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Chapter 64 Iron Blood Star

The main ship is getting closer and closer to the planet in front of us, passing through the thick atmosphere, and various alien scenes are vividly displayed.

Mountains, rivers, jungles.

Wasteland, Gobi, desert.

Glaciers, white snow, and vast oceans.

The rich landforms and geology are also very suitable for human survival, tens of thousands of times better than the pioneer's home planet that was dull and full of rocks.

The main ship flew over high mountains, and finally slowed down after climbing over a ridge.

Chu Xin's eyes widened slightly, as if he was shocked by the scenery.

On one side of the plain is a silk-like surging river that stretches from north to south. The rolling river water collides and pushes against each other, making a deafening sound of "thunder".

On one side are endless mountains of towering mountains, with lush vegetation climbing all the way from below, gradually giving out halfway, until the top is already covered by ice and snow that never melts all year round.

And right between the mountains and the water, there is a huge ancient city standing on the plain!

Chu Xin's first impression was of an alien science fiction texture wrapped in steel and rock.

The overall layout of the city is regular, and when viewed from a bird's eye view, it looks like an equilateral octagon, like some kind of large formation with profound meaning.

In addition to many pyramid-like palaces and stretches of houses, the most numerous ones are training grounds and squares full of a sense of sacrifice.

There is a feeling of merging Mayan ancient architectural style with alien technology. The primitive and advanced jump repeatedly, showing different charm and magnificence in the conflict with each other.

There are protective metal walls standing on the edge, hundreds of meters high. There are hundreds of giant plasma turrets between the guard towers. There are also countless more terrifying fully automatic weapons hidden in the depths. With full firepower, they can withstand the Milky Way.

Invasion of any civilization.

This is not a country, but a powerful tribe.

Boom boom~

The main ship flew straight to the palace complex in the center of the city and landed on the huge helipad.

Such a large main ship is like a small building block when placed in the city, which shows how amazing the scale of the entire city is.

"From today on, you are one of us, and your tribe's honor will be continued by you." The elder appeared next to Chu Xin and said to him earnestly.

After saying that, he took the lead in taking the guards off the main ship.

Although he valued Chu Xin very much and ordered his subordinates to train him vigorously, the Iron-Blooded Clan throughout the ages had produced endless talented warriors. It was impossible for him to put all his focus on Chu Xin. The elders also had matters that elders should be busy with.


The breeze blows, fresh and natural.

As soon as Chu Xin came down, he could feel the sufficient oxygen content in the air.

The first thing you see is the overlapping majestic palaces, which look like a city where gods live. When you are inside, you will have a different feeling.

"Follow me," the Predator who had previously brought Chu Xin food patted him on the shoulder, "You cannot go out hunting until you reach adulthood. You need to undergo unified training. You will be a real hunter after passing the adult ceremony.

Hunter, although I think you already have that strength, this is the rule of the tribe."

Chu Xin still knows these things. According to his age, it won't be long before he reaches adulthood.

However, he is not bored with underage training, because as an "outsider", he really needs a systematic and complete study.

Especially the various hot and cold weapons of the Predator, as well as the deployment of various planets (hunting grounds), the customs of the major tribes, the driving skills of the Predator spaceship, and the understanding of the Dark Predator and those who have abandoned their clans.


Only by mastering these can we achieve twice the result with half the effort in improving proficiency in the future. Otherwise, it is easy to make progress at a snail's pace in the later stages.

On the Iron-Blooded Planet, which is several times the size of the Earth, there are dozens or hundreds of tribes and clans living on it. The Iron-blooded clan, which has been multiplying for countless years, is now extremely powerful and is in a stage where the fire is passed down from generation to generation.

These tribes may be strong or weak, and they support each other while competing in a healthy manner. Even the weakest tribes have spaceships and warships capable of interstellar travel, which are enough to easily destroy the current earth civilization.

For example, the original owner of Chu Xin's body was attacked by a dark iron-blooded spaceship on their way to another planet. The original owner was captured by one of the dark iron-blooded teams and used as a fighting beast on that wild planet.

The Iron-Blooded Star has competed for the ten most powerful tribes. The judging criteria must be the simplest and roughest battles, and the people in power are naturally the ten elders at the peak of their combat power.

From then on, only the strongest of these ten tribes could be called elders, and the bosses of other tribes could only call themselves leaders or clan leaders.

Every thousand years, a tribal war will be held to determine the top ten new clans.

One day a long time ago, in order to deal with the increasing number of people who abandoned their clans and the dark iron-blood lineage that posed a considerable threat, the ten major tribes jointly established a crude and crude alliance-style Iron-blood Empire.

Perhaps in order to respect the matrilineal clan tradition of half of the tribe, the throne of the Iron-Blooded Queen was established.

After all, the planet is very big, and local customs and customs have created different customs and cultures. Matriarchal society and patriarchal society are the only ethnic models. Whether it is the male patriarch or the female patriarch, they have absolute say.

The clear division of labor within the tribe, with women taking charge inside and men taking charge outside, is no different from primitive society.

In addition, the position of queen is not inherited by blood, but all iron-blooded women are eligible to participate in the election.

The rules of the election are also in line with the style of the Iron-Blooded clan, which is to select the strongest female warrior through various competitions for a term of one hundred years.

Anyway, whoever can fight the best and has the most ability should be the one. No connections, connections, or status can be used in the Iron-Blooded Clan. They must rely 100% on hard power.

Although the Queen does have some power, the real right to speak lies with the Council of Elders formed by the ten elders. Many major events are discussed together by the major tribes, rather than the Queen having the final say alone.

To put it bluntly, the so-called Iron-Blooded Empire only had a rough framework. At most, it established some very basic departments, and many actions were still carried out on a tribal basis.

To put it simply and concisely, we should resolve our own family matters by ourselves, and let’s discuss matters involving everyone together.

After all, for the Iron-Blooded clan, politics and economy are not as interesting as hunting and fighting. Only the glorious life of licking blood with the tip of a knife can live up to their lives.

This concept is deeply rooted in their bones, regardless of men or women.

This has also led to many alien races having no understanding of the Iron-Blooded Empire. They only know that there are a group of barbarians in the universe who are arresting and killing people everywhere at any time.

(Regarding the settings of Iron-Blooded Star, I found four or five different versions on the Internet. I took out the more reasonable things and stitched them together. I set them based on the principle of Predator advocating hunting. It is just a dispensable one.

Background board, don’t be too particular about this. After all, some people say there is an Iron-Blooded Queen, some say there is not, some say it’s a patriarchal society, some say it’s a matriarchal society... So I expanded the diversity of the Iron-blooded clan, don’t worry about it)

This chapter has been completed!
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