded by the old wizard, waiting for their destined people just like the old wizard.

Before Chu Xin could say anything, Arrogance spoke first: "Although I don't know who you are, I knew the first time I saw you that you are the person we are looking for!"

"Accept us and inherit the demonic power of the Seven Deadly Sins, and you will become more powerful than you are now. By then, you will be able to do whatever you want on this earth, and you will have a place even in the wider universe!" Demon Greed followed,

The words contained bewitching magic, eroding Chu Xin's thoughts little by little.

However, this trick had no effect on Chu Xin's soul.

"You want me to be your carrier? As your parasitism deepens, you will gradually devour my body and consciousness? It's a beautiful idea." Chu Xin said plainly what the seven demons were thinking.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. As long as you accept us, we are an inseparable community. There is absolutely no so-called devouring!" The demon is jealous and is not jealous at all. He is as humble as a stray dog ​​in the face of absolute strength.

"As long as you choose us, you will be able to control all mankind effortlessly. At that time, their thoughts and emotions will be the strings that you can play with at will. This is the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, a magic that no human being can resist!" Demon

Lust also joins the persuasion team.

"Okay." Just as they were racking their brains to think of the lines, Chu Xin's answer caught them off guard.

"Okay, okay, this is really a good thing worth celebrating!" the devil said lazily and cheerfully.

"But it's not the day of destruction." Chu Xin added.


Card switching.


A very majestic and oppressive dragon roar echoed through the streets of Philadelphia.

The six-hundred-meter behemoth is entrenched in the sky above the city buildings. At first glance, the dark red scales glow with a dark luster under the sunlight. It is obviously a hot living creature, but it is filled with a cold and murderous aura.


After the wings spread out, they covered the sky and the sun. Along with the invisible pressure pouring down, there were also elements rolling like a tsunami!

The heart of the elements beats, and colorful streams of light spurt out from the gaps between Chu Xin's scales, and merge into the air like effervescent tablets, quickly spreading throughout Philadelphia, and endlessly spreading to North America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, and even

The entire surface of the earth, even seeping into the rock formations, reaches straight to the center of the earth.

This is the supreme authority of the Black Emperor Norton. In a short time, he will be able to easily set off elemental turbulence, release speech spirits and use alchemy on this earth.

"what is that?"


"It looks like a giant dragon!"

Countless people stared up at the sky in stunned silence. After being frightened one after another, they actually stopped running around. Most of them stood still and remained silent, giving off a sense of beauty that their brains were short-circuited.

The seven demons stared at by the Eye of the Emperor Dragon were unable to move at all, and the fear in their hearts spread like a tide, drowning every inch of consciousness.

"Who are you……"

Only Arrogance could still ask questions, but his voice was trembling slightly.

It felt like it was facing an ancient and cruel god, and its surging aura made it dare not disobey.


Chu Xin ignored it and pulled out the Seven Deadly Sins from the void. The suspended swords circled and rotated, and traces of desire elements were released, surprising the seven demons.

At this moment, they figured out why Chu Xin agreed.

But they also understood that Chu Xin definitely had no good intentions and only wanted their pure Seven Sins magic power.

"Do it!" the devil roared arrogantly.

The remaining six demons followed closely, using their lifelong skills and all their magic power to corrode Chu Xin, in an attempt to forcibly control Chu Xin's mind and occupy Chu Xin's body.

"Spiritual barrier, whirlpool of desire." Chu Xin murmured calmly.

In an instant, the magic power of the seven demons was blocked by the barrier. Not only that, Chu Xin also launched a brutal and violent mental shock wave against them.

Boom boom boom!

Subsequently, the seven swords spun faster, and the sharp elemental air flow formed a huge vortex that connected the heaven and earth of Philadelphia.

Although it was aimed at the seven demons, it could affect the whole body with one move, and a huge elemental storm was set off in an instant.

Natural disasters such as thunderstorms, hail, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, etc. occur all at once, affecting the east coast of America.


In the whirlpool, all the resistance of the seven demons was in vain. All they could do was roar at the top of their lungs.

After a while, they disintegrated into mist, and then poured into the seven swords one after another.

That's right, this is what Chu Xin calls integration~

It's just using them as materials through alchemy.

In short, regardless of whether they are willing or not, let’s just say that the fusion is not fused!


The vortex gradually stopped and dissipated.

The seven demons disappeared without a trace.

After this tempering, the quality of the seven swords has been improved by several levels. The blades are covered with exquisite and mysterious weird lines, and they look a little more lifelike.

Demonic Power·Seven Deadly Sins!

The seven demons are not dead, they are just alive in another way.


The seven swords overflowed with halo, and then transformed into entities, which looked like the seven demons!

Nowadays, they should be called the seven original sin weapon spirits.

Puff puff!

The bodies of the seven weapon spirits began to mutate. As Chu Xin watched with increasing satisfaction, they transformed into seven demonic dragons with a body length of more than 300 meters. The moment all kinds of strange and ferocious wings spread out, the people of Philadelphia were hanging in the air.

My heart is completely dead.

"Meet the Emperor!"

They held their own weapons and surrounded Chu Xin and bowed their heads.

This chapter has been completed!
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