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Chapter 196 The Dream Reappears

 Chapter 196 Dream Reappearance

The next day, Ruzhou People’s Hospital staff apartment, Geng Jun’s place of residence in Ruzhou.

In a trance, I returned to the summer dusk soaked by the setting sun, with the gentle breeze blowing through the green shade and the sound of cicadas chirping.

In the courtyard of the small courtyard with white walls and black tiles, a chubby little girl is leaning on a low table, holding a crayon in her fleshy little hands and scribbling on the paper. The afterglow of sunset shines on her soft black hair, glowing with a thin layer of it.

Thin golden light.

Two human words came from the room, mumbling something unknown. After hearing this, the little girl put down her brush and turned to look...

Zhang Moyan trembled her long eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes.

The snow-white ceiling, the clock rotating on the wall, the slightly fluttering blue curtains... came into view one by one, and the ears slowly heard the soft music.

"How is it? Have you entered that dream?" Geng Jun's gentle voice cut in seamlessly.

Zhang Moyan turned her head on the sofa and looked at Geng Jun, who was sitting in a chair beside her. Dean Geng, who was not wearing a white coat, was wearing casual clothes with his long legs crossed. He was holding a pocket watch chain in his left hand and a pocket watch chain in his right hand.

Holding the pen on the notebook on her lap, she looked basically the same as she saw before falling asleep.

After a brief period of confusion, Zhang Moyan remembered where she was and what she was doing. Recalling for a moment, her eyes suddenly lit up and she excitedly patted the armrest of the sofa: "It's me! I can see clearly! It's me!"

"What are you?" Geng Jun paused: "You have entered that dream, haven't you!"

"Yes," Zhang Moyan's slender back left the sofa and sat upright from a semi-lying position: "It's amazing! I really entered the dream I often have just now!"

As excited as breaking through Goldbach's conjecture, Zhang Moyan's whole face lit up.

Geng Jun smiled happily, put away his pocket watch and put it on the coffee table aside: "What did you just say, you?"

"Oh!" Zhang Moyan nodded vigorously, and her long black hair moved slightly like a cat crawling on her chest.

"It's the little girl I described to you who has been painting in the small yard. I saw her turn around!" Zhang Moyan's eyes were bright and she put her right hand on her heart, "She is actually me!

That's what I looked like when I was a child. I've seen a lot of photos of me when I was little at home.

I always thought it was someone else's little girl, but I didn't expect it to be me. It's incredible..." The mystery that had troubled Zhang Moyan for many years was finally solved, and he couldn't help but think about it for a while, and then he remembered to ask Geng Jun: "

Dean Geng, how could this happen? I can actually see myself in my dream, just like a bystander watching a movie."

"This is very common," Geng Jun made a comforting gesture to her: "This involves the integration of dreams."

"Dreams come from memory, and memory can have different perspectives. The first is your own first-perspective memory. This refers to your personal experience and what you saw with your own eyes. This part of the material is what you heard and saw.

, so the details are rich, clear and vivid, and can best restore the real scene.

Corresponding to the memory from the first perspective, there is also a memory called the observer's perspective. As the name suggests, the information in this memory mostly comes from other people's descriptions. For example, some of the embarrassing things we did in childhood may not even be remembered by ourselves.

However, after the narration by parents, relatives and friends, the time, place, plot and other elements are also very detailed, and it is possible to integrate them with your first-person perspective memory to form a very real and vivid third-person perspective scene. In this way, you will

See yourself in memory from the perspective of an observer."

Zhang Moyan nodded in understanding, and then asked while thinking: "You said...this is the scene in my memory?"

"Isn't it?" Geng Jun looked at her with doubt in his eyes.

Zhang Moyan stared for a while and shook his head: "I haven't seen the yard in this dream in real life... My family is not like this, and my grandparents' house is not like this. It seems...

In my memory, I don’t know anyone whose home is like this.”

Geng Jun thought: "Maybe it was the place where you lived when you were very young. Maybe you were too young to remember it. Maybe you didn't live there for a long time, so you didn't leave an impression. If you are confused, you can

Go back and ask your parents."

Zhang Moyan didn't answer, she was so focused that she didn't know what she was thinking about. Her hair, as black as silk, hung down like a waterfall from her tilted head.

"In addition to seeing yourself, are there any other new discoveries?" Geng Jun asked.

Zhang Moyan thought for a while and said: "I heard someone talking to that little me in the distance. I didn't hear what was said clearly, but when I heard it, I turned around and got off the small table and ran over... After that," Zhang Moyan

Yan raised his eyelashes and said with great regret, "I woke up when I got here."

Geng Jun nodded clearly and smiled easily: "It doesn't matter, today we hypnotized you for the first time and you were able to enter the dreamland, and we successfully collected new information. The results are already very satisfactory. At least it proves this

The method is effective for you. As for the decomposition next time, let’s make an appointment to try and explore it.”

After hearing this, Zhang Moyan became happy again and looked around the room: "Where is Xingyu?"

A one-room apartment of more than 30 square meters can be scanned at a glance without seeing Xiao Xingyu.

Geng Jun closed the record book, raised his clear chin and pointed towards the balcony: "He is on the balcony, maybe smoking."

"Well, I'm going to check on him. He's probably going to be bored after such a long time." Zhang Moyan lifted the thin blanket covering him and got off the sofa.

Geng Jun stood up with her and said with a smile: "After meeting Miss Zhang, I really have a new look at Xiao Xingyu."

This was said like a tongue twister. Before Zhang Moyan could understand it, Geng Jun said meaningfully: "Ever since I knew him, I always thought he was a prodigal. I didn't expect that he also wanted to settle down."

"How did Dean Geng and Xing Yu know each other?" Zhang Moyan couldn't help but be curious after hearing this.

Both Geng Jun and Xiao Xingyu should be very aware of the long-standing grievances between the two families. Although they don’t know what the Geng family’s attitude is towards the Xiao family, the Xiao family’s attitude towards the Geng family is very clear. Therefore, the names of the descendants of the Xiao family here are all

Under the background of trying to overcome water, it is really curious how the two of them became close friends.

"Well, it's a long story, ha... I'm going to check the itinerary and make an appointment for our second surgery! The next one will probably be in Shenhai." Dean Geng, who has always been dignified and generous, pushed up his glasses.

Showing a hint of embarrassment and eagerness to change the subject.

Zhang Moyan stared at the man who turned around and walked quickly to the desk, his curiosity became even more intense.


At this time the door was knocked twice.

Geng Jun, who had just clicked the mouse to wake up the computer, stood up and walked over to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Geng Jun was stunned for a moment: "Zhou Xia?"

"Are you... here?" Zhou Xia's voice was sweet and she curved her lips to Geng Jun. For about three seconds, after her eyes saw Zhang Moyan standing in the room, her smile gradually disappeared.

? ?The cover has been changed!

? I don’t know if it is displayed there.

? I changed it because I have been looking at the previous cover for more than 4 months.

? Tired, tired,

? Give it a fresh change.



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